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Ahhhh.... If only I 'needed' moar dudes...;) however I will have a handful for my army.

The special weapon dudes are great! Will have a flamer and the section sgt for sure! lOVE the volkite turret!!!!!! Would use one of those as a plas turret for my 40k army.

So stoked to see the guard getting some HH love now!

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Very nice.

I hope they'll put out some bitz packs too. Simply a set of lasguns would be great.


I don't think I'll buy any of the tanks or troops for my Shrineworld garrison, but if I ever wanted some reinforcements -say a Vesuvian regiment- they'd be excellent.

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Since I have 4 and still want to get more... I suppose not :P


Would it be too much to hope for the Imperial Army to get as much attention as some of the Marine bits? It will probably take a few years though, FW is like BL when it comes to taking their time and/or milking things :P

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Guess what I found in my inbox: Solar Auxilia on sale. 20 troopers with sergeant, vox and vexilla options - finely details as you'd expect from FW so they don't seem too awful a deal. It also mentioned some blurb about them being seen as one of the best parts of the Imperial Army, but that's all so far. Of course the real question is how effective and expensive they are on the table top in 30k as that dictates how many you may need. They could work as carapace troopers in a Guard army if you're feeling flush, and I suppose even as normal Guardsmen if you're rich and/or crazy :tongue.:


I'm wondering what other Army models they might do :smile.:

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Of course the real question is how effective and expensive they are on the table top in 30k as that dictates how many you may need.

I believe they outrange legionaries with their 30" lasrifles. Seeing as they're probably 5+ saves and bolt weapons negate that, doubly so with Fury of the Legion, they're gonna need it. :tongue.:


I hope they get Fury of the Auxilia. :biggrin.:

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The rules will be out in the next Horus Heresy book (which I think it called Tempest? Conquest) as for being allowed in 40k, it is unlikely for now. Perhaps when the 30k book is released they will bring out a PDF for their use but even so, usage would be restricted in a similar way to the Relic of the Armoury vehicles that Space Marines have.


Of course if your group is happy with you taking whatever you want, the above comment is moot :smile.:

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