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First time every painting a vehicle(well minus a Javelin).  Not 100%, but was happy stopping here for now.  This was a vehicle I found years ago, already assembled and primed black.  I did the turret conversion and the repaint.  Nothing too crazy, but it was a great diversion from painting two-legged models haha



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So smoke launchers on either side of the gunner plate? I may have to look at that option. On another note, scrounged and found two terminator assault cannons. So the twin linked assault cannons will be coming for the other razorback as an option. Just have to figure out how I want to accomplish it.
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Here we go, a few changes/bits of work done the past day or so.


Ven Dread, angry fellow with a bone to pick with the Word Bearers.




TLAssCannon Razorback



And, so far what I have vehicle/Dread-wise


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Executioner Chaplain incoming...




C&C is always welcome.  This is the start of a Killteam Campaign.  My chosen faction, Space Marines of the Executioners flavor.  Next to build is a Terminator with Assault Cannon.  List is as follows:

Warden (Basically a low-tier Chaplain)

-Jump Pack

*This guy is picked for a reason, theme.  Executioners love their Chaplains, having three per Company.  Plus his ability to give friendlies within 6" some Zealot love may prove useful.


Vanguard Assault

-Jump Pack, Power Axe

*Nasty in HtH and themed again.  Axes are fun!  Pair him with old Chaplain guy, and we have more fun.



-Assault Cannon, Teleporter

*Terminator Armor, Assault Cannon, Rending, Teleportation...  This guy just exudes "I look good" and can throw some good support fire for anyone advancing.  Also, suppression fire will be nice along with his ability(teleport) to get to hard to reach places.


Assault Marine

-Jump Pack

*Just another jumper, more threats and just a fun opportunity for modelling.


5 x Tactical Marines

-Melta Gun

*Basic foot sloggers, bodies to throw at someone.  

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Pretty simple actually. Nothing flashy. Burnished gold(I think) as a base, inked with nuln oil. Then burnished gold again acting as a thick/broad highlight. Finally Balthasar gold as the highlight. I think I got my golds right. I can confirm later for you.
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Slightly altered arm pose for the Chaplain



Insert generic Terminator w/Assault Cannon



Vanguard Vet w/Jump Pack and Power Axe



Next will be another Assault Marine, and 5 Tactical Marine w/a Meltagun

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Ok, full kill team fully assembled and ready to be painted in blue-steel of the Executioners.  I am posting pics of the ones you haven't seen yet...



Assault Marine




Tactical Squad + Photos of each individual


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Not really, that is a converted model. Tartarus legs with a Cataphractii body and various other mixes. Tartarus legs are a little taller than Cataphracti legs, which may make him appear larger than the norm.
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We are nearly nine decades into this Penitent Crusade, our punishment for an oath of honor answered to one fallen into darkness and treachery.  Though it finds us nearly spent, it has not found us wanting in the prosecution of our duty.  Until the bitter end of this void-wandering we shall bring death to the enemies of the Emperor, and then home...  Home...  Where we can rebuild our losses and strike out among the stars again, forging stories worthy of telling for a millennium yet to come.  Yes, we weapons of the Imperium shall replenish our numbers and bring the full might of the Executioners to bear on our enemies...     -Deathspeaker Akrisis, 2nd Company, Executioners





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