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In answer to previous tangent about servo skulls:


Well I'm a skally I always say they stack! I've never had an argument with anyone about it though.

"a friendly unit arriving by Deep Strike rolls 1 D6 less for scatter if it aims to arrive within 12" Of a servo skull."


I've always felt that was written for DoA, but perhaps it was written for things which scatter 3D6 normally? If they wanted you to use 1D6 they'd have surely written: "... rolls 1D6 for scatter..." ?

Anyway, tangent!

DoA is excellent. Drop em on the perifaries if you wanna run them into cover, ready to jump into the action next turn. Give em a pair of melta guns and an infernus gun toting gun slinger Sgt if you wanna send em on an effective suicide mission.

Given the re-roll reserves aspect of DoA and my aggressive style of play I nearly always put an Epostalry (in my mind) in one squad with TH Sgt. And a Sang priest (with plas pistol) in another squad with the gun slinger- keep em close- watch the amazement as they wreak havoc and then survive the ensuing shooting retribution. This is also v effective for pincer movement on imp knight too get shield going the way you want it to! But they DO Go bang when they go.

I know that new dex is good for bringing change and evolution to game. But I would miss this so much if they took DoA away I actually may stop the hobby. Maybe I just feel like I'm getting too old for toy soldiers and all this (expensive) change is my excuse to quit....

I know that new dex is good for bringing change and evolution to game. But I would miss this so much if they took DoA away I actually may stop the hobby. Maybe I just feel like I'm getting too old for toy soldiers and all this (expensive) change is my excuse to quit....

You don't have to buy anything new, just keep gaming with what you have! I still run the same army I did in 3rd edition, barring the occasional use of Sanguinary guard!

I won't have the option of buying anything new! I was really referring to gaming styles.

I started the hobby with wolves. Found that I dont like castling up and shooting, do like getting stuck into scraps. Found that spamming long fangs rune priests and raz-backs won me pretty much any battle but I got bored of playing like that. Tried orks for a while for getting scrapping, but so hard to actually get them into a scrap. Trukks were the answer. Sorry waffling on, but my point being that both those army designs have been compromised beyond effectiveness with their new dex's and New rules. I sniffed at dark Eldar and Khorn armies and when I started playing Angels it was like coming home! If there's no AsSq as troops and no DoA my style Of play will become compromised. Whether I buy new models or not. I know I could use another army: defo need new models for that. Or I could try another game system...

Atm I have faith that GW would not take those two things out. Only time will tell. And some reliable sources!

Haha, fair enough.


I guess I just build my armies from the models I like, not really biasing to one particular playstyle. Never had an army or unit invalidated by the rules, never lost horrifically, apart from that one time.

Well, I'm probs being drama queen too! Got time off, ill. That's why I been posting so much. Am on some strong meds, that might be why I'm a bit tired and emotional. This is not the forum for that type of stuff. Sorry chaps, won't happen again!

Thank god you pointed that out (self note I still need a sarcasm font) lol smile.png

Ha! All in good fun man. It would be funny if the tyranids made planetfall and giant scorpions which are native to Baal started kicking their butts. Now that I would like to see. We might get a scorpion cavalry you never know!

Let's just hope that old man Dante does not get a scorpion pulled wheel chair similar to Logan.

Just pulled this off Natfka


This is the latest information on what is coming out now about the Shield of Baal campaign, which includes the limited edition Broodlord that was talked about sometime ago now.
via conspiracynutt in the comment section of Faeit 212
Ok, this is either going to go down like a lead balloon or I may have just found the holy grail of rumour farming!!!!
So here goes, the next book being released for the campaign is.... 
Shield of Baal:Exterminatus. 
Not only that but the Blood angels codex is coming with this funky little tidbit:
Codex Blood Angels Sanguinary Guard Edition
As well as:
Blood Angels Data Cards(English)
I know people will throw salt all over this, but I believe it is genuine and I have proof but I just don't want to give it away just yet in case Games Workshop patch that particular hole because it could be a potential gold mine for info.
via Nightfury on Faeit 212


"The Sanguinary Guard edition will be similar to the wolfguard limited edition SW codex with counters and an artfolio.. should go up for preorders the last week in november if the timetable is correct along with the much anticipated LE boxed set that will almost certainly include the new tyranid broodlord i told you about a few weeks ago"



I haven't seen this new rumor yet so i'm not too sure if i'm behind the curve so just in case.......

I am so hyped for this to be true. As my first 40k purchase in years I will be getting that sweet sweet Sanguinary Guard Edition!


What day do releases show up on the website? For example this week I looked on Monday to find a load of new mug sets and shield of Baal all on the front page with a big sold out sticker on them. I do not want to miss anything blood angel related!

Excellent. Thanks Rafen IX! I shall peruse the GW site all day Friday to not miss my chance!


Wish me luck brothers, my wallet can feel the tendrils of Hive Fleet Kraken descending already, poised to commission additional reinforcements from the armoury...

Bear in mind that the BA powers in their original form will change slightly in this new edition. For example, Lance is likely to become a Beam power and so S will decrease over distance. What I would most like to see back is Fear of the Darkness - loved that power from before.

"That's quite an impressive Tau gunline you have there... BING! ...where have all your fishmen gone?!" tongue.png

Say it with me brothers, 'Wings, Shield, Lance and Sword' and repeat.

You forgot RAAAGE! Wings IMHO are a bit weird with the new random selection and DtW mechanics. Unless the benefit is changed the power would be pointless on any psyker with a jump pack. On others they probably will be not very reliable.


If the fish heads can have de facto flying walkers why shouldn't we get flying dreadnoughts even without psychic powers?

Say it with me brothers, 'Wings, Shield, Lance and Sword' and repeat.

You forgot RAAAGE! Wings IMHO are a bit weird with the new random selection and DtW mechanics. Unless the benefit is changed the power would be pointless on any psyker with a jump pack. On others they probably will be not very reliable.

If the fish heads can have de facto flying walkers why shouldn't we get flying dreadnoughts even without psychic powers?

Mephiston might end up with Wings standard maybe, assuming we get them back (plus randomly rolling others either from the BA selection or BRB). DtW on Wings for him would be a pain true, as the last thing oppos want is death incarnate right up in their grill - and you can bet they would pour dice into denying his freedom of movement.

On an unrelated note, I've tinkered with Telekenisis recently and laughing when seeing my Jump Asst Sq with Libby grab an objective late game by jumping 12", Levitating another 10" and running 4" in the Shooting phase. 26" was quite the reach for the squad and my opponent wasn't expecting it smile.png

I'd like to see a new sculpt of Mephiston atop a rock/ pile of World Eaters with his sword held down by his side (think 210 degrees clockwise) with his other arm held in front with some energy coming from it. Also included are some bright red transparent plastic wings akin to the necron green rods biggrin.png you could magnetise them to show when the power is active!

One can dream rolleyes.gif

They can't randomise rolling Wings, surely?! You would have already spent the points on the Jump Pack or planned your list so your Libby does not need it. I can only imagine having it as Primaris, so you know for sure if you'll get it, or making it a signature power for Mephi might be ok but would lock out other users (like Libby Dreads) dry.png .

I want Fear back too, I love that against certain armies, admittedly it can be useless in some situations whereas Sword, Lance and Shield are usually good value.

I may actually splash out on a limited ed for this, I usually wouldn't because I'd rather have more models but in this instance I'd be tempted to make an exception..

Wings IMHO are a bit weird with the new random selection and DtW mechanics. Unless the benefit is changed the power would be pointless on any psyker with a jump pack.

They can't randomise rolling Wings, surely?!  You would have already spent the points on the Jump Pack or planned your list so your Libby does not need it.

You both seem to forget when the psychic phase takes place. A jump pack and wings would no longer be exclusive, and thus wings would need to be reworded to allow its actual use.


I'd imagine it would take the form of an immediate 12" jump move for a solo character, or 6" move if the model is with a squad, or allows the models to use their packs in the assault phase. WC2 if you're allowed to assault after a move.

I'd imagine it would take the form of an immediate 12" jump move for a solo character, or 6" move if the model is with a squad, or allows the models to use their packs in the assault phase. WC2 if you're allowed to assault after a move.

Based on your suggestion, that's very similar to what Levitate does now in fact. "Normal" move in the Movement phase, 12" Levitate in the Psi phase, with then the choice of shoot or run and/or assault depending on the unit and load out. Can't remember the post-levitate restrictions though off the top of my head.

The 6" move would feel a bit lacklustre IMHO - less "Wings of Sanguinius" and more "Feathers of the Flightless Red Penguin" msn-wink.gif . They could boost Wings to WC2 or 3 depending on an assault option at the end. If it was available to a Jump Libby, he would have an impressive (although others might say ridiculous) 36" threat range potentially. I would happily take that though, especially if that applied to a squad he joined as well. 1st Turn charge anyone?


Wings IMHO are a bit weird with the new random selection and DtW mechanics. Unless the benefit is changed the power would be pointless on any psyker with a jump pack.

They can't randomise rolling Wings, surely?!  You would have already spent the points on the Jump Pack or planned your list so your Libby does not need it.

You both seem to forget when the psychic phase takes place. A jump pack and wings would no longer be exclusive, and thus wings would need to be reworded to allow its actual use.


I'd imagine it would take the form of an immediate 12" jump move for a solo character, or 6" move if the model is with a squad, or allows the models to use their packs in the assault phase. WC2 if you're allowed to assault after a move.



Good point, still a bit of 6thEd mindset from me! 


I don't think I'd like it though - even if you can bring a squad with you if you actually needed the movement to get into CC for example you wouldn't risk the power not going off (especially if it was WC2) having plonked your HQ and squad in presumably a precarious position (yes you could mitigate this on occasion).  Hmmm I'm now quite concerned I'm not going to like this at all - unless it's on Mephy with potential for ridiculous movement...


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