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++ AUGUSTUS b'RAASS ++ pre-heresy BRASS SCORPION p.247

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Night Lords would be awesome! I don't think I've ever seen a VIII Legion Brass Scorpion, plus lighting would look amazing on the segmented armour plates.


Another idea would be to paint it all in metallics. A real Brass Scorpion. The carapace would look great in the same colour that you paint on the trim of your Night Lords.


Having said that, I'd vote for the NL version. Just make sure there is plenty of gore on the mandibles and claws :)

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To be a complete pain...I'd say something in the middle. Khorne uses red, black, and brass. Somehow incorporating that into the Night Lords scheme.


Riffing on this, do the armour plates that are attached to the body Night Lords, the ones that come loose in the kit Khorne and then do the legs Night Lords but covered in blood to balance the red with the blue. Scorpion Cannon guard whatever you fancy, my gut is Night Lords.



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Thanks guys for the awesome and inspirational replies! Wow, I sort of expected the response to be 50/50, but you guys are pretty unanimous in that there should be a definite Night Lords element. I think I'm gonna go for a mixture of forte and dragonlover's ideas: the main body Night Lords, while it's becoming more and more Khornate towards the extremities. Cool beans!


Again, thanks a lot - you guys have really inspired me (the main reason why I waited so long to start this kit is because I was torn between the colour schemes, but this solution is pretty good. Whaddayafink?

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Should work! Although you may want to consider having a smattering of parts be Khorne, rather than just a regimented selection of them. Perhaps every time it gets repaired the replaced parts are now in Khorne colours kind of thing?

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Wait, did I just read "SCORPION KING for RESEARCH"? Lol!


But really, can't wait to see what you add to it and how it turns out.


How about some sort of craggily skull design as part of the camo of its carapace?


Like you know how some butterflys have like a face design across the full span of their wings (I think to dissuade birds from eating them)?

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Thanks guys for the awesome and inspirational replies! Wow, I sort of expected the response to be 50/50, but you guys are pretty unanimous in that there should be a definite Night Lords element. I think I'm gonna go for a mixture of forte and dragonlover's ideas: the main body Night Lords, while it's becoming more and more Khornate towards the extremities. Cool beans!


Again, thanks a lot - you guys have really inspired me (the main reason why I waited so long to start this kit is because I was torn between the colour schemes, but this solution is pretty good. Whaddayafink?

I'm dead on a agreeing with Forte/Dragonlovers idea meld.


Super bonus points if you work in a badass terror mark somewhere :D


Can't wait to see how you finish him up ^_^

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Alright, trophyfication on the Scorpion is done. As usual there's flayed flesh, skulls, some marine helmets (note especially the hanging MkIII helmet on his front-most paw on the port side, with the chains through his vision slits :biggrin.:), and chains. 


Here's the final WIP shots of the Brass Scorpion:


















I also finished the base, and used the recently released promethium relay tubes that I won at a tournament two weeks ago. :thumbsup:










Hope you like, and as always: feedback and comments more than welcome. They keep me going :smile.:



@Teetengee: Nah, I think I'm going for a gradual transtition from my usual Night Lords midnight blue to Khornate red. Thanks though for the feedback!


@Kilofix: Yes I did! You'd be amazed how many horror B-movies I've watched for inspiration on the trophies! The skull design will feature on the claws. :thumbsup:


@Kurama: I can totally see it! Totes!


@Honda: Hey buddy! Glad you've come to look at my thread again :smile.: And you are most welcome to pull that stick out of your BT behind and start living the life! :wink:


@The Psycho: No-one is opposed to Khorne, it's just that I and everyone here has rather warmed up tot he idea of a Khornified Night Lords Scorpion. :wink:


@Edlrick Shadowblade: After the ETL I'll try to get another shot of my entire army so far. Promise!


@Flint13: Hey buddy! Glag you've come back to visit my thread! I've missed you! And as promised before to Kilofix: there will be a skull desig somewhere :wink:

Edited by Augustus b'Raass
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Alright, building on the idea to mix my Khorne and  Night Lords colour scheme on the Scorpion, where it is more khornate towards the end of its extremities (legs, claws and tail), I made some testers. 




What do you think? (Please excuse the bad lighting)


EDIT: I had intended to put this picture in vertically, but that yielded a picture of enormous proportions, as the B&C code fills the width of the page regardless of picture size. ;)

Edited by Augustus b'Raass
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I think the transition looks smooth enough it could work. You might think about carrying the lightning over into the red too.


That said, looking at your other stuff (which is amazing, btw) I would doing the armor as Nightlords midnight and doing the mechanical guts in a darkish red.

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AHa that is a very interesting idea, Sgt. Blank. I briefly considered it, but as I have already decided to paint the armour plates like my tester, I ultimately discarded it. :confused: Sorry! The red cabling is a bit overkill on the model, with all the red plates on it too. So the cabling will mostly be black and steel. 


The lightning is a cool idea rthough. Hmm. Gonna decide on that tomorrow. 


For now, I did the prime colours on the scorpion. Thoughts?



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That looks pretty darn good!


Personally I'd like an itty bit for of a purpley transition between the two i steady of the brown/red, but that's mostly just personal preference I think.


What colors are you going with for his mechanical bits, cables, hoses and the like?

Edited by Flint13
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the paintjob looks good, that's a  nice and smooth transition


i'm not a fan of the red and blue together though and would've preferred an all blue beast :wink:


still looking forward to seeing it finished.

Edited by Wicced
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So I've been kept away for a bit by my new job and in that time it seems you're setting new records for productivity and quality. Seriously, 4 fething tanks, with that much detail and that look so good, in such a short space of time is insane and probably prohibited by various scientific laws. I spy a familiar idea on the Vindicator engine stacks.

The Brass Scorpion is coming along well, the red on the actual model looks darker than on the tester and I think that works much better. You'll probably have finished it by the end of today.

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I think the transition between red and blue on the plates looks fine. I've always imagined that the armour of any followers of khorne would be red due to the amount of blood that is spilled (either through ritual or combat) over it and seeped in, almost dying it that way. Therefore It would make sense then that the ends of the extremities would be more red than the rest of the armour. I also think if you painted the metal edges brass then it would tie both the Nightlords and Khorne elements together. Looking forward to seeing how this pans out :)

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