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Oh you wacky kids and your onyx black salamanders. 


When  was playing salamanders, they had dark mahogany skin tones, no land speeders and initiative 3! 


He looks great :D

Oh you wacky kids and your onyx black salamanders. 

When  was playing salamanders, they had dark mahogany skin tones, no land speeders and initiative 3! 

He looks great :biggrin.:

So, hes a Firedrake AND can fire mind bullets at you? Damn Kor'Vesh you got game :tongue.:


To be honest Slip, no one is more surprised than me :biggrin.:


Excited to see the rest of your Sallies Atia, and especially so for your version of the the Big V. He is a PLEASURE to paint. What scheme are you using for the Reaver btw?

Edited by Kor'Vesh



Little update: The Firedrakes are more time-consuming than i though, the arms are 90% done, just need to finish the highlites on the green armour and some of the metallic details, the shields and the helmets :<




Aaaaah Vulcan AND a Reaver for the ETL? Challenging the reigning champions are we?

the Horus Heresy needs a new Magistra Militum :tongue.:



Oh you wacky kids and your onyx black salamanders. 

When  was playing salamanders, they had dark mahogany skin tones, no land speeders and initiative 3! 

He looks great :biggrin.:


Oh you wacky kids and your mahagony skin salamanders with their green armour, when I was first reading about them, they had a yellow/black stripe scheme xD


glad you like him Flint =)



So, hes a Firedrake AND can fire mind bullets at you? Damn Kor'Vesh you got game :tongue.:


To be honest Slip, no one is more surprised than me :biggrin.:


Excited to see the rest of your Sallies Atia, and especially so for your version of the the Big V. He is a PLEASURE to paint. What scheme are you using for the Reaver btw?


i'll do a Legio Fureans Reaver, and when i'm finished with my Death Guard and Salamanders i want to do some Legio Cybernetica support units for him:




now, i need to figure out how to do that yellow/orange ... any suggestions :Q?


Considering how awesome that salamander was I am anxiously waiting to see your Vulkan completed.

:thanks:  Anaziel! Glad the next ETL starts soontm 

Edited by Atia





i'll do a Legio Fureans Reaver, and when i'm finished with my Death Guard and Salamanders i want to do some Legio Cybernetica support units for him:


now, i need to figure out how to do that yellow/orange ... any suggestions :Q?

Grey basecoat, spray/paint with Minitaire Warning Yellow, shade with VMA Hullt Red, uplight with Minitaire Mustard Gas. That's how I'd do it. I did this recipe back when I still considered doing my warhound as a Fureans. I made some testers and had the community vote. Here's the post. The first tester's yellow is done with this recipe.



i present you: "The Firedrakes" - now with arms :thumbsup: , but still without heads/shields :cry:



Brother Callius has a yellow that you could be looking for


firedrake gubbins coming along nicely! Can't fault it :smile.:






i'll do a Legio Fureans Reaver, and when i'm finished with my Death Guard and Salamanders i want to do some Legio Cybernetica support units for him:


now, i need to figure out how to do that yellow/orange ... any suggestions :Q?

Grey basecoat, spray/paint with Minitaire Warning Yellow, shade with VMA Hullt Red, uplight with Minitaire Mustard Gas. That's how I'd do it. I did this recipe back when I still considered doing my warhound as a Fureans. I made some testers and had the community vote. Here's the post. The first tester's yellow is done with this recipe.


thanks for the tips :) will look at them :P


Step up your game atia, the months almost overrrrrrrrr :tongue.: lol

great work so far, cant wait to see them assembled

hehe thanks^^ yeah, as i said, the firedrakes are more detailed then i though >.> but only shields and heads are left, and the 5 pyroclasts :P


i'll do a Legio Fureans Reaver, and when i'm finished with my Death Guard and Salamanders i want to do some Legio Cybernetica support units for him:


Excited to see the rest of your Sallies Atia, and especially so for your version of the the Big V. He is a PLEASURE to paint. What scheme are you using for the Reaver btw?





now, i need to figure out how to do that yellow/orange ... any suggestions :Q?



Some months ago I sento an e-mail to Forge World asking them for the recipe they used, and here is what they told me:


For the yellow areas, undercoat with white and then airbrush a 50/50 mix of Tamiya Flat Red and Flat Yellow over the white. Then airbrush Flat Yellow and then Tamiya Clear Yellow in random swirls to give a mottled effect (this stage will need multiple layers after each has dried). Finally airbrush thinned down Tamiya Clear Orange into the edges and recesses.
For the flames it is best to make a stencil of the outline of the desired shapes (thin card or paper would be best) and then lay this on the model in the areas where you want the flames. You can then spray within this area with Tamiya Flat Black.
For the Black areas use Flat Black again and then lightly airbush Tamiya German Grey for the areas that need highlighting.
Hope this helped :smile.:
Edited by Grand Master Laertes
Formidable bunch! My inner NL wants to go flaying a sallie or two, you can't keep looking that good without taking a wound or two :devil: really looking forward for the triumphant finish :D

Lovely Termies Atia!


I'm ridiculously excited for this Reaver though. It's one of my favourite models, I'm just too big a scaredy cat to actually buy one and put it together!



Thanks for the comments Helterskelter and Brother Vidius =)

@Grand Master Laertes: :thanks: ! now atleast, i know how forgeworld had done theirs ... not sure if i'll be able to buy tamiya paints here though :/


little update on the Firedrake squad :> here's Terminator-Brother Flae'nek, bearer of the heavy flamer









Edited by Atia


Firedrake Terminator-squad Kor'Vesh

Veterans of the Realm of Hesiod

The elite of the Salamanders Legion were those Legionaries known as the Firedrakes, veterans chosen not simply for their martial skill, but also because of their mental resilience and capacity for discipline and self-sacrifice; for these were values the Promethean Cult holds in high esteem. Tried and tempered in the flames of war, just as a blade was tempered in the flames of the forge, the Firedrakes were indefatigable and relentless, possessing a singular focus in battle which bordered on the preternatural and legendary resilience; a matter as much to do with their phenomenal willpower as their superhuman physiology or superlatively fashioned arms and armour. Such was the wisdom of Vulkan and the traditions of the Legion that many of the Firedrakes could be found fulfilling numerous roles throughout the ranks, rather than concentrated into elitist cadres as may be found in other Legions; the better to serve as exemplars, champions and protectors. Exceptions to this practice did exist, however, such as the Pyre Guard who served as their Primarch's praetorians and advisors, and warrior bands of Firedrakes, most commonly clad in exquisitely crafted Terminator Armour, who were formed to act as shock troops and line breakers for the Legion in the most deadly battles it undertook.







Almost done Atia! You can do it!

Also, Ebay might be able to help with Tamiya Paints.

And a little extra: http://www.liquitex.com/US/shop/paints/specialties/interference-colors/36099/ EDT used some of this on some of his current WIP minis http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/286355-eds-heresy-kill-teams-wip-thousand-sons-barque/?p=3934827

Thanks Slipstreams, i'll watch ebay for some tamiya paints :) *not sure if i want to use forgeworlds' scheme as it looks more yellow than bright-orange as in the artworks though*.

It's SO awesome!


*handing over a respirator* :D glad you like him :P


The little Firedrakes are looking great!

Awesome work :smile.: I look forward to future endeavours!

thanks brothers =) while the Terminators are finished, you will get more Firedrakes in the next month's! (fighting in different spheres of war)

Awesome, awesome stuff. Is the burning salamander head on the sergeants back from Vulkan Hestan? its looks great as a legion vexilla.

yep, my Artellus Numeon will get a transverse crest, so i gave the burning icon to Kor'Vesh :p

Looking splendid!

I'm impressed, I am not a huge fan of yellow and orange, but you've totally made me a believer :biggrin.:

hehe thanks Flint :P i never liked bright yellow, but more orange-yellow and darker yellow with black is awesome :P

here's a little teaser for my Word Bearers March of the Legions model :) (more pictures tomorrow ... can't wait to start Q.Q)



Superb firedrakes and ooooh can't wait for the dready!

thanks Auggi :tongue.: More Dready's for the Dread-god!

So either a possesed terminator or dread?? Both awesome.

here you go Master GrandMagnus :tongue.:

Anaziel the Ascendet

Annunake of the Gal Vorbak, Host of "Pehlzepu", "Hellbrute" of the Word Bearers, Ferrus Infernum, Butcher of Armatura



Edited by Atia

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