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Quick question Olis, what exactly is there left to do on Zavatista? As I recall the Conflagrators & Kindred took all but one Refinery-Ship that was later captured by the Guard, the Untaken contingent got thrashed and got the hell out of the system, and the Conflagrators decided to finish off their best day ever (remember Operation: Oh My God The Horizon Is On Fire?) by exploding several ships just cause they could.
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Quick question Olis, what exactly is there left to do on Zavatista? As I recall the Conflagrators & Kindred took all but one Refinery-Ship that was later captured by the Guard, the Untaken contingent got thrashed and got the hell out of the system, and the Conflagrators decided to finish off their best day ever (remember Operation: Oh My God The Horizon Is On Fire?) by exploding several ships just cause they could.


In the final paragraph of the write up about the fight on Zavatista, the planet was retaken by Lion forces within the year:


At the following Conclave, the Conflagrators rejected and denied assertions of careless behaviour, shouting down other advocates with reminders of the Conflagrator dead, those Kindred that had fallen in the fighting and the apparent retaking of Zavatista Lesser by Lion forces just one year later. They argued that they were justified of every action taken, every body burned and every refinery-ship sunk. Not every delegation took them for their word.


It's kinda buried down there, so yeah, I can see why it would be missed. The size of the Lion counter-attack and the concentration of their forces would be up to you - it could be a simple mop-up operation or a surprisingly tough fight, if you like. 

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So I didn't realize that we should just go ahead and keep writing, I was waiting on a planet/army assignment.

(Wasn't pushing too much because of ETL too).


So, do we have any major hive or trading planets in the 18 worlds right now, because I would think such worlds would be necessary for any sort of strong presence in the cluster.


So after the end of this week (as I still have some Hoardkeepers to write up....) I will start writing up the third battle the Iron Ravagers and Angels Exultant fight, over some densely populated trade planet.

I am thinking that at the end of it, the Angels may lose control and there will be a bloodbath between Ravagers and the Angels that colours their relationship extremely harshly. (as their relationships in the matrix I believe should remain remarkably strained)

Here were my thoughts on what should happen in the battle and what the planet might be like Wade.


Since the Angels rely so heavily on faith in the Emperor and the Ravagers have so little faith in living things or in individuals I thought that such notions should come to a head and end messily and violently due to the Angels severe flaws. Still this is not the moment of their fall, so at the very least, the Ravagers shouldn't be able to prove it wasn't their fault. And their cold nature should likely be partially to blame.

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So, I have the Faceless Astartes and the crazy Blood Angels successor (but I repeat myself) on...any details on this particular unnamed planet, or can I do whatever I want?


No details yet. Knock yourself out. :)

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  • 1 month later...

-= Flames of Judgement - the fall of Naxa Secundus =-


Though many of the worlds reclaimed from the Sereiki Lions in the Eighteen Worlds Crusade were damaged badly, perhaps none suffered as much damage as Naxa Secundus and its' moon, Ogris. Naxa Secundus was a world run by crime, dominated by millions-strong gangs and the Lions' own military forces. There were no innocents - crime and violence permeated almost every aspect of Naxii life.


However, before Naxa Secundus could be dealt with, the Imperium would have to retake Ogris. Ogris was a large, barren moon that had been converted into a heavily defended and massive factorum, producing arms and armour for the Sereiki Lions' forces. Furthermore, Ogris boasted considerable orbital defences - missile grids, scatter-cannons and ground-mounted heavy lance batteries dotted the landscape, making any approach by Imperial vessels difficult. Initial attempts to claim the moon by the Imperial Guard ended disastrously, so the Space Marines were tasked with aiding in the reclamation of Ogris.


Always eager to bring the burning light of The Emperor to dark places, the Conflagrators leapt at the chance to scourge Ogris clean. Clad in the dual armours of their prized Battle Barge the Ignis Aeterna  and their unbreakable faith in The Emperor, the Conflagrators' moved on Ogris without fear or hesitance. Their approach was, in part, screened by Battlefleet Elibus, which lost six vessels to Ogris' defence grid. Though tragic, it was this great sacrifice that opened the door for the Imperium to repay the debt of lives lost to the guns of Ogris. The Ignis Aeterna still suffered significant damage, losing roughly a quarter of the ship to a concentrated barrage of firepower as it drew close enough to deploy it's cargo of Space Marines. Even this damage, however, could not halt the Battle Barge, nor quell the burning fury of the Conflagrators.


The Conflagrators made landfall in spectacular fashion; drop pods and Thunderhawks alike descending on the moon with decisive, deadly swiftness, crippling gun emplacements and routing enemies with billowing waves of superheated flame. Within mere minutes the Conflagrators had deployed their Land Raider Redeemers, using them a rolling spearhead to demolish any and all attempts at resistance put up by the Lions' forces. Enemies would be creamted in waves of fire, their buildings and shelters charred into ruin and their ashes scattered to the winds. Their vengeance was absolute; the flames of their wrath burning as brightly as their flames of their inner zeal and hate.


What was left of Ogris was a blackened, desolate husk, adorned with the countless trampled and scorched skeletons of it's former defenders. Sections of the Factorum, built into the very rock of Ogris, had collapsed, leaving behind massive craters filled with the ruins of the battle and the ashes of the slain.


While the Conflagrators initiated repairs on their stricken Battle Barge and made ready to move onward, Naxa Secundus would find itself in perhaps even greater peril. Independently of the campaign plans of the Lords Inviolate, the Black Judges' Second and Fifth Companies arrived on Naxa Secundus, carrying out one of their 'prosecution campaigns' to pass judgement on this world of criminals.


Deploying on the high mountains of Naxa Secundus, the Companies of the Black Judges swept down into the planet-sprawling city below like a hammer, crushing every effort to resist their approach beneath them as they marched. Citizens and gang members of all kinds fled from the oncoming Space Marines, powerless before their wrath.


The Judges had studied Naxa Secundus for months beforehand, evaluating their crime-dominated world and weighing the actions of it's people carefully. And now they had reached their verdict: The fate of Naxa Secundus would be death, exactly as merciless and unceasing as a world with no laws deserved. However, even in this harsh sentence the Judges were not without mercy - those that chose to accept their judgement without struggle would be given a quick, clean death, and sent before The Emperor to repent their failings.


There were attempts to fight back. Gangs rallied to their leaders and attempted to halt the advance of the Black Judges, fighting with the desperation of men with everything to lose. The gangs literally numbered into the millions, and were able to bring down isolated Judges through sheer attrition despite their heavily inferior weaponry and armour. But the Black Judges would not be denied. Clad in their black cloaks, the Judges spread across the vast city as inexorably as the fall of night.


But this would not be the worst of the destruction. Having restored enough of the Ignis Aeterna to guarantee safe passage to Naxa Secundus, the Conflagrators swiftly redeployed to the sinful world, engulfing as much as they could in storms of fire.


The Black Judges had planned a more permanent fate than mere flames, however. Naxa Secundus would become an example, a warning to those who would break the laws of The Emperor and the Imperium. In several key locations, the Black Judges had set specially-constructed bombs, designed to punch holes deep into the core of Naxa Secundus and collapse sections of the planet in on itself. The Conflagrators, for their part, were simply content to reduce the world to ashes, like they had on Ogris.


When the two forces confronted each other, however, they could not agree on a course of action. The Conflagrators insisted the Judges abandon their plans and put Naxa Secundus to the flames, and the Judges were livid that another Chapter dared to question their judgement.


It is unknown if the Black Judges and the Conflagrators came to blows over this disagreement: Reports from the Black Judges indicate the Conflagrators fired on the Judges but the Conflagrators reports' deny any such thing happening. It is known, however, that the Conflagrators refused the Judges access to two of their planned bomb sites, and the Judges for their part simply returned to orbit, before detonating the bombs without any warning to the Conflagrators.


The planet underwent considerable seismic activity, and roughly a quarter of Naxa Secundus was consumed in a vast landslide. The Conflagrators' losses came to twenty-one marines, although how many of them were caused by the bomb and how many died as a result of enemy actions during the battle tends to vary from report to report.


To say the relationship between both Chapters soured drastically is to miss a perfect chance to describe the relationship between the two sides as 'allies in name only'; with both Chapters actively seeking to undermine the power, credibility and reputation of the other in the Liber Conclave for over a hundred years, all the while refusing to work together.





Just to clarify, my intent here is for the Lords Inviolate to make the Judges and Conflagrators to bury their differences and co-operate again at some point down the road. :happy.:


It's always nice to give the leaders room to show why they're in charge, after all. :biggrin.:



Oh, and sorry this took so long. Life has been crazy lately. :sweat:

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  • 4 months later...

Okay, with the thread about the Liber Astartes Campaign up atm, I'm interested to see who has any stuff written up for this last stretch. If you have anything, post it, if you don't then say so. Be honest. Whatever has not been written up so far will instead get put on my pile of things to dotm and I'll hopefully crunch out what is missing before the next ETL.


I'll send out a PM tomorrow just to cover the bases and make sure everyone is notified. 

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Okay, with the thread about the Liber Astartes Campaign up atm, I'm interested to see who has any stuff written up for this last stretch. If you have anything, post it, if you don't then say so. Be honest. Whatever has not been written up so far will instead get put on my pile of things to dotm and I'll hopefully crunch out what is missing before the next ETL.


I'll send out a PM tomorrow just to cover the bases and make sure everyone is notified.


I'll happily write up any leftover tasks. :happy.:

Heck, I'll make space at the top of my to do list.


Although I'd rather we focused on finishing one forum-wide campaign at a time, I'm ambitious and daft enough to try for two at once if required to.:turned:

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*glances wearily at unfinished draft for the 2nd Battle of Zavatista* (sigh) This :cuss story, I can't recall how many times I've drawn up and re-written this damned battle, the only thing keeping me sane was it that was an optional battle. But now... I will not let this thread die on account of my laziness! The Liber Cluster has birthed so many great stories and ideas I can't stand the thought of it ending unfinished, perhaps coming back to it after all this time can kindle the embers of my creativity.
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*glances wearily at unfinished draft for the 2nd Battle of Zavatista* (sigh) This :censored: story, I can't recall how many times I've drawn up and re-written this damned battle, the only thing keeping me sane was it that was an optional battle. But now... I will not let this thread die on account of my laziness! The Liber Cluster has birthed so many great stories and ideas I can't stand the thought of it ending unfinished, perhaps coming back to it after all this time can kindle the embers of my creativity.


I will leave Zavatista to you, for now, brother. In the meantime, I must PM some people. :)

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Caecus is a :cuss. I have done all sorts of research, but I am still not quite sure about how I want to execute it. It's been on back burner though for a while, so perhaps coming back to it now will help. I may want to bounce ideas off someone though.

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Ahhh I'd nearly forgotten about this little slice of the board. What have my Doomsayers been up to? Apart from basically driving a chapter to renegdeism



If Conn is cool with it, I can try to divvy up responsibilities right now so that we can get on with things:


Helfen -  Aetheric Swords + All Seers   Olis

Caecus - Blackjaw Kindred + Doomsayers   Teetengee

Naxa Secundus + Ogris - Black Judges + Conflagrators   Ace Debonair

Unnamed planet - Eagles of Glory + Lords Inviolate   Reyner

Unnamed planet - Iron Ravagers + Angels Exultant   Wade Garrett

Thravis Prime Round 2 - Scarlet Sentinels + Heralds of Letum   Conn Eremon

Zavatista Round 2 (Optional) - Blades of the Lion + Black Falcons   SanguiniusReborn 


Objections? Anything that should be different? Did I get anything obviously wrong?



Here's what they are doing for the third wave. Teetengee has writing duties. You can join him if you wish. You've got five weeks. ;)

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Olis man I thought this died . The All-Seers are fighting off an Ork invasion of the Home system but that is as far as I got. Right now I have little time but I maybe able to finish it off.


Can you get it done in five weeks? If there is any doubt, give me or Ace what you have and we'll shoulder it.

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How much are we willing to explore the BIG QUESTIONS of the 40k universe in this project? Some stuff about nids/chaos/old ones/necrons came up in my research that I may have trouble not trying to provide answers to.


So long as you can bash it out before the ETL, I don't care. Tweaking can come later. If you have concerns, PM me. 


I'll see if I can find the old star maps I had made.


This is unexpected, but welcome nonetheless. Did you happen to catch the work Lucernius gave us a while back?

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No I didn't. I also don't have the planet names any more. Most of the files I see just have the planets marked with lens flares and grids for sub sectors but none of the text layers.



Keep in mind these are Badab style maps and not the stylized HH maps of the more recent books, the Orpheus map requires tools I can't emulate in gimp for the warp route markers.

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