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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Suddenly, Death Guard...

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Yeah, I'd need to repeat 'And they shall know no fear' to myself a good number of times' if I came across it on the battlefield.

The Master of Signals is really cool, though I would have quite liked to see him wearing that awesome helmet you've knocked up. It seems a shame to have it facing the ground on his belt.

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Thanks for the positive feedback, everyone! I am really happy I had this idea, because the Dragon Ogres were sitting in my bitzbox more or less unused: I originally bought them because I thought they might become daemon princes -- alas, they were a little too small for that. And while the kit has quite a few useful bitz, it's great to have found a useful function for those reptilian lower bodies ;)


The other bestial head from the Bloodthirster kit would probably work on the model, although it would look less convincing than the one I used: The nose isn't even the problem -- rather, the head is far broader, making for a slightly hokey look. But I could build a second of these daemon doggies, if I wanted -- we'll see... ;)


When it comes to painting the model, I think I'll be going for something closely resembling the current GW scheme, i.e. red skin and black/dark grey scales. The colour recipe works, it's just that the current Finecast models are horrible ;)


As for the base, that'll be a bit of a challenge, as I will have to construct a rock for the front legs to rest on, but the rock mustn't obscure too much of the model. Ah well, I'll think of something...

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Wow that is an awesome Hound, and Juggernaut sized to boot.


Maybe this could be Lorimars Ride? You said you'd do a mounted version of your Captain :D


I could imagine Lorimar leaning forward and holding a scrap of Farseer cloak by the Hounds snout and ordering it to hunt down the witch scum... Maybe in vengeance for the times they have dodged him during your campaign a while back?

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I will admit I couldn't see either of the other 'thirster heads on this beast... he would end up with a smooshed looking face like those little designer dogs...


Glad you didn't go the Pugs 4 Khorne route :biggrin.:


Pugs for the Pug God? 



I do agree that the front legs look a little wonky, but it has the potential to be very menacing indeed. I'm keen to see what you can come up with! 

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I found that sculpting a rock with greenstuff and milliput, combined with corck chunks works well, especially if you drape it with PVA and sand. Perhaps that'll create a good base... for the base? Love to see what you come up with. It will be awesome, cause my trust in your abilities is pretty much absolute.

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Loving your work as always KrautS.


I agree that the legs look a little off at the moment, but I think once the front legs are seen climbing over corpses on the base it could work. They just look odd on the currently flat surface, so I am looking forward to seeing how this goes.

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Cheers for the feedback, everyone!



I will admit I couldn't see either of the other 'thirster heads on this beast... he would end up with a smooshed looking face like those little designer dogs...


Glad you didn't go the Pugs 4 Khorne route :biggrin.:


Pugs for the Pug God? 



Great, now I cannot stop imagining a pug of Khorne, panting heavily as it runs - or rather, ambles - towards its prey. Thank you very much ;)


You are all right about the base, and I will definitely be building something with cork, PVA glue, modeling sand and what have you. My current idea is to have a fallen Space Marine resting on the debris, with the Flesh Hound's head immediately above, so it looks as though the beast was just about to feed...


Anyway, here's a size comparison with a regular Marine -- I've also snuck in a first piece of cork, although nothing has been glued down yet:




As you can see, the Flesh Hound is quite a beast...


He won't become Lorimar's ride, though: I have a nice, bulky juggernaut set aside for that. If you ask me, Flesh Hounds with their very lithe bodies would seem pretty silly with a Terminator added on top ;)


Oh, and while I am an ardent follower of the Blood God, you may be surprised to learn that I am not a big fan of skull bases or skull piles. The reason is...that they just don't make any damn sense: Unless you're basing your army to look like it's inhabiting some kind of daemon world, I can never tune out the question how those skulls got there in the first place: Did the model reap them? But then they wouldn't be bare bone (yet). Or have they been there for a long time? That would be even worse, because the model's just prancing around on a plain of skulls, likely in order to seem more bad ass -- I know, I know: This is the grimdark grimdarkness of the 41st millennium, and we shouldn't let realism intrude upon our hobby, but skull bases just raise way too many questions, in my opinion ;)


In other news, I have returned to some older models in order to give them a tweak or two:


First up, this Iron Warriors Warsmith:








I just keep coming back to this guy, changing details about the model (new pauldrons in this case), but this will be the last round of tweaks, because the Warsmith will serve as my test model for the new Leadbelcher spraypaint, before I (hopefully) use it on my Chaos Knight.


And there's another prospective member of Lorimar's Terminator retinue, now with a new weapon:






The idea with Lorimar's retinue is that each of the members should have a distinct set of weapons (not because it would make any sense rules-wise, but rather to make these guys look more gladiatorial), and so I've added a meteor hammer to this model, courtesy of the new Skullreaper/Wrathmonger kit ;)


Oh, and one last thing: Those of you who are interested in my "Glamour shot tutorial" for reference will find a touched up version of the post here.


As always, let me know what you think! :)

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Agree with you on the skulls. On a daemon world which seems countless battles and bloodshed between followers of Khorne? Yes. Anywhere else and it's a bit daft (but then so much is in this crazy world we live in).


How do the Skullreaper/Wrathmonger scale with Berserker/marine models? I seem to recal you saying you used them with Chosen, are they a different size?  I'm planning on getting some but I'll not be getting the chosen so didn't want them too out of scale.


Regarding the last guy, his pose seems a little off.  He's stepping forward and looks like he should be swinging the meteor hammer but it's just dropping straight down. Is it possible to turn it a little so it's trailing (or am I talking complete nonsense?).


Finally, all that talk about the Contemptor holding the large axe of Khorne from the Bloodthirster kit inspired me to give mine the two smaller axes.  Really over sized but, as I said, cray world.

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Now all the internet shall know them as Glamour shots.


My work here is done :biggrin.:


Also, is that new member of the retinue from a red butcher body? Its looking pretty boss. 


Well, I did check out the various meanings of the term before calling my post like that, and it has been an...educational experience, to say the least o_O I was basically referring to the kind of terrible photos you can get taken at cheap photo studios, though, so it seems like a fitting title after all. And yes, that body came from the Red Butchers (wonderful models with a few terrible aspects that boggle the mind).


One of the things a bit problematic about the body is the awkward pose: This guy really doesn't seem to know whether he's coming or going, and that's what makes adding weapon arms to him such a challenge. I agree that the meteor hammer may need more work, although I think that, at the very least, I may be on to something ;)

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Warsmith looks cool I like the hammer.


The second guy is ok but the way he's posed you'd think his stones weapon would be a little less limp. Also I can't help but think he's overcompensating with that cod piece but then again this is my first time seeing that miniature.


Cool stuff though.

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@ Kriegsmacht: Mate, I have nothing to do with that codpiece -- the Forgeworld guys did it ;)


Anyway, I seem to be in building spree mode at the moment, so here is another conversion for you: My version of Lheorvine Ukris, a World Eater from ADB's "Talon of Horus" who steals quite a few scenes.


Building Lheor seems a bit derivative, seeing how both InsanePsychopath and Flint13 have come up with stunning interpretations of the character, but then those two models were what inspired me to go for it in the first place -- I just couldn't resist ;)


Here he is (still slightly WIP):










Some parts of the model try to faithfully recreate the depiction of the character in the novel and accompanying artwork, but I did take some liberties: For instance, I ditched the aquila breastplate, because...well, screw aquila breastplates, alright? ;) Seriously, I just loved the "Great Crusade" look created by that particular torso, so I just rolled with it.


Anyway, let me know what you think!



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Cheers for the feedback! :)


@ Augustus b'Raass: Definitely go read that book, mate! I rocks! Hard!


@ Kurama: Ummm...no, not really. Sorry, but I like that helmet much more than any 30k helmet, plus Lheor is described with a skull faced helm, so I think this is a pretty good fit, actually.

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@ Kriegsmacht: Mate, I have nothing to do with that codpiece -- the Forgeworld guys did it :wink:


Anyway, I seem to be in building spree mode at the moment, so here is another conversion for you: My version of Lheorvine Ukris, a World Eater from ADB's "Talon of Horus" who steals quite a few scenes.


Building Lheor seems a bit derivative, seeing how both InsanePsychopath and Flint13 have come up with stunning interpretations of the character, but then those two models were what inspired me to go for it in the first place -- I just couldn't resist :wink:





Lheor looking really cool KrautScientist & one my favrout memeber in Talons of Horus novel.  Will you be converting the rest of his squad?  Just thinking be good Havoc unit for you to have in your force?  Like wise, Bloodborn unit we see in Khârn Eater of Worlds would be a pretty cool kill team unit :D

I need to try get around & convert up Valicar "the graven" - IVth Legion, born of Terra. Guardian of the foundry world of Gallium & commander of the warship Thane.  Just trying to work out how to convert the Bolter which is heavy mod.

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