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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Suddenly, Death Guard...

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@ Andvarr A: Haha, that's just the look I was going for, because Harrowthorne is one very, very grumpy noble ;)

I can see it now "bloody sending me out before letting me finish my tea! Earl grey isn't cheap you know...tosh I say!"

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I'm guessing the pilot would need to have some sort of over ride on systems to, say cooling a weapon system or the engine, shutting it down, turning it on, navigation, and comms as well. The pilot looks perfect to me.
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Cheers, guys! :)


@ Auggie: You're very welcome, mate! I didn't forget that very sweet bitz drop (although it's only a very small and inadequate way of saying thanks). As for the naming, does that mean that "Raas the Butcher" actually means "Rage the Butcher"? That's awesome, I hadn't even realised! :)


So, here's another update with *a lot* of pictures:




"Pray to your false Emperor with all your heart. He may yet save you."



So, today I did two things: I took some better pictures out in the daylight, and I tackled pretty much all of the areas on the Knight's "skeleton" I was really afraid of ;) Things I learned today include:


  • painting monitors
  • painting flames (courtesy of a super-useful tutorial by Tale of Painters)
  • using a glaze made from Mephiston Red to create an effect resembling glowing coals

Not bad for one day, eh? ;)


So, here are the pictures. First up, the entire model so far:












As you can see, I finally tackled those flames which was...surprisingly fun, actually!


And a couple of detail shots:




You're probably really fed up with the model's head, but I still like it ;)


Some of the weathering may be more obvious now, with the better lighting:




Another look at those vials:




And let's also take another look at the Knight's interior and its pilot:










Here's a view from above, showing the entire kitbashed interior again:




And as it happens, after taking the photos, I just had to finally finish the displays inside the cockpit. The task turned out to be just as fiddly as I had expected, but I am really rather happy with the result:










As always, let me know what you think! :)

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Thanks a lot, guys! :)


@ The Hydra: Hmm, no further OSL for the flames, because I don't really want to draw even more attention towards that particular element. I did use the aforementioned glaze to make the area immediately around the flames look like it was glowing with their heat, though. It's a fairly subtle yet nice effect that I took from that flames tutorial I mentioned. As for the monitors, which one looks like it's showing Pong, mate? That certainly wasn't intentional, and I am not seeing it. Then again, it would be really funny, wouldn't it? ;)


@ OSS: The original plan was definitely to have the flames in blue, but I was afraid that 1) That really would have been too much blue and 2) it would have looked pretty goofy and toylike, which is why I went with the more natural choice.

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No I meant I would have found it irresistible to make one look like pong, which you did not. I think I double neggatived a bit. Damn English, it's only my first language!


That's fair enough enough about the flames, looking at the pic a bit closer I think I can see what you did.

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@ Andvarr A: Cheers, mate! I actually had a blast editing that picture ;) I imagine it's the last thing Harrowthorne's opponents see on their occulus screens before he obliterates them


@ The Hydra: Dang! Now it seems like a huge lost opportunity ;) But come what may, I am not touching those screens again...;)

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The glow effect is very nice on those buttons around the displays. I did a really similar thing with my Land Raider interior and I love the subtlety of it. Just a little goes a long way. I also used a tiny dash of fluorescent pigments in Lahmian Medium, but you can hardly tell without a blacklight. 

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@ Andvarr A: Cheers, mate! I actually had a blast editing that picture ;) I imagine it's the last thing Harrowthorne's opponents see on their occulus screens before he obliterates them


I can see it now, "you're prayers to your innert God will do you no good. But offer them if you will, death reaches you eventually!"


@Tibbs - if he does another console screen he might just as well have a shot at it hah hah a world eater "stressing out" over a game of pong hahah


*edit* my phone is getting a little too smart for its own good

Edited by Andvarr A
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The knight looks great buddy. Love the interior, I'm working on a cockpit for both mine as well but it's still in the very early planning stages at the moment. Looking forward to see the armour plates.
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Excellent work, Kraut. He's turning out wonderfully, and you've certainly made the bascoat mishap work in your favour. :tu: now on to the finish. Just over a day left!! :tu:

Now there's no pressure bwahahaha


weiter zum Sieg meiner chaotischen Freund!

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The Knight will be awesome. But don't forget your Fabius Bile count-as. You pledged him for ETL, too. Or is he alresdy done?

More pressure? I think he can handle it...hey it might already be done and he's keeping shtum on the subject

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That Knight is a thing of beauty. Great job on just completely nailing that cockpit. The pilot's face is also really nicely done. I like the decision to not really 'chaosify' either the Knight or pilot via mutations, the way you've done it gives the impression of a badass warmachine, ready to stride out and meet the foe head on,


Anyone else kinda get a Mad Max style vibe when you see the Knight? Definitely reminded of both Road Warrior and Fury Road (especially the flames, that's pure Doofwagon right there. I can just imagine a jet of flame being released when he accelerates, swings that chainblade, or scores a kill). 

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Cheers, guys! :)



The Knight will be awesome. But don't forget your Fabius Bile count-as. You pledged him for ETL, too. Or is he alresdy done?

More pressure? I think he can handle it...hey it might already be done and he's keeping shtum on the subject



Aw, your trust in me is rather touching -- which only makes this all the harder for me:


Guys, it's confession time: I didn't make it. I painted as much as I could, and I managed to get started on the Knight's armour plates, but in the end, it wasn't enough. In half an hour, I'll be off to drive to my godchild's birthday party where I'll be spending most of the day - and gladly so, I might add - but this also means that I won't be able to use the remaining hours for painting. It also has to be said that, given the choice whether or not to rush the Knight's paintjob, I ultimately decided against it, because I have just managed to bring the model back from the brink, after all. But even with the Knight completed, there would still have been the missing Fabius Bile counts as.

So painful as it might be, I have no choice but to declare the




I know I have nobody but myself to blame for this, of course: I should have gotten off my arse sooner. I am also very sorry to all my brothers and sisters in chaos -- sorry for letting you guys down. That really sucks!


So a lone Warsmith remains my only finished model for the event:




Shameful, I know...


But while I am deeply sorry for failing to complete my vow, I have to say that I don't consider the event a total loss for myself: When all is said and done, the event really forced me to finally start working on the Knight in the first place -- and I know myself well enough to realise that it would probably have remained unpainted for another year, if not for the ETL.


So as a - very small - consolation prize, here are some new photos of the finished "Skeleton" at least:




















So, anyway, thanks for all the encouraging comments (I really wouldn't have made it to this points without all the excellent feedback) and best of luck to those who can still make the most of the remaining hours. For Chaos!


...now, if you'll excuse me, I'll just quietly await my transformation into chaos spawn... ;)

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It's a pity but Chaos still stands strong. I really like how the knight comes together. And it would have been a shame to do a too hasty paintjob on that knight. Better fail ETL then mess it up.

Have a nice day at your godchilds birthday!

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The sound of Arnos Kal's mono-filament combat knife against the whetstone pierced the darkness of the Dreadclaw assault pod. While the pod's occupants waited for it to launch, brothers Val and Loth started their usual mocking pre-battle banter over a private channel, the clicks of their helmets mingling with the sound of rustling grenades being affixed to Sergeant Korthas´ utility belt.

A sly smile crept on Kal´s face. He looked around, the pod´s interior only illuminated by the low-current lightning running over the shoulder pads of the five midnight clad members of Fifth Claw. In an age long past he had called the Astartes sitting around him ´brothers´ and been sincere about it. The ages had slowly eaten away at their sense of honour and camaraderie, however, leaving only their experience in battle to bind them. Still, Kal looked forward to going into battle with his squad mates once more.

And what a battle it would be, especially considering how this conflict started...

A couple months back, while searching for allies for the coming crusade, the 562nd fleet of the 47th Company Night Lords had stumbled upon a small flotilla of XII legion ships. After a short parley with their commanding officer, Captain Zhaqael had allowed the ships to join the armada. Zhaqael and the XII legion commander had known each other from before the Heresy, and they struck up a plan to attract yet more forces to the crusade. The commander would contact a fellow XII legion commander, one Lord Captain Lorimar of the former 4th assault company, with whom he had semi-honourable contact. The armada had sailed to a temporary hold of the 4th company, now narcissistically dubbed ´Eternal Hunt´. They had struck a deal with Lorimar, who pledged his allegiance to the crusade immediately after being offered to contribute. The 4th assault company and their supporting forces would join the crusade, in exchange for what Lorimar said were ´skulls for the throne´.

As he reminisced, Kal snickered momentarily at the simplicity of the XII legion motives. "Empty brained baboons", he thought, after which his thoughts drifted back to the past weeks...

Lorimar had promised to support the crusade against the Imperium with an admittedly impressive engine of war: a renegade of one of the ancient Knight households. It was agreed that the engine would swoop in on the flanks as soon as the enemy broke. At the moment of truth, though, the Eternal Hunt had proved to be oath breakers. The battle was won, but no thanks to the promises of Lorimar and his allies.

So here they were, only weeks after the battle, orbiting the Eternal Hunt´s base of operations again. This time though, their intentions were far more belligerent. They had translated on the other side of the sun, arrowed across the system, using the sun and then the third planet as cover. The pods and landing craft were all ready to launch as soon as they took up geosynchronous orbit above the XII legion base. Revenge was on the minds of every 47th Company legionnaire.

Kal's mind shot back into focus as the pod's release clamps opened with a loud clang. The Dreadclaw immediately started plummeting towards the surface, accompanied by dozens of others, overtaking Thuderhawks and other landing craft in mid-flight.

"The throne will have its skulls today", Kal thought with another sarcastic smile.


Edited by Augustus b'Raass
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