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Howdi :>


Excellently grotesque! DimDim like....

Thanks DimDim :tongue.:




... gross.


Suppose that means you're on the right track :tongue.:

yeah, i know, you don't like nurgleee that much, but thanks though =D


Great work as always Atia! Wish I had yours (and others) dedicationto painting :tongue.:

aww you're cute slipstreams :smile.: *hug*


Call of Chaos VII: Epidemius, Herald of Nurgle




Epidemius is Nurgle's chosen Tallyman, and one of the seven Proctors of Pestilence who preside over the Plaguebearers. He is charged with cataloguing the potency of Nurgle's many diseases, and is constantly moving through both Daemon and mortal worlds, seeking out new strands of virus, fresh species of bacteria, and innovative symptoms of contagion. Epidemius is known to have been summoned to the surface of Calth, by the Word Bearers during the Horus Heresy.











What's next?



Edited by Atia

Hehe, you seem to have a thing for green models lately. 


Don't go all loyalist on me now :P


I am curious how you'll paint some Salamanders though... only a couple days until the next march of legions anyhow!

Hehe, you seem to have a thing for green models lately. 


Don't go all loyalist on me now :tongue.:


I am curious how you'll paint some Salamanders though... only a couple days until the next march of legions anyhow!

Don't worry! My heart still beats for the secessionists of Horus, the true loyalists in this conflict :tongue.:. March of the Legions gives me indeed the motivation to start the first part of my Salamanders now ;P


Epidemius looks great, can't wait to see the pyroclast!

Great work as ever Atia. I won't pretend I'm not excited to see you start on the Salamanders though :smile.:

Thanks guys :tongue.: Pyroclasts and co. are taking a bath atm, so lets start with some fluff and informations :>





"On the Anvil of War are the strong tempered and the weak made to perish, thus are men's souls tested as metal in the forge's fire."

 - The Primarch Vulkan




Numeration: The XVIIIth Legion


Primogenitor: Vulkan


Cognomen: informal designation "The Fearless"


Observed Strategic Tendencies: Zone Mortalis Engagements, Planetary Interdiction, Liberation and Defence Operations


Noteworthy Domains: The Nocturne System, Caldera, Battle Station Geryon Deep


Allegiance: Fedelitas Totalis


In the great war of the Horus Heresy, many deeds of infamy and valour were writ upon the bloody stars, and at the centre of this maelstrom lay the Salamanders Legion; betrayed, struck down, laid waste and yet resolute against the foe. There are few Legions who have paid such a high price for their loyalty and honour as the Salamanders. There are fewer still who have so willingly and so often shed their blood in Mankind's defence beyond their measure and due. The Salamanders are such a Legion, and though driven to near-destruction not once, but time and again, they have each time arisen from the ashes of war, stronger and tempered like the peerless steel blades fashioned in the legendary forges of their homeworld: unbroken, undefeated and true to their cause.



Note: Pyroclast Legionary Kar'ma Redias, Realm of Hesiod, Istvaan V Massacre


I have planed a small Firedrake force, with both Terminators and power-armor veterans, Vulkan, 2 Dreads and Artellus Numeon, and maybe some tanks for them. After they're finished, i'll paint the last Death Guard models :tongue.: (and then, we will see ... maybe Alpha Legion, or SoH or BA :X). And of course, my Reaver will be build up until the next ETL starts :tongue.:

Edited by Atia

Awww yisss, can't wait to see what you do with Sallies.


I'm just doing a single Cataphractii Terminator with a Heavy Flamer for the March. Might try to go for the Radioactive Green rather than muted; will see :p


Also, that artwork from Vulkan lives always triggers the SC Siege Tank Quote "I'm about to drop the Hammer and deal some indiscriminate Justice!" for whatever reason >_>

Thanks for comments brothers and sisters :smile.: You all keep me motivated :thumbsup:


Haven't done much progress 'cause of holidays and family-meeting, but i want to share a (roughly, fast drawn) concept artwork for a firedrake sergeants' jetbike. Not sure if the WHFB Zombie Drake head is small enough for a Scimitar though :tongue.:


Thanks @ Slipstreams for the idear 



Edited by Atia

if thats not small enough there are always the mortarch mount heads? I think Vlads might be appropriate if thats any help to you. it's gonna be so cool either way!

WOW! Some very impressive stuff you´ve made. How have i missed this thread? I think i´ll follow it!

thanks brother :> 


Love the Plaguebearers :smile.:

:thanks:  never liked the 'eavy metal teams current paint scheme, daemons should be ugly, horrifying things (or in case of slaanesh frightening sexy beasts), and i hoped to achieve something nightmarish :biggrin.:


if thats not small enough there are always the mortarch mount heads? I think Vlads might be appropriate if thats any help to you. it's gonna be so cool either way!

i'll keep an eye on them, aswell as some of the lizardmen and darkelf models, thanks!


Cool idea! The zombie dragon is the exact size you require, I assure you :biggrin.:

wuhu! that would be awesome =)


Happy to help inspire :tongue.:!

great ideas are always appreciated :tongue.:


that's my workplace atm: 




and i've added skulls to the pyroclasts' shoulderpads:





hope to get something done in the next days :tongue.:

Edited by Atia

Index Astartes: Legiones Astartes unique Wargear - Salamanders Legion


Weapons and gear of the realm of Hesiod:



Note: Artificer armour forged by Primarch Vulkan himself. Spear of Hesiod, relic weapon. Personal gear of Lord Protector Numeon.



Note: Dragonscale pattern stromshield



Note: Firedrake Terminator heavy flamer - Mars/Prometheus pattern

Yo dawg! We heard you like to salamander so we put salamander heads on your salamander scales so you can salamander scale while you salamander head. :tongue.:


Finally something that's green yet not Nurglish. Yay! The kitbash looks good so far.

Happy new year everyone :smile.:


Really cool. Can't wait to see him painted. :smile.:

thanks :tongue.:


Yo dawg! We heard you like to salamander so we put salamander heads on your salamander scales so you can salamander scale while you salamander head. :tongue.:


Finally something that's green yet not Nurglish. Yay! The kitbash looks good so far.

Oh, i'll try that!


Yo bro! We heard you like to volkite so we put a volkite on your spear so you can spear while you volkite. :tongue.:


Volkite. Spear mounted Volkite. Today Atia wins. All of it.

jeah :biggrin.: glad you like him^^



painted a test marine, note that the real 'manders will look a bit different 'cause of the scales and flames and so on :tongue.: just tested the green/gold



Edited by Atia

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