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So I've heard. I could make a quick assembly and take them grey, but this would divert my attention from ETL...


I'm thinking about taking 2 psykers, and lots of dakka (Inceptors, Aggressors maybe). And Eliminators. If I manage to place 2 squads centrally, I could be in a good position to threaten their characters.

Edited by Majkhel
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... they die to Smash Captains? :wink:

As do all.


I meant running them in our lists, alongside a Smash or two.



I know what you meant, I was just teasing :p


Sadly, I've only seen one used twice (the first time I had to knock it out of the sky) so I can't really say. In short, it's like a Stormraven in many ways (as in, it suffers from the same drawbacks) but can do well in the right match-ups. Other than that, I'd say it's better at range than a Stormraven but has a slightly different set of preferred targets. No idea what to put inside it though.


Sorry that's a bit vague :dry.:

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So, today I was up in London. First I went to Dark Sphere, but I was really disappointed with the empty shelves there - they didn’t seem to have much 40k stuff in stock at all.


Then I went to the “flagship” Warhammer store on Tottenham Court Road; of course I had forgotten that GW in their wisdom have made most of the Blood Angels stuff online orders only.


Anyway, minor disappointments aside, I did end up buying two models which may well feature in my Vow 3 if I find time to do another after my current vow; the very cool Sanguinary Priest model and the Librarian with the force stave and optional “Warrior Cherub” :tu:

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I think I'm going to have a lot of fun with this. Also, should I paint my TDA libby with dark brown/black skin or stay with my original light/pale skin I was initially going to do?

Putting gene-related fluff aside, It may look strange if you have only one dark guy in your army, so consider adding few darker skin tones across your army (among scouts perhaps?)

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I think I'm going to have a lot of fun with this. Also, should I paint my TDA libby with dark brown/black skin or stay with my original light/pale skin I was initially going to do?

Putting gene-related fluff aside, It may look strange if you have only one dark guy in your army, so consider adding few darker skin tones across your army (among scouts perhaps?)

I've already got dark skinned marines in my army. I actually change the skin pigments throughout. I have darker tanned skin, light pale skin, deep dark brown skin. The non bald ones just all have blonde/white/platinum hair.

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Today I finished my second BA model. The #SpaceMarineADay plan seems to be working.

In case you were wondering what #SpaceMarineADay was, It is a method I started doing when I found myself in a hobby slump while working on my Ultramarines Successor Chapter. Instead of allowing myself to get bogged down what how much I had to do, or how many units I still had to paint, I decided to instead focus on a single model. And instead of batch painting, or doing an assembly line, I would instead get a single model to table top standard. It is took one hour or three hours it didn't matter; I would only complete that single model. That way and the end of the even I could say I completed something. And before I knew it, I would have several units completed and ready for war.  :D 

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Got some etl love done today. At the pub enjoying a pint. Been a minute since I could just take a day and relax.


FoB stuff going well. Will hopefully have everything in order by weeks end. Meaning at least two battles logged for you guys.


Also, picked up a metal lemartes for $11.00 US! In great condition.

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It’ll be the biggest proportional boost to units like Sanguinary Guard that felt like they needed more attacks for their cost. Going from 2 to 3 is a significant 50% boost, and having 4 with the Sanguinor nearby will be very nice for them. For our basic old style Marines, going from 1 to 2 is going to help them against opposing infantry - they might actually kill GEQ at a decent rate now.


It’ll be interesting to see if we still get a full Codex given their statement that we can use any unit in the main Marine codex or if we’ll join the main codex chapters on simply having a supplement for unique units and special rules.

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Not sure what to do for Vow 3. I have options with about 18 oldmarine torsos and at least 11 sets of legs. Might finish the tac sqd from last years ETL (did a five man sqd then). Might do a devastator sqd. Not sure I have enough spare chainswords for an assault sqd.
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It’ll be the biggest proportional boost to units like Sanguinary Guard that felt like they needed more attacks for their cost. Going from 2 to 3 is a significant 50% boost, and having 4 with the Sanguinor nearby will be very nice for them. For our basic old style Marines, going from 1 to 2 is going to help them against opposing infantry - they might actually kill GEQ at a decent rate now.


It’ll be interesting to see if we still get a full Codex given their statement that we can use any unit in the main Marine codex or if we’ll join the main codex chapters on simply having a supplement for unique units and special rules.


I doubt we'll be rolled into the main codex. On the Warhammer Community page about the update it shows 6 codex supplements, which is one for each of the 'normal' Space Marine chapters (Fists, Scars, Ultras, Hands, Salamanders and Raven Guard). This of course begs an interesting question regarding Black Templars, but this is a Blood Angels thread. I expect they're just telling us that we can use the new rules for now (probably hoping we buy the codex!) until ours get an update. I think it's likely that they will do a full update of every codex in the game before the edition is out.

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It’ll be the biggest proportional boost to units like Sanguinary Guard that felt like they needed more attacks for their cost. Going from 2 to 3 is a significant 50% boost, and having 4 with the Sanguinor nearby will be very nice for them. For our basic old style Marines, going from 1 to 2 is going to help them against opposing infantry - they might actually kill GEQ at a decent rate now.


It’ll be interesting to see if we still get a full Codex given their statement that we can use any unit in the main Marine codex or if we’ll join the main codex chapters on simply having a supplement for unique units and special rules.


I doubt we'll be rolled into the main codex. On the Warhammer Community page about the update it shows 6 codex supplements, which is one for each of the 'normal' Space Marine chapters (Fists, Scars, Ultras, Hands, Salamanders and Raven Guard). This of course begs an interesting question regarding Black Templars, but this is a Blood Angels thread. I expect they're just telling us that we can use the new rules for now (probably hoping we buy the codex!) until ours get an update. I think it's likely that they will do a full update of every codex in the game before the edition is out

My initial impression from reading their statement on the supplements was that it would be the 2 they already showed and then BA,DA, SW and then what ever, but your version sounds much more likely, IE that the supplements are for codex compliant chapters, not the 5 chapters.

One question that comes to mind with their statement that BA,DA,SW,GK and DW will be able to use all the datasheets in the book, will we be getting access to thunderfire cannons, centurions, company vets on bike, etc. Or, as i'm beginning to suspect while writing this, does the codex only contain the original and new primaris units. even so, would that mean that GK now get Intercessors, et al?


PS: on further thought, it probably would be simple for them to keep our current unit selection as is while still benefiting from the updated Datasheets by saying that if a datasheet is present in our current codex, the new version in the SM codex will be what we use. my only worry would be that if there are any cool new abilities updated sheets get, our unique models may miss out on them because of RAW, until/if the rules team gets around to a FAQ for all this.

Edited by Djangomatic82
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Okay so the language they've used makes me feel like we are *not* one of the initial supplements. Specifically calling out BA/ DA/ SW being able to "use the datasheets". This is no doubt to stop the additional work down the line and confusion.


Plus the fact it's a White Scars supplement shown and they mention Imperial Fists, it probably means it's the vanilla 'dex chapters getting supplements. I'd also wager we will see a Primaris character for Sallies and IF too (Lysander and Vulkan He'Stan maybe?).


Black Templars though? I think they will get their own codex soon enough. Just a hunch, but it happened before.

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It’ll be the biggest proportional boost to units like Sanguinary Guard that felt like they needed more attacks for their cost. Going from 2 to 3 is a significant 50% boost, and having 4 with the Sanguinor nearby will be very nice for them. For our basic old style Marines, going from 1 to 2 is going to help them against opposing infantry - they might actually kill GEQ at a decent rate now.


It’ll be interesting to see if we still get a full Codex given their statement that we can use any unit in the main Marine codex or if we’ll join the main codex chapters on simply having a supplement for unique units and special rules.


I doubt we'll be rolled into the main codex. On the Warhammer Community page about the update it shows 6 codex supplements, which is one for each of the 'normal' Space Marine chapters (Fists, Scars, Ultras, Hands, Salamanders and Raven Guard). This of course begs an interesting question regarding Black Templars, but this is a Blood Angels thread. I expect they're just telling us that we can use the new rules for now (probably hoping we buy the codex!) until ours get an update. I think it's likely that they will do a full update of every codex in the game before the edition is out

My initial impression from reading their statement on the supplements was that it would be the 2 they already showed and then BA,DA, SW and then what ever, but your version sounds much more likely, IE that the supplements are for codex compliant chapters, not the 5 chapters.

One question that comes to mind with their statement that BA,DA,SW,GK and DW will be able to use all the datasheets in the book, will we be getting access to thunderfire cannons, centurions, company vets on bike, etc. Or, as i'm beginning to suspect while writing this, does the codex only contain the original and new primaris units. even so, would that mean that GK now get Intercessors, et al?



"The datasheets included in the book will be available to all the First Founding Chapters and their successors, so whichever Space Marine Chapter(s) hold your allegiance, you'll be able to use the full spectrum of units available to the Adeptus Astartes, even if you're a Blood Angels, Space Wolves or Dark Angels player!"


That's a direct quote from the article. It sounds like we're getting everything. And also GW have confirmed that the new codex will contain all original Space Marine units, not just the Primaris stuff.


Also the Grey Knights are not getting any of the new stuff. They aren't a first founding chapter, they're second founding. All the GK and Deathwatch get is the new 'Shock Assault' rule.

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