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I wouldn't put Tyrants in a Spartan. They have to shoot from start and not drive around in a fancy car. :wink:


By the way: could someone explain to me why so many players think that putting Breachers onto an objective is a good idea?

  1. They Score.
  2. You give them Graviton Guns which are Heavy = you don't want to move
  3. They're marginally tougher than Tac Squads and Have Defensive Grenades
  4. They have -1" to Run and Charge which stacks with any other modifiers.
  5. They're not an Aggro Combat Unit

Pretty much rule of cool for me.


That's fair, something didn't feel right about it as they are a static shooty unit but I didn't want the Tyrants being the only non-mounted unit. I could always move those to the defensive list and take more troop Terminators and a Sicaran to go with the predators.

But you get twice as many Tacticals for their point costs, which have more firepower and more wounds.


More firepower is subjective - they don't get special weapons like Breachers, which as Slips Mentioned, Grav is pretty damn useful.


I'm not one to "waste" 80% of a unit's shooting by equipping it with a tank buster weapon when the rest of them have bolters, but for Breachers it works.

But you get twice as many Tacticals for their point costs, which have more firepower and more wounds.


I've mostly replaced my tac squads with breachers. First thing to note, our league prices them lower, so that definitely helps. I wouldn't use them otherwise.


That said, they're just a good defensive unit. They die slower than regular marines against dedicated CC units, tarpit well for melee, can challenge dreadnoughts, get special weapons, and the sergeant can take breaching charges for challenges.

Breachers FTW. All the reasons above are valid. I understand that they are not always cost-effective, but they offer something other than a cheap Scoring unit.


In relation to Iron Warriors, they can also leave the Vexilla at home and save 15 points, which is nice.

^The idea of a Stormlord is solid.


I used to run one pretty regularly in my Solar Aux. But when you pile a ton of stuff into it, you're essentially turning every game into whether or not your opponent can blow it up before you can repair it or kill everything. B/c when it blows, you can count on losing everything inside. 


It's fun for a couple of games, but it gets old fast. 


Alternatively 20 Iron Havoks could all shoot out each turn I guess. Then just some terms in case anyone gets close.

It really is an all eggs in one basket deal no matter what you put in it though.

Unfortunately you can only shoot from the back.



...That can't be right surely?


It counts as open topped for shooting right? Open topped for everything except damage rolls.

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