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All Space Hulk terminators look beautiful, but those especially. Awesome stuff, SpiralingCadaver - I could stare at those for ages! I second (third, I suppose) the opinion on the hammer. Fantastic work, as is everything on this thread.

Oh, also, if you don't tell me the recipe for that red I will beat it out of you. smile.png

Yeah, really striking effect!

Is that... a pun? I honestly can't work out if it's awful or beautiful. smile.png

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Thanks all (and for the pun, Stobz, would've asked if Perfluous hadn't).


Glad about the turquoise- for some reason, that color just really clicks for me, makes it really straightforward to paint.


On the red, I'm not positive since it's all by feel, but something along the lines of (in probably outdated GW colors since they've changed their names faster than I can use paint)...


blood red w/ a tiny bit of scorched brown, as a base

add wazdakka(? cold red) and more scorched brown for a shade

more s brown and some black for the darkest shade


back to the base with a touch of bubonic brown, for the first highlight

more bubonic brown added to highlights until it's light orange

around 50/50 yriel and bubonic for the extreme highlight

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Ah, thanks. And they told me that threatening people would never get me anywhere!


It's a great colour - I'm having a hard time getting my red to stop looking as though the Marine applied his Agrax Earthshade mascara with too big a brush. I'll give your method a shot.



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Well, winners still don't do drugs...or something. Actually, no. I take that back, there are certainly some inebriants that facilitate creative stuff. Hmm, wrecking all those preconceptions.


And yeah, I guess the big thing is using warm dark brown and yellow brown, since black will desaturate and yellow tends to be thin.

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Thanks :)So, this was a rather unusual one I got asked to work on, I think he came out pretty well (notes & green)http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-A4W5cHlu4W0/Vo7kJFeP_nI/AAAAAAAADqY/ou_BC2z0IpU/s1600/link%2Bcypher.jpg

Your work on the Zelda themed marines looks really good. You've managed to tie together the imagery of both styles and creat something that is much more than the sum of its parts!

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