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++ The Harrowing - An Alpha Legion Community ++


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Oh man, I want one of those dreads. I really want the head for a contemptor conversion I have been daydreaming of. Plus, it's a nice dread! Unfortunately the only ones I have been seeing are on eBay...from a country where cheap recasts are the norm. I do not like buying stuff that I've seen 'rot out' in the past and I just don't want to buy knock-off stuff. Feels wrong.


I like 2000 points because you can bring so many toys but I've been enjoying 1250 on a 6x4. I find the board not crowded and there is more room to maneuver. It is tougher when you need to go after objectives but the challenge just adds to the fun. I normally game on a week night after work and time flies by too quick. So when we were doing 2000 points in my group we usually got through maybe 2 turns of mayhem before we would have to call it. It is crazy now that I think about it how much stuff happens in only two turns of our games.


As for playing no cults that fine. It was just a suggestion. I don't power game but I like to use different things from our codex because I love all of it (I am lying, most of it). Plus, I bought a book and do not like the idea of only using only some of it's contents. Which didn't get any better when I bought a digital copy of the FW index and now I want all of the tanks and even titans (which I normally don't care for).


I am looking forward to the new additions you are working on. Dreadnoughts/Helbrutes are something I have been really enjoying this edition while in 7th they just racked up bench time. Daemon princes have been excellent brawlers for me but by the dark gods do they attract a lot of gunfire. I also love Havocs, those guys have been putting in so much work for me after never really being used in my armies before 8th. Rhinos have also been a unit I've enjoyed. I have been running them with an extra combi and havoc launcher and they have been putting in work. And as I said before I do not like using cultists. There's good fluff to back up their inclusion in our book and it is nice to have chaff but I want to spend my points on marines. However, I have been ever so tempted to build some Savlar Chem Dogs as operatives of my Alpha Legion army.

We managed to fit in 2000pt from 18:30 to 22:00, but I get it's not always possible. We called it at the end of T5, as I was losing something like 13-0.


After the massive influx of Alpha Legion players competitively, I'm aware Alpha Legion players without Noise Marines and Khorne Berzerkers are a minority, but it just doesn't quite mesh with how I view the Alpha Legion. I have trouble seeing Noise Marines and Berzerkers sneaking up on the enemy. I'd prefer if our list was a lot more restricted for Matched Play, both for fluff and game design reasons. I appreciate the fact you want to use the full codex, mind :smile.:


I've been considering getting mainly three things for the Cultists/Renegade Guard; mutant rabble as underhive creatures (though that is waaaaaaay down the road), sniper teams as Sparatoí, and possibly some toys for the rest of the Guard. Basilisks, Wyverns, LRBTs, artillery etc., or alternatively, wait for the new vehicle design rules to make some techno-barbarian style vehicles. I view my auxiliae as a mix of hive gangers, techno-barbarians, and Renegade Guard, so it's a hodge podge of creatures.

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Yeah, I game at my buddy's place but after getting off work, setting everything up, ordering and eating food we start late and usually call it around 23:00 as I have to drive home and need my beauty sleep haha. We know the rules pretty well but our turns drag out or something. When we used to game at our friend's FLGS we used to breeze through games. Dang, maybe we are just old now. :unsure.:


I love the emphasis on noise marines not being sneaky. "HEY, WE'RE COMING TO KILL YOOUUUUU!" said the slaaneshi Alpha Legioniare to the dismay of his brothers.


And to get back on topic, when traitor legions dropped I loved the fluffiness (and the extra teeth) we got from the book. At the time however I had my Emperor's Children and didn't feel like starting a whole other army. I really wanted Alpha Legion and Iron Warriors but since so much of everything I had was Noise marines I never got to it. I barely have time to play one army let alone two.


With 8th the two things I love about it is how open the armies are in terms of units and the new detachments. I like armies such as our Alpha Legion that can bring pretty much whatever it wants. I like to think it shows off our flexibility. However, if you want to keep your Alpha Legion free of the God's influence but want some noise marines you can bring two detachments. Bring a spearhead detachment of Alpha Legion havocs squads, terminators, and their lord alongside a battalion of Emperor's Children noise marines. 


This is also a problems as I now have three chaos armies growing...

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This is also a problems as I now have three chaos armies growing...


I have the same issue - I have 30k Alpha Legion, 40k Alpha Legion, Red Corsairs, and a small detachment of Fallen. I would consider my Renegades their own force once they get some more toys. Currently I play them all together, but I want to play the Alpha Legion and Red Corsairs as separate forces, with the Red Corsairs being up close and personal, while the Alpha Legion more surgical. 

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Man, 30K. The sweet fruit I barely got to taste...



What was the list you brought from your earlier game? I see enough AL tanks for a Spearhead and RC helbrutes for a Vanguard. Maybe enough cultists for a Battalion detachment. Regardless I like the idea, the rabble fighting at the front concerned with garnering glory while the AL operate in the shadow to complete their hidden agenda. Fluffy and can work on the table.



For myself my Emperor’s Children from 7th didn’t translate over well enough for me to like so I have a 1250 list for them now to play once in awhile. Just going to wait another year plus for their codex. My Alpha Legion started out as my Heralds of Ruin team but after feeling so-so about Death Guard (which I just remembered I have a box under the desk loaded with them) I went forward with Havocs infiltrating to rain down fire power and terminators to teleport and either break the enemies back or remove their head. And because I wanted an army that uses everything I started Black Legion. Plus I love their latest novels by ADB.



However, what I like is I can play them all together seamlessly thanks to 8th. No dumb allied detachments with troop tax!


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Using cult troops in a alpha legion force can be either using strait cult troops (I myself have some plague marines that were formerly infiltrating the death guard) or a specialised troop (noise marines could be a head hunter squad with some xenos weapon, berserkers could be a infiltration team that specialises in close quarter combat, and getting their hands dirty).


Marks are another thing, they can be dedications to gods or them (and the strategems they allow) just aspects of the superior training alpha legion marines go through with recruitment.

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Man, 30K. The sweet fruit I barely got to taste...



What was the list you brought from your earlier game? I see enough AL tanks for a Spearhead and RC helbrutes for a Vanguard. Maybe enough cultists for a Battalion detachment. Regardless I like the idea, the rabble fighting at the front concerned with garnering glory while the AL operate in the shadow to complete their hidden agenda. Fluffy and can work on the table.



For myself my Emperor’s Children from 7th didn’t translate over well enough for me to like so I have a 1250 list for them now to play once in awhile. Just going to wait another year plus for their codex. My Alpha Legion started out as my Heralds of Ruin team but after feeling so-so about Death Guard (which I just remembered I have a box under the desk loaded with them) I went forward with Havocs infiltrating to rain down fire power and terminators to teleport and either break the enemies back or remove their head. And because I wanted an army that uses everything I started Black Legion. Plus I love their latest novels by ADB.



However, what I like is I can play them all together seamlessly thanks to 8th. No dumb allied detachments with troop tax!



You're spot on - Spearhead with a Chaos Lord, Vanguard with Huron, then a battalion of one squad of CSMs, 10 Cultists, 40 Cultists, a Sorcerer, Fallen, and Cypher. 


I've got 5 Cataphractii ready, plus the Calth Praetor, with another 5 being layered for my 30k force. I'm in the process of magnetising the lot, so I can use them as both Lernaean and normal terminators, but might just go "pure" Lernaean and drop the magnetisation. I'm not a fan of mixing 30k and 40k, but I might do it in this case.


My Alpha Legion started out with the DV box, then randomly what I thought I needed and what I could afford (eBay Cultists). Now I'm building towards more specific lists, with fluff in mind.

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Using cult troops in a alpha legion force can be either using strait cult troops (I myself have some plague marines that were formerly infiltrating the death guard) or a specialised troop (noise marines could be a head hunter squad with some xenos weapon, berserkers could be a infiltration team that specialises in close quarter combat, and getting their hands dirty).


Marks are another thing, they can be dedications to gods or them (and the strategems they allow) just aspects of the superior training alpha legion marines go through with recruitment.

Yeah, WAAAYYYYYYYY back in the day (during 5th edition with that wretched book we had) I used to think of count-as to use of cult troops for my Iron Warriors army. I liked the idea that they didn't widely worship the gods and preferred only to rely on themselves and their war gears...but I wanted the cool units too


-Plague Marines: Use a lot of bionic and make their fluff about them being part of a Chemical Corps (Now you can say they were destroyers). The heavy use of bionics and proximity to chemicals cooking their nerves made them immune to pain.


-Berzerkers: Forlorn Hope. Warriors who grew restless during the siege now lead the charge through broken ramparts eager to vent their rage upon their enemy. And they would be amped up thanks to a chemical dump of adrenaline boosting drugs.


-Noise Marines: Psy-Ops. They would play raucous music and blare threats to weaken the enemy's morale. The frequency of their vox caster mimicing the sonic weaponry they reversed engineered from sonic blasters of slain emperor's children. Plus, they probably wanted to see if the vibrations from noise could shake a fortress apart. *This was a far fetched idea.


-Thousand sons: Mind-wiped and lobotimised legionary from both the Iron Warriors and any other astartes they captured. These were warriors who had failed their legion or had been captured and turned into a suicide unit. They were nothing more than automatons to be marched into the enemy's defenses. Using more volatile rounds in their bolters they would assault a fortification intent on inflicting maximum casualties. If they walked away from the firefight, great, if not then it was no loss to the Iron Warriors.


Something like this could be done for AL if someone wanted to. A fun/creative way to add cults while making it a part of the legion at least with fluff and some modeling.


ChazSexington, looking forward to the Lernean! They were the reason I wanted to go terminator heavy in my Alpha Legion army. Except I used the Tartaros terminators while my cataphractii gather dust and I have the extra bitz I bought them sitting in a box.


You army also has all the CP! Because I go so heavy with havoc, terminators, and whatever elites I usually just end up with  a vanguard and spearhead. With how cheap the Cultists are and playing around with some list building I may have to give those dregs a try.

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Using cult troops in a alpha legion force can be either using strait cult troops (I myself have some plague marines that were formerly infiltrating the death guard) or a specialised troop (noise marines could be a head hunter squad with some xenos weapon, berserkers could be a infiltration team that specialises in close quarter combat, and getting their hands dirty).


Marks are another thing, they can be dedications to gods or them (and the strategems they allow) just aspects of the superior training alpha legion marines go through with recruitment.

Yeah, WAAAYYYYYYYY back in the day (during 5th edition with that wretched book we had) I used to think of count-as to use of cult troops for my Iron Warriors army. I liked the idea that they didn't widely worship the gods and preferred only to rely on themselves and their war gears...but I wanted the cool units too


-Plague Marines: Use a lot of bionic and make their fluff about them being part of a Chemical Corps (Now you can say they were destroyers). The heavy use of bionics and proximity to chemicals cooking their nerves made them immune to pain.


-Berzerkers: Forlorn Hope. Warriors who grew restless during the siege now lead the charge through broken ramparts eager to vent their rage upon their enemy. And they would be amped up thanks to a chemical dump of adrenaline boosting drugs.


-Noise Marines: Psy-Ops. They would play raucous music and blare threats to weaken the enemy's morale. The frequency of their vox caster mimicing the sonic weaponry they reversed engineered from sonic blasters of slain emperor's children. Plus, they probably wanted to see if the vibrations from noise could shake a fortress apart. *This was a far fetched idea.


-Thousand sons: Mind-wiped and lobotimised legionary from both the Iron Warriors and any other astartes they captured. These were warriors who had failed their legion or had been captured and turned into a suicide unit. They were nothing more than automatons to be marched into the enemy's defenses. Using more volatile rounds in their bolters they would assault a fortification intent on inflicting maximum casualties. If they walked away from the firefight, great, if not then it was no loss to the Iron Warriors.


Something like this could be done for AL if someone wanted to. A fun/creative way to add cults while making it a part of the legion at least with fluff and some modeling.


ChazSexington, looking forward to the Lernean! They were the reason I wanted to go terminator heavy in my Alpha Legion army. Except I used the Tartaros terminators while my cataphractii gather dust and I have the extra bitz I bought them sitting in a box.


You army also has all the CP! Because I go so heavy with havoc, terminators, and whatever elites I usually just end up with  a vanguard and spearhead. With how cheap the Cultists are and playing around with some list building I may have to give those dregs a try.



I mentioned it earlier, but it could always be World Eaters, Emperor's Children, DG, or Thousand Sons that joined the Alpha Legion Warband and repainted their armour in exchange for something. 10,000 years is a loooooong time and a lot can happen, just ask Rita Repulsa. I still wish Cult couldn't benefit from other Legions' tactics. 


I have less than average CPs in my meta, actually. The IG have so many over the course of a game. Competitively, I ideally want two Battalions and another Detachment at 2000 points.

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Haha, I am over here trying to remember why I know that name Rita Repulsa. Then when I googled it I got a sweet dose of childhood nostalgia. You are correct though, time and the warp, can really do wonders for storyline. Even the 40K version of the movie While You Were Sleeping with Roboute Guilliman waking up 10,000 years later was interesting.


I am looking at doing another army with a battalion, vanguard, and spearhead (with Abbadon sprinkled in) for more CP. My AL list being Elite and havoc heavy lacks a big pool. But to pull off the three detachment army means I need to cave in an get cutlists. And I used to have 40 of those bastards :censored:

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I have been looking at lists built from two battalions, 9 cp seems pretty good as I tend to blow through cp very quickly. Granted I may never go first, but with cover and the -1 to hit I should be okay

I have only gone first once. I have some party poppers to shoot off in my army bad for whenever I may be so blessed to go first.


I almost wished we had something like the Tallyman or that guardsmen relic that gives you the chance to possibly refund a spent CP. Yet, if everyone had something like that it would become so boring. I'd actually rather have something that let me try to steal d6 or more realistically d3 cp from my opponent. Ahh, silly wish listing.  

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  • 1 month later...

*pick up headset and bring ear piece and microphone up.

Testing one-two. Testing one-two.

Operatives, when I say Hydra you say Dominatus!




Just saw a BolS post and wondering if any one of you sneaky snakes picked up Sons of the Hydra?

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*pick up headset and bring ear piece and microphone up.

Testing one-two. Testing one-two.

Operatives, when I say Hydra you say Dominatus!




Just saw a BolS post and wondering if any one of you sneaky snakes picked up Sons of the Hydra?


Gonna order the hardback on the 20th. Rob Sanders is the Alpha Legion author, so really looking forward to it. 

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Some notes from the BA and DA codices:

The Macharian Heresy: Over three decades, the Dark Angels are tasked with suppressing the civil wars that are ongoing across many of the territories gained during the Macharian Conquests. The Ravenwing uncover several corrupt cults instigated by the Alpha Legion and Word Bearers Traitor Legions, as well as discovering the unmistakable signs of Cypher’s presence. The Deathwing are deployed in response, and several of the Fallen are captured amidst the ensuing carnage. The rebelling populaces, regarded as mere obstacles to the Dark Angels’ true mission, are slaughtered in their millions.


Betrayal at Zambeque: Abandoning allied Imperial forces during the seven-year siege of Ullstan III, the Ravenwing follow a trail that leads all the way to the Imperial Governor of Zambeque – a key Imperial planet known as the Gateway to the Gothic Sector. Before they can apprehend the governor for questioning, open rebellion erupts, and the planet secedes from the Imperium. The Dark Angels task force sent to investigate are surrounded upon Zambeque by Heretic Astartes of the Alpha Legion. Only a timely intervention by the Deathwing prevents the annihilation of the 2nd Company. Despite the Ravenwing’s pursuit, the Governor – determined to be the Fallen Angel who was once Brother Solas – escapes with the remnants of his Chaos Space Marine allies. 


‘They were surrounded. We outnumbered Zambeque’s Imperial defenders well over a thousand to one, but I knew the battle was lost the moment I saw the teleportation flare and the pale armour.’ - Lord Dharcron, Alpha Legion


Grymm’s Landing: The Dark Angels recruiting world of Grymm’s Landing falls into civil war after the Alpha Legion and Night Lords incite rebellion there. The Angels of Vengeance respond, fighting through wave after wave of renegades, cultists and madmen. Finally, despite massive casualties, they exterminate every living thing on the surface of Grymm’s Landing.


The Khovan Incident: Fascinated by the Primaris Space Marines – or more specifically, their potential to advance his research into a cure for the Flaw – Brother Corbulo makes it his business to accompany them into battle wherever he can. Thus Corbulo is on hand during the final attack on the Alpha Legion’s Fortress of Lies on Khovan. Spearheaded by Vindicators and Repulsors,the Blood Angels’ attack breaches the immense fortification, allowing squads of Intercessors to pour inside. Yet the Alpha Legionnaires draw out the fight, baiting their enemies and striking to wound and goad the Primaris Blood Angels wherever possible.
Though victory is eventually secured, the violence unleashed by several of the Primaris brothers to achieve it is extreme, with traitors torn limb from limb. No official censure is applied to the battle brothers in question, but Corbulo seeks audience with Dante shortly afterward. His deep disquiet is evident…
We get our teeth kicked in again:biggrin.:
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Thanks for sharing that as I do not think I would be picking up those codices any time soon.



We get our teeth kicked in again:biggrin.:


Misinformation. Provide our foes with a false sense of security in victory, they became lax, and forget to check the shadows...

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None of those seem to be instances of us getting our teeth kicked in, because all but the last one are cases of instigating mass revolts and forcing the "good guys" to murder millions of Imperial citizens.  You don't think our Patrons like that sort of thing? :P


Even in the last one where they smash the fortress, seems more a ploy to bring the Angels' flaw to the surface in the new Primaris reinforcements.


We always win, even when we seem to lose.

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Ever have a great idea for fluff for your army...and then some guy named Rob Sanders writes a book with something similar but its even better ever happen to you?


Something I picked up from the first few pages I got to read as Lunch went a bit sideways.

  • Stealing a big ship. Then again Captain Jack Sparrow did this once too...
  • Having an Official Officio Assassin


Also, I just saw Heralds of Ruin looks updated for 8th. I think its time to put my operatives to work.



Even in the last one where they smash the fortress, seems more a ploy to bring the Angels' flaw to the surface in the new Primaris reinforcements.

Rereading that bit that Chazsexington shared, I wonder how you goad an astartes. All I can think is this:


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Man, that or maybe scratching up their sweet red paint jobs?


I don't know where this thought comes from but I always think that astartes are more disciplined and not prone to emotional outbursts. Especially in a combat zone.

Contradicting that though there are things like World Eaters...


So goading a Blood Angel to the point that it wants to tear you limb from limb, not just shoot you twice in the chest and once in the head, seems interesting.

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