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Shattered Legions : Vulkan Lives! Edition... (new scheme)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Will require massive editing, I am writing this on the go on my phone as inspiration came swiftly and can depart just so.




The smoldering heat of the corridor was suffocating. The ambient tempature was well beyond the safety levels for a human being, but it did not matter. Those who strode within where not humans, or at least had not been for a long time. Iron Father Khol'yss led the procession of armoured forms towards the heart of the Gorgon's Forge. It had been only a handful of hours since the news arrived to Medusa. Ferrus Manus, Primarch of the Iron Hands, had fallen to the treacherous hand of his most beloved Brother. Denial and Rage had come in quick succession, but Grief never came. Rage lingered in the twin hears of those left behind, unable to take part in the great reckoning that was to be brought against Horus and his traitor legions. How could so few vanquish so many? The answer was obvious: more treachery. Khol'yss always knew the warmaster, though formidable a warrior as he was, was all too proficient a politician; he loved the cloak and dagger play.


The Forge was bustling with activity, amd no adepts of the Mechanicus dared bar his way. Not that they could, for he came clad for war and in tow came his Iron Council, clad in the formitable suits of Terminator Armour. Some wore the advanced Gorgon Pattern, masterfully designed by the Primarch himself, but most wore Cataphractii, as the newer marks where sent directly to the battle lines by Ferrus's order. Nothing but the best would serve in avenging the affront he suffer at the hands of Fulgrim abord the Ferrum. The words rang again in the mind of the senior clansman. Nothing but the best would serve. He had been left behind, just like these relics, deemed too old to fight the most righteous of causes, to reclaim the stained honour of his legion.



As he reached the sanctum, he stopped for the briefest of moments taking a deep breath, the weeze of his bionic lungs giving his irritation away. He knew what would await him beyond the tresholld and did not want any part of it, but it had to be done. It must be done. The tought still sounded a little hollow when he crossed the reinforced adamantium archway. Ahead layed a massive door, seal by an imprint of the Gorgon's very own hands at it's center. Like everything he had touched, it was a one of a kind piece of art, in the medusan sense of the word. No flourish or superfluish embelishment, but efficient design reminding immediately anyone who layed eyes upon it of it's purpose. No vision hinges or keyholes, just the forbiding hands. Standing before the door was a familiar figured hunched on an elaborate Magos staff, the symbole of his office. The figure was also the source of Khol'yss's irriation. He knew it would come to this. Individuals of great worth do not set aside their principles so easily.

ever since you swaped yer scheme yer stuff has looked really incredible , and since it looked real sick before  @ u @


You guys make it really hard for my head to pass through doors with all the compliments!


I appreciate all the comments though, this forum is a major source of inspiration and motivation to keep on hobbying ;)

Zoggin' 'eck, that's quite a large Conversion Beamer! One would almost assume that he's... compensating... But then again, the flesh is weak and all that :D

Lovely work as usual, those Vindicators are swish, and a scary prospect for most armour, I'd assume.

Zoggin' 'eck, that's quite a large Conversion Beamer! One would almost assume that he's... compensating... But then again, the flesh is weak and all that biggrin.png

Lovely work as usual, those Vindicators are swish, and a scary prospect for most armour, I'd assume.

Thanks! I can't wait to unleash them into enemy superheavies in june's apoc ;)

  • 2 weeks later...

So a few of you asked for the steps to reproduce the scheme, so I will be posting a step by step guide this week.


It goes as follows:


Primer black


Mix Leadbelcher with Abadon black in 60/40 split. Apply to entire miniature.


Pick out details and linings with runefang steel.


Wash whole miniature with Army Painter Dark Tone. I no longer use GW washes as they spoil badly all the time now.*


Apply Tamiya Clear Smoke. By airbrush for large surfaces, but a standard brush will do if you are careful. Never, Ever pass the brush over recently covered area. It will peal and stick to the brush and ruin it. I suggest 2 hour wait time for drying if using a brush, at least 45 minutes for airbrush application


Reapply a little bit of Runefang to highlight details


*You may have to do a second coat of wash to get a uniform result. Nothing wrong with 2 thin layers



For the Red :


Apply a large line of Khorne Red, and do smaller lines of Khorne Red towards the source. Then start doing lines of Mephiston reds at 2/3rd, and lines of Evil Suns Red at 1/3rd

Due to an overwhelming showing of loyalists (as it should be!) I ended up siding with the traitors for this game. Timmy the warhound got hit with a D weapon and suffered a 6, on the very first turn. Ferrus Manus killed and was also killed by another Ferrus Manus. We will never know which one was the real one!


The pictures can be found here:



I will upload them proper on BnC sometime during the week.

Wow these are amazing! I had a thought from personal experience. My first army was a 40/60 leadbelcher/abbadon black and I discovered that hapshut copper with a nuln oil wash really helped pick out details without losing the overall dark, metallic quality. Looks really good on cables and such.


Anyway really impressed by your Iron Hands. Keep up the amazing work!

  • 4 months later...

"The flesh is weak, but deeds endure."
-Vulkan to Ferrus

It's time for me to plan the greater scope of my heresy project, and take my Iron Hands to the next level: Shattered Legions. With the new plastic MKIII, the opportunity to model some Salamanders was too good to pass up. So in the coming months, Isstvan survivors, born away on the wings of the vengeful X legion will make appearances here and there... Fear not, the Iron Tenth is still in Command, for the Cold Arithmetic of War brooks no argument.

This is a great opportunity to work on my scultping skills, which I find are lacking. SCALES EVERYWHERES! (I know that they are no teardrop shaped, but I like the more cracked earth look of a battle scarred drake :)

Here are my first 10 salamanders ;)









Always good to see more Istvaan survivors especially seeing the X and XVIIITH together I definitely can't wait to see your take on the salamanders awesome work so far man

Thank you brother! I have a set of pyroclasts and firedrakes on the way as well!


As far as expanding the XVIII legion within my forces, I am thinking that under Autek Mor, they will be fully absorbed within my existing IH squads, sprinkled here and there.


Under Meduson, they will have their own units, maybe riding IH armour since so little was scavenged from the slaughter fields of Isstvan.


It would be cool to make a Salamander Contemptor/leviathan refitted with spare IH parts, ready to go onto the anvil once more!


What do you think? Open to other suggestions, this part of the project is hardly set in stone ;)

it all sounds fantastic especially since I did basically the exact same thing only reversed since the XVIIITH is my main legion I've been working on sprinkling iron hands throughout including an iron hands legionaire who was interred in a Leviathan by the salamanders after arriving on Nocturne in stasis along with a bunch of other Istvaan survivors. And coincidentally enough I believe it was your paint scheme that inspired the one I used for him.




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