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  On 6/1/2015 at 8:41 PM, Fangbanger said:

I think it looks pretty solid, however if you are looking to help nullify an alpha strike you might what to look at some interceptors? Maybe some contemptor said with khers to whittle down what pops out of drop pods?

This is true, I mean even with 20 men you're only doing 2 kills to MEQ and 1 kill to TEQ which really isn't enough to hamper their fighting abilities, though it will definitely put a small dent in their plans! A single Kheres Contemptor would do about 3-4 wounds to the same squad.


It's also why I've been considering the Militia army with their Zealot hordes as bubble wrap to keep enemy units such as Terminators in place for a very long time.



Units to definitely watch out for with my kind of list:

-Tyrant Siege Terminators, a full squad can easily wipe out half a 20 man tac squad a turn out of cover

-Units that have Sniper that eliminate lynchpins in the army (apothecaries, chaplains)

-Rhino rush armies (do these even exist?)


Against Rhino armies, you'll basically have to rely on Grav and the Venators to blow through them and also immobilization results



Fighting against Raven Guard would be a really good test of the list since their special units are extremely powerful and my army is basically designed as a rogue meta list. Mor Deythan don't worry me for their firepower as much as the sniper ability does, while Dark Furies can tear through squads extremely easily and they're fast.


Even with 60 FNP tac marines, I have no idea how long they'll last vs units like that. Notice that Spartans and Typhons don't worry me due to Grav haywiring the former and Venators stunning the latter

Edited by vladsimpaler



Berzerker Assault limits us to a single consul, correct? So would a chaplain be a good investment for the single consul choice when he is just providing fearless to one squad since we already get hatred outside of our deployment zone?


Everything else looks really solid and a ton of fun to play against.

Edited by Flint13

I wouldn't bother with a chaplain, not really even another consul except for maybe a Primus Medicae. The other consuls don't quite synergies well with the list and take up a bunch of points.


I guess a Praevian would work, but again, there's a point sink.

But what a lovely points sink. I've been experimenting with WE Castellax myself recently ^_^


As for this list in particular, it would need at least a Demi-legate for the Rite of War.


I've actually gotten really good returns from a DL with an axe, boarding shield and art armor. Cheap, 4 extra Ap2 hits on the charge and defensive grenades for whatever unit you put him in.

Edited by Flint13
Yeah, if you swap out the praetor for the Delegatus, then you should definitely have some spare points to throw around. I'd take the Praevian plus castellax purely for fear factor and for taking down tanks at range since you won't have much AT when running a Berzerker list.
  On 6/2/2015 at 6:07 PM, Flint13 said:



Berzerker Assault limits us to a single consul, correct? So would a chaplain be a good investment for the single consul choice when he is just providing fearless to one squad since we already get hatred outside of our deployment zone?


Everything else looks really solid and a ton of fun to play against.

In Berzerker Assault, you'll definitely not want to take a Chaplain. Fearless is good but the Hatred is fairly redundant. As depthcharge12 recommends, I'd take a Praevian. It's pretty good too and meshes very well with background that Khorne is big on machines and technology (an oft-forgotten background idea).


Although, I'll caution you against Berzerker Assault at the same time since it's only out of our Deployment Zone. With somany deepstrikers and infiltrators, a lot of time you may be fighting in your own lines. Certainly up to you, what sort of list were you thinking of? That would help too.

Hey Everybody! Seems this chat room is back up and running! In terms of chaplain, I don't think, at least from what I have read, that it really is that worth it, however, I havent really tried one yet in practice. Has anyone played against Ultrasmurfs yet?

  On 6/2/2015 at 8:24 PM, vladsimpaler said:


  On 6/2/2015 at 6:07 PM, Flint13 said:

Questions.Berzerker Assault limits us to a single consul, correct? So would a chaplain be a good investment for the single consul choice when he is just providing fearless to one squad since we already get hatred outside of our deployment zone?Everything else looks really solid and a ton of fun to play against.

In Berzerker Assault, you'll definitely not want to take a Chaplain. Fearless is good but the Hatred is fairly redundant. As depthcharge12 recommends, I'd take a Praevian. It's pretty good too and meshes very well with background that Khorne is big on machines and technology (an oft-forgotten background idea).Although, I'll caution you against Berzerker Assault at the same time since it's only out of our Deployment Zone. With somany deepstrikers and infiltrators, a lot of time you may be fighting in your own lines. Certainly up to you, what sort of list were you thinking of? That would help too.

Thing about infiltrators is that either A.) they'll be closer anyway for a possible turn 1 assault and/or B.) still be out of your 12" deployment zone.


I was writing a list with 2 Darkfire Tank Hunter Cas with the Praevian and an additional 2 mauler bolter ones for extra rage. They would soak up shots and provide a leapfrogging base of fire for your assaulters. If you wanted to play dirty and plan for a competition where AL or RG would be present, replace those two mauler Cas with a squad of thallax and plasma fusils as they can prevent infiltrators from deploying where they want and ignore the cover they're in :devil:



  On 6/2/2015 at 8:36 PM, The Nookie said:

Hey Everybody! Seems this chat room is back up and running! In terms of chaplain, I don't think, at least from what I have read, that it really is that worth it, however, I havent really tried one yet in practice. Has anyone played against Ultrasmurfs yet?

There's a game on YouTube posted by ww40k (an Aussie group) for a mid sized game. Albeit, the WE guy, Ty, ran an unorthodox list from what he usually does. So take with a grain of salt.



  On 6/2/2015 at 8:41 PM, hivey said:

thoughts on the WE relic from book 4?

It's meh considering you'd throw it and need to take another good ccw for your praetor if he's going into cc. Alternatively, you could put it on Champion and have it mastercrafted :devil: :evil: you could get lucky and one shot a multi wound model however.

  On 6/2/2015 at 8:36 PM, The Nookie said:

Hey Everybody! Seems this chat room is back up and running! In terms of chaplain, I don't think, at least from what I have read, that it really is that worth it, however, I havent really tried one yet in practice. Has anyone played against Ultrasmurfs yet?

Chaplains are definitely worth it, especially if you don't use Berserker Assault. Fearless+Hatred and another power weapon is always useful.



  On 6/2/2015 at 8:41 PM, hivey said:

thoughts on the WE relic from book 4?

Not a big fan, you should just get a Powerfist if you want an unwieldy weapon. The ranged option is interesting, I'd need to test that out much more.



  On 6/2/2015 at 8:52 PM, depthcharge12 said:

Thing about infiltrators is that either A.) they'll be closer anyway for a possible turn 1 assault and/or B.) still be out of your 12" deployment zone.

It's true, though against Mor Deythan you could easily see a good chunk of your squad evaporate when they use their special twin linking attack.



I was writing a list with 2 Darkfire Tank Hunter Cas with the Praevian and an additional 2 mauler bolter ones for extra rage. They would soak up shots and provide a leapfrogging base of fire for your assaulters. If you wanted to play dirty and plan for a competition where AL or RG would be present, replace those two mauler Cas with a squad of thallax and plasma fusils as they can prevent infiltrators from deploying where they want and ignore the cover they're in :devil:

Really not a bad idea, I wonder if it'd be worth dropping one or two of the auspexes in that case and forcing our opponent to deepstrike or infiltrate in certain areas if he wants to fight. So again, fighting on our terms. Theoretically, RG and AL aren't built to fight against an army with World Eaters that aren't affected by their positioning. I believe that in some ways, the game really comes down to the legion that gets to fight with their playstyle whilst ignoring their enemies' style.


I think the Thallax are the ideal unit, especially with plasma fusils. They match the speed of our enemies while denying them their benefits.

Edited by vladsimpaler



I really like what you've done with Translyvania :P


Anywho, get a six man squad of thallax with two plasma fusils. They can do quite well against MEQs with their basic guns (though suffer from 1 shot syndrome) but the fusils are marine wood chippers. Considering the MD will be in cover and I think only the sgt can take AA, the Thallax can quickly dispose of them if you get first turn. They'd also double as a good anti rapier battery squad too since the prevalence of infiltrating grav cannons.


It's not hard to adjust to the meta if you know what you're going to be dealing with :) if you're going to a tourney I would expect certain units that is have to deal with rather than playing with a gimmick. If you're just going to be playing friendly matches, I wouldn't bring hard counters - beating people constantly can just be so drôle.

  On 6/2/2015 at 9:46 PM, depthcharge12 said:



I really like what you've done with Translyvania :tongue.:


Anywho, get a six man squad of thallax with two plasma fusils. They can do quite well against MEQs with their basic guns (though suffer from 1 shot syndrome) but the fusils are marine wood chippers. Considering the MD will be in cover and I think only the sgt can take AA, the Thallax can quickly dispose of them if you get first turn. They'd also double as a good anti rapier battery squad too since the prevalence of infiltrating grav cannons.

Well thank you! I enjoy my hometown quite a bit :wink:


After reading more of the Mechanicum stuff, the more I'm convinced that they're the perfect inclusion for this army. Personally, in the army I posted I would easily drop one squad of Tacticals (and its accompanying apoethecary) for a unit of 6 Thallax with 2 plasma fusils. The nice thing is that the entire thing is 275 points, which is just 5 more points than one of my theoretical Tac squads, but with Apothecary the squad is 315 so I have an additional 40 pts to spend.




It's not hard to adjust to the meta if you know what you're going to be dealing with :smile.: if you're going to a tourney I would expect certain units that is have to deal with rather than playing with a gimmick. If you're just going to be playing friendly matches, I wouldn't bring hard counters - beating people constantly can just be so drôle.

Following that point, it's not so much that I'm attempting to be playing with a gimmick army. I'm really wanting to just play an army that is able to negate the strong points of armies that I expect I'd be fighting.


To that end, reading over the Taghmata army list I really think that World Eaters benefit more than most armies from them, although unfortunately we're fellow warriors so no scoring.


Why? Well, the army list I posted at least had several weak points that I established: Large blocks of terminators (once their spartan is destroyed), especially Tyrant's Legion and the new CML Ultra Terminators; Rhino rush armies; long range armies. Also, it didn't have much low AP weaponry


To that end, I seriously think that devoting maybe a quarter of your points to shore up your defenses (And offenses!).


I really like the following units:


Thallax: Their lightning guns are Str7 with rending, perfect for taking out rhinos. Also perfect for messing with infiltrators and units that rely on cover. Really great against Rapier platforms


Castellax: With darkfire cannons, you can really abuse the Concussive ability from Grav cannons. They're no slouches in combat either. I view these guys as a support unit for the tac squads, as a deterrent and also a counter charge unit if it gets too hectic


Thanatar-Class Siege Automata: T8? check. 2+/5++ save? Check. Str8 Ap2 Large Blast that forces rerolls for cover saves? Triple check. Although its cost might put some off (its base cost being almost as much as our Thallax unit), being able to ID marines and terminators seriously cannot be overstated. It's also very resilient. Tyrant's Siege terminators get stuck with having to get through the 2+ save (after having to wound on a 4+), plasma wounds on a 5+ and then you get your invulnerable save. These guys cut through Rapiers like nothing and really annihilate any problem units the army would face.


To that end, I'm thinking that we'd want to look at one unit of Thallax, 1-2 Castellax with Darkfire, and a single Thanatar. Now it's very expensive points wise, I'll grant you, but it's also pretty dang good. I'd take the cheapest HQ possible.

^^ if you're looking to specifically take Thallax, Castellax and a Thanatar, I'd suggest going with Legio Cybernetica.


You can cheaply upgrade your HQ unit for sweet sweet LD10 Cybertheurgy as well as an extra Battlesmith roll to fix a hull point or three.

Edited by Flint13

As for the Darkfire weapons, don't you mean blind and not concussive? :) concussive would just make the enemy Initiative 1 in cc.


I was just recommending a praevian with some units, but if you're playing 2500 points or over (that dang Thanatar cost 250 points!) then I'd recommend the allies.


It's fun and fluffy too because they can be counted as the Redjak Mechanicum cult ;)

  On 6/3/2015 at 3:59 PM, Flint13 said:

^^ if you're looking to specifically take Thallax, Castellax and a Thanatar, I'd suggest going with Legio Cybernetica.


You can cheaply upgrade your HQ unit for sweet sweet LD10 Cybertheurgy as well as an extra Battlesmith roll to fix a hull point or three.

Good call on that, thanks!



  On 6/3/2015 at 4:59 PM, depthcharge12 said:

As for the Darkfire weapons, don't you mean blind and not concussive? :smile.: concussive would just make the enemy Initiative 1 in cc.


I was just recommending a praevian with some units, but if you're playing 2500 points or over (that dang Thanatar cost 250 points!) then I'd recommend the allies.


It's fun and fluffy too because they can be counted as the Redjak Mechanicum cult :wink:

Ha, I should've worded that better- I meant that because Darkfire weapons have Blind, you can force a unit previously hit by Concussive weapons to take their Blind test at I1.


And for 2000+, I definitely think allies are the way to go. Otherwise, like you said I should just use a Praevan


I just looked up the Redjak cult guys, and after reading that why aren't we Battle Bros with the mechanicus?

  On 6/4/2015 at 5:26 PM, vladsimpaler said:


  On 6/3/2015 at 3:59 PM, Flint13 said:

^^ if you're looking to specifically take Thallax, Castellax and a Thanatar, I'd suggest going with Legio Cybernetica.


You can cheaply upgrade your HQ unit for sweet sweet LD10 Cybertheurgy as well as an extra Battlesmith roll to fix a hull point or three.

Good call on that, thanks!



  On 6/3/2015 at 4:59 PM, depthcharge12 said:

As for the Darkfire weapons, don't you mean blind and not concussive? :smile.: concussive would just make the enemy Initiative 1 in cc.


I was just recommending a praevian with some units, but if you're playing 2500 points or over (that dang Thanatar cost 250 points!) then I'd recommend the allies.


It's fun and fluffy too because they can be counted as the Redjak Mechanicum cult :wink:

Ha, I should've worded that better- I meant that because Darkfire weapons have Blind, you can force a unit previously hit by Concussive weapons to take their Blind test at I1.


And for 2000+, I definitely think allies are the way to go. Otherwise, like you said I should just use a Praevan


I just looked up the Redjak cult guys, and after reading that why aren't we Battle Bros with the mechanicus?




Probably because Karn and Angron have a tendency to grind mechanicum representitives quite often under their axes

As an Aside, if you ever need something to put in the way of Darkfire (or any lance weapons, really) to stop them from getting at your other nice, shiny vehicles, consider an Achilles. Being immune to Lance and -1 To damage chart rolls is awesome.


...Dont count on it doing much damage in return though >_>

  On 6/4/2015 at 6:28 PM, Wolf_Pack said:

You need to be agressive with an Achilles. It's not designed to be a backfield peice, and it needs to be plowing forward to make use of those multi-meltas. 

Which is why I regret not getting the ones with Culverins v_v

^^ The Achilles always felt like it was trying to do two jobs at once and not excelling at either (in my experience of course.)


The multi-meltas are of pretty dubious effectiveness against heavy targets since so many things tend to have armored ceramite and the shatter shells from the mortar are best for knocking out medium vehicles.


Then the volkites are pretty good, but on a hella expensive platform, and the frag shells from the mortar don't feel nearly as effective when there are only 4 instead of 12.


I'd love a different view here since I've got one and it looks awesome. Just hasn't quite paid dividends for me yet. 

I like mine, Field it since its a decent points sink and a very tough Brick-of-a-tank. It also has more firepower than other equivalent Land Raiders though only 6 Capacity means it cant really be used to transport anything (though if you were to shove a Techmarine or Forgelord in there....)


Its great for upsetting a Praevian + DarkFirellax by blocking their LoS since they cant shoot at it to hurt it and you'd be able to kite them if they were to try and get into CC with it. Couple that with S8 Shooting, you have decent odds of plinking a wound off here and there vs T7+ Mechanicum beasties (though I'd almost prefer the weight of fire from 2 TL Volkite Culverins)


Other than that? Not much, really. It makes for good close fire-support. I think shines when fielded vs non-30k armies. Armored Ceramite is rare (or non-existent) Meaning those Multi-Meltas become pretty decent and its immune to both Melta and Lance meaning it would make Eldar Players cry (barring WraithDar with D Spam) since they wouldnt really have an answer for it.


In 30k vs 30k? its Meh. Depends on your luck with Dice Rolls at that point.


Thats how I see mine, anyways.

Just going to chime in on the suggestion of a mortis for intercepting deep strikers: Helical Targeting Array is really bad for intercept. A little known fact is that dreads only have a 45 degree arc of fire like a hull mounted weapon; combining that with not being able to move means your opponent has a very large area to deepstrike in without fear of being shot by the mortis. Its much better in a dedicated AA/anti-infantry role

Not to sound extremely cynical or negative, but the 45 arc is its total horizontal arc, meaning it has a 22.5 degree arc to its left and right. This coupled with e board that has proper line of sight blocking terrain on it means they are fairly bad at intercepting. If you angle inwards toward the important things, you expose your flanks, if not then something important may get alpha struck.


Deredeos can slightly get around the problem as their missile launcher is turret mounted, though that does open the debate to intercept's rule of needing line of sight to perform an intercept 

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