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Yeah I think those legs look very cool also. I currently use Raptor bits:


These will be mixed with some of the older CSM parts. Raptors have this dynamic jumping going on and I like tho think Khorne Berzerkers are dynamic like that. In addition this also applies for their arms and such, a lot of movement, which I like because it removes time for converting older bits to replicate that movement.


However my plan is to use Khârn aswell. So the two new units of World Eater Berzerkers I'm kitbashing/converting eventually (hopefully) be somewhat akin to Khârn himself.


Which means:
- Dynamic movement (using Raptor bits)
- Upper leg protection (using Skullreaper AoS bits)
- Detailed lower legs with clawy boots (using Raptor bits)
- Likely a bare arm here or there (using Blood Warrior/Skullreaper AoS bits)

It's a pitty we still don't have updated Khorne Berzerkers, they might indeed come but from my perspective they are so long overdue that I cannot say I expect them within 2 or 3 years because really GW cares not for World Eaters, or so it seems.


What legs do you guys recommend using for the Forgeworld Berzerker upgrade? I don't like the regular CSM legs and  I am having trouble finding a alternative. 


Anyone have suggestions or pics of their own?



Note: I am aware that we are due for a new Bezerker box but who knows when that will be. Keen to get this project underway asap.





Back when I built mine, the Horus Heresy figs weren't anywhere even in rumors yet. So, I just used the FW berzerker kits and the legs and arms from the standard berzerker kits.


They look, ok, but if I were to do it over again today, definitely the mark II or III legs and arms. That's just me though.  My concept was to build an army a from a few centuries post heresy.


If I were to go for a more modern chaos vibe, raptor legs would be a great choice.


I'm actually a bit nervous about the new berzerker box. I'm concerned the scale creep might go on there too, and suddenly all mine will be a bit short.


What legs do you guys recommend using for the Forgeworld Berzerker upgrade? I don't like the regular CSM legs and  I am having trouble finding a alternative. 


Anyone have suggestions or pics of their own?



Note: I am aware that we are due for a new Bezerker box but who knows when that will be. Keen to get this project underway asap.






I'm actually a bit nervous about the new berzerker box. I'm concerned the scale creep might go on there too, and suddenly all mine will be a bit short.



Frankly the one advantage that will always remain is that a plastic digital press kit cannot resolve the detail in the same way as detail can.


While without doubt new Berzerkers will look amazing you can rest asured that it's detail will not be as fine as that of the Forgeworld Berzerker heads in particular. The same really applies for the shoulderpad aswell. The detail on the FW kit is so extremely fine that if you would enlarge the detail 10 times you still will not see the same presslines as those found on the plastic kit.


So for me the saveguard for any new player picking up the FW kit is that this kit:



At least has 3 points that you will not see in plastic:

1. The teeth in the Helmet

2. The detail in the planet of the World Eaters Icon

3. The World Eater belt and battle damage on the torso's


Now obviously a lot of these details dont even mean anything if you would paint them in a regular TTQ but if you do want to go to the next upper level this added detail really allows you to glaze and wash so these details really pop out.


But yeah in general I think that the pre-heresy armours will also look amazing. There is an incredible example found on Putty and Paint also, by Sergey Gybin:


Link: http://www.puttyandpaint.com/projects/1165


On another note however is that I have no clue where this banner comes from?:



Does anyone know if this used to be in Forgeworld's line? I also mailed them recently for the World Eater Terminator conversion kit that is out of production for quite a while now. I hope that the new edition would be enough incentive for them to return these amazing sculpts aswell.



I thought I owned all of the FW World Eaters bits and models but to be honest I have no idea where that banner is from. But on the other hand if it is resin, that's going to visit snap-city pretty easily. Even my FW axes are too brittle. 

I thought I owned all of the FW World Eaters bits and models but to be honest I have no idea where that banner is from. But on the other hand if it is resin, that's going to visit snap-city pretty easily. Even my FW axes are too brittle. 

I have the vague idea that it was made by FW but never casted. As I really cannot find any source on it either, it's just there in the picture and furthermore never mentioned.


Though that's also one of the mysteries of FW. I know they have tons and tons of sculpts available to them from many pro-sculpters/painters that could easily have made it into a cast but for whatever reason this is never done. These wonderful concept arts for example:





Would have loved it if these heads would have seen production so that HH World Eaters allready would look Chaotic :) 


In any case, hope to get you guys an update on something Im working on tomorrow.


Helbrute meets ninja-fidget spinner thing...



I've been making my berzerkers out of the Mk. III kit, FW upgrade set (just the head and legion shoulderpad- torso and Khorne pad are too stumpy for my taste), add one of the bulkier right shoulder pads from either the Raptor or CSM kit. Hacked off the hands from the plastic berzerker kits and stuck the weapons on the Mk. III arms. Overall pretty happy with the results so far, have about 10 more like this to go.

I've been making my berzerkers out of the Mk. III kit, FW upgrade set (just the head and legion shoulderpad- torso and Khorne pad are too stumpy for my taste), add one of the bulkier right shoulder pads from either the Raptor or CSM kit. Hacked off the hands from the plastic berzerker kits and stuck the weapons on the Mk. III arms. Overall pretty happy with the results so far, have about 10 more like this to go.

Would love to see pictures too! Allready kitbashing with 3 kits so another one can easily be blended in. Shots ftw!


I've been making my berzerkers out of the Mk. III kit, FW upgrade set (just the head and legion shoulderpad- torso and Khorne pad are too stumpy for my taste), add one of the bulkier right shoulder pads from either the Raptor or CSM kit. Hacked off the hands from the plastic berzerker kits and stuck the weapons on the Mk. III arms. Overall pretty happy with the results so far, have about 10 more like this to go.

Would love to see pictures too! Allready kitbashing with 3 kits so another one can easily be blended in. Shots ftw!


Definitely, I'll see if I can remember to take some pics when I get home later.

Actually, found this one of my Shadow War kill team. These were the test models for my berzerkers.


Thanks, that certainly looks wicked aswell. Are those GW plastic kits the same size as these FW bodies? I think I'll blend in these for some of the World Eater Havocs Im planning later on. The statical 'extra armour' pose kind of fits this look really well I think. Especially the drum barrel Heavy Bolter looks really awesome, really breaks up the otherwise boxy look of the Heavy Bolter.

The kit my local store has is this one I guess: https://www.games-workshop.com/en-IE/Mark-III-Space-Marines

Because of the trims on the armour I recon it blends in just fine with the Chaos Armour and otherwise we are obviously just a few detail sculpts away to chaotify it.

Though if someone knows places where they have even cooler Chaotic heavy bolters, I'm all ears.

The FW berserker kits are a bit smaller than the GW ones. The heads are where it shows most dramatically. 


It's not a huge difference, but pretty obvious when they're right next to one another. Like I said above, I used the arms and legs from the GW kit, with the FW upgrade kit for mine. The size differential isn't apparent really.


Unfortunately, I don't have any really good pictures right now. I do have one real old WIP shot of my two lords, and an even worse one of some base coated figs that I'll attach below;




We desperately need updated chainaxe models, that's for sure.


What are your thoughts on Chaos Terminators deepstriking behind enemy lines? With the new split-fire rules, I find a 5-man squad with a Lord, with 3 combi-meltas, two combi-bolters and chainfists will wreck absolute havoc against abosutely everything they touch. The three (or four with a lord) melta blasts combined with the chainfist charge will reliably destroy Land Raiders. They do have to make a 9" charge, but that's what IoWs are for.

I'd rather full combi melta and take a termie sorc, so he can cast warptime on them, allowing they to move after DS, so they'll be closer and in melta range. If you also make them khornate with the icon they can re-roll charges.

I'd rather full combi melta and take a termie sorc, so he can cast warptime on them, allowing they to move after DS, so they'll be closer and in melta range. If you also make them khornate with the icon they can re-roll charges.

Pretty sure World Eaters don't like sorcerers. The moment you include one your army is effectively regular CSM (at least from a fluff standpoint). Since this is the WE thread, non-WE armies should be out of the question...


Giving them all meltas may be a bit wasteful unless you have more than one squad, since 3 (4 with lord) will usually get the job done and you want the combi-bolters to whittle down hordes.

Along these lines, I'm really rather hoping Dark Apostle's can get terminator armor when a codex finally drops.

What I'm really hoping for is Berzerkers being Fearless again. Should be a command benefit or something along those lines, Khorne Berzerkers falling back is just wrong.


I'd rather full combi melta and take a termie sorc, so he can cast warptime on them, allowing they to move after DS, so they'll be closer and in melta range. If you also make them khornate with the icon they can re-roll charges.

Pretty sure World Eaters don't like sorcerers. The moment you include one your army is effectively regular CSM (at least from a fluff standpoint). Since this is the WE thread, non-WE armies should be out of the question...


Giving them all meltas may be a bit wasteful unless you have more than one squad, since 3 (4 with lord) will usually get the job done and you want the combi-bolters to whittle down hordes.




Along these lines, I'm really rather hoping Dark Apostle's can get terminator armor when a codex finally drops.

What I'm really hoping for is Berzerkers being Fearless again. Should be a command benefit or something along those lines, Khorne Berzerkers falling back is just wrong.
I just imagine them falling to the Nails and running AT the enemy, and that loss of cohesiveness is represented by them being removed from the table.


Along these lines, I'm really rather hoping Dark Apostle's can get terminator armor when a codex finally drops.

What I'm really hoping for is Berzerkers being Fearless again. Should be a command benefit or something along those lines, Khorne Berzerkers falling back is just wrong.


I was thinking more as an accompaniment to terminators.


I'm probably just taking the return of fearless, or an equivalent, for granted when it comes to berzerkers. It's just part of what they are.


I've got ten of the FW World Eater terminators base coated to go along with Zhufor. They're pretty high up in my painting queue, just a few things left before them. 

I have thought about getting some World Eater Red Butcher Terminators, and run them as count as Lightning Claws Terminators in 40K. Mostly because I love the models. How are Lightning Claw Terminators in 8th?

Get them for sure. The models as a base are amazing.


I personally do not think that Lightning Claw Terminators are that good this edition. For the simple reason that even with Warp Time Terminators are a really slow unit. Mutilates suffer from the same issue. Once in combat they will get some things done but your much cheaper and easier out with a Daemon Prince with Wings of Khorne with Talons. That's just 180 points waiting to get used.


For Terminators themselves it's not too difficult to use them with the FW bodies. Just give them a gun, they all come with Power Axes and I think that works out just fine. Combi weaponry is awesome on them. In terms of just damage output I think you'll find that Khorne Berzerkers with Chain Axes and a Power Fist champ will do what you want.


In general I don't think there is a unit that out-beats the large spectrum of what Khorne Berzerkers with Chain axe, Chain sword and Champion with Power Fist can beat. It's cheap, very efficient and basically says that you have very little need for Mutilators, Terminators, Warp Talons, Chaos Spawns, you name it... Tons of overlap in design. Though again there is also nothing making X or Y exclusive so you can play however you like. :) 



Along these lines, I'm really rather hoping Dark Apostle's can get terminator armor when a codex finally drops.

What I'm really hoping for is Berzerkers being Fearless again. Should be a command benefit or something along those lines, Khorne Berzerkers falling back is just wrong.


I think that IF we will see a Legions of Chaos Codex/Index that it's not unlikely we will have the option to make a Detachment that is full of Keyword Khorne Fearless/Immume to Morale. Because it's simply said something I miss too and it feels even worse for Daemons.


Currently I would use everything to your advantage however and despite it being heresy on a competititve level I feel every Chaos army should at least contain one Psyker. Better put Chaos Space Marines' Psychic Powers List is one of the best in the game. All the powers have a great functionality and Chaos NEEDS Warptime and Prescience to compete with other contenders.


In the end it all depends on what your game intend is, like AoS there is narrative and matched play. If both players go for narrative you'll have fun and see logical restrictions. If both players go for matched you can be asured your opponent will not enforce any handicap upon himself (such as playing without Psyker). 


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