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Depends on what you're going to do. Honestly, I should dump some points into giving mine bolters so that when they drop out of their Kharbydis, they can double tap. However, I prefer them in the mobile transport so they can move an additional 6". I've found despoilers to be phenomenal - they mulch other tactical squads, terminators (weight of attacks), and can krak grenade certain vehicles to death. Also worth slapping an apothecary on if possible - they tend to make their points back in one turn.

Imo the Sons of Horus should ALL be equipped in MkIV or better. All their unique units come im variations of it, even the Justaerins look like mkIV Cataphractii.

Eh, to each his own. I find it too clean for their brutal tactics, and the Crusade armour more appropriate. I'm planning on giving my Sons a throw-back spin (maybe even full-blown Luna Wolves).


Depends on what you're going to do. Honestly, I should dump some points into giving mine bolters so that when they drop out of their Kharbydis, they can double tap. However, I prefer them in the mobile transport so they can move an additional 6". I've found despoilers to be phenomenal - they mulch other tactical squads, terminators (weight of attacks), and can krak grenade certain vehicles to death. Also worth slapping an apothecary on if possible - they tend to make their points back in one turn.

Why in the world would you want to exit your Kharybdis if you aren't charging that turn? That means you just arrived, so the Kharybdis is most likely not in optimal position due to its size and lack of inertial guidance, and you're going to pile out your squad in a nice clumped formation just to get some bolter shots off?



Imo the Sons of Horus should ALL be equipped in MkIV or better. All their unique units come im variations of it, even the Justaerins look like mkIV Cataphractii.

Eh, to each his own. I find it too clean for their brutal tactics, and the Crusade armour more appropriate. I'm planning on giving my Sons a throw-back spin (maybe even full-blown Luna Wolves).

Depends on what you're going to do. Honestly, I should dump some points into giving mine bolters so that when they drop out of their Kharbydis, they can double tap. However, I prefer them in the mobile transport so they can move an additional 6". I've found despoilers to be phenomenal - they mulch other tactical squads, terminators (weight of attacks), and can krak grenade certain vehicles to death. Also worth slapping an apothecary on if possible - they tend to make their points back in one turn.

Why in the world would you want to exit your Kharybdis if you aren't charging that turn? That means you just arrived, so the Kharybdis is most likely not in optimal position due to its size and lack of inertial guidance, and you're going to pile out your squad in a nice clumped formation just to get some bolter shots off?

Just said it was a possibility, not what I was doing in reality. And yes, the Kharbydis does have inertial guidance.


If you're looking for brutal, don't do mkII, do mkV as its synonymous with a brutal aesthetic (see charcarodons, world eaters).

Oh man, the one time I flew it I treated it like a giant, difficult-to-land dreadclaw. I love this thing more and more.


I've seen a few pictures of MkII limbs with the Sons' torsos, and I like it. I might incorporate some of the MkV legs here and there, but I'm not a fan of the standard vox-grill helmets (if I was fighting modern space marines, I'd be trying to shoot them in the mouth).  Again, doing a throw-back force, so MkV is wholly inappropriate.

So I've considered swapping out my leviathan, pod, and a Javelin to run a Cortus dread mob of 3 with 2 DCCWs and extra armor on them all (I don't care if they can't shoot, but I do care if they can't move - it's their jive).


Nothing says "Eff yo' throne" like a good dread mob. Just an idea for a list swap.

So I've considered swapping out my leviathan, pod, and a Javelin to run a Cortus dread mob of 3 with 2 DCCWs and extra armor on them all (I don't care if they can't shoot, but I do care if they can't move - it's their jive).


Nothing says "Eff yo' throne" like a good dread mob. Just an idea for a list swap.


This may be the better way to run Corus, in my experience.  I was all over podding them when we first got the rules, but found them incredibly fragile.  I don't think people realize they only get their 5+ against shooting attacks from the front arc, so their sides are completely undefended AV11.  Once the pod went, the Cortis went right after, without too much additional investment from the opponent, every time (regular Contemptors and especially Leviathans either survive or soak so much firepower before dying that the rest of the army is unmolested).


Running them as a mob might actually be a better route, since you can use them to block each others flanks, and put forward a wall of AV13/5++.  The question becomes, what weapons do you run them with?  The pf/cf dual grav variant is nice and dangerous, but needs to get there (with guns being 18" range).  Thankfully, with Fleet, Move through Cover, and Atomantic Overcharge, you have a 33" + re-rollable D6" threat range by the second turn.  It won't help you alpha-strike their Spartan on turn one, but you could conceivably destroy the Spartan and then charge and maul the crap out of the contents.  I can't think of many death stars that would enjoy 3 Contemptors charging in for 15 S10 AP2 attacks at I5 (or 18 at I4). I guess guys like Horus and Perturabo could handle it, but you get the benefit of the Contemptors being independent, so they have to split attacks and risk under-killing them.


What about giving them ranged guns?  Kheres cannons are my usual drug, but BS4 makes it less appealing. TL-lascannon deals with the BS issue, but is a bit underwhelming.  Conversion beamer is potent and also gets around ballistic skill, but it's expensive and you can only have one; it also really doesn't mesh with the fist weapon options, unless you just go cheapskate and leave it stock or opt for the heavy flamer.


I'm going to have to give this a try.  Cortus Contemptors took my lists by storm when first spoiled, but since have been replaced with a second Leviathan when I'm playing pod-heavy lists. I will admit, part of the reason was really not wanting to buy, assemble, paint and transport a third dreadpod.

Kheres cannons could work fist turn with rerolling ones, but my line of thinking is just to keep them moving to threaten and squish stuff. They're not shooty enough nor durable enough to just move 6" at a time up the field. I think that by running them in a wedge, you can get AV13 and a 5+ save/5+ cover save from another dread.


If you want to get on the Warmaster's good side, use them to push up a flank and drop your big baddies on the other flank to squeeze the enemy like a pimple. If they move or infiltrate towards you, even better! Don't get them into fight with Leviathans or possibly other Contemptors unless you absolutely need to (use gangbanger tactics, you're a Cthonian dangit!). Use them to beat up TEQs, Castellax, and other expensive units. If you need to run them into another squad or speedbump, don't hesitate as being in assault is 100% gauranteed protection from all those nasty shooty weapons that will eat Corti up.

I've built 20 reavers with jet packs to add to my army as an infantry core and I have a couple of questions:

First, do you think equipping all of them with volkite chargers is worth the ponts? Or is it too expensive and banestrike or even boltguns would be better? And combi-weapons?

Second, to bring them in is it better the Black Reaving, having to pay a master of the signal, or Maloghurst, that oddly doesn't fit anywhere in my army and always ends doing nothing in a heavy support squad?

And at last, do I bring two units of ten or a unit of ten and two of five? The second option is 55 points more expensive, but gives you more maneuverability and I usually play against 40k, when this is more important.

Volkites are great, but you'll find them decidedly lacking if you're moving up the board rather than being held in reserve. Also to consider is all the points you'll be dropping into the Reavers - one must consider that when they die like regular marines.


Black Reaving seems utterly pointless when you can take so many benefits from the Long March instead without any negatives. But if you're planning on running 3+ troops choices, then I'd recommend taking the Black Reaving.


I'd just say that the Black Reaving is a waste of effort. The bonuses received are just meh. Fleet from reserves? Well you're likely to be shooting with the squads since you're not allowed to assault, and running will not do much; besides if you have the Long March, ALL units in no man's land get fleet all the time. Justaerin can deep strike? I guess that's cool now that we have death dealers, though I'd rather have them come out of a Dreadclaw because it provides protection and mobility to an assault unit, not to mention not placing your expensive terminators in a nice blast template formation. Rage when assaulting an already engaged unit? Well more than likely you'll have more than one assault going on on the same turn, so you'd need to wait a turn before doing anything, presuming none of the units are wiped out.


There's a lot of ifs in that RoW and many restrictions as well. Maybe it just doesn't fit my play style, but I see little reason in taking it.


Just my two cents :)

 Well you're likely to be shooting with the squads since you're not allowed to assault, and running will not do much; besides if you have the Long March, ALL units in no man's land get fleet all the time.




depth: I think you need to relook at Long march.  If memory serves me correctly, the Special rules present by long war (relentless/fleet/crusader?) are determined by where the majority or bulk of your forces are on the table.  As such, you would only get fleet if 50+% (or the largest concentration, which ever is higher) of your forces were in no man's land.  I think this is done to prevent shennanigens such as having relentless heavy support squads in the SoH deployment area while most of the force is in no man's land or in the enemy deployment area.

The problem I have with the Long March is that I have no dreadclaws to transport my justaerin and the BR at least gave me deep strike. Also I can't take the reavers as troops, which means I'll have to take less reavers and more units like tacticals or vets, which, even though they're fine, I don't like as much.
The Black Reaving isn't as bad as people make out. The reason it was rubbish before was because Justaerin were horrible and we didn't have Death Dealer. I still run The Black Reaving with 3 Units of Reavers and to be honest can't see myself changing at the moment.

I've been thinking of taking Mal (angel's wrath), three squads of jetpack reavers, Justaerins, storm eagle (Mal and Justaerins go here), and a fire raptor at 2500.


Seems like death dealers + hit and run works well. Having 15 jumppack reavers should also help you outnumber your opponents. They still have the problem of being blown to pieces before they get into combat though.


I am torn between this and OA with reavers in dreadclaws and mal and justaerins in a kharybdis and probably a fire raptor.

Well, if you're deepstriking in you're not charging either way so might as well load up on Combi-Plasma to make use of Deathdealers.


Otherwise, if you wanted some punch as you charge in, combi-flamers or combi-meltas could work since they're assault....buuut that adds to the units bloat.

The problem I get with combi weapons is that they get too pricey and survive the same as normal marines (and can't take apothecaries). For me they work better with volkite (which are still a big point investment but they can actually fire more than once), a couple of special weapons or even raw.

The problem I get with combi weapons is that they get too pricey and survive the same as normal marines (and can't take apothecaries). For me they work better with volkite (which are still a big point investment but they can actually fire more than once), a couple of special weapons or even raw.

If your going to run special weapons I suggest running your Reavers in Pods. That way you get a guaranteed round of shooting with your good guns.

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