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Once the ETL is over I'm strongly considering painting a marine from each Chapter. :happy.:

I couldn't pick a favourite, so why not do them all? :tongue.:


Maybe I'll conjure up some story about a kind of Liberite Union taskforce designed to directly deal with small-but-important missions on behalf of the Liber Conclave while I'm there.:tongue.:

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For the Sector I'm developing, I'm experimenting with the idea of a small Space Marine Order (To me, a Space Marine Order is an Organisation that recruits Marines from other chapters, like the Deathwatch or the Legio Bolter and Chainsword). I imagine something like that could also be possible here ?

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That IA is pure epicness. Well done everyone :) now I really want to paint some Blades ...

Once the ETL is over I'm strongly considering painting a marine from each Chapter. :happy.:

I couldn't pick a favourite, so why not do them all? :tongue.:


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Now that you have one chapter complete. Should we endeavour upon another one?


Sounds good to me GMB, but which one? Put it to a vote maybe?


Sure. Why not?*


Here's the candidates:


  1. -  The Sons of Calderon (Struck from the annals)
  2. -  The Lords Inviolate
  3. -  The Conflagrators
  4. -  The Eagles of Glory
  5. -  The Blackjaw Kindred (Struck from the annals)
  6. -  The Iron Ravagers
  7. -  The Scarlet Sentinels
  8. -  The Aetheric Swords
  9. -  The Black Judges
  10. -  The Angels Exultant (Struck from the annals)
  11. -  The All-Seers
  12. -  The Doomsayers
  13. -  The Black Falcons
  14. -  The Heralds of Letum

Let's make this easy, shall we? Pick a number, brothers, and it cannot be your own Chapter. I vote 7.



(*Besides getting on with Wave Three... :P )
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Sooooooo without wanting to spoil anything before we reach the appropriate point in the timeline for me to expand on this, the Aetheric Swords aren't an option to write up at this point. :ph34r.:


I'll explain properly when we get back up to the appropriate point in the timeline. :wink:



I'm also of the opinion that the more Chapters we write up now, the less room there is for fun, unexpected ideas later.


Right now nothing's set in stone, save for maybe the Blades of the Lion surviving until present day.

Anything could change at a moment's notice - it's just the Chapters and how we have them react to events as they happen, according to their natures.


Writing up the complete history of all the Chapters before we actually explore that history in the ongoing narrative of the Cluster feels to me a bit like reading spoilers for a detective story.


I'd like the Lords Inviolate and the Scarlet Sentinels and the rest of them to all stay with the Imperium and survive to 'present day'... but right now there's always the outside risk that they might not* - and that makes the Cluster much more interesting, at least to me. :happy.:



* Part of the appeal of the Sons of Calderon, Blackjaw Kindred and Angels Exultant is what could have been, after all!

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I second Ace here, I don't want to write any more up until we get to at least M38. And even then, only write things up to the point we have arrived at. For example, the Angels haven't even fallen yet. I feel like there is a lot of development to even get to that point. Plus, I still want to see the Blackjaws return in some way.

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One thing we could consider with the IA's. The Blades was for a competition and it does have room to add or change things based on the history. The other IA's don't need to be at that full level of detail and can be left with some holes in them for later development. 

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I think both GMB and Ace have a point, and this is something the Liber Cluster is in a unique place to do.


First off, this project has the ability to develop these Chapters, and everything else within the Cluster, from the beginning rather than from the M41 present. We can build these Chapters over time, on the progression of time. This means finishing the EWC, moving on to the next relevant event, and so on and so forth until we have a full history.


But as GMB said, we don't need to develop our IA's to be restrictive. They can be as flexible as we want them to be. In fact, we don't even need to create an IA based off of these Chapters in the 41st Millennium. In true Forge World style, we can select a new point in time and create an article that discusses these Chapters up to that point in time.


A good point in time might be the conclusion of the Cluster reconquest, of which the EWC highlights. This means the Sons can get an IA, though their story ends just before, and the Angels can get one for their period as Loyalists. And it means we can forge two articles for each, one soon and one at the very end. Very similar, and very different.


The downside is that it will take a lot of work and time, but hell. How long have we been at this already? What's another couple years?


Either way, we conclude the EWC first.

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That IA is pure epicness. Well done everyone :) now I really want to paint some Blades ...

Once the ETL is over I'm strongly considering painting a marine from each Chapter. :happy.:

I couldn't pick a favourite, so why not do them all? :tongue.:

A suggestion, wait until next year's ETL and make it a vow to paint a marine from each chapter. Then it would support a forum (probably Codex). Due to the special nature of the project, you should be able to paint up a series of characters as part of the vow for more points.

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That IA is pure epicness. Well done everyone :smile.: now I really want to paint some Blades ...

Once the ETL is over I'm strongly considering painting a marine from each Chapter. :happy.:

I couldn't pick a favourite, so why not do them all? :tongue.:


A suggestion, wait until next year's ETL and make it a vow to paint a marine from each chapter. Then it would support a forum (probably Codex). Due to the special nature of the project, you should be able to paint up a series of characters as part of the vow for more points.



Sounds like a plan to me! :biggrin.:

That'll give me plenty of time to get all the bits I need to make these marines work.


Don't rush to describe all your Chapter Masters though, since I'll be sticking pretty close to each Chapter's basic colours where possible.


That and I can't really imagine why all the Chapter Masters would form a squad, short of going armed to a particularly rowdy Conclave. :laugh.:

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That and I can't really imagine why all the Chapter Masters would form a squad, short of going armed to a particularly rowdy Conclave. :laugh.:


The Conflagrators say hi. :lol:

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That and I can't really imagine why all the Chapter Masters would form a squad, short of going armed to a particularly rowdy Conclave. :laugh.:


The Conflagrators say hi. :laugh.:


It's funny, because I knew someone would either volunteer their Chapter as a cause for heavy armament or invent an occasion where all the Chapter Masters gathered for a battle royal.:tongue.:


I'd say I spend too much time in the Liber, except even after six years I haven't spent nearly enough time in the Liber. :laugh.:

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Why not let the Sons of Calderon get a spot, and call it the first meeting of the Liberites in Clusterspace? For many Chapters, this may be their first encounter of each other. It wouldn't just be the first meeting of Chapter Masters, it would be the meeting if the first Chapter Masters.


Well, except for the Black Falcons, who tragically lose their first Chapter Master, alongside their flagship Talionis Rex and all hands, during the tumultuous journey through the Warp into the extragalactic fringes. But his successor shall fit in well enough, I suppose.


Oh, wait. Hm, that would leave the Kindred out. Well, we gotta be trying to hone in on something. I think it was originally stated that we first went after the Terminus Crux, which was missing, and then the former Cluster capital, which was a desolate, irradiated wasteland. Perhaps we rather quickly uncovered and sought out an Imperial signal, which turned out to be the Blackjaw Kindred? And this first meeting was held then, almost like a debriefing of the Kindred?



"Blackjaw . . . Kindred? My lord Inquisitor, I have no memory of such a Chapter, and my records of the first colonization do not have any--"


"It appears the records and memory of your protege are mistaken, Inquisitor. I suggest you see to it thay they are corrected, lest they are compounded with further error. Or hand them over to the Sons of Calderon, and we will make the necessary adjustments ourselves."

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That and I can't really imagine why all the Chapter Masters would form a squad, short of going armed to a particularly rowdy Conclave. :laugh.:


The Conflagrators say hi. :laugh.:



Lord Marshall: *growls loudly from his seat, one hand idlely resting upon the grip of his Plasma Pistol.*




I like the Liber Cluster enough that I'm willing to suffer through painting fifteen lots of tiny eye lenses for it despite my truly atrocious hand-eye co-ordination and generally jittery hands.

But before everyone takes this too far, and just to make things absolutely, one hundred percent, definitively clear, so that nobody is disappointed next year:


Under no circumstances am I building all the Chapter Masters, past or present, of the Liber Cluster Chapters.


...Oh, and the first person to suggest I build fifteen Captains/Chaplains/things that aren't ordinary marines with perhaps thematically appropriate weapons where possible will get their favourite Chapter annexed from the list of stuff being painted.

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Sorry Ace, the Lord Marshall was expressing his displeasure at the implication of the Conflagrators' being the cause of the rowdy conclave. I didn't mean for it to come across as "hint hint paint me please."

I'd like to be the one to build the Lord Marshall when the time comes, or maybe another Sentinel character, probably Commodore-Captain Drake.

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Fiend of Caerbannog – Found upon Drysthelm, in the sulphurous wastes known as Caerbannog, this monster boasts an impressive set of teeth and razor sharp talons. Accompanying a ferocious territorial mindset are powerful hind legs and lightning quick reactions, all of which ensure the Fiend an ability to pounce upon it's victims without warning or mercy. Many have been deceived by its small stature and have paid the ultimate price, their bones and trappings littering the ground around the Fiend's lair. Such is the rarity of the Fiend and its ilk, many believe that only one specimen exists. This assumption is likely due in part to the unwillingness to attempt any study of the one known Fiend and a distinct naivety on the part of those that have braved the wilderness to reach the lair in Caerbannog.


Oh, I hadn't noticed this one. We'll be having rabbit stew for dinner then shall we ?

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Hi everyone, I've just created a new wikia for the Liber Astartes, I believe it would be easier to read and present everyone's creations.


The first article is here : http://liber-astartes.wikia.com/wiki/The_Liber_Cluster#Notable_Locations, so feel free to join and fill in your own creations : in fact, it is heartily recommended ^^


The address for the full wikia is here : http://liber-astartes.wikia.com/wiki/Liber_Astartes_Wikia

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Oops, sorry :-( I thought that since this wikia would be an addition to the Bolter and Chainsword rather than a stand-alone deal that it would be all right, but I'll see what I can do.

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I've changed the logo for the wikia, and I've started adding the info from the Liber Cluster. Its just the bare bones though, so you may need to do a bit lot of editing:tongue.:


Thanks Teetengee for already contributing :wink:

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