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There is no time to be lost!




Space Marines, today, the enemy is at our door! We know our duty, and we will do it! We fight for our honor, as Blood Angels, as Space Marines, and we fight in the name of the Emperor!


And if we lose this week, we lose in glory, we lose heroes' losses, but we shall not lose, no! It is the ENEMY who shall taste death and defeat!


As you know, most of our battle-brothers have vows currently nearing completion, prepared to finish in time for the deadline! Our perimeter has been prepared in the event that our enemy should be so bold and foolish. We have vowed numerous vows, allowing for multiple, simultaneous and devastating defensive vow completions!


The Codex Astartes names this maneuver Plastic Rain. We will descend upon the foe, we will overwhelm them - we will leave them behind us in completions! Meanwhile, our already-completed vows will ensure the defense of our points.


We are the Blood Angels! For the Omnissiah and the Angel!

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Thanks for the feedback!

I should have added that there's 3 dudes with Chainswords and Storm Shields, so I'd count those as ablative wounds. Good point on the double chainsword veterans, hadn't thought about that. Still stuck in my old ways I guess. :)


Are double lightning claws any good these days? Despite looking cool as hell obviously.


Yea I knew you had some ablative wounds, was just trying to compliment/reinforce the importance of that. My other point is that ablative should include both dudes to die to small arms (dual chainsword) and to big guns (storm shields).


There's a thread floating around about how Blood Angels S5 Lightning Claws are the "ultimate" weapon in the game right now...


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S5 = wounding anything up to T10 on 5+, Red Thirst means wounding on 4+

Re-rolling To Wound from LC means that's a 75% chance of wounding almost anything in the game (re-rollable 4+)

AP-2 is the "perfect" amount of AP since it does enough damage without costing too much or being totally wasted on invuln save models (i.e. it's "perfect" against a 2+/4++ model)

+1A from two weapons never goes wrong


So the idea is that 10x VV all with LC's and a Sang Priest + Chaplain nearby is pretty much the most utilitarian unit in the game, other than that it's not shooting attacks and it's all D:1 hits so you can chop down almost anything, but there are definitely more efficient ways of dealing with vehicles et al. It's also 10x T4 3+ wounds which is not survivable by any means these days.



TL;DR: I wouldn't go crazy with them, but if you have the spare bits/points in a list, they can be quite fun.

Yeah might build a 5 man double LC squad just for fun!

Thanks for the insight, I’m looking for bits already. Gotta finish the ETL and then some stuff first though.

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Silly question. That little piece of metal thats beneath the barel on a bolter, what is it for? I've seen ornaments hang from there, or a strap but does it serve some other purpose? I accidentaly cut a couple of them on some models and the question poped. Did I just ruin my models? :P

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Silly question. That little piece of metal thats beneath the barel on a bolter, what is it for? I've seen ornaments hang from there, or a strap but does it serve some other purpose? I accidentaly cut a couple of them on some models and the question poped. Did I just ruin my models? :tongue.:

I'd say that this is a piece to which you can attach something: bayonet, chainblade, handle (like Reivers do) or an ornament :)

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Yea I chopped off mine trying to fix some custom made bayonets but in the end I didnt like them. Now I have like 5 marines without them. I'd like to think they're just customized bolters, in the same veins that some of my bolters have scopes, others ornaments and ropes. I thought about reglueing them but honestly they're painted models and I find it too much of a hustle.



On a completely different note, tomorrow they're going to reveal what Psychic Awakening is. Here's hoping for a new Mephiston model :P

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Yea I chopped off mine trying to fix some custom made bayonets but in the end I didnt like them. Now I have like 5 marines without them. I'd like to think they're just customized bolters, in the same veins that some of my bolters have scopes, others ornaments and ropes. I thought about reglueing them but honestly they're painted models and I find it too much of a hustle.



On a completely different note, tomorrow they're going to reveal what Psychic Awakening is. Here's hoping for a new Mephiston model :tongue.:


Mephiston will likely be in the new Daemons Codex as a Daemon Prince of Tzeentch.

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Ahhhhhhh, it feels good to have no ETL vow currently in the works. I could slip in a Character at the last second later, if all goes according to plan.


With the forced death march I'm going through to try and finish in time (can I paint a Redemptor in 5 days? we'll find out!), I envy you sir.


I'm definitely going to be painting something other than Blood Angels after this - maybe my heresy labs new assassins than just arrived today. Something not in power armour, at least...

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Also, the shrike model makes me nervous for the future of any dante update...

yeah, I'm not totally sold on the aesthetic of that shike model, but it might be the pose and base. The addition of the another pair of power pack exhausts with the grav chute wings on them looks very....messy and thrown together. The exhausts on the calves is also kinda meh.

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Also, the shrike model makes me nervous for the future of any dante update...


Absolutely agree.


There's just....too much going on with the Shrike one.


It's like Planet of Hats with hair for non-UM chapters too. I guess the RG are all supposed to have emo hair cuts now.

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Well, I guess this is it though - our first melee JP Primaris.
I'm not sold on the "dragonfly" JP either.

On the plus side - Lightning claws. With the TH already available for Primaris (new codex: SM Intercessor sergeants), we might see more of the dedicated melee equipment.

Edited by Majkhel
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"Once we’ve assigned them their final points, they won’t be part of that ongoing balance review – and we won’t be recommending Legends units for competitive tournaments. This means that event organisers and attendees alike can guarantee everything they’re gaming with is easily available and has been subject to the same rigorous balance and playtesting process."


Sounds like the end times are upon the likes of Sanguinary Priests and Company Vets with jump packs, for competitive play.


Hopefully when we get our new Codex they realise that certain options they dropped to the Index make more sense for us than the Codex version. Though I guess we might just have to wait and see what a future Primaris Sanguinary Priest gets for wargear.

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Well, I guess this is it though - our first melee JP Primaris.

I'm not sold on the "dragonfly" JP either.


On the plus side - Lightning claws. With the TH already available for Primaris (new codex: SM Intercessor sergeants), we might see more of the dedicated melee equipment.


Yeah, not a fan of the backpack or calf exhausts for a potential Dante. Lightning claws is good, as long as it's not going to be standard to have them on the ankle?! The one thing I do like is the beakie helmet returns officially for Primaris! If Shrike can have one, then the handful scattered through my units are canon :smile.:


The vanguard suppressors look pretty nice with a Mk VII jump pack (ignoring the cut-down autocannon barrel) so there's no reason we couldn't swap the JP with something older on a future Dante




At least Ex-index Legends units aren't being abanoned entirely by say just culling the indexes. It won't be recommended for competitive tournaments, but will have points for matched play. So I suspect they're going to end up viewed similarly to forgeworld - play in a super-strict group, and you'll have neither, or a looser group have both. Will be interesting to see what happens to index datatsheets with just extra weapon options compared to currently - if they're going to be classed as Legends too or just dropped.


GW doesn't sell company vets with JP or priest with JP (or chars on bikes, etc) even though they're simple conversions, so barring new models, they likely won't be in codex 2.0.

Edited by Arkhanist
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"Once we’ve assigned them their final points, they won’t be part of that ongoing balance review – and we won’t be recommending Legends units for competitive tournaments. This means that event organisers and attendees alike can guarantee everything they’re gaming with is easily available and has been subject to the same rigorous balance and playtesting process."


Sounds like the end times are upon the likes of Sanguinary Priests and Company Vets with jump packs, for competitive play.


Hopefully when we get our new Codex they realise that certain options they dropped to the Index make more sense for us than the Codex version. Though I guess we might just have to wait and see what a future Primaris Sanguinary Priest gets for wargear.

What happened? Is there an update that I missed?

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