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The way it is worded, with both cc weapons, a berserker can make 2 attacks with axe, then one free attack with chainsword. So each turn that is 4 str six attacks -1ap, and 2 str five attacks. Better make a bigger throne room, the skull throne is going to have an influx of skulls.

What do y'all think about NuBezerkers; chainswords or chainaxes? Extra strength and damage or an extra attack?

Both, of course! Concensus seems to be you'll still get the extra chainsword attack if you assign your 2 base attacks to the axe.

I know I have seen them in your thread Venom, but you Berzerkers rock. They are going to look just lovely* with the sword/axe combo especially the 'Come Get Some' Bro.










*Lovely - Chainaxe cleaving, chainsword chopping, shouty skull taking BAMF

  • 2 weeks later...

I did some numbers on a squad of 9 zerkers with axes (only) and an overseer (Dark Apostle). Numbers in void, assuming the charge and no overwatch (the rhino charged first!) and only the first attack.


Vs GEQ: 13.754 wounds

Vs MEQ: 8.252 wounds

Vs TEQ : 5.502 wounds


They look very solid to me :biggrin.:


edit: not included the DttFE rule

So I have been debating this Berzerker setup deal in my head for a while. The two setups I like are: The dual chain weapon setup and the naked setup.


The naked setup: The naked setup give you flexibility. you have a bolt pistol that has range and with the new rules pertaining to shooting in HtH. That give you an attack in the shooting phase (1 STR 4 attack) and then in the Melee phase you get 6 STR 5 attacks per berzerker


The Dual chain weapon setup: the setup that everyone seems excited for is the most offensive. able to pump out 4 STR 6 -1AP attacks and 2 STR 5 in a round of combat.


Now the naked setup is a point cheaper, which gives you the option to buy other goodies. I have 35 berzerkers in my collection, 14 of them have CA/BP and the remaining 21 have CS/BP. From a modeling stand point, its easier for the naked setup. 

Came up with this 2500 World Eaters list, I think it's going to be a lot of fun (though I think I'd vastly prefer playing with power level than points):


Battalion Detachment:




Dark Apostle

Dark Apostle



Berzerkers x9: power fist on champ, Icon of Wrath, upgrade all bolt pistols to chainaxes

Berzerkers x9: power fist on champ, Icon of Wrath, upgrade all bolt pistols to chainaxes

Berzerkers x9: power fist on champ, Icon of Wrath, upgrade all bolt pistols to chainaxes




Rhino: Combi-bolter

Rhino: Combi-bolter

Rhino: Combi-bolter




Terminators x5: 5x combi-melta, 4x power axes, 1x chainfist, Icon of Wrath

Terminators x5: 5x combi-melta, 4x power axes, 1x chainfist, Icon of Wrath




Heldrake: Hades autocannon

Heldrake: Hades autocannon




Maulerfiend: Lasher tendrils

Maulerfiend: Lasher tendrils

Maulerfiend: Lasher tendrils


One unit of berzerkers + HQ per Rhino. Heldrakes try to tie stuff up on turn 1 if possible while the rest of the army zooms up as quickly as possible. Terminators blast away with meltas at any vehicles/whatever that pose the greatest threat and then try to charge.


Simple, with plenty of redundancy. That way if one thing gets blown away turn 1, there's at least 1 more of it to deal with and the role/capability isn't removed from my army.


Can't wait to see dreadclaw/kharybdis rules...

I've used my mind powers several times to try to get Venom to make me some zerkers, but so far all I've done is Perils... I believe he is immune to my trickery (or I have zero power...)


I think the list is solid and fun. Baledrakes are really good.... and give you that speed while you rush. The Dark Apostles are a must imo.

Got my first game of 8th in on the weekend against Space Wolves. Opponent conceded top of turn 4 just before I could table him.


Things that were awesome:

- Berzerkers, whether in rhinos or in the dreadclaw. We even played the weaker interpretation of BFTBG with charging units. It's important to remember to declare a charge against multiple enemy units if you want to make the most of BFTBG - you risk added Overwatch, but otherwise you can't attack a secondary unit after piling into them for your second round of attacks.


- Khârn, for the same reasons as above. Lost him to a silly consolidation into thunderwolves that hadn't fought yet in that phase (after Khârn had already fought twice), so they got to hit him with a bunch of painful thunder hammer attacks. But he was scary!


- Dreadclaw. Admittedly I got lucky, but it delivered both Khârn and 9 Berzerkers into combat on turn 1 and then proceeded to fly around and flame/stomp everything it could reach. Lots of fun.


- Heldrake. It was a big, tough nuisance for my opponent. Between the invul save, plenty of wounds, and the automatic regeneration thing, it was flying around and tying things up all game. Baleflamer still did some work on smaller squads, too.


- Melta termies. Arrived T1, melted a Venerable Dreadnought and completely dictated my opponent's actions on an entire flank.


Things that were ok:

- Auto/las predator. It killed Murderfang over two rounds of shooting, which is ok but not exciting. Didn't really get a chance to shine.


- Meta/chainfist terminator lord. Took a few wounds off Murderfang and a Land Raider, but that's about it.


It's also worth mentioning that my opponent used a Land Raider that got locked in combat early on, so had to spend a lot of time falling back and not shooting. Just be aware that savvy opponents will be doing this to us a lot if we rely too heavily on transports. I could see Land Speeders, jetbikes and Heldrakes being used a lot for this.


Anyone else get some games of 8th in yet?

Praise Khorne almighty... Has anyone SEEN those Murder-Ticks? (Blood Slaugterers)


WS3+ that doesn't degrade with wounds taken, 8 S10 D3 attacks which rise to 10 if there's enemy infantry within 1", guaranteed 6" advance moves without having to roll a dice... All for a point less than a Maulerfiend.



Praise Khorne almighty... Has anyone SEEN those Murder-Ticks? (Blood Slaugterers)


WS3+ that doesn't degrade with wounds taken, 8 S10 D3 attacks which rise to 10 if there's enemy infantry within 1", guaranteed 6" advance moves without having to roll a dice... All for a point less than a Maulerfiend.



Hell yeah I have. And they have a base 10" move, combined with their auto-6" Advance move, to all but guarantee a T2 charge. That's a whole lotta pain.


Definitely want to try a Blood Slaughterer and Decimator in my next game.

The claw is 200 points, FLY and has a D6 pistol AoE attack that targets everything in 6" (S6 AP -1 D1). Can oly be used if there are more enemy units than friendly ones in range.


T7 W10 3+


Can transport 10 models.



Not sure about the Dreadclaw... It isn't strong or accurate enough to be used on it's own like you would with a Razorback, and it's too expensive to be used *just* as a drop-pod. I could see it using it's speed and toughness to bully devastators and the like, after having delivered it's cargo.

If only we could chuck a Leviathan in a Kharybdis. Fat boy's gotta foot slog it across the table. 


As for Dreadclaws, we'll see. They're too expensive, IMO, but they're what we've got. It feels kinda... dumb to have an assault transport actually doing the assaulting. But hey, I'm barely giving it much thought. Given time they'll hopefully earn their cost.

Any word on how survivable berzerkers are on foot? Is it ever worth it to forgo rhinos for more killy stuff? Trying to have as many models running up the board as possible to mess with my opponent's targeting priority.


As it stands, my warband doesn't operate a single Rhino, but has entirely too many Land Raiders and tanks...

Any word on how survivable berzerkers are on foot? Is it ever worth it to forgo rhinos for more killy stuff? Trying to have as many models running up the board as possible to mess with my opponent's targeting priority.


As it stands, my warband doesn't operate a single Rhino, but has entirely too many Land Raiders and tanks...

You could run up the board, but why forego rhinos? They soak up shooting AND overwatch... Remember things die far more easily through shooting because save mods, plus morale is devastating to a chaos army - better get that protection. Plus rhinos are awesome models. 

8th for me is going to just be about zerkers in rhinos and blood slaughterers. Maybe a helldrake

Seconded! I would add some melta-chainfist terminators + lord for additional distruption. All battlefields should be a chaotic melee where our chainaxes will shine the most. Such is the decree of Khorne!


No ranks or formations, only blood for the blood god!


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