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What 2014 will bring


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30 points seems reasonable.  They can teleport after all. Combos with massed terms and telehomers would get beserk if they were cheaper. 


Just adding a little to the termie price discussion, Chaos Terms are 31pts and are still most effective for their combi weapons. They still lack the transport options that regular SM have - Assault termies have a massive land raider tax.


How often do we actually see teleport homers being used?


Dropping their points puts them into the same price range as vanvets, which isnt the best option. I think they need to have the value of the terminator armour increased.


Something like giving them 3+ armour, but rolling 2 dice for all saves and picking the highest would be interesting, it improves both the regular save from 3/9 fails to 1/9 fails and the 5+ save goes from 6/9 fails to 4/9 fails

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Please, let's all move away from the whole 'blood' thing. If I ever have to read another codex entry in a Blood Angels codex that names things bloodstrike missiles, bloodfists, bloodclaws, blood magic( Dominatus msn-wink.gif ) or any kind of OTT "emphasising the theme" I might just get bloody angry.


The lightest sprinkling of 'blood' isn't too bad, but there are so many words to be used! Sanguine, encarmine, crimson, gore, cruor, vital, ruby, scarlet, rufescent (okay, that last is from a thesaurus, but Ward might have considered jusing such a wondrous tome)! And there's the 'angel' bit to play with too! Sacred, hallowed, beatific, divine, rapturous, seraphic, cherubic! That we still ended up with Blood Champions, Bloodstrike missiles, Blood Talons, Blood Fists, Skies of Blood, Blood Song, Liturgies of Blood, Blood Chalices, Blood Reaver, Blood Boil, and The Blood Lance is a God-Emperor-damned travesty of writing to rival the use of 'wolf' in the Space Wolves Codex.

But yeah, I use 'blood' in my ideas a bit... sparingly, shall we say, but it's there.

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In my humble opinion:

-Dante needs a rework, both rules and model IMO. Personally, I say make the Spear of Telesto a chapter relic and give it to him. It fits his Hit & Run mechanics far better.

-Mephiston either needs a buff or a point reduction. Characters like Skarbrand can stomp Mephiston flat for less points.

-DC Tycho should be an IC. I'd be happy even with only being able to join DC, because as it stands now nobody has any reason to ever field him.

-I'd like to see something to make the Sanguinary Guard a little tougher, my first thought was the ability to add a Priest as a squad upgrade option.

-Something to make Glaives stand out a bit more than just being master-crafted. I'm open to ideas on this one, they just feel bland to me right now.

-Chapter wide special rule granting Initiative boost on the charge. Losing the +1I in Furious Charge really hurt the assault emphasis of the army I think.

-I think we might see a Blood Angel specific Centurion, but I'm at a loss as to what it will be. Maybe either jump pack equipped, or with Blood Talons?

-Another special rule to really drive home the assault emphasis of the Blood Angels. 6th edition made deep striking and assaulting more dangerous, and those two things are big factors for the Blood Angels. The rule doesn't have to be too drastic, but it would have to be fairly stark in contrast to the 6th edition meta. I'm still working on what I would like to see here while still maintaining some semblance of balance tongue.png

What do you guys think?

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You know what our codex really needs?


More dreads!!!!


I want Lib Dreads and Chaplain dreads as HQs. Chaplain dread should have 'inspiring presence'. 


And the FA slot is looking WOEFULLY underdreadnought'd, too! That needs to be rectified! Dreads with jumppacks! Dreadnought flyers! Fast Attack Dreadnoughts!

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Oh yes, jump pack dreads would be awesome! Or at least I think the model would look cool.


Spinning on what Knife&Fork said, I would think it awesome to have dreadnought squads with dreadnought chaplains granting rerolls and dreadnought priests granting It Will Not Die or something similar. I don't think we'll ever see this so this is purely wish-listing!

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Oh yes, jump pack dreads would be awesome! Or at least I think the model would look cool.


Spinning on what Knife&Fork said, I would think it awesome to have dreadnought squads with dreadnought chaplains granting rerolls and dreadnought priests granting It Will Not Die or something similar. I don't think we'll ever see this so this is purely wish-listing!

Yeah! And change their name, no more dreadnoughts call the something super awesome like.... Bloodnoughts!! YAY!!!!!

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You know what our codex really needs?


More dreads!!!!


I want Lib Dreads and Chaplain dreads as HQs. Chaplain dread should have 'inspiring presence'. 


And the FA slot is looking WOEFULLY underdreadnought'd, too! That needs to be rectified! Dreads with jumppacks! Dreadnought flyers! Fast Attack Dreadnoughts!


I'm hoping for some sort of Jump Dread as our big kit. As a guess at the new kits :-


Assault Marine/Honour Guard Kit (Includes parts for plastic priest)

Jump Dread kit

Stormtalon equivalent kit

Terminator kit. Probably more wishlisting this one, but I'd like to see those Space Hulk sculpts available in one form or another.

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As far as new kits go I'm afraid we'll probably see a BA specific Centurion, and I've seen rumors of a plastic Priest kit coming out with the new starter kit @ September. I'd really like to see a 10-man assault squad box too though, especially if it came with BA iconography.
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Priest is just going to be one those boring plastic clamshells. There's already a box set with apothecary bits.


Yeah I kind of figured it would be considering its a starter set, but as long as its plastic and comes with BA iconography I'm all for it.  I can't stand the old metal versions that I have now.

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As far as new kits go I'm afraid we'll probably see a BA specific Centurion, and I've seen rumors of a plastic Priest kit coming out with the new starter kit @ September. I'd really like to see a 10-man assault squad box too though, especially if it came with BA iconography.


I've seen a lot of posts about a new starter kit the last two days, so I thought I'd chime in.


The latest rumors I've seen say that the BA v. Orks is for Epic, not for a new 40k starter.

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Following the GW thing of boosting models that need to be sold, we can probably expect a little buff for the Libby dread? And maybe the Sang Guard?

though, im sure the DC and Sang Guard kits did reasonably well.


Not sure what that would translate to in terms of chapter tactics tho ><;

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Following the GW thing of boosting models that need to be sold, we can probably expect a little buff for the Libby dread? And maybe the Sang Guard?

though, im sure the DC and Sang Guard kits did reasonably well.


Not sure what that would translate to in terms of chapter tactics tho ><;

They usually boost new kits, not existing ones.

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