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Making a start on updating my Blood Angels for the new codex. Dual infernus pistol sergents look like a great option for the Assault squads. A rummage through my bits box turned up a couple of old metal death company who I decided would look the part nicely. Now just need my can of Pure Red Army painter to turn up.



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Making a start on updating my Blood Angels for the new codex. Dual infernus pistol sergents look like a great option for the Assault squads. A rummage through my bits box turned up a couple of old metal death company who I decided would look the part nicely. Now just need my can of Pure Red Army painter to turn up.



Army painter Pure Red is the best! Pretty close to Blood Red and quickly applied to your miniatures. I love it.


I might get weak fall to the Thirst and buy the new Sang Priest after all. I have two, but a third can't hurt! And terminators.




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Hi everyone!

Have bought myself a contemptor and LOVE IT! The pose-ability is awesome, lots of fun! Here is my take on a Furioso that has gone on to a bit of a rampage. There is still more to do and the photos make it hard to see all the detail but here you go:


More photos etc on my WIP page.

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'phoney war' time for myself these days. After the savage intensity of cally '15, it's back to the reality that 40k is virtually dead at my club. Still, work shifts permitting I hope to start getting to the monthly Saturday sessions sometimes and rack up a few more local tournies before the summer.


Hate it when it feels like the hobby is slipping from me, but I've left the bikes and attack bikes out as a reminder that one day soon, they will need to be made ready. Peace is a strange thing in 40k.

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Came up with some new fluff and themes for my chapter thanks to some other fraters! Thanks guys!


I also sprayed a LOAD of mini's, bits and the new tactical spruces I've had sitting around for ages. Going to hopefully get some base colors onto them today. Huzzah!

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Started putting the base coats down on my Land Raider Crusader tonight.

Does anyone else find painting Marine vehicles to be incredibly tedious?

Just invested in a can of Army Painter Pure red. Suddenly base coating does not seem quite so bad. :wink:


Hmm, if they do a darker red similar to Khorne red than I really should look into getting a can or two.

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Started putting the base coats down on my Land Raider Crusader tonight.

Does anyone else find painting Marine vehicles to be incredibly tedious?

Just invested in a can of Army Painter Pure red. Suddenly base coating does not seem quite so bad. :wink:


Hmm, if they do a darker red similar to Khorne red than I really should look into getting a can or two.



They do.





Edited by appiah5
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Does Dragon Red really come out like that? I've got a bottle rather than the spray and while it's not a lighter, orange-y red it's a damn sight more vibrant than those pictures.


I don't happen to own a can of the stuff, I'll let someone with the paints post some photos.

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Here is a relic Baal Predator I just finished...






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Here is a relic Baal Predator I just finished...








Magnificent work.

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Here is a relic Baal Predator I just finished...








So very very s3xy :thumbsup: :cool.: 

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