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If I had to take a punt on 'new unit', I'd guess something Death Company-esque. DA got 2 fliers, and an 'elite' version of their two key features in the form of Deathwing and Ravenwing Knights, along with the derpspeeder. Our big things are jump pack units, and DC... the former we already have a lot of, so some kind of nasty DC. Possibly something mutated to show the red thirst getting out of control.

I'll take a pass on mutations. Let the puppies worry about that.


If they are lame, DC terminators are probably coming.


Yeah, I'd rather not see any kind of mutated Astartes in the BA codex, but I'm not sure I'd like DC Terminators either.  If the new 'dex gives us 3pt jump packs like C:SM, then I will definitely run most of my DC with jump packs.  I guess a squad of DC Termies assaulting out of a Land Raider would be pretty cool though.

It's the jump pack costs that really slay us at the moment... we could just about cope with being more expensive (as historically BA have generally been costlier than other marine forces), but we've been given a jump-pack based army with jump packs that cost considerably more than everyone else's. Would really like to see them come down in price.


Also, I'd possibly be prepared to bet on us getting a Codex: Death Company as a supplement...

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Also, I'd possibly be prepared to bet on us getting a Codex: Death Company as a supplement...


I don't think that's plausible really. They'd rather flesh out some background of an existing company, Tycho's third, or an all jump-pack veteran list for 1st company(which would be ace if done right!).


Complete DC is BS in my opinion, and basically telling the story that the chapter is already dead at that point.




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Or how about a sanguinary guard supplement


Supplement? No. There's not enough there. The sanguinary guard doesn't fight as an army.


A dataslate with a ton of fluff about the famous battles and sacrifices of the sanguinary guard, pretty pictures, and maybe some special missions or an upgrade character? Sure!

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I don't want supplements. I was a fully fleshed out codex. Is that too much to ask for GW?


I agree, but I don't think we have to worry about that too much.  All I can see them doing for a supplement would be a specific Flesh Tearers company, and even then I doubt it.  There simply isn't enough variation between the Sons of Sanguinius to warrant a supplement.


My question is, will they progress the part about Leviathan and Ka'Bandha at all?

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I don't want supplements. I was a fully fleshed out codex. Is that too much to ask for GW?


I agree, but I don't think we have to worry about that too much.  All I can see them doing for a supplement would be a specific Flesh Tearers company, and even then I doubt it.  There simply isn't enough variation between the Sons of Sanguinius to warrant a supplement.


My question is, will they progress the part about Leviathan and Ka'Bandha at all?


Is progress a thing that ever happens anymore? Why are we even speculating about this?

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I don't want supplements. I was a fully fleshed out codex. Is that too much to ask for GW?


I agree, but I don't think we have to worry about that too much.  All I can see them doing for a supplement would be a specific Flesh Tearers company, and even then I doubt it.  There simply isn't enough variation between the Sons of Sanguinius to warrant a supplement.


My question is, will they progress the part about Leviathan and Ka'Bandha at all?


Is progress a thing that ever happens anymore? Why are we even speculating about this?


Well that part of the story wasn't written until the 5th edition codex, so its possible.

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How about S.Raven as transport?

Dante and Sanguinor's weapons Luke Logan Grimnars, so you could choose to divide attacks between sword / axe?

I like the assault cannon package dreamt up earlier, btw. My weapon of choice as a former wolf player!

Most of all I'd like to see a BA exception to the <50% Start in reserve rule. We need something to get us into assault. Swapping Steinhardt for vanguard, mentioned earlier, could work but not if they as expensive as they are now.

The over all feeling needs to be: we have a greater chance to get into assault for slightly favorable odds of winning - but we'd be a bid exception to 6th Ed if GW do that. So maybe; we have the same chance of getting into assault as anyone else, but if we do we gonna wreck you! I prefer the first, cos then you gotta do it again and again...

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Yeah I can't imagine Death Company having their own supplement, there is no structure or unique equipment for them.  I expect we'll see a Flesh Tearers supplement if anything.

Hah, have you seen the Legion of the Damned codex? It's a codex based around a single unit.


A Death Company codex could have a selection of models that have fallen to the rage, en masse, as GW have already published.

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Yeah I can't imagine Death Company having their own supplement, there is no structure or unique equipment for them.  I expect we'll see a Flesh Tearers supplement if anything.

Hah, have you seen the Legion of the Damned codex? It's a codex based around a single unit.


A Death Company codex could have a selection of models that have fallen to the rage, en masse, as GW have already published.



And yet Dark Angels haven't received a supplement and they have Ravenwing and Deathwing.  Just because an army has a unique unit doesn't mean they're going to get a supplement for that unit.

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I think if we do see a supplement it'll either be for one of our successors (flesh tearers are the obvious choice) or for Tychos Third, both of those have had some unique rules in some form or another and both are pretty well known. Due to me running Tycho's Third, I'm hoping for that... and a sergeant Machiavi character in it :) (the chap that took over from Tycho as captain).
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Hey guys, kinda new to the forums and I couldn't pass this one up. Some of the things I've come up with on my own and after having read some of the things you all are hoping for:


1. Based on the final timeline entry Dante is mortally wounded staving off the attack from leviathan, and interred in the sarcophagus of a winged dred (solves the flyer and new sculpt problems) ;)


2. Glaive encarmine, master crafted, +1 ini, +1 str, two handed


3. MORE Frag cannons! Maybe assault centurions with two "lite" frag cannons (effectively giving them a standard frag cannon each) side note I think that centurion devs would be very fluffy for us since we're about mobility and regular devs are about sitting. Also torrent frag cannon. Maybe frag cannons on speeders instead of h flamers. (If I had my way I probably would run str 6 rending as all my shooting and not worry about differentiating between anti tank and anti infantry, but that's probably just me.


4. Maybe a dread angel, FMC version of GK, that way we can take what little they have left that is unique to their codex ;) ::grumble inquisition::


5. Points reductions a given.


6. I like the idea of unit upgrade priests, the bubble thing always kinda bothered me.


7. Maybe another transport flyer that allows JP units to assault from while zooming? That's what I call a blood strike missile!


8. Maybe rampage to replace FC for red thirst? With a fix to the rollining or doing away with it entirely.


I could probably go on like this for pages, but this seems like a good start. A lot of it is just wish listing, but I think some of it could work just fine and give us just that little bit of a boost that we need (assuming we get a little points drop so we can get more bodies on the ground)


Also, seems like there are a really good group of folks here and I'm looking forward to getting to know you all :)

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