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Probably the same color scheme as my librarian's tabard. Screamer pink, the recesses being low-lit with screamer pink with some cantor blue mixed in, and the raises being highlighted with screamer pink with some evil suns scarlet mixed in. 

because the folds aren't as deep as on the librarian, I think I'm going to have to be a bit more subtle with it...

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Finally managed a full game of 10th vs some tallarn guard. Hammer and anvil deployment,  sites of power mission and the mission special allowing an additional secondary mission draw, 1000pts.


Blood Angels: 

Chaplain (jump pack etc) with a 5 nan death company with jump packs, 2 thunderhammers and the rest pf/ip. 


Librarian with jump pack/ip, leading 10man RAS.


5 man vanguard vets with jump packs


5 man intercessors


5 man hellblasters


Eliminators (3)


Bladeguard (3)


He had:


Regimental hq squad, commissar and 20man infantry squad.


20man infantry squad


Scion command squad leading scion squad


Heavy weapon squad (lascannons)


Demolisher (all heavy bolters)




My movement and going first let me block him from reaching the midfield objectives, and some very lucky tactical secondaries let me score both each turn, and I maxed out primary and secondary points in turn 5.


There were a few moments where I was concerned (vanguard vets got deleted turn 1 after having to be exposed to score a secondary for 5vps and my bladeguard had to walk up the centre of the field under the sights of the demolisher) but I just about had enough in the tank to last to turn 5. End of the game I had 2 eliminators and 4 intercessors left vs his 4 scions, 3 guardsmen with plasma weapons and earthquake. AoC and take cover were used most turns, and oaths let me take out units reliably.


Final score: 100/21



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I've got an RTT at the end of the month that I'm currently prepping for. In addition, I'm also finishing up the last model for my Call to Arms vow (an ironclad dreadnaught) which should be done at the end of the week.


Before getting into the details, I'm asking for advice on what I should paint up to be ready in time.


The units that I'm thinking of painting are as follows:


5 VVets (primed)


5 assault marines (assault intercessors with jump packs. New on sprue, so getting them done might be a little bit of a long shot. At least they're easy to paint)


3 bolter inceptors (new in box, but I already have 3 painted and ready to go, so I think these might be lower priority)


Maybe 6 plasma inceptors (I've got 3 in prime and 3 basecoated, so I think I could get them all done)


Maybe 6 bolter aggressors (primed)


Maaaaaaybe a land raider (needs to be repainted. Currently painted as Dark Angels, but has no iconography. I also have a half-repainted LRC)


I don't have enough time to assemble any new tanks, or the redemptor I've got in the box, but if anyone has any other suggestions, I'm willing to listen. 

That said, I know I'm going to get smoked because I don't get in anywhere near enough practice, and my model range is admittedly a bit limited. I don't have any tanks!


There *are* a few models I insist on using for various reasons, even if they're a little sub-optimal. One of those is the Ironclad dreadnaught I'm currently working on. I want to give him a proper sendoff before his rules are gone. Another such unit is my Librarian terminator with my Relic Terminators. The librarian might be the best paint job I've over done. 


I'm also kind of hoping to be in the running for Best Painted (not that I expect to win, but I'd be nice to get some votes), so I'm will be painting to my usual standard, and will obviously be taking only. This also means that the VV's and RAC's look particularly tasty as they'd allow me to show off my SP. I don't currently have anything else to attach him to. 


For anti-tank, all I've got is two regular dreads with TLLC, the ironclad rapid ingressing, 3 MM attack bikes, and 3 eradicators. If enough people suggest to give the LR a new paint-job, then that too. 


I know it's probably not enough, but here we are.


Anyway, if anyone wants to see a full list of currently painted assets, they can all be found here. 

I haven't finalized a list. I expected to be able to get a couple practice games in by now, but life (and work) have really gotten in the way...



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Is anyone else afraid that Inferno Pistols won't be a legal option in the SM codex? None of the new kits have them, and with GW cracking down on 'no model, no rules,' it really looks like it might be going away until the BA codex... and that's quite some time out!

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