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Got a day off, Just got myself a coffee and plan on going right to the start of this and reading the whole plog through. Just saw the last page with Chapter Master and Honour Guard and Im in love already.



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  • 11 months later...

Dear lord, nearly a year of absence.  Too crazy.  Anyway, move from Alaska to Okinawa is completely finished(so much to unpack, sell, buy, etc...) so I have been a bit busy.  But I did some work on a Kill Team of Black Consuls.  I figure this place was as good as any to get rolling on them.


These are progression ty d current status pics.  Not complete, but pretty well on their way.












C&C always welcome!

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Thanks you all! I was so anxious to get that Chapter Master on the painting table. He is so beefy as said, I will put him on the table next weekend hopefully.
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So, for Killteam as I said before.  Here we go...  I apologize for the semi-dark pics, although it helps convey the darkness of their paint scheme..


Veteran Sergeant Herod Archaelos watches the streams of ash filter through his large fingers, falling steadily back into their receptacle.  A massive container, an urn of sorts, sits atop a pedestal at the center of an expansive, spartan room.  The room conveyed a feeling melancholy and reverence in equal parts.  The remnants of Calth poured through his fingers, ten millennium of hate and vengeance.  Blood pumped through his body, blood of his Primarch and his previous gene-sires. This ancient tradition of sifting through the ashes of their once Legion's greatest symbol of betrayal was tradition, almost religious...  


As the final evidence of that day fell back into their bronze-colored container, he stood and replaced its lid.  It was time to make planet-fall, legends could be revisited upon his return.  Word of potential traitor Legion members with possible involvement in his Chapter's diminishing numbers had reached his small detail of brothers, and so they were honor-bound to investigate.  The Black Consuls had been slowly reduced due to attrition, but their loyalty to the Imperium and their dutywas unquestionable and unwavering...









Group Shots...




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Not sure where I want to start next. I think I am going to pull a smattering of models from those I had built and paint them. Gives me variety to paint and keeps it interesting. I will probably look at putting together a vehicle, but I need to sort thru my models/bits and see what type of Great Scouring era goodness I can come up with.
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Glad you two like them! Sorry about that pics, I need to get more light on them. Flash pics look bad on them because it reflects light badly. Is the Chapter Master's details coming up ok though? I will try to get a few better pics of a few of the others later tonight if I have time! Working on three more guys right now.
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That it is, here are a few more pics.  A few new ones of those I worked on tonight(not done quite yet).



Will try to set up something to take better photos later if I can.  Going to bed!

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Going to be working on a few more models soon. But my reason for posting was to get an opinion on next model choice, a vehicle specifically. I am participating in a killteam campaign and have enough RP to get a vehicle hangar, thus unlocking a transport vehicle. My choice? Razorback with twin linked assault cannons. Magnetized of course to allow rhino usage and weapon change out. Would you consider that a good choice?!


Also, my interest in Badab is piqued again... Watch out for a test model in the near weeks.

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