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Nope, sorry.. mostly because I can't find a unit he'd je useful to go with and he is highly dependable on the opponents.. guess against nurgle demons he might do okay. But otherwise.. umm nope.


Thinking about characters.. which ones are regulary used by other SoH Players?


Personally I always go for the Praetor beatstick with 2+/4++, digital lasers and paragon blade. Sometimes with reavers/levys and void shield harness, sometimes alone or as a trap/fire magnet in levys with phase walker to jump around when it gets serious and than slice through objective holders.. atm I'm fielding legion/cult horde armylists, so basically he always finds a good spot to go with.


While I always had no love foe Mal.. since we got death dealers (combi madness!!) and since meltabomb veteran squads are pretty dead now with only a single grenade in CC.. Still no idea where to put him, definately not in a front unit, rather a backfield one.. but except volkite heavy support squads and quadmortars there are usually no other backfield units in 2-2,5 k lists, especially when you are pumping points into reavers as troops.. where do you stick yours? He is only useful in pure CAL lists, where you can't take something different than 3+ as troops..

I don't like Maloghurst much either, but the couple of times I've run him he works well in a justaerin unit, where he won't slow them, though it makes them unable to pick a dreadclaw. I prefer much more a cataphractii praetor with paragon blade and digital lasers for my justaerin, I run them with tBR and deep striking 2 units of six and the praetor is always hilarious and quite devastating for the opponent.

Mal is pretty damn cheap for another scoring unit that unlocks Reavers and Veterans as troops. Sniper Veterans are still good, they are just 20 points cheaper now because you only buy a melta-bomb for the Sgt. Reavers are still good, etc.


I am in a state of limbo right now, I don't want to build anything else until the new Legion book is spoiled/acquired.

New Legion Book? I missed something I O.O Got a link or anything please??


The only thing I took veterans over reavers was the melta bombs thing.. now reavers became way more interesting with 10 2+ hitting combi plas or combi meltas (if you face non armored ceramite LOW of course) in a dreadclaw.. now that MBs suck.. a lightning and/or grav became even more important..


Cult Horde/Legion armys still give you 6 levys for scoring purposes on min bucks and you can buy reavers in the underwhelming FA slot.. so still no real deal to take mal unless you go full legion.

Image of cover was posted on Warhammer Fest spoiler thread. There will also be a collector's edition of some sort. No idea on content, whether it's just combining the first 6 books, or actually updating and fixing a few things here and there like they did with the AoD Legions book.

I'm going to try out Tybalt Mar and let you guys know how he works. My only quibble is that his warlord trait is useless for me because I'm having him in a transport, and I don't play against any infiltrators.


Well to be fair, there's a scouting Proteus, but still, you can't make it take a pinning check -_-

Tybalt seems lackluster to me because of ap3.. sure, you usually don't send your chars into 2+ units cause 30k heroes have way less damage output and are more fragile than 40k ones, but still, they should be able to wipe small units on their own and don't die cause they can't manage to kill an AA sergeant with powetfist..


Still waiting for Aximand, Kibre and Ekaddon..


Aximand was pictured with a powerfull sword (paragon blade at least) and fighting with breachers quite a few times, so I hope he is geared for bloody CC and have maybe a good defensive gear with an option to take a nice unique boarding shield or such.. on top of this a strategic bonus as he is a pretty tactical thinker rather than a brutal killer like abbadon..


Ekaddon should unlock Reavers as troops, have a jump pack, be a choppy or assassination char and maybe speed up a unit he is attached to, something like charging from outflanking would be nice..


Kibre.. few things to say, but something into the direction of Abbadon..


Abaddon would be worth a try if he had eternal warrior at the same points.


Hope for Luperci and Noctua as well.



At the moment, beside Horus, IMO a Praetor/Delegatus/Mal are the only fitting chars for a common SoH list. Everything else isn't either fluffy, needed or just support officer..


What are your thoughts about a praetor on jetbike? Does he have deep strike too? Jetbikers have it in their rules, the jetbike as gear hasn't. Thought about letting him roam the board on his own, as with 24" he is damn fast and can support anywhere on the board.. thing I value the phase walker relic so high is that I can quickly shift forces, otherwise when riding with a squad, the praetor is often quite stranded once he and his unit ate the first unit. With 6" you are way to slow and even with a dreadclaw, you rarely get more than two units per game if you face a clever opponent (1. Deepstrike, 2. Attack and Kill 3. Go into Dreadclaw, 4. Move, 5. Attack and kill 6. If you are lucky, dish up the rest..)

In a vacuum I'd agree, but usually you have plenty of AP3 in your list lol. I just think he's fluffy and fun, and on the other hand he strikes at I6 in challenges and all you need to do is get a lucky 6 and have the opponent fail a ++ to instagib them. Most other praetors out there are only I5 (at least loyalist ones).


Edit: when I've had a praetor/Mal/Tybalt in a Kharybdis, I've had plenty of time to move them back in after killing a unit to move and attack another lol. Jetbike is nice...but what unit will you put him in? Bikes and jetbikes are expensive for what they bring to assault, which ain't much.

Edited by depthcharge12

Would run the praetor on his own. T5 means eternal warrior except against some primarchs, dreads, typhons and vindicators. So basically he is safe against anything I want him to go toe to toe with.


He is choppy, is pretty safe to powerfists and lascannons and can be shifted fast. Turn 1 full speed in position and if possible out of LOS, turn 2 in your face against small units or backfield units or to support whereever needed, turn 3 and onwards chop through anything that you can reach. Seems to be better than phase walker, but you can't hide him as easy as with the relic nor can you get away as easy if you try to press the panic run awy button ;)

One of the best units in the game IMO, especially because you can get them as troops to get around the troop taxes.. 2 wounds with 2+/4++ and WS5 S6 with axes on the charge plus stubborn is pretty brutal.. put 5 in a dreadclaw and add some combiweapons and they will much through everything except a dedicated deathstar.. can up them to 10 with Horus and Abbadon and use them as a deathstar as well..

I run them in 2 units of 6 with power mauls and a fist and deepstrike them with tBR. Just brutal. 2 wounds 2+ 4++ makes for a tough as hell unit that shoots and fights in CaC well. I don't run les than 2 units and sometimes I even run 3.

Also how do you get them as troops? Is it the Primarch Chosen RoW?

Edited by The Traitor

Guys, what has been your experience with the Justaerin post update?

Thanks to buffs from either Abaddon or Horus (deepstriking ability) they are, imo, arguably the best Terminator variant in the Heresy game.


Really, really good. I would run a squad with Combi weapons joined by Horus and a Primus Medicae (in Termie armour) for a guaranteed turn 2, no scatter arrival.


Horus can tank any str8+ shooting, the rest of the squad can look-out-sir small arms fire. With FNP the unit is very hard to grind down, and would panick your opponent.


With BS5 in rapid fire range, plasmas are a great weapon to eliminate Marines or Elite Infantry, or Meltas to damage vehicles or Knights.

Edited by Ishagu

Also how do you get them as troops? Is it the Primarch Chosen RoW?


You can use any elite slot terminators as troops in Pride of the Legion (so Justaerin, Red Butchers, Death Shroud etc) but not Primarch's Chosen, funnily enough.


Chosen only allows you to use standard legion terminators as troops. 


Also how do you get them as troops? Is it the Primarch Chosen RoW?


You can use any elite slot terminators as troops in Pride of the Legion (so Justaerin, Red Butchers, Death Shroud etc) but not Primarch's Chosen, funnily enough.


Chosen only allows you to use standard legion terminators as troops.

I thought PotL also just allowed normal terminators. That is good to know, though I still prefer tBR, reavers are pretty good with death dealers and 40 attacks on the charge. Edited by The Traitor
  • 2 weeks later...

Where are the new Justaerin points and this Deathdealer ability located? I haven't noticed them in book 6.

New Legion Red Book. 







I don't remember off hand, do tac support squads get to use Dreadclaws as DTs?

-If so why would you use Reavers(aside from being troops) in a drop fire support role over a cheaper support squad with melta or plasma?


Doing a Long March list at 3k


-I like reavers and their utility but their cost is prohibitive for a swiss knife unit. I would prefer to use them as a melee unit with jump packs. I can see their use in outflanking but that whole not coming in where you need them possibility and the possibility your opponent doesn't stick something in the corner would make an expensive force partially useless.


Considering Abbadon in my list with a full unit of justaerian. Thinking half with plasma combi, half with melta. Are they worth upgrading to MM or HFs in a drop and smash unit or just stick with combis?.(2 CFs, the rest a mix of claws and axes.)


3 pods total, two claws and a DDP, the rest of the force is  ground pounders and a large reaver jump squad.



edit NM support squads dont get them. So hmm 5 man combi weapon squads in dreadclaws?

Edited by Galron

So guys, let me ask - how come everyone isn't just running Long March, with 10 man plasma support squads in dreadclaws? Arriving on turn one, 20 shots hitting on 2's and rerolling ones..?


Had a chance to see this in action last night and it was totally insane!

Because unless it changed in the new book, dread claws aren't DTs for support squads so they take up slots. But yes they are incredibly nasty units in orbital assault lists in normal pods, I don't field all 10 guys though. Six or seven guys typically does as well and throw in an apothecary.

Hm.. propably because reaver squads do the same with combiweapons, take up a single slot with Dreadclaw and can be troops as well.. are way better in close combat and have precision shots and strikes. For the same price


Yes, reavers can only unleash 1 volley.. but there is hardly more than 1 deathstar which is worth it pumping 20 plasmashots into.

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