ThatOneMarshal Posted February 10, 2016 Share Posted February 10, 2016 Here's a picture, courtesy of Mr Parker: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Allart01 Posted February 10, 2016 Share Posted February 10, 2016 That's it. We're totally on the way to the Bloodgod now. Can't wait to see it reflect on the rules. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Relict Posted February 11, 2016 Share Posted February 11, 2016 I can see pulling that shade of red properly being somewhat of a challenge (especially to do it consistently). We won't want to look like an army of deranged Santa Clauses, now do we? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Khornestar Posted February 11, 2016 Share Posted February 11, 2016 I can see pulling that shade of red properly being somewhat of a challenge (especially to do it consistently). We won't want to look like an army of deranged Santa Clauses, now do we? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skrall Posted March 28, 2016 Share Posted March 28, 2016 Hi chaps, i've just stumbled on this page so I thought i'd join in.Introducing Captain Khel'ghar Skrall of the 117th 'The Marked' Company. suspect i'll have more to show in the future once more of my models arrived, though i'll probably doing a mid-post heresy style warband. -skrallP.s where do i get myself one of those nice little world eater name graphics? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted March 29, 2016 Share Posted March 29, 2016 Here you go, Slaughter-Brother: Wear it with pride! As I've said elsewhere, that is one sweet Khârn conversion! Excellent work! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skrall Posted March 29, 2016 Share Posted March 29, 2016 Here you go, Slaughter-Brother: Wear it with pride! As I've said elsewhere, that is one sweet Khârn conversion! Excellent work! Thank you kind sir! I can't wait to get into this force. I'm going to be putting together a 3rd edition style warband/horus heresy heavy style force. I've got some conversions planned that I think my fellow world eaters will enjoy. -Skrall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Khornestar Posted April 20, 2016 Share Posted April 20, 2016 Perhaps not a World Eater, but close enough: via Diego Llorens @ DeviantArt: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted April 20, 2016 Share Posted April 20, 2016 Huh. I am normally a huge fan of his work, but upon closer examination, that piece of art may just be one of his weaker ones: It has that slick, slightly overproduced look to it that reminds me of quite a lot of GW's latest digital art. Plus the angles on this guy are all over the place -- if you look at it long enough, you actually start to get dizzy to the way it all clashes. And his axe handle isn't even straight... A bummer too, because the armour design is great in principle, and the pose should be iconic enough to make this an instant classic... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Khornestar Posted April 20, 2016 Share Posted April 20, 2016 Hey, fair enough. I simply look and enjoy, but those are valid critiques. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted April 20, 2016 Share Posted April 20, 2016 I'd actually love to try and model that marine in a relaxed pose to show how weird his physique and armour is! Lots of greenstuff and repositioning required. Not to metnion some hard core shaving and cutting to get things to be smaller, proportionally. ;) But hey, it's chaos. So perhaps this guy is on the verge of daemonhood? Some of the possessed backpacks have similar weird angles to them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted April 20, 2016 Share Posted April 20, 2016 @ Venomlust: Just to clarify, I have zero issues with your sharing this, quite the opposite! I was basically talking to myself and wondering how Diego went from something like this (easily one of my favourite pieces of modern art depicting a Khornate Marine) to something like the piece posted above. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flint13 Posted April 21, 2016 Author Share Posted April 21, 2016 I dunno, I think is remains my faves po-mo World Eater, weird angles and all. HAH! Also I just realized this is post #888 :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted April 21, 2016 Share Posted April 21, 2016 Slaughter-Daughter Flint, you know I respect your opinion on everything Khornate, but man that artwork is just terrible ;) Sorry, just my two cents... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Khornestar Posted April 22, 2016 Share Posted April 22, 2016 No apologies necessary, we all have at least two cents. But I think it's sorta sad to judge art purely from a technical standpoint. If it's cool, I likes it. An Ultramarine is having his face ripped open from the eye sockets - SCREAMING and not capable of doing anything to stop it! That's awesome to me. The fact that someone depicted it at all makes me happy. Are you an art instructor or professional artist or something? Just curious, not a dig. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted April 23, 2016 Share Posted April 23, 2016 Heavens no, I am not a professional by any means. I have done some drawing of my own over the years (with all the messed-up proportions and perspectives that entails, I might add), and I consider myself, well, let's say roughly familiar with some of the basics, but certainly not in any professional capacity. And while I do agree with you that smaller technical hiccups shouldn't be blown out of proportion when discussing a piece of artwork, I also have to admit that there's a point for me where flaws become so glaring as to ruin an illustration for me. But then maybe I'm just strange that way. But I didn't really want this thread to devolve into any armchair discussion of art. Please carry on as you were Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted April 23, 2016 Share Posted April 23, 2016 Please carry on as you were ;)Hnnng Hngggg Blooooood! Blood for the blood god! Skulls for the skull throne! Raaaaaagh! All praise be to Khooorne! Something like that? ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teetengee Posted April 24, 2016 Share Posted April 24, 2016 Well, greyall has been quiet for a while, so we have to do it somewhere. ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GhostMalone Posted April 26, 2016 Share Posted April 26, 2016 But I didn't really want this thread to devolve into any armchair discussion of art. Please carry on as you were Hmm why yes I do agree that skull just doesn't fit well with the angels of the throne and that blood seems to be more coagulated then the reflective surface and lighting usually associated with the arterial spray accompanying the chain axe but we're not here to discuss the finer details of such art! Hnnnggghhh @_# Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted April 30, 2016 Share Posted April 30, 2016 Most of you will probably already have seen this in the WIP section, but it does seem relevant for this forum as well, so here goes: I am currently working on a plastic version of Angron, based on the Slaughterpiest of Khorne model from Age of Sigmar: you can see, I have replaced the two handed axe with twin chainaxes (Gorefather and Gorechild, obviously). Once the stock weapon was gone, I realised that the model's original arms seemed slightly too short (mostly due to their pose), so I replaced them with Ork boy arms while I was at it. I also added a single shoulder pad, as I rather like the gadiatorial look it provides.Even though the somewhat ridiculous horns framing the stock model's head had to go, I have left the overgrown spine in place: thik it could represent some unspeakable surgery performed on the Primarch by his handlers on Nuceria (or even afterwards, in order to make his implants compatible with Imperial technology). also shaved off/covered up all of the openly Khornate inconography, as Angron never seemed to realise the Blood God was interested in him until it was too late. The one noticeable addition to the stock model that really sells the look, however, are the Butcher's Nails, and I am pretty happy with the way they have turned out: They look like a mix of actual implants and unruly metallic dreadlocks, just the way I planned: have also added some spikes to the axes -- such a small thing, really, but I think it adds just the right pinch of visual interest to the weapons.I am really in love with the face, btw: This has to be the angriest face GW has ever done -- the sublime way the facial muscles seem to be stretched across the bone in a vicious snarl has to be seen firsthand to be believed!Most of the conversion is already in place: The holes on the model's shoulders have to be filled in and smoothed over with GS, and I am also going to add a Triumph Rope scar to Angron's torso. But all in all, I am pretty happy with the way the model looks: He seems to be - at most - thirty seconds away from striking the iconic pose from the cover of Butcher's Nails:Of course the size of the model was a concern -- but even though the Slaughterpriest model isn't quite as massive and bulky as Forgeworld's Angron, I still think the conversion does read as a Primarch. Here's a scale comparison shot: always, let me know what you think! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThatOneMarshal Posted April 30, 2016 Share Posted April 30, 2016 Holy crap that's amazing! One thought is maybe to beef up his base? I know that forewgwolrd likes to add a lot of bulk to their models that way. Maybe a cape? Can't really add anything because he just looks so damn cool. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted May 1, 2016 Share Posted May 1, 2016 Cheers, man! I really want to give him a base worthy of a Primarch of course, even if it won't be quite as over the top as the stuff we see from Forgeworld. Expect at least some fallen Imperial masonry, though Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teetengee Posted May 2, 2016 Share Posted May 2, 2016 How about climbing from the rubble after a titan steps on him and trashes his armour? ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Relict Posted May 2, 2016 Share Posted May 2, 2016 I like him. That's how I imagined Angron as a pit-slave on Nuceria. The only constructive criticism I would give is to add some chains binding his weapons to his arms. That and when you paint him, be sure to include the red victory scarification wrapped around his torso. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted May 2, 2016 Share Posted May 2, 2016 @ Teetengee: Haha, fun fact: I actually did think back to a scene in Betrayer where just such a thing happens while building the model ;) @ Relict: You are 100% correct about the Triumph Rope scar, mate, which is why I have made it a part of the finished conversion using some GS: I did think about chains as well, although it's an effect that really has to be done well to work, and I would rather leave it off altogether than pull it off in a less than satisfactory way. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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