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I run 10 with jump packs, 3 spears (not on the champion) and depending on points/ opponents, shriekers. Usually with a delegatus/eidolon and sometimes with a chaplain. A lot of points but we only have 3 legion specific units and I always run 2 of them. They may not be optimal but the models are too lovely not to use :smile.:

Well, if you like the models, you could buy 10 more and run them as two 10-man assault squad units for roughly the same points. :biggrin.:  Why no spear on the champion?  He can't take anything better anyway.


I do think palatines should get a 6++ parry save or some kind of defensive mechanic. That would make them really good, maybe something to do with them having a 4++ against attacks of S4 or less, to represent them having a good chance at parrying them.


That way they gain a nice save against power swords, but Axes and Fists will still mulch them (as it should be).


But outside of wish-listing they are a solid unit when used well and suit EC perfectly. Apothecary gave them a great buff.

Counter-attack is a stupid rule for them, and it should have been furious charge.  A parry save or artificer armor would be nice, too, there is no reason the dueling champions of the Emperor's Children would have crappier gear than the swords brethren of the Imperial Fists.



Regarding Apothecaries with Kakophoni, both schools of thought have merit. While the Apothecary does help against enemy casualties and overheats, one typical apothecary buys you 3 more Kakophoni.  In smaller games, I usually rather invest in more boots and guns rather than a guy that keeps them alive, but if the choice is down to "10 kakophoni in a rhino or 9 kakophoni and an apothecary in a rhino", I'll go with the latter). All that said, the biggest benefit of the Apothecary isn't actually the FNP save, but rather the auspex. Kakophoni are really fun interceptors.

Edited by Terminus
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Actually yeah, just artificer would be fine for them PLUS a parry save, your point about the fists hold merits - these guys are the true elite of the legion outside the chain of command.


If we're going really crazy I'd say a special weapon for the sergeant that represents the pinnacle of a stolen sword from a fallen human/ xenos civilization like from the fluff.

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Yes they could be a little better in that respect, a 6+ parry roll would have been a bonus that helps.

Or being able to number 15 like the reavers.


One of those and the jp would lovely.


Anyway enough wish listing!


IMO an apothecary for a walking squad is a must, really any squad, the amount of failed armour saves over a game they make up for is great. Only need to save 3 for their points. Guarantee theyl do more. A solid choice.

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I run 10 with jump packs, 3 spears (not on the champion) and depending on points/ opponents, shriekers. Usually with a delegatus/eidolon and sometimes with a chaplain. A lot of points but we only have 3 legion specific units and I always run 2 of them. They may not be optimal but the models are too lovely not to use :smile.:

Well, if you like the models, you could buy 10 more and run them as two 10-man assault squad units for roughly the same points. :biggrin.: Why no spear on the champion? He can't take anything better anyway.



Generally I prefer volume of attacks over ap. For the guy in a challenge he's done well at killing opposition champions. Eidolon smashes the squad and I like the spears to rack up casualties that the sabres can't touch.


Ultimately is a mixed choice. I play to enjoy, winning/losing is fine. Palatines are fine just as they are imo.

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Ok fair enough, although given that most challengers are sporting AP2 weapons, I don't know if I would send in the one guy with artificer in the squad into that brawl. His job would be catching phosphex rounds in his teeth.

He does that beautifully on the way in. Once their he cuts through opposition with rending. He can (and usually does) drop opposition squad leaders before they strike - initiative 6 in a challenge due to legion rules plus duelists edge. Still, I say sabre, you say spear, we're all happy :D

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Ok fair enough, although given that most challengers are sporting AP2 weapons, I don't know if I would send in the one guy with artificer in the squad into that brawl. His job would be catching phosphex rounds in his teeth.

Unfortunately it's not by choice, our sarges HAVE to challenge as per legion rules. A lot of the time they will get the first charge in at i6 in a challenge, 3 spear attacks should hopefully kill him. You could go with a fist and hope to outlast the fisticuffs of course

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Can't the chosen warriors issue the challenge, or does it specify Sergeants.


@01RTB01, I'm not arguing for or against, just picking your brain. Thanks for the input from experience. :smile.:

You're completely right, I haven't played them for that long that I totally forgot chosen warriors!

Edited by Flint13
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Thanks again everyone and Carlo especially.

I'm definitely giving the Rhino deal some thought. Better safe than sorry and Quad Mortars are everywhere with Creeping Death.

But the Apothecary is a great choice for 2 of those units. 

Obviously the third goes with your 10-15 assault squad with Eidolon or Palantine Blades w Jump Packs.

I agree that Palatines are pretty underwhelming but they do look totally awesome model wise. 

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So I'm curious. If your running 3 units of Kakophoni and only have two Apothecaries equipped therein, what's the purpose of the third unit of Kakophoni? They don't have any more survivablility, they don't have the extra durability against Gets Hot and they wont have the Interceptor to make them so diverse.

Wouldn't it be better to equip at least that third unit with a Rhino so they can be delivered successfully to something.

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New to emperor's children and this forum so don't know if this is the best page to post on but have read the thread and it has been very helpful =)

I'm looking for some input on what units I should put into a 2000 points army and what units I should or should not take out of the models I have

I got the BAC box and a few other bits and also made some mod's on the tac's to turn them into Kakophoni

what I have so far is

Legion Praetor is terminator

legion terminator squad with heavy flamer and chain fist

Comtemptor dreadnought with kheres

3x Apothecaries

3x 9 man squads of kakophoni to go with apothecaries also all 3 orvhestrator's have phoenix power spears and all have rhinos

20 man tac squad with legion vexilla and phoenix power spear

looking to make a 2000 point army don't know what I should put in and or take out


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New to emperor's children and this forum so don't know if this is the best page to post on but have read the thread and it has been very helpful =)

I'm looking for some input on what units I should put into a 2000 points army and what units I should or should not take out of the models I have

I got the BAC box and a few other bits and also made some mod's on the tac's to turn them into Kakophoni

what I have so far is

Legion Praetor is terminator

legion terminator squad with heavy flamer and chain fist

Comtemptor dreadnought with kheres

3x Apothecaries

3x 9 man squads of kakophoni to go with apothecaries also all 3 orvhestrator's have phoenix power spears and all have rhinos

20 man tac squad with legion vexilla and phoenix power spear

looking to make a 2000 point army don't know what I should put in and or take out


Kakophoni are an excellent start (how did you model them?) Looking at your force you need anti tank. Lots of choices that are viable. Venators/ vindi lasers/ quads/ lightnings/ javelins/ leviathans/ support squads... Honestly there's loads of great options. which do you like the look of?

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So I'm curious. If your running 3 units of Kakophoni and only have two Apothecaries equipped therein, what's the purpose of the third unit of Kakophoni? They don't have any more survivablility, they don't have the extra durability against Gets Hot and they wont have the Interceptor to make them so diverse.


Wouldn't it be better to equip at least that third unit with a Rhino so they can be delivered successfully to something.

Yes you know that would be a pretty good way of using them.

At throne of skulls I bashed the list together and they were a good objective hogging unit, I actually didn't shoot them sometimes until I know they could all see and get a full salvo onto theme enemy.


I found with my jump packs I could move about ten field pretty quick, rhinos tend to give first blood away pretty quick and your stuck with a walking unit anyway. You can always do with a home objective camping unit though. They also add to the kakophoni cool factor

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Can't the chosen warriors issue the challenge, or does it specify Sergeants.


@01RTB01, I'm not arguing for or against, just picking your brain. Thanks for the input from experience. :)

No worries. discussion is healthy - especially when you remind me of chosen warriors rule :) totally forgot. Age is a curse!

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Ya I don't really worry about first blood to be honest as most play with some form of First blood where both players can get it if they simply get unit/model dead on their first turn. The standard first blood is rather dumb as it only credits the player who goes first usually. 

That all being said ya I love the models themselves and I think the foot slog is fine given the great standard range. I just think that one unit would be best served flying up the board to somewhere safe. Can they only take Rhino's because they could be decent in a Storm Eagle as well. You can drop down and pimp slap some dudes from the plane. Plus the Storm Eagle has some decent anti-tank complements to it. I mean it's not great but it's something lol. Even a Pod could be good if your able to go that route.

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Anything 2k plus eidolon is a no brainer, pints for value he is one of the better ones in the game, dat hammer. Doosh. I have had enemy characters cowering and not getting involved. Then mulching the squad and running them down


Unless you like bikes. S8? Pffft I'm T5 mate.

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Anything 2k plus eidolon is a no brainer, pints for value he is one of the better ones in the game, dat hammer. Doosh. I have had enemy characters cowering and not getting involved. Then mulching the squad and running them down

Unless you like bikes. S8? Pffft I'm T5 mate.

Will still smash your bikes apart, at least 3 of them anyway

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Eidolon and a Chaplain is basically just a way to ensure you get a few Primarch level attacks through and into the enemy.


What I is he and how fat could we boost him with legion rules/ equipment/ unit stuff?


Are there Primarch's that Eidolon can charge - knock down to I1 with some luck and then have the rest of his unit go ham before they get to strike? :D

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Eidolon charging and in a challenge (so the Primarch could pass it to some schmuck Sgt instead) is I7.


Faster: Fulgrim (8) - Appropriate.

Same: Kurze (7), Angron (7), Corax (7)

Slower: Rowboat Guilliman (6), Horus (6), Lorgar (6), Alpharius (6)

Eating dust: Perturabo (5), Dorn (5), Manus (5), Mortarion (5), Vulkan (5) - Don't even need the challenge bonus for these schmucks.


So the only one faster than Eidolon is his gene-sire.  Of course, for everything but the slow-pokes, this requires you to be in a challenge, so your other boys can't help against the Primarch, otherwise it's a hilarious image to picture Eidolon smashing the Warmaster's toe, causing him to comically hop around on one foot, while the rest of the squad tries to hack at his other ankle.

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hey looking at geting some trraspot for my command squad but dont know witch way best to go

land raider , kharybdis assult claw ot stoem eagle

list is my list so far will cange out command squad soon for somthing more emperos childer

Legion praetor with terminator and chain fist                        150  


Lagion command squad

5 man with power fist x3 chain fist x1 and heavy flamer       215

(can drop one term with heavy flamer to

fit into a land rader with praetor)                                           (170)


Comtemptor dreadnought  

with kheres                                                                            190


Apothecarion dectachment

x3 with scanner                                                                     150


Tactical squad

x20 with art armour and Phoenix spear                                 260


support squad

x7 with art armour 6x melta or plasma 

1x rhino with blade                                                                 270



x9 with art armour and phoenix spear

1xrhion                                                                                  290

(can take one more and go on foot

with Apothecarion )                                                              (270) 



x9 with art armour and phoenix spear

1xrhion                                                                                  290

(can take one more and go on foot

with Apothecarion )                                                              (270)



could also not use the support squad as can be mod as kakophoni and use 3 9xman units

thanks for your advice can drop point in this list to fit in the right transport

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Are you running a rite of war? If not, 3rd company elite would be your friend!


Personally I'm not a fan of your command squad, they don't really get anything out of being terminators with slow weapons, negating some of the EC bonuses. But you are changing them soon, so in which case I suggest:


Keeping them artificer and giving them combat shield and then charnable sabres or something along with sonic shriekers for the -1WS. You could make them into super palatines then. This way you could also fit them and the Preator (also not Terminator) into a Dreadclaw or something?


I'd use the terminator models as normal terminators with sonic shreikers, a lot less points for functionally the same unit!


If you do run 3rd company lose the tac squad, or even re-purpose them as Seekers/ Sniper Vets?

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