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May I present, for the consideration of the Grandfather - The Pestilent Angels.


Master Corealis





Lieutenant Seraphicus, Leader of the Poisoned






Thrice damned Sanguinary Priest Maxis



Edited by Toomanyprojects

So I have a question for you filth filled puss heads...


How do you arm your Nurgle Lord?


With whatever cool bits I have, one has a Black Mace, one has a Murder Sword, might make one with Lightning Claws as I have 15 pairs spare.

Bike, lightning claw, Burning Brand (chem. spray), Mark of Nurgle, Sigil of Corruption, blight grenades. 


Rides around burning things and avoiding combat for the most part. Likes to hang out with my raptors. Clearly needs painting.



Edited by Verbal Underbelly
  • 1 month later...



After a few months of being undecided about a new army finally got around to doing my first DG test mini. Still very much a wip!

Edited by Captain Tezdal

Finally got some paint on him... there are some bits that I don't like but I'm less precious about "mistakes" than I used to; I just like to get figures painted.



"And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him" Revelation, 6:8 King James Bible

So I have a question for you filth filled puss heads...


How do you arm your Nurgle Lord?


I am planning a centipede style nurgle biker lord with magnetized arms for fisticlaws/bbos/murdersword/black mace. So everything?

(On a side note, 500 point games with murdersword nurgle bikerlord are cruel and I shouldn't be allowed to do it.)


Finally got some paint on him... there are some bits that I don't like but I'm less precious about "mistakes" than I used to; I just like to get figures painted.



"And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him" Revelation, 6:8 King James Bible



Perfect haha, he looks great!

I Aspiringchaoschampion swear in the name of Nurgleth that the Plague Wolves who turned ti the great Grandfather at the start of M.33 are now at legion strength. Around 80% of our legion is of the same geneseed. While we have a alliance with both Mortarian and Abbadon we vow that we will ever get our wayward brothers to join us or we will cast them down take guillimans body and enable Nurgleth himself to enter reality through his body Edited by Aspiringchaoschampion
  • 1 month later...

Hi everyone, I'm not completely corrupted by grandfather Nurgle, but I do have some disgusting Nurgle Night Lords. I also have something to tell you guys which I hope you'll like.


I'm starting a new B&C event soon called Augustus' Arena: the B&C Inter-Frater Hobby Challenge, the purpose of which is to strengthen the bonds between B&C frater through friendly hobby challenges. The intent is that any frater can challenge another frater to make one legal unit within a time frame set my the challenged, while the challenger acts as a coach and motivator to the challenged, with feedback and encouragement on the updates of the challenged of his/her progress. If enough frater join in, this will create a dense interconnecting network of challenges that will yield a ton of fun, banter, and hopefully excellent miniatures. Of course there will be cool banners, medallions and awards in the end. :thumbsup:


if you circus freaks like the idea, please let me know and I´ll post an invite here :biggrin.:

Edited by Augustus b'Raass

Strongly recommend spellcrow minatures for nurgle upgrades. Forgeworld kits combined with mark 3 armour give a very steampunk look and suit a more rusted approach (demon engines etc) , but the spellcrow stuff is particularly decayed and pustulent and suits a more organic approach (mutations and spawn etc).

I have both, check out my thread for some close up pics and finished results

Spellcrow is having specials on a couple of their plague legions sets, heads, shoulder pads etc for pretty cheap, think I'm finally going to pick some up. Thanks for the suggestion, the hands with the plague knives will be crazily helpful for conversions. Edited by Captain Tezdal
  • 3 weeks later...

Order of the day. Check the following facts/aspects of the Death Guard geneseed. Comment if anything should be added or removed. This is a discussion on the genetic specifics of the Death Guard geneseed, not about the tactics or the traits of the legion, just of its biological template. Provide the title of the resource if you recall where the fact was written. 


Death Guard:

  • supernatural resilience
  • heightened recovery rate
  • unable to be replicated due to the corruption and disease
  • incredible pain tolerance
  • highly efficient detox organ functions
  • heightened regeneration of the organic tissue
  • stoic demeanor
I remember the story but it gave me the opposite impression, in that the whole elevation into the Death Guard is mostly a process of sorcery. The Plague Sorcerers in the Black Legion as the ones who can make Plague Marines for Abby give credence to this opinion (as written in two codexes I recall).

I remember the story but it gave me the opposite impression, in that the whole elevation into the Death Guard is mostly a process of sorcery. The Plague Sorcerers in the Black Legion as the ones who can make Plague Marines for Abby give credence to this opinion (as written in two codexes I recall).

To a tee, yes it was in the fifth and sixth books that primarily, the DG and BL acquired sorcerers were primarily the cause.


Also from one campaign was a marine who succumbed to the zombie plague and returned as a sirt of Plague Marine. The Destroyer virus isn't the only way to make them, but like all of Nurgle's diseases, they are spiritually and sorcerously linked.

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