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Howdy Guys and Girls :smile.:


Update on the first Warhound!














Cool stuff :smile.:


Glad you like it =)



Cool stuff Atia. But want more ZM stuff you have that Rocken.


Hehe - will defo do more ZM (and scenery stuff) down the line ^.^

Edited by Atia

Howdy everyone :smile.:


Used today to paint up two of the Rangers in the colours for Mars and Gryphone IV - as these are Skitarii Auxilia I wanted to give them their traditional Forgeworld colours - to make them different from the "normal" Secutarii, Scutarii and dedicated Legio Cybernetica Cohorts who will bear the colours of their Titan Legions. 

























I'm quite pleased how they turned out given their tiny size of 6mm :wub:

Oh how adorable!

They are indeed, aren't they! :wub:


Yeah 6mm can be fun to paint and a nice change of pace sometimes nice work.

Indeed! Painting tiny stuff is awesome and a whole new scale of challenge (giggles). Especially the robes - I know that in theory you should aim for high contrast in EPIC scale to get the best results, but cloth should still have less of it compared to painted armour.


Such smol skitarii. Are you going to add other tiny things to the bases? Bunkers, civ-cars? 

Will prolly decide that spontaneously when planning each base - but in generel I want to stick with my current basing style with added infantry support ^.^


Excellent paint applications on your models.

Glad you like it Bjorn!


Perfect! I'm so happy to see you adding elements to further emphasize the scale of the god machines.

Indeed - I'm also trying to plan out which units of my Titan Support forces would fight close to which class of Titan - faster units like Crusader Robots or infiltrating Sicarii would prolly be used to aid Warhounds, Secutarii Peltasts and Skitarii Auxilia would be behind the engines to kill of any remaining enemies while Secutarii Hoplites would form a shieldwall before Battle Titans.


Those tiny guys look so good, Atia! 


is there a way for you to have their round 'slottas' sink into the base of the titan?

Glad you like them Auggi!


I guess I'll have to remove the tiny bases from my models, atleast for the already finished Titans. 


They are absolutely lovely!

Thanks :blush.:

I'm guessing they're Forumware? There's a bunch of fanmade Epic stuff on eBay currently and I'm sorely tempted to replace my old Epic Marines with some nicely detailed Mk. III ones for my AT bases but for $50 I'm a bit gun shy, especially for something that is essentially just base decoration.

I'm guessing they're Forumware? There's a bunch of fanmade Epic stuff on eBay currently and I'm sorely tempted to replace my old Epic Marines with some nicely detailed Mk. III ones for my AT bases but for $50 I'm a bit gun shy, especially for something that is essentially just base decoration.

Nope. They are from Vanguard Miniatures :)

Do they have rules?

Nope, I'll just use them as base decorations to represent close support autokrator =)

Legio Gryphonicus will be supported by Gryphone IV Skitarii Auxilia, dedicated Legio Cybernetica aswell as their Secutarii - Legio Mortis will get the help of a Marsian Skitarii Legion aswell as their own Secutarii Regiments. Legio Solaria will get some red-and-white Skitarii from Tigrus ...

Did I say Legio Solaria? Ohhhh yes ...


:wub: :wub: :wub:

Howdy Guys and Girls :smile.:


Lets start with some Legio Gryphonicus progress - transfer stage is done and I started with the bases - infantry is still missing though!




Talking about tiny Skitarii - went with more highlightes on the Ranger of the Marsian Auxilia - tell me what you think!








Lastly, as a classic Hobby Butterfly I did a vow for the Titans of the Heresy event - so I need to finish the following tiny Titans

(and maybe 4 more to get the big title :whistling:):


Legio Mortis Janissary Battleline Maniple 

- Reaver Battle Titan Varcarnerix

- Warhound Scout Titan Carrion Crow

- Warhound Scout Titan Sothis


Legio Solaria Venator Light Maniple

- Reaver Battle Titan Domine Ex Venari

- Warhound Scout Titan Velox Canis

- Warhound Scout Titan Cursor Ferro

Edited by Atia
Your painting skills are impressive and most enviable. The infantrymen on the Titans' bases are good touches, conveying a sense of MAJESTY as well as scale. I hope to see the completed models soon.

Your painting skills are impressive and most enviable. The infantrymen on the Titans' bases are good touches, conveying a sense of MAJESTY as well as scale. I hope to see the completed models soon.


Thanks Bjorn :wub:.


Not sure when I'll be able to finish them as I want to do the bases for (atleast some more) Titans together - so I'll focuse more on the (initial) vow for the event for now!


Talking about the event - I'll need some Tigrus' Skitarii Auxilia for the Legio Solaria. Titandeath states the following:




So dark red, creamy white and green lenses - maybe red robes with white armour? Creamy robes with red armour? Split heraldry? What do you guys think would work best?

I say red robes with white armor. Unless he's skilled or lucky enough to keep all his foes beyond arm's reach, blood will inevitably stain a Skitarius' uniform, which will then require cleaning. His headaches will be reduced if he wore red robes, on which bloodstains are less visible- even if the enemy has green (Ork) or blue blood (Tau), as a darker color will help hide stains.

Looking good. If it was my bases I would have glued the little guys to the base before the texture paint is applied so you can hide the bases easier.


Also red robes white armour

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