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++ March of the Legions: XX Legion ++


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Seeing as all the amazingly talented hobbyists in this thread have written amazing backing stories for their legionnaires, i thought i might do the same. But then i had a (not very) surprise controlled assessment, which involved me writing 10 sides of A4 on the ways professionals adapt their language in a workplace to meet public expectations of their profession. Sounds like fun doesn't it? So after about a week of complete mental burnout, i sat down and had some hobby time one afternoon, the result a built and (not very well painted) alpha legion recon marine. when using the p3 blue ink on top of radiant platinum, i found it resist the paint and beads up, which was a pain in the rear. luckily this didn't happen with gw green washes. 

Enough talk, more pics:




(i didn't add the freehand legion symbol as i didnt want to balls up the armour colour)


Any comments and criticism would be hugely (you have no idea how much they help me improve and fix mistakes) appreciated.


Alpharius out

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There is some bare plastic visible on the right wrist and the highlights on the front pouch look a bit too thick, but those are minor things from my view. On the whole, I like it.


On a different topic, I did not have enough time to finish painting my model, but I did write up this (color coded the dialogue to differentiate the speakers):


“Well lieutenant, will the captain be coming?”




“He still has not completely recovered from Hargiom II?”




“I know that it was an absolutely demoralizing and humiliating defeat, but still…..What has it been, decades since?”


“What exactly happened there? It is listed as brought to compliance, but from how others in this company speak of it, this doesn't sound like a victory.”


“The captain formulated a plan so perfect, it should have been left unmarred by the touch of reality. Primarch Guilliman has used that plan as a teaching tool in his writings, though commenting that ‘while technically brilliant and near perfect in theory, practically it has all the stability of a house of cards in a hurricane’. I may have misquoted that.

 At no stage of the plan did any kind if success come; At the end, the 59th company was almost depleted. Captain Elko and the remnants of the 59th just watched as the World Eaters and Iron Hands arrived and just marched through the enemies defenses in a straight path, razing all before them to the ground. As Jerrith said, ‘absolutely demoralizing and humiliating defeat’.”


“I almost forgot how much you talk when you actually get going.


Anyway, the Captain didn’t take this well and went into whatever passes for shock among us. Not really fit for command for a while now, and as a result Lieutenant Kilm here has been the commanding officer.

I don’t understand why you didn’t officially take the position, though.”


“He is the Captain.”


“Yes, but.”


A new figure entered the room and spoke with a voice that sounded like it had not been used in a long time.

“I have received orders from the Primarch.” He coughs for a while clearing his throat.

“Jerrith, gather the troops, I need to speak to them.”


"Yes sir."


“Good to have you back Captain.”


“Yeah, my thanks. Could you get me something to drink, my throat’s pretty sore, haven’t done much talking lately.”

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@TOTR...nice job bro...dont blame you for not wanting to do a write up after your ten page assessment thingy haha..

You mentioned you had problems with the ink..

If I could offer some advice (if you already know then please disregard)..


Your gonna need to improve the flow of the inks to get the best outta them..


Seeing as you live in England (yay) get yourself down to Robert Dyas and pick up a bottle of "johnsons Klear floor polish"


In an empty pot, mix a quarter Klear/quarter water and half ink...this will improve the flow and coverage of the ink no end...

Also if your using the ink like a wash, satin varnish the area you are inking/washing first..then apply your ink mix..flows like a dream..

Hope this helps some.

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Hekatos Delphat

Presumed Chief Librarian of the Alpha Legion, Master of the Chrythsaor, the Trimorphe


"There are two roads, most distant from each other: the one leading to the honorable house of freedom, the other the house of slavery, which mortals must shun. It is possible to travel the one through manliness and lovely accord; so lead your people to this path. The other they reach through hateful strife and cowardly destruction; so shun it most of all."

- oracular statement of Hekatos Delphat [uncertain source]


As with many of his mysterious brethren, little to nothing can be said for certain about the Alpha Legion Chief Librarian Hekatos Delphat (whose name means  the Holder of the Keys or  the Prophet of the threeformed Truth in old Terran dialects). The best pictorial reference to him is available thanks to the Blood Angels Remembrancer Sahra Johnson, who was present at the Council of Nikaea, where Delphat is recorded as part of the Librarians who spoke for Magnus case.  


Delphat seems to appear both during the Isstvan V massacre and the first battle of Paramar, as sensorium core data ex-loaded from the armour of both Salamanders and loyal Iron Warriors Legionaries suggest. Wheter or not this "Delphat" is the same Marine who was part of the Nikaea Council, or a different Librarian, remains unclear.








Battlefield analysis of this Corvus-Alpha armour shows it in fact to be a unique variant of the Mark VI, likely developed seperately from an early prototype . This suggests that the Alpha Legion may have acquired incomplete schematics by covert means early in the project's life and chosen to develop it on their own without recourse to the Mechanicum. This particular suit was modified with an inbuild psychic hood, which indicates the Alpha Legions non-official disregards from the Edict of Nikaea even before the outbreak of the Heresy .... 





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First off, I love this thread. There's so much good stuff, and it's only the 10th!

WIP of my month's work thus far. I picked up Hamath Kraatos from MCM Comic Con for reasons that I wasn't quite sure of at the time, and then this challenge comes along and gives me an idea...


Beyond making poop-worm-dreadlocks for my Black Templars about fourteen years ago, this is my first real green stuff work, so please be gentle. I'd cleaned up Kraatos pretty quickly, but the green stuff took me freaking ages. I ended up making a stencil-type thing out of a blister pack. I couldn't quite get the chain across the A looking good, so I got rid of it. I may yet do a bandoleer across his chest or something, but I may not. It depends on where the fluff ends up going.

Please let me know any feedback!

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Looking awesome!

What I'm most looking forward to through this challenge, is amassing a collection of 18 minis to represent the 18 legions all on one shelf displayed. That will look cool. Which has me thinking of making each entry its own diorama.

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I was thinking along the same lines, KBA


Great minds, brother! Good to see you kicking around here still. I haven't been around since the spring.. New faces, and old. Some have really grown as modellers and painters. It's encouraging to see!


I know not all legions were present at the siege, but 9 loyalists vs 9 traitors fighting across strewn rubble and broken war machines fully painted up mounted on a polished wood base would be something special!

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Still needs some iconography, but he's on his way. I wanted a headhunter that had told a story. He's tracked his prey, picked up pings on his auspex, and pulled out his power dagger to get down and dirty...

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@KBA really cool pose! Like the tartaros Shoulders!

@BCK Well, obviously. Silencers in reality aren't like movie or video game silencers tongue.png and with the speed the bullet would be travelling and the distances you're hinting at, I don't think he'd even need to be silenced unless he wanted to stay in the same area for multiple shots.

But its for the rule of cool, so, alls fair!

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