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Yeap, thats a terror squad alright.

;) glad they are recognizable!

Ohh love the charging mk3 helmeted one and the mk2 helmeted one too! biggrin.png

I definitely love the MKII guy, probably my fave just because of his stance.

Looks very promising, those chainsword wielding guys are brutal.

I did it more for fluff, I don't expect them to accomplish too much. But eventually I plan on adding 2-3 more, and throwing them in a Land Raider with my Sevatar Counts-As to see if they can wreck some face or not. Yea, they aren't going to be too crazy against MEQ, but against GEQ they should do well. To wounds of 2s should be nice! With their "preferred infantry" special rule, all the better!

A little more for pics of the members of:


Squad Saevus (Terror Squad, 7 x Members; Sgt w/Chainglaive, Melta Bomb, A. Armor and 6 x Heavy Chainswords)


Members of the VIII Legion they are, but time spent with their fellow Astartes of the XII Legion brought to the surface a level of brutality and disregard not normally present in a marine of the Night Lords.  All members in this squad wield heavy chainswords, save for the Sergeant, who has been handed down a murderglaive of much use.  They ride to war at the forefront, typically arriving in a Phobos Land Raider serving as the escort for their Commander.  
























C&C always welcome!

Hehe biggrin.png Nr.6 is wicked and awesome mate!

He was my latest! I am pretty happy with that one! Glad you like!

Yeah if I saw a bunch of power armored juggernauts running at me with chainswords that big I'd believe it if you told me they were a "terror squad". Good job brother.

Much appreciated, I am so happy they fit the bill! Thanks for the praise!

Awesome stuff, man! I love the chain glaives and also really like your paint scheme-- many Night Lords 5 have seen are too bright for my taste, but i like your blue, and the subtlty of your lightning work-- the bolts looks excellent and you don't over-do it. Bravo!

Thanks, that means a lot.  Hopefully people understand why I went with the understated color scheme, I didn't want anything truly outlandish or super flashy.  These guys' mission dictates their scheme is pretty dark and the use of lightning is for when they want to show themselves, pretty much while conducting the Terror aspect of the mission.

Congrats for the completed vow! You've really done an excellent job with the terror markings and lighting. The converted chainswords are also really impressive. You'd never know they were converted without seeing the WIP pictures. They turned out great!

Love your NL, very cohesive theme you have going on with them Armond. Some great posing.


I am very impressed with your putty work, the FW armor can look a little sparse unless you take the time to spruce it up, which adds to the whole 'cohesiveness'. Are they press molds or did you sculpt them (the skulls/wing etc)?


Glad to see the snow on a dark base works against a dark colour scheme to (as it is something I am planning with my dudes).


Excellent army! Congratz on the vow :)


(btw I have run out of likes, I wanted to sprinkle more on your thread :()

@kizzdougs, thanks a lot! I really wanted to make sure I had a full unit of heavy chainsword maniacs!!!


@midnight runner, about 75% are pressmolds(mostly skulls and some wings) while the other 25% are sculpted(coffins, some wings, hourglasses, and scythes). I love snow bases! They contrast so well with darker color schemes! I say go for it!


Thanks everyone! It was a journey but it gave me over 2.5k worth of painted models! But I still have a land raider and a javelin left for this army on hand to paint. Annnnd maybe ~10 more guys to get ready so I can boost my tacticals up to 20 each. Plus maybe 5 more termies...

thumbsup.gif thumbsup.gif thumbsup.gif

:D thank you!

....there is always more!! ALWAYS!!

Yes... yes there is... ALWAYS! Got a Land Raider and another Javelin awaiting assembly/paint...

Love them brother! Army shot now?

I will, once I get some free time to pull them all out and get some pictures!

full army shot from the ETL:


Ok so this is the army from the ETL, slightly changed, but every model is here:




Breakdown after moving things around:


Back left: 20-man Tactical with Vexilla, Extra CCW, and Sergeant with Chainglaive and Artificer Armor attached Apothecary


10-man Heavy Support Squad with Autocannons, attached with Master of Signal



Back Middle: Contemptor Dreadnought w/CCW and Plasma Blaster, and Kheres Pattern Assault Cannon



Back right:  Javelin w/twin lascannons and a 10-man Terror Squad w/Bolters



Middle Right: 9-man Terror Squad with Volkites, Sgt with Artificer Armor, Hand Flamer and Lightning Claw attached with Primus Medicae w/Volkite 



Center:  Cataphractii Terminators w/2 x Powerfists, 1 x Chainfist, 1 x Autocannon, Pair of Lightning Claw and Sgt w/Lightning Claws



Front Left: 5-Man Raptor Squad w/ 2 x Power Swords, 2 x Chainglaives, Sgt w/pair of Lightning Claws attached with Centurion(Legion Champ) w/Power Fist and Artificer Armor



Front Center: 9-man Terror Squad with Heavy Chainswords, Sgt w/Chainglaive and Artificer Armor attached with Praetor(counts as Sevatar)




Center Right:  5-man Recon Squad w/5 x Sniper Rifles


I just went though the last two pages, and I have to say I absolutely *love* your blue and black paint scheme. It's such a neat aesthetic that makes your Night Lords very unique.


Looking like a very solid company. Keep up the awesome work!


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