Xenith Posted November 16, 2014 Share Posted November 16, 2014 (edited) "So did Lemartes become the Guardian of the Lost, the warden of the Death Company. He has repaid Astorath's faith a thousand times over, for the Death Company have never been so potent a force as they have under his guidance, their modern glories eclipsing deeds of legend." Inspired by the "Today Khârn Killed..." thread in the Codex: CSM forum, let us chart the glories of the Death Company, and record the foes that they slay in the name of the Emperor and Sanguinius. For example, a game vs Astra Militarum my 10 Death company + Corbulo killed:22 guardsmen including a platoon command squadSanctioned Psyker3 leman russes, including a Leman russ punisher with Pask (warlord)What have your death company achieved? How many were there? +++HONOURABLE MENTIONS +++ Big Game Hunter (Biggest Gribbly):1st: Riptide with 1 remaining death company with powerfist (Ulrock)2nd: Imperial Knight (Robdukes with 5DC and Lemartes)3rd: Eldar Cobra (Joelmai with 15DC, Lemartes and Astorath) Headsman (highest kill total):1st: 50 kills: Charlo (10DC vs Broodlord, 40 gaunts, 10 stealers)2nd: 45Kills: Bukimimaru (10 DC vs 45 Pink Horrors)3rd: 40 Kills: Shaezus (Lemartes and 5 DC vs 40 Ork boyz) +++ KILL COUNT +++ Death Company / Chaplain / Lemartes / Astorath used: 936 / 14 / 7 / 5 Adeptus Astartes Space MarinesBlack Templar Emperors Champion: (1 - Lyrikaus).Black Templar Initiates: 10 (10 - Lyrikaus)Black Templar Neophytes: 5 (5 - Lyrikaus)Bikes: 4 (4 - Luthermax)KoShorro Kahn: 1 (1- Ming)Vulkan He'Stan: 1 (1 - Simison)Space Marine Captains: 2 (1 - Lyrikaus)Chaplains: 2 (1 - Sebs_Evo7)Librarians: 1 (1 - Rottimus)Techmarines: 1 (1 - Simison)Tactical Marines: 55 (8 - Keebleartillery)Assault marines: 5Sternguard: 15Vanguard Veterans: 20 (14 - Sebs_Evo7)Rhinos: 1Terminators: 5Assault Terminators: 34 (14 - Rottimus)Scouts: 10 (5 - )Sniper scouts: 1Contemptor: 1Drop Pods: 1Thunderfire Cannons: 1 (1 - Simison)Centurians: 5 (3 - Keebleartillery)Rhinos: 1 (1 - Bad Dice) Dark AngelsBelial: 2 (1 - Bad Dice)Captains: 1 (1 - Sans Mercy)Company Veterans: 5 (5 - Mandaloriano)Deathwing Knights: 1Deathwing Terminators: 32 (5 - Shadowbait)Devastator Marines: 8 (8 - Slothysaur)Dreadnought: 1 (1 - Mandaloriano)Drop Pods: 1 (1 - Bad Dice)Land Raider Redeemers: 1 (1 - Shadowbait)Librarian: 2 (1 - Mandaloriano)Ravenwing Bikers: 9 (6 - Slothysaur)Ravenwing Black Knights: 5 (5 - Slothysaur)Rhinos: 1 (1 - Bad Dice)Scouts: 5 (5 - Shadowbait)Tactical Marines: 40 (10 - Slothysaur) Grey KnightsGrey Knight terminators: 10Grey Knight Paladins: 5 (5 - Bukinmaru)PA Grey Knights: 10Dreadknights: 2Razorbacks: 1Inquisitors: 2 Space WolvesLogan Grimnar/Deathsleigh: 1/1 (1/1: Silverson)Arjac Rockfist: 1 (1 - Silverson)Random Wolf Lords: 1 (1 - Silverson)Thunderwolf Cavalry: 8 (3 - Old Git)Wolf Guard: 11 (11 - Vahouth)Blood Claws: 5 (5 - Vahouth)Swift Claws: 10 (5 - Vahouth)Canis Wolfborn: 1Iron Priests: 1 (1 - Old Git)Runepriests: 2 (1 - Bad Dice 0809)Wolf Guard Terminators: 15 (5 - Menchalior)Grey Hunters: 20 (20 - Captain Helion) Other Races: Astra MilitarumSanctioned Psykers: 1 (1 - Xenith)Guardsmen: 50 (22 - Xenith)Leman Russes: 5 (3 - Xenith)Veterans: 56 (20 - Jeremy 1391)Priests: 1Pask: 3 (1 - Xenith)Chimeras: 2 (1 - Jeremy 1391)Yarrick: 1 (1 - Bukimimaru)Sentinels: 2 (2 - OPTIMVS CHRISTVS) Chaos DaemonsBloodthirster Insensate: 1 (1 - Mandaloriano)Bloodletters: 31 (16 - Contemptuous)Flesh Hounds: 19 (12 - Spagunk)Bloodcrushers of Khorne: 3 (3 - Spagunk) Nurgling bases: 15 (12 - Contemptuous)Beasts of Nurgle: 3 (3 - Bukimimaru) Daemon Prince of Tz: 1 (1 - Bukinimaru)Pink Horrors: 55 (45 - Bukimimaru)Plaguebearers: 20 (20 - Bukimimaru) Daemonettes: 10 (10 - Mr Zombie) Spawn: 6 (6 - Mr Zombie) Soulgrinders: 1 (1 - Bukimimaru) Chaos Space MarinesLord of Chaos Undecided: 1 (1 - Bukimimaru)Chaos Lord of Khorne: 0 (0 - )Chaos Lord of Nurgle: 1 (1 - Bukinimaru)Chaos Lord of Tzeentch: 0 (0 - )Chaos Lord of Slaanesh: 0 (0 - )Ahriman: 1 (1 - Hellinfested)Be'Lakor: 1 (1 - Ceril)Daemon Prince: 1Warpsmiths: 1 (1 - Riot Earp) Chaos Space Marines: 35 (20 - Bukimimaru)Cultists: 25 (20) Khorne Berzerkers: 20 (10 - Bukimimaru)Chaos Terminators: 5Chosen: 15 (10 - Dbourg)Hellbrutes: 1 (1 - Bukinimaru)Plague Marines: 7 (7 - Bukinimaru)Helldrakes: 2 (2 - Hellinfested)Rhinos: 3 (1 - Dbourg)Chaos Predator: 1 (1 - Bukinimaru)Chaos Bikes: 2 (2 - Mandoloriano) Craftworld EldarFarseers: 3 (1 - Joelmai)Avatars: 1Autarchs: 1Dire Avengers: 45 (10 - Joelmai)Harlequins: 5Striking Scorpions: 5 (5 - Joelmai)Warp Spiders: 10Swooping Hawks: 5Wraithknights: 2 (1 - )Hornets: 1Wave Serpents: 3 (2 - Vahouth)Vypers: 4 (3 - Joelmai)Falcons: 1 (1 - Joelmai)Wraithguard: 9 (9 - Joelmai)Fire Dragons: 5 (3 - Joelmai)Eldrad Ulthran: 1 (1 - Joelmai)Cobras: 1 (1 - Joelmai) Dark EldarHellions: 15Wyches: 10Wracks: 5 Imperial KnightsKnight Paladins: 2 NecronsImmortals: 5 (5 - Vahouth)Warriors: 57 (20 - C. Angel)Wraiths: 19 (12)Destroyers: 12 (6 - Contemptuous Angel)Lords: 1Overlords: 1: (1 - evildrcheese)Destroyer Lords: 1 (1 - Contemptuous Angel)Annihilation Barges: 1Nightbringer: 1 (1 - Adorondak)Orkian: 1 (1 - Anderer) OrksOrk Boyz: 140 (30 - bad Dice)Nob Bikerz: 4 (4 - The Sauce)Painboyz: 1 (1 - The Sauce)Warbosses: 1 (1 - The Sauce)Ork Bikerz: 5 (5 - tjr)Ork Trukks: 2 (1 - Mandaloriano)Deff Dreadz: 1 (1- Joelmai) TauKroot: 46 (16 - Slothysaur)Fire Warriors: 18 (6 - Slothysaur)Etherals: 1Riptides: 3 (1 - Sans Mercy)Crisis Suits: 2 (2 - Himlur)Broadsides: 1 (1 - Himlur)Pathfinders: 6 (6 - Himlur)Devilfish: 1 (1 - Himlur)Stealth Suits: 5 (3 - Sans Mercy)Ghostkeel: 1 (1 - Sans Mercy) TyranidsHive Tyrants: 2 (1 - Contemptuous)Tyranid Warriors: 8 (3 - Rabidweasel)Termagants: 30Hormagaunts: 32Genestealers: 33 (8 - Bad Dice)Broodlords: 2 (1 - ) Maleceptors: 1Toxicrenes: 1Zoanthropes: 6 (3 - Contemptuous)Haruspex: 1 (1 - Bukimimaru)Tyrannofex: 1 (1 - Sans Mercy)Hive Guard: 3 (3 - Sans Mercy)The Spawn of Cryptus: 1 (1 - Dolchiate Remembrancer)The Deathleaper: 1 (1 - Brother Tycho) Edited August 31, 2020 by Jolemai Tags Sans Mercy and Helias_Tancred 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/299343-today-the-death-company-killed/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charlo Posted November 16, 2014 Share Posted November 16, 2014 Not today, but back in 4th edition when we had random death company pretty much 80% of my guys turned. It being s friendly game my opponent let me use the extra turned models as DC. He would regret thus decision as about 30 DC with jump packs and a few power weapons got dumped onto the table. They proceeded to move from one side if the board to the other accounting for an entire tyranid army. Only other thing to kill was the baal predator. Let's hope for a similar result in the Shield of Baal Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/299343-today-the-death-company-killed/#findComment-3863834 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xenith Posted November 16, 2014 Author Share Posted November 16, 2014 Hilarious, Charlo! I remember similar experiences in 3rd - I'd always use the rhino, though, so the DC maxed out at 10, but with free powerfists if you raged a sergeant, and with no one else having feel no pain in that edition, they were the toughest, killy-est marines around. I rampaged through entire guard armies with the old sweeping advance rules. Gotta love 4 attacks each, hitting guard on 3's and wounding on 2's. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/299343-today-the-death-company-killed/#findComment-3863862 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shaezus Posted November 16, 2014 Share Posted November 16, 2014 Two of my fave: Vs Orks, Lemartes and 5 DC with jump packs carve up 40 ork boyz in two rounds of combat. Vs Dark Eldar, 10 DC with boltguns drop-pod slap bang in front of a steamroller of a DE assault and roll them all up: about 15 hellions or more, a unit of wracks and a unit of wyches / succubi all get munched, with a single DC with power fist surviving. Robdukes, Sans Mercy and Xenith 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/299343-today-the-death-company-killed/#findComment-3863879 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xenith Posted November 16, 2014 Author Share Posted November 16, 2014 Haha, I love it when the DC get charged and still murder whatever charged them! It's happened with Orks and Khorne Berzerkers for me too!Another game in 5th, back when FC still gave you +1I, my unit of 8 with Lemartes multi-charged a unit of 10 van vets, all with power weapons and jump packs and 10 tactical marines.My opponent thought I was crazy, and that with 10 power weapons, he's surely win.He was wrong. They slaughtered the van vets, then stayed locked with the tacticals until the next assault phase Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/299343-today-the-death-company-killed/#findComment-3863924 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Memento Of Prospero Posted November 16, 2014 Share Posted November 16, 2014 Well, during my last 40k game (almost a year ago!) my 15 man DC unit with jump packs and Shrike killed: 2 Dreadknights 1 razorback 1 max unit of grey knight terminators 1 max unit of purgation squad 1 unit of inquisitorial Henchmen, with inquisitor And then they promptly died to the 3rd dreadknight, failling to charge it. Xenith 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/299343-today-the-death-company-killed/#findComment-3863987 Share on other sites More sharing options...
ElectricPaladin Posted November 16, 2014 Share Posted November 16, 2014 Vs. Tau --> 10 death company marines killed a maximum sized squad of Kroot, a maximum sized squad of fire warriors, and the ethereal with them. The fight was pretty predictable, but getting them into combat was epic. At one point my opponent threw 130 overwatch shots, which resulted in 76 hits, which somehow resulted in... one dead marine. The Emperor protects. Xenith, Quixus, Disciple of Caliban Sgt and 6 others 9 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/299343-today-the-death-company-killed/#findComment-3863990 Share on other sites More sharing options...
sockwithaticket Posted November 16, 2014 Share Posted November 16, 2014 Going to have to be an old war story as I don't currently game. During 3rd/4th my DC w/ Chaplain zoomed their rhino as close as possible to my Tau playing friend's broadsides. He made very hard work of actually blowing it up meaning that most of the fire went into their metal box rather than them and when the smoke cleared there were only a couple of them missing. Charged and wiped the broadsides, swept into nearby crisis suits and went on to munch through another crisis squad, some pathfinders, a unit and a half of fire warriors plus the majority of Kroot squad for negligible losses before we ran out of time. The rest of my army spent their time either following the trail of corpses or trying to blow up Hammerheads. Ah old sweeping advance rules, truly wonderful at times. Xenith 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/299343-today-the-death-company-killed/#findComment-3863998 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Praefectus Invictus Posted November 16, 2014 Share Posted November 16, 2014 VS> daemons-5 DC charged a 15 man bloodletter unit and wiped them out, but sadly died in the process Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/299343-today-the-death-company-killed/#findComment-3864051 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sans Mercy Posted November 16, 2014 Share Posted November 16, 2014 Finished off two squads of tactical marines, a sternguard squad, and a rhino. The DC dread whisked two tactical squads. We lost but had a great time! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/299343-today-the-death-company-killed/#findComment-3864105 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xenith Posted November 20, 2014 Author Share Posted November 20, 2014 Stolen from Angelus Mortifer on the 2014 thread: Reminds me of a Nid game I played against a mate back in 5th. Lemartes and some DC managed to grab an objective in the Nid deployment zone bottom of 3, and then spent the next 3 Turns fighting recurring Gants (winning combat, breaking them, running them down, only for another unit to arrive the next turn) to eventually win the game. The DC were finally killed but Lemartes stood firm throughout the assault to be left as last man standing at the end. Now that's how the DC should go out... finally dying on a mound of dead enemy bodies; and Lemartes did his job Now that is impressive. I'd want to fight a without number nid army just to see how many kills I could rack up! Angelus Mortifer 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/299343-today-the-death-company-killed/#findComment-3866720 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted November 20, 2014 Share Posted November 20, 2014 Nothing today, but here's some past anecdotes... I have two foot and two Jump Pack Death Company equipped with Power Swords, a throw back to the third edition. There's a reason why they are rightly feared by my gaming group and a reason why I will always stand up for the humble Power Sword. A game against Chaos in the 6th edition saw a ten mad squad arrive in a Drop Pod in the enemy deployment zone. After losing five to combined marine and Havoc fire, they are charged by a Sorceror and his ten man squad of Heretics. Another four DC are lost leaving the Power Sword armed marine alive. In return, the heretics lose five marines and are run down. This lone DC proceeds to charge the Havocs and tie them up for a turn before breaking them, then runs into some Cultists, kills some with a Frag Grenade and breaks another squad. Not only did he get the Man of the Match for this battle, but he is now rightly hated. The Eldar player in my group also hates them, but I can't find nor remember the story right now. Similar sort of thing though. Xenith and Robdukes 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/299343-today-the-death-company-killed/#findComment-3866777 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xenith Posted November 21, 2014 Author Share Posted November 21, 2014 Todays battle saw the death co kill: 5 terminators (although this was mainly the chaplain) 5 assault marines 1 deathwing knight. Although they probably probably caused well over 60 wounds in the course of the game, my opponent was rolling really well on TDA saves. 24 wounds on the termie squad and one dies... Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/299343-today-the-death-company-killed/#findComment-3867147 Share on other sites More sharing options...
CaptainHelion Posted November 21, 2014 Share Posted November 21, 2014 Mine took out a Maleceptor (The new Tyranid MC Psyker) today, which was nice. I was worried about that, right up until the squad managed to get the charge off (9" is slightly longer than I prefer). A few DC later, and it was vaguely psychic mush. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/299343-today-the-death-company-killed/#findComment-3867271 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xenith Posted November 21, 2014 Author Share Posted November 21, 2014 Awesome, can you remember what the Maleceptor can do? I missed the WD with it in, I know it's a brain bug. Know your enemy and all that. How many DC did you put into it? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/299343-today-the-death-company-killed/#findComment-3867367 Share on other sites More sharing options...
CaptainHelion Posted November 21, 2014 Share Posted November 21, 2014 Standard MC stats, so T6, 5 wounds, big gribbly gribbles to eat you with, and comes with synapse. Has a 4+ and a 5++, and has a special psychic power that's basically d3 wounds on a failed 3d6 LD check. That can be manifested up to three separate times per Maleceptor per psychic phase. Only three attacks and I3, though, so if you've got Mauls, you have a solid chance. I threw my standard Box of DC at it, so Reclusiach, and 6 DC, 2 power weapons and a power fist. I think it was down two wounds at the start of the assault phase, thanks to autocannon fire. It's definitely a nice unit, but not as worrying as I first thought. The 4+ save hurts it more than you realise. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/299343-today-the-death-company-killed/#findComment-3867383 Share on other sites More sharing options...
CornishMike Posted November 21, 2014 Share Posted November 21, 2014 Not a major win for my DC this week, but to be fair to them, they never got time... Ran 2 units... 1 unit of 9, in a drop pod with Lemartes... Other unit was 10 in a flyer with Astorath... Both units were equipped with Bolters and Chainswords... Unit with Lemartes managed to cap off a large line of Gargoyles... The flyer popped hover mode at the top of turn 3... DC Dread charged a crusher Carnifex, Astorath and his buddies charged a Tervigon... Dreadnought got Carni down to one wound, Astorath et al. anhiliated the Tervigon... 44 attacks on the charge makes me feel very happy... Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/299343-today-the-death-company-killed/#findComment-3867410 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Angelus Mortifer Posted November 21, 2014 Share Posted November 21, 2014 Stolen from Angelus Mortifer on the 2014 thread: Reminds me of a Nid game I played against a mate back in 5th. Lemartes and some DC managed to grab an objective in the Nid deployment zone bottom of 3, and then spent the next 3 Turns fighting recurring Gants (winning combat, breaking them, running them down, only for another unit to arrive the next turn) to eventually win the game. The DC were finally killed but Lemartes stood firm throughout the assault to be left as last man standing at the end. Now that's how the DC should go out... finally dying on a mound of dead enemy bodies; and Lemartes did his job Now that is impressive. I'd want to fight a without number nid army just to see how many kills I could rack up! Ha, cheers Xenith From memory, it was 7 DC all with CCW/Pistol barring one who had a Power Weapon. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/299343-today-the-death-company-killed/#findComment-3867444 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quixus Posted November 21, 2014 Share Posted November 21, 2014 Ran 2 units... 1 unit of 9, in a drop pod with Lemartes... Other unit was 10 in a flyer with Astorath... Both units were equipped with Bolters and Chainswords...How can you put Lemartes in a drop pod? Lemmy is Jump Infantry. Stormravens are explicitly allowed to transport Jump Infantry. Are there other flyers that can do that? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/299343-today-the-death-company-killed/#findComment-3867450 Share on other sites More sharing options...
CornishMike Posted November 21, 2014 Share Posted November 21, 2014 How can you put Lemartes in a drop pod? Lemmy is Jump Infantry. Stormravens are explicitly allowed to transport Jump Infantry. Are there other flyers that can do that? I'd forgotten this! Lemmy takes up 2 spaces in any transport so even if DP could take him, I'd be a man over... Lesson learnt for next time... Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/299343-today-the-death-company-killed/#findComment-3867462 Share on other sites More sharing options...
ElectricPaladin Posted November 21, 2014 Share Posted November 21, 2014 Actually, these days, jump infantry just have the "Bulky" rule, but there's nothing saying that they can't be transported. So except for taking up two spaces, there's no reason Lemartes (or anyone else) can't ride in a land raider or drop pod. Now, you can't put him in a rhino because they can't carry models with Bulky or Very Bulky, thanks to a special rule in the rhino's profile. ZeroCompanyHQ 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/299343-today-the-death-company-killed/#findComment-3867476 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quixus Posted November 21, 2014 Share Posted November 21, 2014 Isn't Jump Infantry a different unit type than Infantry? Transports are only allowed to carry units of the type Infantry unless specified otherwise IIRC. knife&fork 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/299343-today-the-death-company-killed/#findComment-3867484 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xenith Posted November 21, 2014 Author Share Posted November 21, 2014 Actually, these days, jump infantry just have the "Bulky" rule, but there's nothing saying that they can't be transported. So except for taking up two spaces, there's no reason Lemartes (or anyone else) can't ride in a land raider or drop pod. Now, you can't put him in a rhino because they can't carry models with Bulky or Very Bulky, thanks to a special rule in the rhino's profile. Unfortunately, no. Second para, 1st line of the transports section: "Only infantry may embark upon transports (this does not include jump or jet pack infantry), unless specifically stated otherwise." ElectricPaladin 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/299343-today-the-death-company-killed/#findComment-3867660 Share on other sites More sharing options...
ElectricPaladin Posted November 21, 2014 Share Posted November 21, 2014 Actually, these days, jump infantry just have the "Bulky" rule, but there's nothing saying that they can't be transported. So except for taking up two spaces, there's no reason Lemartes (or anyone else) can't ride in a land raider or drop pod. Now, you can't put him in a rhino because they can't carry models with Bulky or Very Bulky, thanks to a special rule in the rhino's profile. Unfortunately, no. Second para, 1st line of the transports section: "Only infantry may embark upon transports (this does not include jump or jet pack infantry), unless specifically stated otherwise." Cool. Thanks. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/299343-today-the-death-company-killed/#findComment-3867664 Share on other sites More sharing options...
ContemptuousAngel Posted November 24, 2014 Share Posted November 24, 2014 Today, a totally overpowered Death Company that I kitted out to deal with Knights killed one catachan veteran. (5 on one) Then they killed a whole squad of catachan veterans. (5 on 10) Then they killed a whole squad of catachan troops. (4 on 10) Then they killed all but one from a squad of catachan troops, (3 on 10) and the weight of dice rolling caused them to die here, more from overwatch (wall of flame) than anything else. The last surviving two charged in, killed, died. All without the leadership of their Reclusiarch, who had gone off by himself to slay a heretic priest. GLORY! Xenith and Robdukes 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/299343-today-the-death-company-killed/#findComment-3869429 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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