gaurdian31 Posted November 19, 2015 Share Posted November 19, 2015 They look great, love the apothecary! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Argent aquila Posted November 19, 2015 Author Share Posted November 19, 2015 Nice job on your latest batch of models! It's been a while since I've had a look so I just sat and read through a couple months of stuff Your paint work is really coming along nicely, that high regent is awesome especially what you've done with the thunder hammer's power field. I'll probably be stealing that next time I do a TH. Love the fluff as usual too, great stuff all around and looking forward to reading more about your chapter. Thanks for looking! the power field effect was just thinned down guilliman blue put on in 2 or 3 layers over several coats of white, feel free to use at your leisure! Hope to have the rest of the assassin up within the next coupla days, i look forward to sharing! They look great, love the apothecary! Glad you like him! i'll be washing him and the siege mantlet marines soon to get some paint on them, just have bases to work with between then and now. Ran outta likes, sooooo: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sockwithaticket Posted November 21, 2015 Share Posted November 21, 2015 Cool to see the kerb-stomper all done. Suitably bloody xenos at his feet. Your posing continues to come on in leaps and bounds. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Argent aquila Posted November 25, 2015 Author Share Posted November 25, 2015 Cool to see the kerb-stomper all done. Suitably bloody xenos at his feet. Your posing continues to come on in leaps and bounds. Thank ya!! Much appreciated! So, got a good bunch to talk about, let's get started! First: [/url]">http:// new basecoating brushes! finally! i've gone years using the one on the far right, and i just got tired of the frustration of using a nearly destroyed brush to paint anything, so i got a wide bristle brush, a pair of vallejo brushes, and one of citadels new (small) basing brushes. Woohoo! I had a blast gaming with my friends for the first time in nearly 3 months this past weekend, had a solid 1 loss-4 draw-1 win tally at the end, which with a Siege assault vanguard list is pretty good if i do say so myself. memorable game of the night had to have been against grey knights at 1,750. I knew there was going to be cheese flying around, a squad of paladins in a stormraven to be precise, but what i didn't expect was a trio of imperial knights to drop on the table too! Something my opponent had "forgotten" to mention previously... Luckily i was playing SAV, and i'd been prepared with a little hate of my own.... a land raider, a fire raptor, and 9 vindicators. 9 emperor forsaken vindicators. needless to say, the end of the game saw a single hull point imperial knight slinking behind a watchtower in the back corner, literally surrounded by the 7 surviving pie plate spewers, and a lone paladin cowering on the siege objective behind the smouldering wreckage of the stormraven while a landraider full of siege assault marines with plasma came hurtling into the ruins between them just a single turn too late. it's safe to say put the hate on Grey knights. In other news, production has begun on the fire stallions motor pool, i plan on putting more background on the stallions in the upcoming future, because, what good are the main characters without their most hated counterparts? anyway, i've begun work on a full tactical squad, a second dreadnought, a rhino, 2 hunter/stalkers, a tri-las predator, and a drop pod. Fun stuff! here they are after a wash of nuln oil over the silver basecoat: [/url]">http:// a drybrush of warplock bronze, then ironbreaker: [/url]">http:// and finally, brass scorpion followed by a soft covering of runefang steel to finish the effect: [/url]">http:// the tacticals: [/url]">http:// dreadnought: [/url]">http:// drop pod: [/url]">http:// and various extra parts: [/url]">http:// [/url]">http:// that's all folks, thanks for lookin'!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gaurdian31 Posted November 25, 2015 Share Posted November 25, 2015 Looking good! Should get yourself some Grey Knight trophies for your own Knights Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Argent aquila Posted November 25, 2015 Author Share Posted November 25, 2015 Looking good! Should get yourself some Grey Knight trophies for your own Knights ohoho, now that's an idea i can get behind! i have another gaming session this weekend after the next playoff game, so i'll be sure to ask for a significant trade. thanks for lookin'. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted November 25, 2015 Share Posted November 25, 2015 The Stallions are getting some Steeds. GK Helmet trophys for the win . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Argent aquila Posted December 6, 2015 Author Share Posted December 6, 2015 The Stallions are getting some Steeds. GK Helmet trophys for the win . I'm working negotiations for a suitable set of trophies.... soon, with luck. Alrighty, got some interesting stuff for this pre-update i'll be dropping what i've spent the last several weeks working on around noonish if i wake up early enough to have time before i leave to march in our Christmas parade. anyway, first, i've just started learning how to use the program Zbrush on the Wacom Tablet, the fruits of an hours worth of screwing around that i'm quite happy about looks a little like this: [/url]">http:// got a bunch to learn, but not a terrible first try! and next, the reason why i've been hard at work on Autcoad and starting the Zbrush work, this just came in today: [/url]">http:// definitely a game changer!! Can't wait to get started! Last for tonight, i finished the exterior of my drop pod: [/url]">http:// [/url]">http:// [/url]">http://'> Just need to re-setup my airbooth so i can add OSL to the interior central hub, then glue all of it together. Not unhappy with how it turned out, hope to get my hands on some more in the future, at least 4..... (Everyone wants to be the star phantoms every now and again!!) That's all for now, like i said, around noon i'll be putting up the culmination of several weeks worth of procrastination and hard work, i look forward to sharing with y'all! Have a nice night. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted December 6, 2015 Share Posted December 6, 2015 The drop pod looks very well used! Also, you got a 3D printer?! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted December 6, 2015 Share Posted December 6, 2015 WHOA!!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Argent aquila Posted December 6, 2015 Author Share Posted December 6, 2015 The drop pod looks very well used! Also, you got a 3D printer?! THank ya! ANd heck ya i got a 3d printer! My dad and i have always wanted to have our own startup business for selling conversion parts and such, i already have numerous kits to design! flamers of all sorts, breacher and stormshields, glaives, knives and throwing stars, missile launchers, and more! More on that stuff is to come, it may take a while, but i can't wait! WHOA!!!!! Hehe, wait until you see this, i'm quite happy with how it turned out! _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tohra Krouzak, the wandering blade The last rad-stained astartes was sent tumbling into the ash dusted gravel as a single high caliber bolt shell punched into the space marines’ throat, the diamantine tipped payload pierced the softer mesh-armor just to the right of the jugular before detonating with a muffled crump. As the corpse toppled and slid downhill in the charred shale, the armored helm tore free of the rest of the suit of MKVII plate, bouncing off the rocks and spraying rivulets of rich gods-blood into the air as it went bounding downhill. Tohra Krouzak racked the slide of his weapon back, the emptied sickle clip falling cleanly out from its’ housing. As he did so, he pulled out a large capacity box magazine mag locked just between his back plate and power plant, and clicked the munitions into place behind the ancient boltguns’ fore grip. The astartes was about to move on, but hesitated as something caught his Lyman’s ear. He stood there a moment, head cocked to the right curiously, listening carefully to the sound of a guttering tank engine in the distance. He brought up his free arm straight out ahead of him, palm upward. A moment later, one of his familiars clawed its’ way into reality. The diminutive, glowing beetle chittered and stretched out its’ thin, ethereal claws a moment, covering the breadth of Krouzaks’ massive digits, before leaping into the air to search for its’ masters’ quarry. Satisfied, Krouzak marched on once more, quietly observing the ash fall in sheets from the clouded sky around him. Down a twisting trail, the Space Marine passed by the fallen forms of both xenos and humans alike. Occasionally a ceramite clad form would also present itself, the gaudy silver armor Rad-stained a bright red-orange as was characteristic of the Fire Stallions chapter. Were they any other breed of astartes, Krouzak would have stopped to ensure each of the loyalists were properly put down, but he knew too well the temperament of these particular sons of Jaghatai, they only ever stopped moving when they were completely dead. There was a distant thunderclap in the air as something exploded, followed by the faint splash of Tau pulse-fire. Krouzak picked up his already blistering pace, the graveyard of bodies forgotten and left behind to disappear as they were buried in the falling, ceaseless ash rain. He patiently watched the skirmish through his servants’ eyes, the half real insect clinging bodily to the smoke blistered branches of a dead tree lying beside the wide gravel road. A trio of ab-humans had pulled themselves out from the slighted remains of a chimera transport, its’ engine a wreck of scrap metal and leaking oil and grease. No doubt expecting to ambush a squad of guardsman, the xenos must have been surprised when a clutch of the hulking brutes threw themselves through the rear hatchway, quite infuriated, yet clearly relieved to be outside the cramped confines of their transport. The Ogryn discharged their grenade launchers emphatically into the sides of the road and beyond, pulping several of the darting Tau into paste. Ever organized and rather brave among their kind, the pathfinder infiltrators put up a hasty front in return, running in pairs across either side of the gravel roadway or up and down the hillside as they dumped pulse fire into their foe. But the combined fire did little to harm the ab-humans, whose slab shields, thick as a leman Russ’ flanks, laughed off the small arms fire with impunity. Krouzak hurried down the hillside, whilst watching the battle unfold he could immediately recognize the regiment-command designation on the sides of the chimera and its’ passengers’ shield armor, seemingly unnoticed by the xenos. The real target had yet to show themselves, and the Tau had conveniently stopped them in their trap. Fortune, it had seemed, was smiling upon the Tundaran Knight assassin this day. Just as the last of the Pathfinder scouts was blown to pieces by the trio of hulking bodyguards, their ward stepped out of the wreckage of the chimera, brushing down a drab Roxxen fur long-coat and looking up at the gray, dead sky. Charisa Dytias, a slight, thin woman, not a month past her 28th Imperial lunar year, turned to one of the giants as it prodded the forlorn shape of a dead alien lying on the ground, coughing aloud so as to garner the beasts’ fickle attention. It turned to regard her tightly enshrouded form, like a twig protruding bodily from the road, “Oi, didni say ta stay in da box?” it muttered angrily, “ Wha’d I do if ya got yerself shot out ‘ere in da middl-o nowhere!? Da commissa’d ‘off me if I brot back yer flimsy lil’ corpse in a sac! I == REDACTED - JUVENILE & NONCONSTRUCTIVE == that you lot was smarta ‘n dhat!” Tapping its’ temple for emphasis. Charisa took a step back, cowed, “M-my apologies, staff-sergeant Alda, I-i don’t mean to cause you trouble,” The woman stuttered in a thin, apologetic tone, “ I-it’s just that, the chimera will s-surely explode any moment now, t-the fuel line’s been ruptured and it was l-leaking all over the inside of the cabin, a-and, uh, w-well the d-driver was smoking an Iho right before the landmine det-“ She was cut short by the detonation of the chimeras’ fuel reserves, sending the small woman sprawling onto the ground as shrapnel flew high into the air. She looked up from the dirt at the Ogryn after the fires died down a little, ash already beginning to settle on them both. “S-s-see?” The analyst let out a half-smile. Alda snorted, “git ‘off yer sarry arse, we dunno wot ta do now…” It said, turning to his bickering compatriots as the analyst gathered herself up and wearily trod over to her bodyguards, she looked around at the dead xenos nervously, adjusting her wire thin glasses that had been knocked ajar in the tanks’ violent demise. Hidden in the trees, Krouzak watched calmly, zooming his helmets’ optics onto the meek humans’ face. He took a pict capture, sending his current coordinates and verification request to the current C.O. stationed some 80 kloms to the southeast in search of different prey in a much bolder, louder fashion than Krouzak or his squad. She was not his primary target, but a necessary catch nonetheless, her intel on the chapters’ whereabouts and previous actions could damn the entire chapters’ remnants to the fires of the Inquisition…. Krouzak s’ helm pinged in his ear a brief moment later as he got his response. --:: Target, confirmed… Priority class D- level 7, 0, Beta….. Moniker: Charisa Dytias…… Status: Termination:: necessary—knowledge of Chapter whereabouts and status, unacceptable….. Potential threat alone, minor to moderate…… Commander/upper level threat level, severe..… Confirm kill, then report for next assignment and rearmament. ::--- --můj obdiv, bratr Krouzak. (My admiration, brother Krouzak.) jménem naší mrtvých, naší rodiny, nebudeme váhat dokud spravedlnosti učiněno zadost. (On behalf of our dead, our family, we will not falter until justice is done.) The message typed itself across the side of his HUD as the Librarian responded, but he’d already known most of what it would say far before his superior had finished, up until the end… he hesitated when he saw the missive tailing the message, repeating in his mind the mantra of the great branches as his cold gray eyes scanned over the runes… It had been a long time since he had heard one of his brethren say that, Krouzak thought. He withdrew his combat blade from the neck of the last pathfinder, a coward that had broken away in an attempt to escape, only to run right into the lurking Astartes to be swiftly enveloped in deaths’ embrace. He was to never leave witnesses, after all. Tossing the toxin laced combat blade up into the air, Krouzak caught it in a reverse grip, and dropped down heavily onto the roadway from behind the remains of the blackened husk of a tree. Nonchalantly, he strode up the roadway towards his target, his primed boltgun held in a loose grip in his right fist. Alda and his fellows had just begun to squabble over why they were even going to the regiments’ forward command center when the analyst spoke up once more, trying repeatedly to get the big lugs’ fleeting attention, “Sergeant Alda!” She finally yelled, pointing down the road. “wot in bloody ‘ell do ya wont now?!” turning and looking down, slightly irritated at this weak little thing the lord commissar himself had told him to guard with his life. “Oi, who’r you?” mand, one of Aldas’ smartest subordinates, shouted, voicing the analysts’ confusion at the appearance of the outlandish Astartes, as he walked through the smoke that came billowing out from the burning chimera, crushing a Tau helm underfoot with a wet crack. “ ain’t nevva seen one o’ them with da uvver big ‘uns, ‘ave ya, sir?” asked Urs, the third smartest of the regiment, he raised his gauntlet to point at the lone astartes, “didno dey look like dat sumtimes, E don’t look right...” The bone’ead snorted in response. “ay, you,” Alda finally snapped, looking over at the baroque armor of the astartes before him, ” take anuvva step closa and yer legs git blown ta bits, ya got that, brownie?” He threatened. Stomping down between the space marine and his charge, who’d taken to cowering several yards behind them, well out of the way of her guardians. Something about this space marine was nagging at the back of her mind, she’d spent some of her time in the emperors’ service around the likes of these demi-gods before, quite recently the Fire stallions deployed in this very campaign…. But something seemed wrong here, it was a distantly familiar feeling she got from the way that, thing, carried itself, the congealing blood that covered its’ armor, the facsimile of a leg that moved unerringly in time with its’ real one. Whatever it was, it quite terrified her. Krouzak stopped, weight shifted his weight back on his heels, casually bending one knee and relaxing the grip on his weapons even more to the point of almost releasing it entirely. Getting rid of these mindless slabs of meat was always easier this way, he thought to himself. With a thought, he activated the speaker link in his Comm. “Dobrý den, blázni, já jsem tady zabít ten, který je pověřený střežit. “ He spoke in a mocking, vivacious tone. The thick, heavy accent of Tundaras‘ dialect sliding smoothly off the tongue and through the speakers in his helm, flowing out to the uncultured ears of the brutes before him. The ogryn, dumbfounded, looked at one another, trying to understand the language of an extinct planets‘ populace. Krouzak took another, calm step closer. The analyst wracked the memory banks of stored information in the cerebral implants grafted io the back of her skull, which contained precious information gathered on a variety of her regiments‘ recent foes in the form of written logs and audio recordings. A walking library of information that she now tapped into with growing haste. “ Samozřejmě, nemáte ponětí, co říkám, ano?“ shrugging his shoulders slightly, openly insulting them. He was almost there, the opportune moment to strike about to present itself. Just a little closer. A low chuckle snuck through the scowling grille of the Space Marines helmet. With growing horror she came across the information she needed, her thoughts snapped into place a;; at once. The reason as to why so many fresh recruits had been inducted and armed and for her recalling from her latest deployment to the command center. They knew she had seen them, recorded them. They were after her, tying up loose ends. She stood up from where she was taking cover against the roadside, suddenly desperate. “S-sergeant Alda! Shoot him, NOW!“ She screamed. But it was too late, the astartes had made it quite far enough to mitigate their weapons‘ effectiveness, and to boot, the oafs had left their guard down in front of the soothing talk of the murderous ghoul before them. Krouzak tensed, suddenly exploding into motion. Far faster than the ab-humans could lock their shields together and brace for the charge, the space marine was between Aldas‘ two men, his blade gouging deep behind Mands‘ right knee. The brute shouted in surprised pain as the poisoned blade severed the chords of his muscle bound joint, Mand took a faltering step to his left, swinging his grenade launcher down on where the astartes had just been standing a moment before. By then, Krouzak had already let go of the blade, sunken deep into his preys‘ flesh, and ducked past the blow, grabbing onto the back of Mands‘chestpiece, hauling himself up the 2 and a half meter mutant. he aligned the barrel of his bolter to its‘ thick, meaty neck. With a muffled crack, the astartes dumped a short burst of shots into the snarling brutes‘ skull, severing several arteries and cracking mands‘ heavy-set jawbone as the rounds blew apart the interior of his skull. With fluid precision, Krouzak rolled off with the corpses‘ falling momentum opposite to the other mutants, pulling out his blade as he went. The huge, armored form of the dying Ogryn fell backward, slab-shield smacking against the weight of the bodys‘ angled plates before clanging to the ground. Mands‘ jaw slapped against the ground nearby, connected by a stray tendon, and acrid blood poured from every opening on the beasts‘ skull, one eye rolled back in its‘ socket, the other blown out by the shrapnel of the munitions exploding in his liquified cranium. Alda let out a roar and locked shields with Urs, backing up towards the analyst as the space marine took long strides across the road, firing his boltgun at full auto and sending spent shell casings flying into the air, the bolts‘ impacts tearing fist sized chunks of the shields away in violent explosions. One precisely placed bolt round slammed into the eyepiece of Urs‘ gasmask, shattering the glass lens and exploding as the diamantine tip split the cornea like an undercooked egg-yolk. Urs‘ screamed, the enhanced physiology of his species unable to ignore the blinding pain of a boltshell exploding just outside his skull. The giant stumbled backwards, arms pulled across his face as he attempted to claw at the shrapnel embedded in the soft flesh of his bearded face. Krouzak made his move once more, lunging forwards with untrackable speed as Alda unloaded a score of grenades across the gap between them, much too slow to catch the space marine as he closed the distance in an unstoppable charge. The analyst watched in abject dismay as the Tundaran Knight lept up onto the front of the flailing Urs and stuffed a tied pair of Krak grenades into the side of his gorget, whose floundering arms, still connected to his weapons, swung about wildly, trying to smash into the Space marine and failing to dislodge him. A searing wave of light erupted from the top of the stumbling Ogryns‘ armor, sending a spray of vaporized brain matter and chunks of gas mask flying into the air as the brutes‘ head was blown apart in a brilliant explosion of bright crimson. The astartes stepped off from atop its‘ fallen chest as the red mist came down in a sparge, speckling his armor with a violent scarlett splatter. The analyst could have sworn it was smiling beneath that helmet. Alda let out a roar of stubborn defiance, clanging his gun against the front of his splintered slabshield. “Ya filthy basta’d! I’ll kill ya dead fer wot ya did!“ The bodyguard turned his head towards the woman. “Git outta ‘ere, now!“ He bellowed. Taking a heavy step forward and emptying the last of his munitions into the general area of the enemy, and achieving frustratingly little but blasting the corpses of his comrades. The Ogryn charged forwards, comprehending little of how insignificant this small act of impudence truly was to the veteran assasin before him. Krouzak dived around the last Ogryn as it thundered past, leading with its‘ shield. Landing expertly, blindingly fast, a trio of boltshells erupted from his boltgun, one of them breaching a grenade on the bodyguards‘ belt and erupting in a conflagration, the Ogryn was unbalanced with the force of the explosion, sending him stumbling from the forward momentum of his charge. Circling around, Krouzak put several more shots into the soft joints of Aldas‘ armor, tearing out the ligaments of both legs before he could even catch his breath and turn to face Krouzak. Alda sank onto his collapsed knees, leaning heavily on the tower shield as he pressed it down to keep himself upright, its‘ weight crushing the rock beneath its‘ lip to dust. The astartes, slowed to a walk, amputated the Ogryns‘ right arm with another concentrated burst of shots,the sound of tearing meat audible as the heavy grenade launcher landed with a thud on the ground. Alda let out an anguished howl. Krouzak mag-locked the emptied bolter at his side, and withdrew his boltpistol in one clean motion, hefting the weighty long blade in his left hand and guaging the distance. He playfully threw the ancient monomolecular edge with a snap of his wrist thudding into the ogryns‘ exposed throat from the side, immediately, the toxins of the Khemarii serpent went to work, the dwindling strength Alda had left spent as his muscles siezed up, painfully contracting over and over in an endless cycle. hacking up blood, Alda brought his head up just enough to lock his dulling eyes with the empty mask lenses of his killer. Krouzak put his hand upon the hilt of his blade, bringing the scowling grille of his helm in line with the ab-humans‘ear. A quiet moment passed. “You can imagine what comes next, no?“ The Space Marine sneered. The Ogryn shook with fury. He shook pitifully at his shield to pull it from the ground, one last act of defiance, but it held firm. The ogryn kept struggling anyway. Whether it had realized that it was useless, Krouzak did not know. The astartes executed him then, the obstinate bodyguards‘ dying breath burned out in a hazy exhale as he slumped forwards under his own bulk, fresh blood trickling from his punctured throat and down his slack jaw, shield still firmly dug into the earth. Down the road, the analyst ran as fast as she could, tears streaming from her grit covered face as she careened down the soft decline, the sun was gone from the sky, the faint light the sister moons, distant and insignificant in the distance, were her only companions now, lighting her way weakly. Her panicked gasps sent frosted breath into the night, her racing mind unable to repress her hysterics. She wans’t ready to die, not now, not here.... And that was when a boltshell punctured the back of her skull at the base of the neck, blowing apart her spine and sending the top half of her head flying in a million directions across the gravel road. Krouzak stood over the newest corpse. This one left a mark on his psyche, unlike the meatsacks he had lain low earlier. He truly hated mutants, they all deserved to die in his eyes, he regretted nothing of what he did to them. But he took no relish in this ones‘ death, rather, he was taken aback by the sheer desperation with which she had clung to life. He seaved through the memories, as most his kin could, and witnessed just how pointless this childs‘ entire life had been, a slave to the imperial warmachine like so many other souls. The Space Marine bent down to one knee, listening as her soul tethered itself to the back of his mind, hearing her heartfelt pleas, her incessant weeping. He pitied her, this insignificant little thing. Fine, he thought to himself, i’ll take you with me. He reached down with his blade, breaking several rib bones with a single upperhanded slash, and with his other hand, dug out the largest couple of pieces. Her weeping faded to almost nothing, the soul placated. Standing up, the astartes placed the bloodied shards in a pouch at his belt, populated by similar tokens stolen from the dead. Eventually, her voice will fade too, just like they all did, a month, maybe two, he thought, he could indulge her prescence for that long. His helm recorded another pict of the target, sending it to his superior with a simple note attached. Target, eliminated. Orders? [/url]">http:// [/url]">http:// [/url]">http:// [/url]">http:// [/url]">http:// _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ gotta run, have agood one y'all! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MikhalLeNoir Posted December 6, 2015 Share Posted December 6, 2015 That was some inspirational piece of fluff and a nice mini....and 3d printer... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sockwithaticket Posted December 6, 2015 Share Posted December 6, 2015 That was a very decent read. Imbues a good model with plenty of character. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gaurdian31 Posted December 7, 2015 Share Posted December 7, 2015 Excellent story to go with an excellent model! Also, a 3D printer? Nice. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
betrayer41 Posted December 7, 2015 Share Posted December 7, 2015 Great looking Bases. thank ya much! I wish Allen did have a game store again & a gaming community. Good pic of the stadium. I live down the street from it. Nice marines btw. thanks, and yeah, i totally agree, the guys down at hobby town usa are pretty great though, they provide well enough as far as marines go, and anything they don't have, the madness comics down the road a bit has some online only orders brought in regularly. now, for something new and exciting! i raked in way more than i thought i would for christmas, including a command squad, a pair of dreadnoughts, tactical squads for chaos and loyalist, and a librarian, who was the first to recieve my attention, and..... improvements. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [/url]">http:// [/url]">http:// [/url]">http:// [/url]">http:// The blood soaked librarius of the Tundaran Knights had always been seen for the horror inducing monstrosities they were, but none doubted their devotion to their chapter, their brothers, and the Emperor. when the sons of Tundara were cast out from their place in the Imperium, it was the Psykers of the chapter that held the predations of corruption from their brothers, and kept them from the brink of true heresy. Of the 12 librarians that drew breath at the beginning of their excommunication, only two continue to serve the chapter to this day, epistolery Cerna Ohen, the brightest pupil to the late master of the Librarius Dhallak Vah, is seen here amidst the war torn crusade of the Knights bringing forth the spirits of the departed, in a manner not unlike the familiars the rest of the chapter controls. his mastery over the summoning arts has continued to preserve the dwindling number of lives of his kin, a fact that he cherishes above all else. in the field, Ohen wields a trident bladed staff, more appropriate to cut apart his foes than any force stave. legions of dead spirits are brought from their half buried, charred graves in service of the renegades, an unliving screen of psychic manifestation driven to murder by the willpower of Ohen and his pupil, Jestra Okoh, who protects his brothers from the confines of the chapters flagship in high orbit over Roshens' massive landmasses. [/url]">http:// [/url]">http:// [/url]">http:// _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [/url]">http:// (more of them to come ) more bases! [/url]">http:// [/url]">http:// [/url]">http:// [/url]">http:// and with that, i say adieu, next update will definitely be tomorrow, i have most of the command squad that still need introductions. (OFF TOPIC:question, for space hulk miniatures, i was thinking of painting the terminators as knights of Blood, and need some ideas for stealer colors to contrast? ) Comments and Critiques please!!! Ok so a little late to the party.... First of all..... Wow just wow. I don't know if this has been asked or posted but do you have a tutorial for the bases?!? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted December 7, 2015 Share Posted December 7, 2015 Man, those bases are brilliant -- such a simple, yet brilliant effect. Consider my mind blown! :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Argent aquila Posted December 7, 2015 Author Share Posted December 7, 2015 That was some inspirational piece of fluff and a nice mini....and 3d printer... Excellent story to go with an excellent model! Also, a 3D printer? Nice. Thank y'all kindly! i look forward to learning more about 3d printing and how to run ones' own company. It'll be really fun especially since this'll technically my first job as an adult too! That was a very decent read. Imbues a good model with plenty of character. Man, those bases are brilliant -- such a simple, yet brilliant effect. Consider my mind blown! Many thanks! i really appreciate you guys taking the time to look at my humble little contributions to the amazingness that is constantly seen on the BnC! Ok so a little late to the party.... First of all..... Wow just wow. I don't know if this has been asked or posted but do you have a tutorial for the bases?!? Haha, no worries! All are welcome! And thank you very much! I'd be happy to explain how i do my bases! To start off, i gather some gravel and sticks from my back yard, and either air dry or use a heater to make sure that all the moisture is taken out, this'll keep the sticks from rotting away and ruining the piece, at least, that was the idea... . no problems yet, so i guess it worked? (But of course, any modelling equivalent works fine too) then i take the base i'm using and glue on the sticks i wanna use as burnt trees or fallen limbs. after that, cover the rest in glue and dunk into a container filled with the gravel, be sure to mound it up around the bases of the trees to make them look like they're actually supposed to be there, another thing to keep in mind is the placement of the model on the base, pay close attention to how you want to position the piece! ::side note:: for larger bases, like the stormtalons' flying base, i use cut up pieces of foam and stick 'em on there before adding the sticks and gravel, this'll add more height to the base and can also elevate the whole piece. glue on extra bits and debris, then it should look a little like this: [/url]">http:// after that, let it dry for at least an hour before priming black.... then it's ready to paint. i start out by using a medium drybrush to apply mournfang brown to lower, inset areas of the base, and on the trees themselves sparingly. this gives the base a nice undertone and adds to the fact that this used to be regular earth at one point in time. then, hit all the rock with karak stone using the same brush, be careful not to go overboard with this stuff, it's supposed to be subtle!! after that, i touch up by darkening everything in abaddon black using the same brush, this will mute the tones and hide any splotches you might get. Hit the entire piece lightly with celestra gray, i use a fan type drybrush and take my time to build up the colors in a couple quick passes. now, using a detail brush, randomly apply evil sunz scarlett to the base, these will be the basis of the burning embers. I like to focus these on the edges of the trees where the broke, to give the still burning effect to it... lastly, while the reds are still hopefully wet, apply a small dot of flash gitz yellow to the edges for that final highlight to make things pop out really nicely, especially on the edges of the trees ( inkow it isn't as realistic putting lighter bright colors on the edges of the tree branches, but it attracts more attention that way, so do whatever you want!) after that, pick out any debris or extras you put on and make sure to hit them with a little black and gray to simulate ash falling, then voila! [/url]">http://'> hope that helps! thanks again all you guys! i'm really glad this update pleased y'all, i put a lot of work into it and i'm happy to see it payed off! Next update will come soon, hopefully! enjoy your day! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Argent aquila Posted December 19, 2015 Author Share Posted December 19, 2015 Howdy y'all! Just wanted to post a little something to make myself fell like i've been doing something productive in the hobby lately, with school out for the holidays one would expect to have more free time to do what they want, but that hasn't been the case so far with me... Been hard at work learning Zbrush and such, as well as entertaining family and stockpiling some non-spacemarine kits for conversion design purposes... my family business has officially gotten its' name, Relic model works, and i can't wait to get going on that. with Christmas coming up, i can't help but feel excited, i've asked for the astartes imperial armor book and a fire raptor, as well as a hoodie and tee shirt, both warhammer themed... Getting my hopes up, my families' always come through for me and i always appreciate their support and enthusiasm for my part in the hobby and scale modelling in general. also of note is that i'll be leaving out to California on the 28th with the marching band to participate in the tournament of Roses parade, which is awesome! But sadly means i wont be around to work on much until the new year is well underway... oh well, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity that i certainly can't miss out on. anyway, here's a crappy painting in progress shot of another SH termy, i hope to finish off the last half dozen or so between my larger projects.... [/url]">http://'> speaking of larger projects, some more loose designs are slowly coming underway for my assault oriented jumppack contemptor dread, thinking that the body conversions can start sometime next month, fingers crossed, and maybe i'll be able to print out some cool parts to boot, who knows what'll happen? That's all from me, i'll probably post again christmas day, but after that i think that'll be the last you hear from me until next year... Have a good one y'all! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted December 19, 2015 Share Posted December 19, 2015 Have fun in Cali if you can.I have put together 80 Marines but will be waiting for the next ETL to paint. Oh and Merry Christmas!!!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xenocide Enthusiast Posted December 20, 2015 Share Posted December 20, 2015 The Dread is amazeballs. I like the skull theme going through. Screaming skull dread is a favourite. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Argent aquila Posted December 20, 2015 Author Share Posted December 20, 2015 Have fun in Cali if you can.I have put together 80 Marines but will be waiting for the next ETL to paint. Oh and Merry Christmas!!!!!! Heck ya i'll have fun! we're going to Knotts Berry Farm and Disneyland while we're up there, and hanging out with a bunch of my friends to experience this is gonna be amazing, especially for senior year, what a way to go!! 80!! wow! Can't wait to see 'em, hope they turn out how ya like 'em! Have a merry Christmas brother! The Dread is amazeballs. I like the skull theme going through. Screaming skull dread is a favourite. First, welcome to the threads! i'm flattered my little corner of the internet would be one of the first places ya post on! Second, thank ya kindly for the compliments on the finished dread,and i do hope to deliver well on the concept for the new contemptor over the next few weeks/months, until then, be sure to enjoy the plethora of amazing work that is the BnC and happy holidays! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Argent aquila Posted December 26, 2015 Author Share Posted December 26, 2015 As promised, i've dropped by for one last post before the end of the year! first up! got my hands on a fire raptor! HECK YES. as well as the imperial armor book so my buddies won't gripe about me using pdf's off the internet anymore. also, an assault squad and a second stormtalon to join the dread-talon (as i like to call it) oh and one more thing. [/url]">http:// [/url]">http:// [/url]">http://'> "go ahead, little man. Squeel and wretch like the pig you are. Just make it quick, i have more important things to do..." -Seryuz Khrellix, blood-bound sergeant to Rodina Sahlvan, just before executing Inquisitor Karov Athellan of the Ordo Malleus and council of Akar VII, during the Dhrethnell insurrection. and with that, i bid you all a fond farewell until i return early in the new year, hopefully with a finished assault squad? i'll get my hopes up. have a good evening and happy new year y'all!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted December 27, 2015 Share Posted December 27, 2015 Liking the new assault marine! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gaurdian31 Posted December 27, 2015 Share Posted December 27, 2015 New guy looks great, have a good holiday! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Argent aquila Posted January 3, 2016 Author Share Posted January 3, 2016 Hey guys! Liking the new assault marine! New guy looks great, have a good holiday! Thanks a bunch! hope y'all enjoyed yourselves over break! My trip to Cali with the band was absolutely wonderful! being on national television gave me goosebumps! Glad to be back at my workstation though, feels good to build rather than entertain sometimes!! Well, as promised i've got some great progress to show y'all, pretty much finished the assault squad, and i gotta say, the new kit really does impress me. Now i just gotta get me a couple devastator squads! anyway Wip: powerfist dropping a crushed, bloody entrail leaking helmet. [/url]">http:// [/url]">http:// [/url]">http:// second fist firing, absolutely love the breacher helmets, blank facemasks are really cool to me. [/url]">http:// [/url]">http:// [/url]">http:// custom eviscerator. Reposed the arms to make a gabriel seth like pose, because it's cool. Also replaced his feet with raptor talons to add more a more predatory feel to him. [/url]">http:// [/url]">http:// [/url]">http:// [/url]">http:// how do y'all feel about the top of the chainsword? i personally rather like it but i also have a spear tip i tried out earlier... and finally, a true knight of Tundara. still gotta give him a new eyepiece, thus the gash on his head, but overall i'm way happy with him, a new favorite for sure! [/url]">http:// [/url]">http:// [/url]">http:// [/url]">http:// [/url]">http:// and a squad shot to close up [/url]">http:// [/url]">http://'> as always, they need some more clean up and tidying to finish them off, then i'll get them washed and prepped for priming with the dread talon as soon as i can re-setup my airbooth. C&C more than welcomed, especially on suggestions for more weapons, trying to branch out wo some original designs soon. Have a good one y'all! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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