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Forge World European Open Day

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Oh no, we broke you. You just won't admit it.


And Rob was promptly killed by Fulgrim.


You broke us? Well, we're still kicking around, so I wouldn't put money on that.

Also, you and....seven other Legions. Against two Legions and part of a third.

I bow before your martial prowess....oh, wait... teehee.gif

Anyway, we'll settle this on Tallarn - eye to eye. devil.gif

Oh, so your 'not-broken' Legion will be where they're needed most, on Terra, right?


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Oh no, we broke you. You just won't admit it.


And Rob was promptly killed by Fulgrim.


You broke us? Well, we're still kicking around, so I wouldn't put money on that.

Also, you and....seven other Legions. Against two Legions and part of a third.

I bow before your martial prowess....oh, wait... teehee.gif

Anyway, we'll settle this on Tallarn - eye to eye. devil.gif

Oh, so your 'not-broken' Legion will be where they're needed most, on Terra, right?


Engaging enemy forces which would eventually be bound for Terra ultimately produces the same result, whilst playing to our strengths - besides, we were made to conquer, not defend - why should we let you seize the initiative? Waiting for death has never been our style - we stride forward to face it down devil.gif

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Okey-Dokey, let's ask Mr. Dorn...


..." what's that? Iron Cage? Exterminating your own Legion on a suicide mission? Alright, I'll call back later."


He's a bit busy right now.


Hey remember that time Perturabo dug a big ditch and told Dorn he couldn't fill it with the bodies of his own dead?

And Dorn said :cuss you, I'll fill it so full I can walk across the bodies, kick down the door to your house, and punch that smirk off your face?

And he did, except Perturabo wasn't in there and the house was a bomb?

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So that bolt cannon is higher strength than the warhound titan's bolt cannon? That makes me mad.

I had thought of getting a pair of Knights to escort a Warhound, but now I'm thinking I'll drop the cash on two Warhounds, and go Knight hunting.... devil.gif

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Warhound titans also have more / better weapon options that being stuck with the Castigator Bolt-Cannon. As well as being able to double up on them.

At double the cost, it should have more weapons. I dunno, that just incenses me because it's such an obvious case of "new model - better rules" and it's kind of a slap in the face to Warhound owners. Ah well. I'm still gonna love my Warhound and play with it. :)

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Just wondering, weapon rules problems aside, how much more durable than a Knight-X is the Warhound? You'd think it'd be able to stay on the board for much longer than their "Smaller" Cousins and thus be able deal more damage even though the Mega-Bolter is "weaker" than the Castigator's.

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If memory serves (which it may not), a Warhound should have somewhere in the region 9-12 hull points, and void shielding rather than the one directional ion field. So substantially more survivable than a Knight.


As for Castigator gun vs Mega Bolter, yes the Castigator has a higher strength, but the Vulcan had almost twice the rate of fire. Which sort of makes sense, the Vulcan is a dedicated anti infantry weapon, and Warhound can pack another titan class gun to compensate for the Vulcan's poor performance against vehicles. On the other hand, a 380 point Knight with only a S6 gun? Damn near worthless for the price, as it can only worry infantry/light vehicles at range.

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If memory serves (which it may not), a Warhound should have somewhere in the region 9-12 hull points, and void shielding rather than the one directional ion field. So substantially more survivable than a Knight.





Screw it. It's now my goal in life to crush every knight I find with a Warhound. Because, dammit.

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9 HP, 2 Void Shields.


Hmm Lied you said a 380pt knight with a st6 gun seemed silly? Is that like a 750pt TITAN with a st6 gun!?


Anyways, I'm not as mad as I probably make myself out to be. Just mildly frustrated because that seems silly.


And yes, Heathens, that is my goal too. :)

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If memory serves (which it may not), a Warhound should have somewhere in the region 9-12 hull points, and void shielding rather than the one directional ion field. So substantially more survivable than a Knight.





Screw it. It's now my goal in life to crush every knight I find with a Warhound. Because, dammit.

I shall get a Knight Lancer and challenge you to a joust misguided cousin!

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