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Just so I understand the fight phase for World Eaters... 


I charge, I move 3" to go first (since I charged), I roll out all my attacks. I then move another 3" and attack again? Then my opponent rolls?


I've watched people use the 3" move for their second 'free' fight phase into new units and I don't know if this is legal since the rules state that you can only attack something you declared a charge on. 


I'm seeing 190 model count Ork armies and wondering how I can make my World Eaters equate to that kind of speed and moral-immune blobbiness of attacks. :smile.:

Yes you repeat the Fight phase as per normal, within that phase units that charged in the previous phase have their Fight phase resolved first. In the case of models with Blood for the Bloodgod this means that this whole phase is repeated. So in steps:

1. Check who charged in previous phase and resolve them first.

2. If the unit with Blood for the Bloodgod charged that phase you can resolve them first twice. 

3. If you did charge it's specifically stated that you can only attack the unit that has been charged. In certain cases this means that you would indeed benifit from charging two units at the same time. Note that this is the only further restriction in attacking. 

4. You can pile in onto other units however if those units arn't the charged unit you cannot attack them. This is indeed very important to be aware of in the case with the models with the Blood for the Bloodgod ability.


Versus Orks we cannot match their speed unless we also introduce Sorcerers in our armies. However luckily for us there is actually nothing preventing us from including them (other than a narrative of previous editions). So for example you can still make an army with World Eaters, Death Guard and/or Thousand Sons and have them all within the same Detachment under Keyword Chaos.


With the combined arms approach of this I believe Chaos has good competative footing as there is little to nothing restricting us. Troop choices can even come from everywhere. As the moment you give Plague Marines the Death Guard Keyword they become Troop choices aswell. In essence, if you wish so, Khorne Berzerkers, Rubric Marines, Plague Marines and Noise Marines can be troop choices for every Chaos army/detachment.


Dealing with 190 Orks will and can be rough. One thing to consider here is to use Khârn with your World Eater Havocs (equiped with either all Heavy Bolters or Missle Launchers) to seriously suppress hordes like that. The advantage Khârn has over all other World Eater Keyword characters available to us is that he grants full re-rolls of misses, not just ones. Use this to your ranged advantage and one very simple additional advantage is gained:


- The moment oppossing forces would charge your Havocs you can use Khârn's Heroic Intervention and the moment your opponent has not declared a charge against Khârn you can have an extremely nasty suprise in store for them because Khârn cannot be attacked by the charging unit while, when all charging unit Fights have been resolved, strike back with a ton of attacks.


It's this tactic that in my eyes typically make World Eaters an INCREDIBLE combined arms force if you set your mind to it. As we can repeat this similar process with Lord Zhufor aswell. In that example we do have to give Obliterators or other Deepstriking units the Keyword Skulltakers (not World Eaters) but this does give you the signifcant advantage of pinpointing heavy ranged support the moment you want it at the place you want it.


Lastly the Khârn heroic invervention to heavy ranged support tactic can also obviously be applied with Daemon Prince with World Eater Keyword, Chaos Lord etc. But again the one thing I really like about Khârn is offcourse his own output and how amazing the tactic can work. Because if the charged unit will lose models you can remove those that are the closest to Khârn so those rolled 1's will not contribute to additional deaths.


Just so I understand the fight phase for World Eaters... 


I charge, I move 3" to go first (since I charged), I roll out all my attacks. I then move another 3" and attack again? Then my opponent rolls?


I've watched people use the 3" move for their second 'free' fight phase into new units and I don't know if this is legal since the rules state that you can only attack something you declared a charge on. 


I'm seeing 190 model count Ork armies and wondering how I can make my World Eaters equate to that kind of speed and moral-immune blobbiness of attacks. :)

Basically the rulebook says chargers fight first, then you fight normally.

I reasoned that you get your "Charge fight" and then anything after that is normal fighting.


Even a single squad of Berzerkers will tear through Orks if they charged. Same goes vs any horde. Just don't let them strike first.

As per Fight phase, what is checked if you charged this turn. If you did, your first.


This means Khorne Berzerkers can fight twice first. Provided they charged that turn as all the BFTBG does is allow you to process the Fight sequence twice. At which point any charging unit still charged that turn.


So no, Berzerkers do not have one charging fight phase and one non charging fight phase. Its the one or the other, twice.

Actually, I just realized something. The description of the Fight Phase located on page 182 of the main rulebook, in the paragraph titled "1. Choose Unit to Fight With" states the following:


"No unit can be selected to fight more than once in each Fight phase".


>'but zerker88, BftBG overrides this!'


Except it doesn't. Blood for the Blood God allows the unit to fight twice per fight phase, not to be selected/chosen/activated twice.


>'but zerker88, it's the same thing!'


So I thought at first. Until I noticed that the first step of the 'Fight Sequence' located on page 182 of the Rulebook is called;


"1. Choose unit to fight with"


This implies the unit fight AFTER it is chosen to fight. First it's chosen, then it 'fights'. Logical succession of events.


>'but then what does 'fighting' represent?'


Simple, it's everything that comes after that first step, namely the 3" pile in, target selection, attack resolution, all that chaff. This process is done twice, while only selecting the unit to fight once, which in turn means the process comes immediately after the first 'fight'.


That's at least how I would interpret it.

Actually, I just realized something. The description of the Fight Phase located on page 182 of the main rulebook, in the paragraph titled "1. Choose Unit to Fight With" states the following:


"No unit can be selected to fight more than once in each Fight phase".


>'but zerker88, BftBG overrides this!'


Except it doesn't. Blood for the Blood God allows the unit to fight twice per fight phase, not to be selected/chosen/activated twice.


>'but zerker88, it's the same thing!'


So I thought at first. Until I noticed that the first step of the 'Fight Sequence' located on page 182 of the Rulebook is called;


"1. Choose unit to fight with"


This implies the unit fight AFTER it is chosen to fight. First it's chosen, then it 'fights'. Logical succession of events.


>'but then what does 'fighting' represent?'


Simple, it's everything that comes after that first step, namely the 3" pile in, target selection, attack resolution, all that chaff. This process is done twice, while only selecting the unit to fight once, which in turn means the process comes immediately after the first 'fight'.


That's at least how I would interpret it.

It's interesting to see yourself talk to yourself in the third person. With all respect to you I would suggest rereading both Index Chaos and the BBB. Because you have mixed up several things that arn't actually stated the way you say they are.


Blood for the Bloodgod says: (Page 28, Index Chaos)


This unit can fight twice in each Fight phase, instead of only once.

What this rule specifically states to you is override the single fight per Fight phase rule. It refers to this with the "instead of only once". Fight refers to the complete fight sequence.


Then the fist step in the Fight phase says (Page 182, 8th ed Rulesbook)



Choose Units to Fight With:

Any unit that charged or has models within 1" of an enemy unit can be chosen to fight in the Fight phase.... All units that charged this turn fight first...

The moment a unit charged it's optional to be be fighting first. If you have multiple units that can fight first the order of them resolving is chosen by the player who's turn it is.



Your RAI in regards to choose a unit to Fight with do not add up. Because the title of the sequence is no explanation of what steps you have to follow

Likewise Choosing targets and Moving comes with additional rules. Choosing a target does not mean choose ANY target. Moving does not mean you can always move. 

Selecting a unit to fight phase does not have any notation that it can only be selected if it is unselected. All this step includes is that you can only fight once normally.


Then you read what Blood for the Bloodgod says and it states that this unit can fight twice in the Fight Phase instead of once.




So, in a meta allegedly full of hordes, how makes you feel the Butcher Horde?



Dark Apostle


20 zerkers, chainaxes, IoW

20 zerkers, chainaxes, IoW

20 zerkers, chainaxes, IoW

20 zerkers, chainaxes, IoW

20 zerkers, chainaxes, IoW





So, in a meta allegedly full of hordes, how makes you feel the Butcher Horde?



Dark Apostle


20 zerkers, chainaxes, IoW

20 zerkers, chainaxes, IoW

20 zerkers, chainaxes, IoW

20 zerkers, chainaxes, IoW

20 zerkers, chainaxes, IoW





I love the idea but we are neither Orks or Tyranid in addition not using Power Fists on Berzerker Champs makes you unable to deal with "super heavies".


Even as a huge WE fan consider ranged support or Heldrakes to bog up.

Wow, lots of stuff happening here, I love it. 


I personally was considering getting another unit of three Rapiers with Quad Heavy Bolters and putting Khârn there. Pure Khornate heresy, I know, but very effective. 36 rerollable heavy bolter shots baby - BOOM



Hidden Content

Hm, fair enough. Thinking my standard 2,000pt list will look something like this then:
Dark Apostle
Hellforged Predator - Infernal Flamestorm Cannon
Hellforged Predator - Infernal Flamestorm Cannon
Berzerkers (10) - Axes/Swords, Powerfist, Icon of Wrath (Dedicated Transport - Rhino with combi-bolter)
Berzerkers (10) - Axes/Swords, Powerfist, Icon of Wrath (Dedicated Transport - Rhino with combi-bolter)
Berzerkers (10) - Axes/Swords, Powerfist, Icon of Wrath 

Berzerkers (10) - Axes/Swords, Powerfist, Icon of Wrath 

Lord of War-
Hellforged Spartan Assault Tank - Quad Las

Looks solid, assuming your oponent lets you bring the Spartan.

Why wouldn't your opponent allow the Spartan if there is no question about the Hellforged Predators?


So, in a meta allegedly full of hordes, how makes you feel the Butcher Horde?



Dark Apostle


20 zerkers, chainaxes, IoW

20 zerkers, chainaxes, IoW

20 zerkers, chainaxes, IoW

20 zerkers, chainaxes, IoW

20 zerkers, chainaxes, IoW





I love the idea but we are neither Orks or Tyranid in addition not using Power Fists on Berzerker Champs makes you unable to deal with "super heavies".


Even as a huge WE fan consider ranged support or Heldrakes to bog up.


Still, if I had the money I'd love to run this kind of list just for jiggles.


Vs a Knight a 20 man squad deals 9,111 wounds (not counting DttFE), which isn't enough to cripple it in one turn on average. In return the Knight kills 3,5 berzerkers, 4 rounding up.


Next round (disregarding pistol shooting), zerkers take 7,3 wounds from the Knight.


Maybe I'm wrong here, but the worst army to face with this kind of list should be AM heavy ordnance list and maybe nidzilla.

Well maby Im wrong! I have not tested 100 Zerkers in forever. The fear I have with the 20 blobs is that two throw away vechicles charging into them might bog them down too easily. Even if the vechicle goes down your unit will be there. As there is a very fine line in knowing how to counter S4/5/6 blobs with T7.


The Knight might do Y in melee but before you are there X shots will be fired.


Test it if you have it though! I think that many layers beat Mobs. The only reason why Orks and Nids can do this in my eyes is the combination of immunity to morale and cost per model.


Now if two of those Berzerker units became larger squads of Havocs you add the tactical ability of destroying oppossing tanks going into you. You do then not only force your opponent to do something about that aswell, Khârn would allow them to quite closely to auto hit.


Ranged 3+ rerolls are really good. The Berzerkers with attack quantity will hardly ever need this boost unless they have a Power Fist.




It still feels unnatural but Berzerkers can also just "flee" from tanks ofcourse. Though I tend to believe it would be very helpful for this army to have ranged support to ensure the destruction of others and ensute the option of Berzerkers charging. As without charge they still die as easy as regular Marines. Their offense is amazing but there is no guaranteed charge with just Movement 6 and a charge reroll.

If my own mathhammer is correct, a 10-man berzerker squad with axes and swords will on average wipe out 30 Ork boyz (haven't taken the -1 into account on the axes so it should be higher) on the charge at 10 points less...they'd get wiped out before they could even swing if they went second, however.

If my own mathhammer is correct, a 10-man berzerker squad with axes and swords will on average wipe out 30 Ork boyz (haven't taken the -1 into account on the axes so it should be higher) on the charge at 10 points less...they'd get wiped out before they could even swing if they went second, however.

Yeah my vision on 40k 8th ed is that its full of rock paper and scissors. Hardcounter meets hardcounter. The good thing about this is that spam isnt directly rewarded.


Even a full tank army can get outplayed when leveled terrain is on board and objectives are placed there.


What seems much more relevant is to be aware of all synergies.

Orks still shoot poorly, Chaos doesnt. The fact that they will have to go into melee can be used to our advantage.


What Im basically repeating is be aware of what 3+/4/4/3+ does for a model and optimize its stats.

Berzerkers are great but there is no tactical advantage to only play them and them alone.


Actually, I just realized something. The description of the Fight Phase located on page 182 of the main rulebook, in the paragraph titled "1. Choose Unit to Fight With" states the following:

"No unit can be selected to fight more than once in each Fight phase".

>'but zerker88, BftBG overrides this!'

Except it doesn't. Blood for the Blood God allows the unit to fight twice per fight phase, not to be selected/chosen/activated twice.

>'but zerker88, it's the same thing!'

So I thought at first. Until I noticed that the first step of the 'Fight Sequence' located on page 182 of the Rulebook is called;

"1. Choose unit to fight with"

This implies the unit fight AFTER it is chosen to fight. First it's chosen, then it 'fights'. Logical succession of events.

>'but then what does 'fighting' represent?'

Simple, it's everything that comes after that first step, namely the 3" pile in, target selection, attack resolution, all that chaff. This process is done twice, while only selecting the unit to fight once, which in turn means the process comes immediately after the first 'fight'.

That's at least how I would interpret it.


It's interesting to see yourself talk to yourself in the third person. With all respect to you I would suggest rereading both Index Chaos and the BBB. Because you have mixed up several things that arn't actually stated the way you say they are.Blood for the Bloodgod says: (Page 28, Index Chaos)


This unit can fight twice in each Fight phase, instead of only once.


What this rule specifically states to you is override the single fight per Fight phase rule. It refers to this with the "instead of only once". Fight refers to the complete fight sequence.

Then the fist step in the Fight phase says (Page 182, 8th ed Rulesbook)



Choose Units to Fight With:

Any unit that charged or has models within 1" of an enemy unit can be chosen to fight in the Fight phase.... All units that charged this turn fight first...


The moment a unit charged it's optional to be be fighting first. If you have multiple units that can fight first the order of them resolving is chosen by the player who's turn it is.


Your RAI in regards to choose a unit to Fight with do not add up. Because the title of the sequence is no explanation of what steps you have to follow

Likewise Choosing targets and Moving comes with additional rules. Choosing a target does not mean choose ANY target. Moving does not mean you can always move. 

Selecting a unit to fight phase does not have any notation that it can only be selected if it is unselected. All this step includes is that you can only fight once normally.

Then you read what Blood for the Bloodgod says and it states that this unit can fight twice in the Fight Phase instead of once.


Pretty sure that if you select a unit, you have to fight with it. I invite you to read again the steps that are described as the "Fight Sequence" on page 182. The concept of fighting is not defined anywhere in the rulebook, but it is indirectly defined in that little box by the fact that it says "Choose a unit to fight with", which implied the unit fights immediately after you select it to do so.


So what Blood for the Blood God does is simply repeat the steps 2 to 6 of the Fight sequence. You can NOT select it to fight more than once, not only the rules prohibit it but Blood for the Blood God's description does not contradict it.


I find your interpretation to be closer to RAI than mine, since it assumes things that simply aren't written, such as the ability allowing you to select twice.


Pretty sure that if you select a unit, you have to fight with it. I invite you to read again the steps that are described as the "Fight Sequence" on page 182. The concept of fighting is not defined anywhere in the rulebook, but it is indirectly defined in that little box by the fact that it says "Choose a unit to fight with", which implied the unit fights immediately after you select it to do so.


So what Blood for the Blood God does is simply repeat the steps 2 to 6 of the Fight sequence. You can NOT select it to fight more than once, not only the rules prohibit it but Blood for the Blood God's description does not contradict it.


I find your interpretation to be closer to RAI than mine, since it assumes things that simply aren't written, such as the ability allowing you to select twice.


Pictures say more as words. A fight is devined, as it is resolved by following the steps. 



A Fight consists out of these steps, these steps are called the Fight sequence the Fight sequence only occurs in the Fight phase. The question in case wasn't about selection but how this is resolved in the case of Berzerkers charging. If they do their double fight is still resolved.


What you must choose first is the units who charged, this can be the case for Khorne Berzerkers. Their double fight is resolved twice first because they charged.

If they did not charge their fight is resolved twice as normal.




The question was not if we're able to select Khorne Berzerker unit A, select unit B and then select unit A again. That is something you can indeed not do. So as above, there is no option to have Khorne Berzerkers fight first then have another unit fight and the Berzerkers fight again.





I charge, I move 3" to go first (since I charged), I roll out all my attacks. I then move another 3" and attack again? Then my opponent rolls?




I've watched people use the 3" move for their second 'free' fight phase into new units and I don't know if this is legal since the rules state that you can only attack something you declared a charge on. 

What you do is indeed repeat step 2-6, but do so as per selection described in step 1.


Again, Yes, you charge, go through step 1-6 and repeat 2-6 for Khorne Berzerkers and THEN your opponent can do his, provided all the charging unit fights have been resolved first. 




What the player in question has seen is that players use the 3" move for their second fight into "new units".

Targeting these "new units" with attacks (as per step 3) is only legal for the charging unit if the charging unit has also declared a charge against that other enemy unit.


40K 8th ed is full of "Gotcha's" like this. I don't like it too much either but it is what it is. The same applies to blocking your own LoS so that the closest target might not be a character but might become the closest target in LoS, because of that reason thaking Vechicles and the like can play into your advantage. This is however a whole other tactical "gotcha".




Pretty sure that if you select a unit, you have to fight with it. I invite you to read again the steps that are described as the "Fight Sequence" on page 182. The concept of fighting is not defined anywhere in the rulebook, but it is indirectly defined in that little box by the fact that it says "Choose a unit to fight with", which implied the unit fights immediately after you select it to do so.

So what Blood for the Blood God does is simply repeat the steps 2 to 6 of the Fight sequence. You can NOT select it to fight more than once, not only the rules prohibit it but Blood for the Blood God's description does not contradict it.

I find your interpretation to be closer to RAI than mine, since it assumes things that simply aren't written, such as the ability allowing you to select twice.


Pictures say more as words. A fight is devined, as it is resolved by following the steps. Fight.jpg

A Fight consists out of these steps, these steps are called the Fight sequence the Fight sequence only occurs in the Fight phase. The question in case wasn't about selection but how this is resolved in the case of Berzerkers charging. If they do their double fight is still resolved.

What you must choose first is the units who charged, this can be the case for Khorne Berzerkers. Their double fight is resolved twice first because they charged.

If they did not charge their fight is resolved twice as normal.

--The question was not if we're able to select Khorne Berzerker unit A, select unit B and then select unit A again. That is something you can indeed not do. So as above, there is no option to have Khorne Berzerkers fight first then have another unit fight and the Berzerkers fight again.




I charge, I move 3" to go first (since I charged), I roll out all my attacks. I then move another 3" and attack again? Then my opponent rolls?



I've watched people use the 3" move for their second 'free' fight phase into new units and I don't know if this is legal since the rules state that you can only attack something you declared a charge on.


What you do is indeed repeat step 2-6, but do so as per selection described in step 1.

Again, Yes, you charge, go through step 1-6 and repeat 2-6 for Khorne Berzerkers and THEN your opponent can do his, provided all the charging unit fights have been resolved first. 



What the player in question has seen is that players use the 3" move for their second fight into new units and this is only legal for the charging unit if the charging unit has also declared a charge against that other enemy unit.

40K 8th ed is full of "Gotcha's" like this. I don't like it too much either but it is what it is. The same applies to blocking your own LoS so that the closest target might not be a character but might become the closest target in LoS, because of that reason thaking Vechicles and the like can play into your advantage. This is however a whole other tactical "gotcha".

Yup, that's pretty much what I said. You resolve the fight twice after selecting the charging unit, you only select that unit once but it fights twice (therefore the second fight comes immediately after the first).


Even if the Berzerkers didn't charge, those two fights are still coming together with a single selection. All that changes is the order in which the players select, with charging units always being selected first and then alternating as described on pages 182 & 183.


Yup, that's pretty much what I said. You resolve the fight twice after selecting the charging unit, you only select that unit once but it fights twice (therefore the second fight comes immediately after the first).


Even if the Berzerkers didn't charge, those two fights are still coming together with a single selection. All that changes is the order in which the players select, with charging units always being selected first and then alternating as described on pages 182 & 183.


Excellent, as above, there is no dispute then.


The thing is that this wasn't a question. The question boiled down to if Berzerkers who charged have their Fights resolve first and they do.


The key thing to remember is however that in order to ensure you can attack all units you could possibly pile in/consilidate into when Berzerkers charged is that they are also declared these as charge targets, else there is no option in attacking them that phase.




Moral is, Step 3 limits units who charged in the previous phase to attacking their charge target(s). This means that just because you Pile In you cannot always attack that unit. 

In any case, back on track. I think it's important to remember that narrative approaches do not have anything to do with the current system.

- Khârn is an amazing gunboat supporter, be it Laspred, Havocs, Forgefiends or Helbrutes, if anything try to have him surrounded with a lot of ranged weapons to get the most out of the Kill! Maim! Burn! whisper.
- Falling back with Khorne Berzerkers is never a bad plan. Units who fall back can't shoot but can otherwise claim objectives, the whole list of it. Use this to your advantage with Berzerkers as many players who have their minds stuck in 7th will not expect it.
- World Eaters keyword is only really required for Khorne Berzerkers and Khârns gunboat, If players want additional main stay units feel free to use any of the <Legion> rules to your own advantage.

From the Daemonic side I don't think we have too much support barring:
- Skarbrand makes units immume to Moral, so is ideal to be surrounded with Cultitsts, Bezerkers or whatever.
- Be'lakor without doubt is the most amazing Daemon Prince model out there. So if your going to proxy something I'd say consider him too.

Lastly, the main advantage for Berzerkers and Vechicles:
- Remember, you do not need LoS for a Charge. This means you can disembark behind your Rhino and still declare a charge provided your opponent is within 12" of you.
- In order to "Overwatch" your enemy does need to have LoS to it's targets, as it is resolved as a regular Shooting Attack with forced 6's to hit.
- Characters can only recieve their 'can't shoot me' advantage if there are multiple other targets in LoS, if the character is the only model in LoS you can still shoot it despite having other enemy models technically nearer to you.


Pretty much have decided my first serious list in 8th at this point


2 dreads w/ fist and autocannon

3 squads of berzerkers

1 squad of melta chosen

1 squad of melta havocs

5 rhinos

2 squads of autocannon havocs



Each squad is eight bodies, has IoW and a champ with some sort of power weapon, fists in the zerker squads. It winds up at 64 models. Obviously I'm being a bit fluffy, adhering to sacred numbers, etc. 


This is built from the figs I've had hanging about since 4th / 5th. Figure I'll get a few games in, then tweak, build new figs to get some variations in load outs, what have you. 


Based on what I've been reading, any real weaknesses should be due to the commander, rather than the list. 

Looks absolutely legit to me. I do wonder if something like Chaos Lord with Terminator or Jump Pack could give an additional assist in character hunting. Its something I want to test Zhufor for also.


All in all it looks very solid. Sure other Razorback spams will clean out the Rhinos but when that happens youll already be there.


Against anything I think your well set with Zerk Champs Fist. The body count also gives a great grip on objectives.

Oddly, my pre-heresy Eaters of Worlds are assault troop and terminator heavy. Go fig.


So, I'll probably wind up mixing them in as time goes on. We'll see. I also have a Zhufor assembled and base coated in my queue too.


For now though, going with what's easy. Too many other obligations to make painting a priority until Winter comes round again.


Appreciate the feedback.

What legs do you guys recommend using for the Forgeworld Berzerker upgrade? I don't like the regular CSM legs and  I am having trouble finding a alternative. 


Anyone have suggestions or pics of their own?



Note: I am aware that we are due for a new Bezerker box but who knows when that will be. Keen to get this project underway asap.






I would recommend mkII and mkIII legs from HH, at least that is what I use for most of my worldeaters, and I have seen a few others do the same.


Awesome, I play HH so i have a abundance of mkIII legs. They aren't very 'Chaosy' though. I guess adding a few bits here and there might change that.


Do you know if Raptor legs look good? They have dynamic poses but im not sure if they're too skinny/small compared to the FW torsos.





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