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I just got a load of bits in the mail; tonight there will be a lot of gluing done, and I should have the following assembled before tomorrow morning (possibly photos and all).


1 Tactical Squad (All using metal 2nd Ed. figures and modern plastic bits)

1 Command Squad (All using metal 2nd Ed. figures and modern plastic bits)

1 Devastator Squad (3ML, 1LC)


All of which are not even in any army plans of mine, but screw that, I love painting pewter.


I enjoy it more than finecast but the paint keeps flaking off for me.

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I just got a load of bits in the mail; tonight there will be a lot of gluing done, and I should have the following assembled before tomorrow morning (possibly photos and all).


1 Tactical Squad (All using metal 2nd Ed. figures and modern plastic bits)

1 Command Squad (All using metal 2nd Ed. figures and modern plastic bits)

1 Devastator Squad (3ML, 1LC)


All of which are not even in any army plans of mine, but screw that, I love painting pewter.


I enjoy it more than finecast but the paint keeps flaking off for me.



A good primer and a good varnish are musts..

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MSU Death Company looks very promising. I am trying to work out if the Mortalis Formation is good. You don't get the +1I from Red Thirst but you do get a further +1A for being outnumbered which makes MSU even nastier. The DC Dreads are nothing special but at least one can ride in the Storm Raven and the other can get a Pod.


Against some foes like Tau and Orks, the extra +1I is unnecessary. Or with 4 Elite slots, is it better to just stick to BSF?


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Multiple/Many Small Units. It works on the principle that 2 5-man units have the same killing power as a 10-man unit but are more flexible and efficient. They can target the same target or 2 different targets. They are less likely to be overkill when used against weak targets. They can contest twice as many objectives.


Any army that can field small Fearless/ATSKNF units can potentially do MSU pretty well. MSU only suffers if you are playing a scenario where points are awarded for each unit destroyed.

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I see! Yeah DC could really work well with that because even only two guys pump out 10 S5 (maybe I5) attacks on the charge, which is more than a lot of units will even give them back on a good day.


As for the Mortalis formation it's pretty good I think, even against other I4 the weight of attacks you'll be receiving will never be too much really.


As for the DC dreads you have to include, while fragile, if they shoot at them then they aren't shooting at your little pockets of rage elsewhere :D

Edited by Charlo
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Unfortunately assembly was not completed last night; stripping old paint took way longer than I though.  I am halfway finished though, tonight I hope to finish up and spray, maybe slap some paint on as well, and share some photos, of my 2nd Edition Tactical Squad and 2nd Edition Command Squad.


Glorious.  The old pewter models look super awesome with the new BA Heavy Flamer.

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Hello Brothers of the Blood, i've recently restarted my passion in Blood Angels and i found this blog to be pretty inspiring.

If I may, i would like to post some of my progress in the re-ignition of my blood angels force


Start a topic here in the BA sub-forum that you can use as a blog, thats what many of us have done.

If you keep it updated reglularly you'll find it really inspires you to keep working your way through your "to paint" pile. :)

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At the top of the page there is a tab entitled "Gallery". Click that and go to the top right hand side and press the button entitled "upload".


From there, create an album and follow the prompts to upload a picture.


Once it's there (or if you are hosting it somewhere else), you can add it to a reply by clicking the image button on your reply bar and following the instructions. If you need the bbcode, you need and [ /img] but without the space on the closing bracket.

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Here goes...


Gyaahhh! I was just testing it, so I only had my phone handy, but that's hideous! I put it on the Small setting, but I'm guessing 'Tiny' would've been more appropriate?

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It started life as the sergeant torso from the FW Red Scorpions veteran kit

obviously I've scraped away the eagle and scorpion. Then I press moulded the chalice on one of the new BA Terminator storm shields to put in the gap. Required quite a bit of trimming to get it to fit, but I'm pretty happy with the result. Makes for a nice custom piece :)

Charlo - thanks, man. Don't know if you've seen it, but I replied to your query on my Deathwatch thread.


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