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Personally, I know they're not everyone's favourite, bzut the re-roll buff for my defiler could have come in handy in my game against my brother's Tau a few weeks back. He will certainly be seeing more game time. I'm also loving the fact we can now take Predators in squadrons. My only fear is now do I have enough Warpsmiths!

I think we got some decent rules, and our relics are some of the better ones imho. I love the Siege Mace (I am at work atm so can't reference the proper name atm) and the Axe we get as well.

I'd also say the no marks is a tiny downside but will mean the rearrangement of some units. Eg, Helslash my Warsmith will be seeing more game time but Rualteth with the Mark of Khorne is going to have to lose the IW buffs if he wants to see some game time. Ah well, the price we pay.

Also, apologies if it's been asked, but did someone say we get split fire if we're in fortifications? If so where does it say this in the supplement? I could have just been seeing things or remembering wrong.

Iron Skull Mask:


Void Shield Generator: Fortifications auxiliary

Heldrake: you can take 2 in a heldrake terror pack, or go for the air superiority detachmant

Land raider: Take as transport in Warband. In fact, Warband helps with Champion of Chaos as well

On meltagun and plasmagun havocs we get tank hunter and bonuses against fortifications now right?


So even swapping a csm squad with melta combimelta for a havoc squad with 2 meltas is a very good move if you don't need the obsec.

On meltagun and plasmagun havocs we get tank hunter and bonuses against fortifications now right?


So even swapping a csm squad with melta combimelta for a havoc squad with 2 meltas is a very good move if you don't need the obsec.

All units in the chaos warband formation get obsec. This includes the havocs and their rhino.

And yes, IW get tank hunting melta wielding havocs.

Ah right. If you take that formation, which of course is a good idea most of the time... but I think he was working with a cad full of obsec troop oblits...


Doesn't IW have tank hunter all the time, or did I misunderstand something?



Ah right. If you take that formation, which of course is a good idea most of the time... but I think he was working with a cad full of obsec troop oblits...

Doesn't IW have tank hunter all the time, or did I misunderstand something?

I was refering to the obsec havocs... they aren't obsec in the cad, that the guy was using.

ISM, remember that you can also use havocs with meltas/plasmas instead of chosen or CSM in that list for even more firepower. :smile.:


Yeah, absolutely, but you won't get the chosen's extra attacks.


Iron Skull Mask:


Void Shield Generator: Fortifications auxiliary

Heldrake: you can take 2 in a heldrake terror pack, or go for the air superiority detachmant

Land raider: Take as transport in Warband. In fact, Warband helps with Champion of Chaos as well


I know, the thing is you have to buy a lot of extra stuff like the additional Heldrake, and more tanks. And if you buy the LR as a dedicated transport it can only carry the terminators you chose it for onto the battlefield (plus characters you put in with them), but not a unit of obliterators with a warpsmith from the cult of destruction, for example. The thing is that the formations are restrictive and force me to buy a lot of extra stuff I don't want, like extra units, Chaos Lords, Warpsmiths etc. I mean just look at the lost and the damned, 4 units of cultists minimum next to a warband is quite the commitment. That's why I will probably end up using a CAD most of the time. But as I said, I'll try out the formations as well, as soon as I've painted up some Warpsmith, Bikers, Raptors and Spawn. Still got to finish my Renegade Knights and that void shiel generator though. 

Personally, I know they're not everyone's favourite, bzut the re-roll buff for my defiler could have come in handy in my game against my brother's Tau a few weeks back. He will certainly be seeing more game time. I'm also loving the fact we can now take Predators in squadrons. My only fear is now do I have enough Warpsmiths!

I think we got some decent rules, and our relics are some of the better ones imho. I love the Siege Mace (I am at work atm so can't reference the proper name atm) and the Axe we get as well.

I'd also say the no marks is a tiny downside but will mean the rearrangement of some units. Eg, Helslash my Warsmith will be seeing more game time but Rualteth with the Mark of Khorne is going to have to lose the IW buffs if he wants to see some game time. Ah well, the price we pay.

Also, apologies if it's been asked, but did someone say we get split fire if we're in fortifications? If so where does it say this in the supplement? I could have just been seeing things or remembering wrong.


I can only find the 5th warlord trait that grants split fire to the WL and his unit.


You want your shooty units to have lots of attacks, and be able to hide the shootiest unit in a transport with no fire points, got it


Exactly! :thumbsup:

Greetings to the sons of Medrengard. I come with a question: beyond silver and hazard stripes, how do you make an Iron Warrior army look like an Iron Warrior army?


As part of my Nine Legions project I'm going for a more... macro look I guess. I'm not really one for perfectly posed conversions and the like, but I like to do more than just CSM with appropriate paint job and the Iron Warriors have me stumped.



I went with a few things.


IW aren't big on mutations- they replace them with bionics- and they favored iron armor.


Built mine using a mix of the old IW upgrade pack, iron hands heads from FW, FW pads, GW pads, and then splitting Tactical bits with CSM bits, avoiding the most chaotic. My plasma gun chosen are denoted by a double legion pad and the old Zerker sheathed scimitar opposite a sheathed bolt pistol.


My Xmas to myself will probably be BoP, so Chaos legs, those heads and torsos, and chaos arms, I think.


EDIT: Also used some of the IH bits for sarges.

I will say that a nice weathered and beat up look goes a long way into making the iron warriors who they are. These guys have essentially dealt with some the worst types of warfare for 11 Millineum. Their armor should be dirty and weatherd.


Also keeping everything utilitarian works as well, try not to add all the fancy bling. When your in the trenches, bling gets you killed.


For helmets theres always the forgeworld one star or the games workshop helmets.

Plastic MkIII marines has been a game changer, before we were stuck with the old metal upgrade pack, which although it looked great, put a hole in the wallet.


I try to add as many pouches and extra bits of equipment to my IW, makes them look more battle ready

Greetings to the sons of Medrengard. I come with a question: beyond silver and hazard stripes, how do you make an Iron Warrior army look like an Iron Warrior army?


As part of my Nine Legions project I'm going for a more... macro look I guess. I'm not really one for perfectly posed conversions and the like, but I like to do more than just CSM with appropriate paint job and the Iron Warriors have me stumped.




I liked the look from the original 3rd, and I think 2nd, edition codex look with the Iron Warriors having red horns instead of the now more natural looking bone horns.  Also I try to give the majority of my champions with servo arms/weapons.

To me... Mk3 Iron armour. Cataphractii terminators, no horns, steel armour, black field on pauldron, bronze details, hazard stripes to taste. No mutations (they amputate), bionics...


And it's just my opinion but very little actual chaos iconography ot marks of anykind...but thats because my warband will be more of a purist force. Less joined with chaos and more anti-imperial.

Make sure to also check out Forge World

- They've got cool upgrade Cataphractii shoulder pads

- MkII to Mk IV Power Armour shoulder pads

- Upgrade helmet.

- Character upgrade pack which has a few bionics arms

- Check out some of the Iron Hands Heresy range as well for bionics parts or you've got the finecast Iron Hands upgrade kit on the Games Workshop web site which is also great.


There also a list of army logs on the forum** that you could check out as well Dragonlover from 40k to 30k get some idea.


**If there any new army logs I've miss out please link them & I can add them to the main post.

Make sure to also check out Forge World

- They've got cool upgrade Cataphractii shoulder pads

- MkII to Mk IV Power Armour shoulder pads

- Upgrade helmet.

- Character upgrade pack which has a few bionics arms

- Check out some of the Iron Hands Heresy range as well for bionics parts or you've got the finecast Iron Hands upgrade kit on the Games Workshop web site which is also great.


There also a list of army logs on the forum** that you could check out as well Dragonlover from 40k to 30k get some idea.


**If there any new army logs I've miss out please link them & I can add them to the main post.

This one is new and good!




I've been following it alot.

To me... Mk3 Iron armour. Cataphractii terminators, no horns, steel armour, black field on pauldron, bronze details, hazard stripes to taste. No mutations (they amputate), bionics...


And it's just my opinion but very little actual chaos iconography ot marks of anykind...but thats because my warband will be more of a purist force. Less joined with chaos and more anti-imperial.

I've largely cobbled a kitbash together, not just to feel better about my budget, but to show the Warband itself is scavenging gear to operate. That Anvil Exo-Lords are using exposed parts makes it naturally more Iron Warrior/Iron Hand.


At this rate it's looking like I'm going to default back to IW or DG. Once I get a feel for helmets and pauldrons, I'll probably order another batch.

I've been putting mine together using a bit of everything, partially because I'm cheap, partially because it looks appropriate to have some less chaotic parts in the less Chaotic Chaos Legion. I'm giving a few of them horns, but in metal colours rather than bone, and of course I got one Iron Hands Upgrade Pack. I haven't got the money to commit to Prospero, but I did manage to cadge one Mk3 squad off a friend who did for other reasons, and I'm sprinkling bits from it throughout.


Other things I'm doing:

* The Chosen have a few Possessed bits here and there, but painted entirely in metallic colours to make it look like they're merging with their armour, have simply built something creepy-looking for whatever reason, or mutated not too long ago and haven't had a chance to remove it surgically yet. Their heads are scratched-up Marine parts in Fists colours, although if I add other squads later I will probably not do this because painting bright yellow is hell.

* Some scavenged Devastator bitz are really useful. I'm using the few antenna heads I could find for squad leaders, for example - I can easily imagine the IW using "better access to the vox-net" as a command marker over "has a really cool hat".

* The Imperial Knight kit has a faceplate that's literally the spitting image of the Iron Warriors symbol. I've scavenged two from friends who can actually afford to buy Knights so far - one as a shoulder icon for my Daemon Prince, one as an Icon of Wrath for my Chosen.

My Lord is going to have a mix of Warp Talon and Possessed bits, but right now I'm just at unassembled infantry and multiple DV brutes. Which is why Havoc infantry is very appealing to me.


At that point I just need to see the Legion book and I can design from there. I'm not expanding too hard, and I'm definitely not going ham crazy past a certain amount. Which means a 1000 just to sit pretty next to my Tapani 1st Ground Support Wing bombers.


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