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Iron-Daemon Forge

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Daemon princess have the "Daemon of.." rule not the "mark of..." rule so the are perfectly valid.

I feel iron warriors are better against mech heavy armies (oblits+ with tank hunter + sorcerers with heretech) however all other matches death guard I going to leave iron Warriors in the dust. The only place I can see is Sorcerer's don't have to take from Nurgle go discipline

Okay so the DG have you beat out for survivability, but how about CoD behind a void shield, in a bunker place in front of a Haelotrope or whatever it's called. Add in some ammo dumps, you might find Baledrakes make a big difference in that particular match up. Most DG are going to be running short range weaponry, probably in the form of relentless plasma and bikes. The DG will be typically point heavy and probably won't have anything like Obliterators and will rely on Zombie hordes for numbers.


I know DG are darn good but give yourself a chance. See what you can come up with.


I think with the Low level IC's probably spreading the artifacts will be easy. That Forgebreaker mace is beautiful. I don't know how to take full advantage of it yet, and still be economical but I think it's worth looking at.


Daemon princess have the "Daemon of.." rule not the "mark of..." rule so the are perfectly valid.

I feel iron warriors are better against mech heavy armies (oblits+ with tank hunter + sorcerers with heretech) however all other matches death guard I going to leave iron Warriors in the dust. The only place I can see is Sorcerer's don't have to take from Nurgle go discipline

Okay so the DG have you beat out for survivability, [snip]

It's kinda fluffy though, right? I mean, weren't we supposed to die in droves even before the heresy? :)

The battle reports from you guys will be glorious! :smile.:


I might try get some photos of my game on Thursday.


Perry - Yes I've had few idea for Fortification conversion since August & just give me some cool terrain if my gaming table that home goes forward.  I might pick up one on Saturday just get idea.



Still working on getting my collection up - but I'm thinking of asking for that Haemoatrope Reactor for Christmas.  I'm thinking Plasma Cannon's would then be Large Blasts - and with troop Oblits and the chance of getting Oblits shooting twice in one phase, that should add up to some nasty plasma burns for people.  Since you get two, you could also spread those oblits out a little.  I'm thinking this seems pretty swell - am I missing something?


That, or those Vengeance Battery things!

You guys think if I put a Forgfiend and load it up with plasma, then put it in front of a Haemotrope reactor it would get the large blast templates?

I believe so, though I'm not sure if I would feel safe with all of the extra get hot oppurtinities.

Would a forge fiend even be able to benefit from one I thought it only affected non-vehicle units so Obliterators are our only units that get the large blast. Sucks we can't give Plasma Cannons to our havocs would be cool

Would a forge fiend even be able to benefit from one I thought it only affected non-vehicle units so Obliterators are our only units that get the large blast. Sucks we can't give Plasma Cannons to our havocs would be cool


Ah that's right. Ah well... as for gets hot, a lot of the Forts have ammo dump options. So at least there's that. 

Remind me how the new IW rule regarding barrage weapons is stated. Does it only affect friendly IW units, or all friendly units? Would it have an effect on ordinance from R&H for instance?

It's only a detachment benefit not a Faction special rule

And only benifit units in the detatchment...


So if an IC joined a unit that has barrage weapons maybe... but not overall worth it...

As a Warsmith I don't dig mutations and I am not fond of daemons. So again I've come up with an Iron Warriors flavoured conversion for a mutant/daemon model.

This guy is the first complete Mutilator to add to the 49th Grand Company:



The idea is that these guys attack walls that guns cannot bring down because of void shields or other reasons, and that are too heavily defended for the auxiliaries of mortal sappers and combat engineers to take on without direct help from their space marine masters. Clad in special terminator armour that improves lateral vision and awareness, with reinforced helmets to protect from attacks from above, these siege specialists rush the walls of stubborn fortifications with their custom power-spades and tear great holes in enemy defenses.

When the walls are finally brought down, these Terminator elite are in the best position to exploit the breach, and rush into the surprised and disoriented defenders. Armed only with their special breaching tools, these elite members of the 1st Company wade into melee, denying the enemy opportunity to effectively defend the breach before more of the Grand Company can enter the fortification. Not only are they masters at digging through walls with their power spades, but they can also wield them in an expert close quarter drill to effect a variety of devastating injuries upon the armour and bodies of their victims.

I might drop some acetone onto some of the words to melt them to where you can't read them.

ALSO - so far the only entry in the Iron Warriors Inspiration Friday challenge is from the Night Lords Legion, about some filthy outsiders invading one of our fortresses in the name of that jumped-up upstart Abaddon. Surely someone here will defend the honour of the IVth?

So here's a question. A unit of earth shaker cannon artillery from siege of vraks are joined by a warpsmith from the iron warrior formation. Can the earth shakers reroll scatter dice?

No, because the rule states that models from the formation can reroll scatter dice. As the Earthshaker Cannons cannot be part of the formation, the answer is -sadly-  a simple 'no'.

Yeah in order to take advantage of the IW army rules you are regulated to only certain detachments, but those rules for each detachment benefit the whole formation. Which got me thinking....


Outside of taking the Chaos Warband 'tax' and keeping in mind this would most likely be within an apoc game....


By the words written if one were to then take a terminator annihilation force and the raptor talon it would go something like this...


Nominate a unit for death (termy bonus)

Deepstrike termys next to target

Shoot the target


Now the sexy part, you could then assault the target unit because of the bonus the raptor talon gives. Disordered charge? Who cares, you got your expensive termi unit into combat after they fired (twice mind you).To me this screams zomgdeath. And it feels fluffy having a mass of raptors and termies assaulting the armies of the false god.


Am I wild about oblits being troops? Nope. I would have rather had havocs instead. Making the oblits larger in unit size would be better IMHO rather than what they did but that is neither here nor there. The artifacts I think are great and fluffy and I'm looking forward to using them. Is it as tough as the DG? No. But we have army wide 6+ fnp which we didn't have before and we can take fortifications in our formation which others cant.


We finally have rules for our army. It doesn't fix everything but it is better than what we had and for once our armies actually get something for being modeled and painted as a certain legion.


Iron within, iron without!


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