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Howdy Guys and Girls!
Edit - Summer 2018:


This is my all-around thread for my work. Fun mix of everything, from 30k to Specialist Games! Currently focusing mostly on Necromunda, Kill Team and Adeptus Titanicus!
Edit: Added an Index for the finished content:



House Escher:

The Raven Queens


House Cawdor:

Sons of Heylel


House Helmawr:

Palanite Enforcers


Genestealer Cult:

New-Trysst Mine Freedomfighters 


Cults of Chaos:

Gellerpox Infected 


Bounty Hunters:

Belladonna, Noble Bounty Huntress






Black Legion:

Abaddon the Despoiler

Chaos Terminators

Chaos Havocs

Chaos Obliterators




Adeptus Titanicus:




The Legio Titanica - the God-Engines of the Imperium of Mankind


Legio Gryphonicus; the War Griffons:

Iron Regent, Warlord Battle Titan, Mars-Alpha pattern

Reaver Battle Titan, Mars pattern

Reaver Battle Titan, Mars pattern

Warhound Scout Titan, Mars pattern

Warhound Scout Titan, Mars pattern


Legio Solaria; the Imperial Hunters:

Reaver Battle Titan, Mars pattern

Warhound Scout Titan, Mars pattern

Warhound Scout Titan, Mars pattern


Legio Mortis; the Death's Heads:

Warlord Battle Titan, Mars-Alpha pattern

Warlord Battle Titan, Mars-Alpha pattern

Warlord Battle Titan, Lucius-Alpha pattern

Reaver Battle Titan, Mars pattern

Warhound Scout Titan, Mars pattern

Warhound Scout Titan, Mars pattern



The Knightly Houses - Banners of proud Scions


House Vyronii; Scions of Damaetus III/II:

Cerastus Banner 'Demeter'


House Coldshroud; Scions of the Gryphone Octad:

Support Banner 'Teabeanie':

Questoris Knight Gallant

Questoris Knight Errant

Questoris Knight Paladin



Civitas District Warzone Gamma

Civitas District Warzone Ultima




Age of Darkness:


Death Guard:


Mortarion, Daemonprimarch of Nurgle


Lord of Contagion


Plague Surgeon

Biologus Putrifier

Noxious Blightbringer


Twisted Lord, Gellerpox Infected Leader


Plague Marines

Foetid Bloat-Drone

Foul Blightspawn


Sludge Grubs

Eyestinger Swarms




Dreadnought with twin linked heavy bolter

Plague Thallax Cohort


Mortarion the Reaper
Calas Typhon
Moritat Prime Tariq Vralgor 
Siegemaster Durak Rask
Deathshroud Terminators 
Legion Terminator squad 
Grave Warden Terminators
Destroyer squad 
Contemptor Dreadnought 
Castraferrum Dreadnought
Medusa Siege Tank
Vindicator Siege Tank
Hunter Alpha AA Tank
Land Raider Achilles Alpha
Land Raider Phobos
Fellblade Super Heavy Tank
Primaris Lightning Strike Fighter
1st Captain Artellus Numeon 
 Firedrake Terminators 
Contemptor Dreadnought
Deredeo Dreadnought
Alpha Legion:
Hekatos Delphat, Chief Librarian
Sons of Horus:
Arkathas Ythedon, Consul-Delegatus of the 1st Company, Commander of the Ikon
Raven Guard:
Shade Lord Arkhas Fal, former Legion Master
Word Bearers:


Kor Phaeron


Kurtha Sedd

Zardu Layak


Tactical Squad

Tactical Support Squad 

Breacher Siege Squad

Ashen Circle 

Gal Vorbak

Anakatis Kul Blade-Slaves


Contemptor Dreadnought

Mhara Gal Dreadnought, former Contemptor

Anaziel, Mahra Gal Dreadnought, former Castra-Ferrum


Ushknub, Davinite Lodge Priest

Traitor Militia Grenadiers


World Eaters:

Angron, the Red Angel


Thousand Sons:
Consul-Praevian Ardashir



Agents of the Imperium:


Clad Eversor Nihilator



Daemons of Chaos:
Valkia the Bloody, Daemonprincess of Khorne
An'ggrath the Unbound, Guardian of the Skullthrone, Greater Bloodthirster of the first rank

U'zhul, the Skulltaker
The Bloodreaver, Herald of Khorne 


Greater Brass Scorpion



Zarakynel, Daemonqueen of Slaanesh
Epidemius, Herald of Nurgle



The Changeling


The Loyal Mechanicum:


The Legio Astorum:

Liktor Rex, Lucius pattern Warhound Scout-Titan 


The Dark Mechanicum:
The Archmandriture:
Archmagos Draykavac
The Legio Fureans:
Princeps Thorash Ganesa
The Knight House Makabius:
Dame Vespasia, Knight Paladin  
The Macrotechnia:
Legio Titanicus Tech-priest Enginseer Majoris 

c&c are welcome =)
xoxo Atia

Edited by Atia

Howdy =P


thx for comments :smile.:


"You are my unbroken blades, my Death Guard. By your hand shall justice be delivered, and doom shall stalk a thousand worlds"
- The Primarch Mortarion, first words to his Legion.
Numeration: The XIVth Legion

Primogenitor: Mortarion the Reaper

Cognomen: (Prior) The Dusk Raiders

Observed Strategic Tendencies: Heavy Infantry Assault, Attritional Warfare, Hazard/Death Zone Warfare, Xenos Eradication and Purgation operations.

Domains: Barbarus

Allegiance: Traitoris Perdita



Death Guard Legion Grave Warden Terminator squad Grenin

Alone among the Legiones Astartes, the Death Guard make free and frequent use of alchemical weapons.   Originally employed as an informal name for the variously armed battalions of Death Guard Terminators of First Captain Calas Typhon's company carried into battle aboard the unique Battleship Terminus Est, the term "Grave Wardens" also eventually became synonymous both within the Death Guard Legion and beyond it for the Alchemical Weapons-equipped Terminators unique to the Death Guard. Where the Grave Warden Terminator Squads walked, they brought lingering, ugly death to whatever and whoever crossed their paths, and as the Death Guard were unleashed on the Imperium in the wake of the Warmaster Horus' betrayal of the Emperor of Mankind, weapons which had previously only been used against the foulest and most resilient forms of alien life were turned upon humanity instead. As a result, the Death Guard's tally of murder and atrocity grew world by world.





Death Guard Legion Contemptor pattern Dreadnought Chakarakh

Ancient Chakarakh was once a Veteran Sergeant within the first Grand Company. Chakarakh's Contemptor chassis was an exemplar of the first prototypes of the type delivered to the Legion's armouries which were subjected to numerous repairs and modifications by the Legion's artificers. These includet the incorporation of enhanced multi-spectral visual scanners to better penetrate smoke and fog, and structural reinforcement of the main armour plating. 












c&c are welcome =)

Edited by Atia

I think he (and all your others!) are looking great! How did you do the streaks of rust and corrosion? They've come off very nicely!

 thx =). i have used Typhus Corrosion and Ryza Rust (drybrush it , don't use too much paint or it will just look orange, and use an old brush for it) for the streaks. 

Edited by Atia


I think he (and all your others!) are looking great! How did you do the streaks of rust and corrosion? They've come off very nicely!

 thx =). i have used Typhus Corrosion and Ryza Rust (drybrush it , don't use too much paint or it will just look orange, and use an old brush for it) for the streaks. 


Lovely - they seemed to be so neat, hence why I asked :P Great stuff.

thx all =)




oh no, not another heresy death guard to follow intently and steal ideas from!   :wink: 


Woe is you, whatever shall we do! 


Tariq is amazing. I love the character behind him! Any chance we can get some photos of the lads in black? I assume they are Destroyers.


thx^^ i want to write some fluff for him soontm, he should be one of the last terrans inside the legion, a mortarion fanatic and lodge member.  


Calas Typhon, 1st Captain of the Death Guard, the Left Hand of Mortarion, Master of the Terminus Est
The First Captain of the Death Guard Legion once pursued the role of Epistolary in the Legion's Librarius, but with the Primarch Mortarion harbouring a deep-rooted distrust of those who wield the powers of the psyker, Typhon suppressed his gift and strove instead to serve as a war leader. His strength, skill and demeanour led him to high rank indeed, culminating in his command of the potent and unique war ship Terminus Est and the deadly alchemical payload held within its arsenal.

In the aftermath of the Legion's treachery, Typhon is revealed as the master of chemical death and the reaper of men, cutting down his foes with his deadly power scythe and with blasphemous chem munitions.

Death Guard Legion Moritat Prime Tariq Vralgor, the Reaper's Shadow
[All data deleted, Status: Traitoris perfita]


Death Guard Legion Destroyer Squad Qendrim
[pict-capture's Istvaan V massacre]

The origins of the Destroyer Squads lay in the conduct of the Unification Wars on Terra in the late 30th Millennium, but surprisingly not with the forces of the Emperor but with the armies of His enemies. Destroyers were equipped with and expert in the use of otherwise proscribed and forbidden weaponry, including certain weapons of mass destruction like chemical and tactical nuclear weapons. Alongside certain factions of the Mechanicum, only Astartes Destroyer Squads were sanctioned to use such weapons within the forces of the Imperium by the Emperor's command. Radiation-based weapons, bio-alchemical munitions and the burning horror of Phospex were amongst the components that comprised the Destroyers' dark arsenal - weapons which irrevocably tainted the ground on which they were used. 







Note: Palus pattern respirator helmet - Prototype wargear, still under testing by Death Guard Legion veteran squads and officers. Anvilus pattern backpack unit –early prototype, this variant has enhanced stabilising thruster vents to aid in void operations, but inferior rad-shielding.


WIP of my spartan, i will do interrior on the spartan's and rhino's.




and finally ..... see yourself



Edited by Atia

Hi Ponies!
Yeah, B&C is back but sadly some of the comments are lost to the warp :sad.: *bad tzeentch baaaad!*
Edit: My email account saved them!

chaplain mortis: Nice Deathguard! Love the weathered look you have going on..and judging by your latest forgeworld order, some interesting models coming!
Noticed the streaking on the contemptor, have you thought about trying streaking washes from ak interactive or mig ammo?

thx, i will keep an eye on this, ak interactive looks nice




Chickenleg: Very nice models, the moritat is my favorite. :)


daemonclaw: you sure like your termies dontcha =)

thats some very nice painting you got there looks like you have a real steady hand

thx^^ yeah, an astartes force without termies isn't right xD

WIP of the Medusa
Crysos Morturg for Istvaan III battles, early WIP, just with primer, he will get an destroyer black armour and darth-vader-witch-fingers.
c&c are welcome =)

Edited by Atia

While the side was down, i wrought a little on the fluff for my Moritat. Hope you like him, sorry for grammar fails and suggests are welcome =)


Moritat Prime Tariq Vralgor, the Reapers Shadow


One of Mortarions oldest followers, Vralgor was one of the human Death Guard who had once fought for him against the overlords of Barbarus. He rises through the ranks of the Destroyer Corps and was eventually admitted to the ranks of the Legions Moritats after the Conquest of Galaspar. After the Ullanor Crusade, he was promoted to the rank of the Death Guards Moritat-Prime. Part of the seven pillared lodge, he joined his Primarchs treachery. Tariq Vralgor led his Destroyer command squad during the Istvaan III atrocity, hunting down surviving loyalists and brought the ugly death of radiation over them. 



Addenda: Remembrancer depiction of Moritat-Prime Tariq Vralgor.

Edited by Atia

I look really forward to see how your Mortarion turns out. All in all your army looks great. It's a really good start. The Destroyers are my favourite models so far. The mix of Chaos Space Marine backpacks and FW Death Guard heads look amazing. 


One thing though, I think your bases could look better if you used GWs texture paints, or smaller grains of sand. It kind of looks like some of your models are sinking into the ground. Maybe you could use some cork to get the  ruined city look on the bases. 


Keep up the great work. 

I look really forward to see how your Mortarion turns out. All in all your army looks great. It's a really good start. The Destroyers are my favourite models so far. The mix of Chaos Space Marine backpacks and FW Death Guard heads look amazing. 


One thing though, I think your bases could look better if you used GWs texture paints, or smaller grains of sand. It kind of looks like some of your models are sinking into the ground. Maybe you could use some cork to get the  ruined city look on the bases. 


Keep up the great work. 

thx for feedback^^ but it is too late to shut the barn door after the horse has bolted, for this army^^. cork is a nice idea, will use it maybe for the lightning base. For my next project (Sons of Horus) i will look for smaller grains of sand, promise!

edit: maybe i find the problem: for my deathguard i used cold glue, for my ultramarines superglue. 




let me know if its better


Must... not... buy... Mortarion...


What was the Spartan like when it arrived? I've wanted one for ages but have heard some horror stories about the tracks etc

my first spartan has destroyed tracks and twisted doors, but i have repaired them. this one was ok. (but if the damage would be unrepairable, you can call forgeworld and they send you new parts, they are very nice) Mortarion was the first FW Character Model without damage from transport^^ they use now foam material as the old GW tin blisters.

Edited by Atia

Update =)


The Barbaran Plate


Mortarion's war panoply is of his own design, fusing power armour technology with his own lore. It is designed not only to protect him in battle but augment his own singular physiology and environmental needs, synsthesising trace elements of the poisonous vapours of his home world to mix with he air he breathes.








c&c are welcome :)

Mortarion the Reaper

The Pale King, Master of the Death Guard, The Traveller, Dread Liberator of Barbarus


The shadowed and sinister Mortarion was Primarch and Commander of the Death Guard Legion. Raised upon a nightmare world of fell secrets and necromantic horror where humans were hunted like animals, the darkness that surrounded him seeped into his soul and would never leave him. Fiercely driven and relentless, the reaper-Primarch led his Legion to become wrathful liberators, spectres of death and judgment to whom no battlefield was isurmountable and no foe too terrible to face. With lies and half-truths did Horus sway Mortarion to his cause, and the price that he and his Legion would pay for their role in the Heresy would be nightmarish beyond imagining ...


"Pain is an illusion of the senses, fear an illusion of the mind, beyond these only death waits as silent judge o'ver all" 

- The Primarch Mortarion







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