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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Suddenly, Death Guard...

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Haha, cheers, guys! And here he is, like I promised! Bwood for the Bwood God! ;)










So, let’s take a closer look at the Chibi-Knight all by itself (I’ve arranged the pictures just like those of the bigger version of Gilgamesh in the earlier post, by the way, in case you want a side by side comparison ;)
















All in all, I think it’s a fairly close fit. However, I did have to make some small allowances due to the differences in scale: The legs and feet are a bit different, for one, although they were still quite a bit of work: As you can see, I used a pair of Raptor legs as the base, but then I cut off the feet and tried to make something as close as possible to the original Knight’s feet.


I also made some concessions when building the torso: The carapace doesn’t quite look like the original, but it’s still close enough to be recognisable, I believe — as I have learned from the great Ron Saikowski, the most important part of a conversion like this is to get enough parts right that the elements that aren’t quite perfect will still work in the context of the whole model. So let’s take a closer look at the parts that did up looking rather close to the bigger version of the model:

One thing I am really happy with is the smaller version of the daemonic breastplate — it was really fortunate that the warshrine of chaos kit basically contained two very similar daemonic faces at wildly different scales ;)




Oh, and I definitely had to replicate the heraldic plate with the World Eaters legion badge on it, of course, (even if working with those FW decals almost drove me up the wall yet again ;)


I also tried to closely recreate the designs on the pauldrons: The right one still has a World Eaters legion badge (albeit of a slightly different design), as well as a hint of the legion and company markings underneath:




While the right was done using some bitz for a pretty close recreation of the bigger version:




There is another World Eaters symbol on the leg banner, thanks to one of the really tiny decals from FW’s World Eaters decal sheet:




And I even managed to squeeze in a smaller version of the battle honours on the rear side of the banner as well:




One element that is slightly different from the original model is the base: It still features fallen Space Marine statuary, but instead of a crumbled statue, I decided to use the one legitimate Epic 40k model actually in my possession (kindly provided, once again, by Drone21c) and paint it up as a heavily verdigrised statue:




I rather like this element, and it provides a hint as to the model’s actual scale. Plus when it came to building the bigger Knight’s base, this little statue was the most important influence that actually inspired me to use the Space Marine statue from the Honoured Imperium kit in the first place! So yeah, that’s the little guy. I am really rather stupidly happy with the model, to tell you the truth, even if there’s not even a real use for it ;)


As always, let me know what you think! :)



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That little Knight is not only adorable, but quite a clever conversion. The use of the terminator body was inspired, and the weapon arms in particular are incredibly well done. Even the armpit heavy stubber looks great. The weakest bit are the legs, but I have no idea how else you could have done them short of scratch building. All in all, it's fantastic and whimsical in a way that I wish 40K still was at large. 


Excellent, sir. Excellent. 

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so yeah, that’s the little guy. I am really rather stupidly happy with the model, to tell you the truth, even if there’s not even a real use for it


You just need to convince your local gaming group to have a map campaign, and he can be used as the counter for your army! Or other such similar use! 


He looks great by the way, 

Edited by Uveron
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Haha, cheers, guys! And here he is, like I promised! Bwood for the Bwood God! :wink:

Shkulls for the Shkull throne!


So yeah, that’s the little guy. I am really rather stupidly happy with the model, to tell you the truth, even if there’s not even a real use for it :wink:

If the little guy fits the terminator scale, maybe use him as TDA Chosen with chainfist and autocannon. Otherwise he could make a nice objective marker.

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Cheers for the positive feedback, everyone! Glad to hear you seem to like Chibi-Gilgamesh as much as I do! :)


As for a possible use for he model: The aesthete in me bristles at the thought of using him as a Terminator or Obliterator, even though the scale might work: It would seem a little goofy, I fear. But I suppose using him as an objective marker or something of the like would be fair game. Or maybe I will get my redesigned Adeptus Titanicus from GW one of these days...? One can always dream ;)

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So what is next in store for the Eternal Hunt?


Well, since you're asking...


There are always several projects going on at the same time, of course, and that's just talking about my World Eaters. Of course there's also my INQ28 stuff, for one, and whatever else may strike my fancy. That said, here's a small sneak peek at something that may or may not become a secret project connected to the Hunt in the near future...



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