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Hive Fleet Hydra. Said to be essentially hunting down the other Tyranid fleets to devour them...


So what I'm taking is that something named after the hydra, is acting according to its own interests not that of the greater whole. While stealing resources from it's so called allies. And stopping the destruction of the galaxy...




Sound like a big hive fleet gathering data and biomass.

Perhaps as countermeasure to the Imperium attempts to herd them.

So it could be the Tyranids way of regrouping?


I think that the Alpha Legion would more likely cause Tyranids fleet to suffer problem with the hive mind connection.

Or they will influence the Tyranids to start wasting / losing biomass without any gain or reason.

Like a few hive ship spontaneously leaving a fleet and flying in to a sun like it's a big bug zapper.

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Looks like we're getting a proper Chaos centric Alpha Legion novel:




Shroud of Night

A Chaos Space Marines novel


Upon the oceanic hive world of Tsadrekha, the darkness of the Noctis Aeterna is held at bay by the golden light of a unique beacon. Yet as sharks are drawn to blood, so the ravening warbands of the Heretic Astartes circle the planet, warring to claim this rich prize for their Dark Gods. Now, one of those warlords has deployed a secret weapon to end the deadlock. Kassar and his elite band of Alpha Legionnaires, the Unsung, must infiltrate the planet, using all their cunning and warrior skill to overcome the planets defenders and corrupt the beacon. They need to work fast, for none other than Khârn the Betrayer himself has come to lead the final assault. As a rising tide of apocalyptic warfare consumes Tsadrekha, Kassar and his brothers must race for the prize or be consumed by the fury of the storm.


Written by Andy Clark

I've been waiting for something like this since the letdown that was "Hunt for Voldorius".

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Looks like we're getting a proper Chaos centric Alpha Legion novel:




Shroud of Night

A Chaos Space Marines novel


Upon the oceanic hive world of Tsadrekha, the darkness of the Noctis Aeterna is held at bay by the golden light of a unique beacon. Yet as sharks are drawn to blood, so the ravening warbands of the Heretic Astartes circle the planet, warring to claim this rich prize for their Dark Gods. Now, one of those warlords has deployed a secret weapon to end the deadlock. Kassar and his elite band of Alpha Legionnaires, the Unsung, must infiltrate the planet, using all their cunning and warrior skill to overcome the planets defenders and corrupt the beacon. They need to work fast, for none other than Khârn the Betrayer himself has come to lead the final assault. As a rising tide of apocalyptic warfare consumes Tsadrekha, Kassar and his brothers must race for the prize or be consumed by the fury of the storm.


Written by Andy Clark

I've been waiting for something like this since the letdown that was "Hunt for Voldorius".


Oh wow this sounds amazing. Definitely going to give it a read!

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  • 4 weeks later...

so the latest rumors on the new chaos dex have us as pretty much the same rules as Raven Guard. -1 to hit outside 12 and a 1cp to infiltrate a unit.


for balance sake i thinks this is pretty good. it may be a copy and paste but at least its one of the more effective chapter tactics to steal. 


it will be interesting to see what relic we get. 

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so the latest rumors on the new chaos dex have us as pretty much the same rules as Raven Guard. -1 to hit outside 12 and a 1cp to infiltrate a unit.


for balance sake i thinks this is pretty good. it may be a copy and paste but at least its one of the more effective chapter tactics to steal.


it will be interesting to see what relic we get.

It's a powerful tactic to be given. But come on GW how lazy are you?


Also when are they going to read their own fluff (and that of BL & FW) and realise that Alpha Legion =/= spiky Raven Guard?


Alpha Legion aren't sneaky on the battlefield. They did all their sneaking before this to ruin your chances of winning. When it finally comes to the pitched battle it's about attacks from every direction, perfectly coordinated to cause utter panic, and eventually lead to the total annihilation of the enemy forces.


Personally I'm leaning much more towards making an Alpha Legion Primaris army with the Ultramarines chapter tactic. Feel it suits Alpha Legion more, at least in my head.

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The first string of rumors was that it was universal infiltration for bikes, infantry, and dreadnoughts.  So.... I guess we'll see.  My issue is that the two rumors -- the infiltration and Raven Guard copy/paste -- are so diametrically different in their tactical applications that trying to plan out the rest of my painting queue is a hopeless task.  I have no idea if I should be painting pistol & chainsword squads to infiltrate and charge with on the first turn, or double-missile launcher squads with bolters for holding backfield objectives!



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Anyone having any noticeable success with running the FW name Captain that grants +1 CP? Point wise/power level he noting special same with his weapons combi-melta and "special" melee weapon. He does have unique infiltrator rule, that I was hoping was foreshadowing for what the AL might look like in 40k. But hope isn't a course of action. And the "leaks" so far have proven that agin. 


I was running mechanize list for few test games of 8th, but with codex inbound I doubt I will experiment too much as I am sure few things will change. I was recycling my 30k list with few tweaks in it.

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Losing the re roll buffs, is huge trade off for +1CP. Right now the re roll seem be more important than gaining a extra CP. I kind feel as system unfolds more CP are going to play bigger roll. But for now I see where your coming from on wanting the re roll.


I rarely overcharged my plasma shots, so not a big deal to keep them in re roll range.


-1 to hit isnt to bad, giving 1 unit infiltration is nice too. On some units it could be down right brutal.


Anyone else notice how undercostef the Cerberus is as a LOW choice. Normally my go to was Tyhpoon but Cerberus is cheaper by like 40 points. It's only single job focus as ain't-Armor, but does that job well. Strong damage output.


I still like fielding my tyhpoon as orks and Nids have made a huge comeback to table top.

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While its for a different army of traitor marines, I am trying to decide between a Typhon, Cerebus, or a Valdor since we are on the subject. In the list I have thought of I have 4 indirect fire tanks including 2 medusas so I am curious if having a Typhon is overkill in a similar role. I don't have the books in front of me to see exact stats, but aside from ballistic skill, there's right around a 100 point difference between the Cerebus and Valdor and they serve similar roles so I don't know which would be preferable. It would also free up my Typhon for a paint scheme change to AL colors which my army physically doesn't have a super-heavy assigned to it. They were going to steal my NL fire raptor but that thing is so overpriced point-wise its almost unplayable. 

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The Typhon took a huge hit, but already having the model i hate to leave the chunk of resin sitting on the shelf. My shelf is getting full with FW items, sense 30k scene is slowly collapsing. 


The fire raptor is way overcosted and its shame, i struggle to find a spot for it in my list. Fully kitted out its over 400pt. but a storm raven comes in 100+ points less. They need to tweak the paying for both side turret weapons. Off topic, this new way of doing points is just headache.  Something is be said when a stormbird is more playable than a fire raptor. 


On to your questions of which LOW to take, the Cerebus, its 4+D6 dmage. Yeah it works off gimmick of 3d6 that need to beat the target LD. With 4 shots you can strip some wounds. 

Typhoon 2D6 3damge, So its not really auto deleting units like it use to. But if math hammer the 2d6 you can around about number of hits. -5ap will take care of most units, not really great for hordes like it use to be. But hordes can be dealt with cheaper options. Something thats kinda funny about *8th is the reversal of weapons that can used for hordes, havocs with 4 HB work better for hordes than a typhoon, but still field mine agsint ork and Nid list. 

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Having watched Winter's review of the new 'dex, I can confirm that the following regarding our Legion-specific stuff:



Legion Trait: -1 to hit a unit at over 12"

Warlord Trait: when the model dies, pick a new warlord and pick a new warlord trait for them

Legion Stratagem: for 1 CP, infiltrate a unit at deployment no closer than 9" to an enemy

Legion Relic: Blade of the Hydra, a chainsword whose stats are not reviewed and which I couldn't make out.  It appears to have a Strength stat modifier and it comes with a special ability, presumably something about gaining extra attacks if it's anything like the similar item from Traitor Legions.


Other items of interest include:


Tide of Traitors stratagem: for 2 CP, remove a unit of Cultists from the battlefield and place them 6" from any board edge and further than 9" from an enemy at the end of the movement phase

Veterans of the Long War stratagem: for 1 CP, a unit gets +1 to all to wound rolls for one phase

Despoilers of the Galaxy: OBSEC for Troops units



From where I'm sitting, it seems like we're one of the clear winners of the book; World Eaters and Emperor's Children made out pretty well too, I think, as did Night Lords (who can mimic our Trait for one unit with a stratagem, by the way).  Initial thoughts is that we've become a gunline army, utilizing plenty of long-range weaponry on our infantry so as to maximize the Legion Trait benefit.  Cultists remain a pretty viable choice for filling out Troops units since they can cheaply hold objectives against not another Troop unit from a released codex (since C:SM and C:GK both have similar rules to the "Despoilers" rule), and probably then too because they should have the numbers to hold out.  Ours are more survivable than any other Legion's thanks to the Trait.  Add in the ability to basically strategically re-deploy a Cultist squad late game and they're a pretty solid choice.



We can also Mark units now despite being an Undivided Legion.  The Marks don't do anything on their own, but the Mark-specific psychic powers are pretty good.  In particular, I like the Tzeentch power on a Chaos Lord, bumping them up to a 3++ or on a Terminator squad to bring their save to 4++ (which ain't bad at all).  The spread of psychic powers -- ten total depending on Mark and including Smite -- gives LOTS of options for units if you Mark your Sorcerers and squads.  Plus, the more characters you have, the longer you can play monkey in the middle with the warlord trait to avoid giving up a victory point to your opponent.  I'm probably going to pull some stuff to fit in a second Sorcerer because they bring a lot to the army.


In any case, that's my initial thoughts for us.  Refute me if you will, but I'd love to hear from everyone else -- especially if someone else can figure out what the Blade of the Hydra does!

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Yeah, it seems all the undivided legions went from 'none of any marks' to 'some of every marks', black legion style.  I could see an Alpha Legion supreme command with one character of each alignment to pass the warlord ball between - a khornate exalted champ with the legion chainblade (+d3 attacks instead of the normal +1 for a chainsword - but I couldn't make out the strength, ap, or damage) and a lightning claw or power fist, plus three sorcerers, one each of tzeentch, nurgle, and slaanesh.  For a single command point, you can even have an undivided unit pick a mark mid game if you happened to want to use a marked power or stratagem with them on the fly.

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Hello chaps,


this seemed to be as good as time as any to emerge from deep cover to share some intel. (I always lurk, but never post)

Our Legion specific relic is an exact copy of the Teeth of terra option from the loyalists:


Blade of the Hydra (Melee) +1S -2AP 2D

D3 additional attacks each time the user fights.


looks like i need to get me some fancy new chainsword. :smile.:

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Hello chaps,


this seemed to be as good as time as any to enemy from deep cover to share some intel. (I alwats lurk, but never post)

Our Legion specific relic is an exact copy of the Teeth of terra option from the loyalists:


Blade of the Hydra (Melee) +1S -2AP 2D

D3 additional attacks each time the user fights.


looks like i need to get me some fancy new chainsword. :)

That's really good, going to have to get a chainsword on a lord




If it's a chainsword then it's a free relic, lords come with a basic chainsword don't They?

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