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Conquest has shipped!

Marshal Rohr

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*Checks FW site, order still just says " Acknowledged " *

I hate all of you....

Good... use you're aggressive feelings, boy... let the hate flow through you...

Oh wait. I'm a loyalist. Although now I'm pondering an Imperial Star Wars model theme.

[edit] Waitaminute! There's no crying in Heresy...

(checks my own shipping data: Acknowledged)

Waaaaaa! cry.gif [/edit]

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Y'know...maybe its because I'm reading a Mongol Themed Manga but, the Bow Relic and my Love for Jetbikes has me really considering starting a White Scars Jetbike Force / anticipating their rule set...maybe its my Asian Heritage :p


....gotta finish my Fists first though.


@Archangel : Bounty Hunter themed Shattered Legions list and Storm Trooper themed Imperial Fists (mostly because they have arguably the best bolter shooting)?

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It's not the same!

*begins to weep uncontrollably*

There there, Heathens, at least you can afford to buy the shiny book. biggrin.png Sadly the student budget doesn't stretch that far. Oh darn it, pass the hankies. *joins the weeping*

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I have only flipped through a few pages, about to look at the SA list, but I got to say, I'm impressed.

pls share some of the new death guard fluff / unit markings with us :<

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Ok, so I will start reading the background in a bit but just to say, even if the rules on some of the relics disappoint the background doesn't. For example, the White Scar Parthinian Serpent bow, recovered from 'quantum-sealed tribute-vaults deep beneath the Karta mountains of Chogoris' that fires 'highly energised matter generated and unleashed by the bearer, releasing a projectile through a highly localised micro-gravitational lens array'. Now I won't pretend to understand what the means, but man it sounds awesome. The Dark Angles item was a weapon designed to hold back the horros of the age of strife, the Iron Warriors was taken from the Black Judges, the Alpha Lwgion is a suspected Xeno weapon which uses an unknown venom, the Raven Guard blade were used by the Xeric tribesmen. Now I know this won't appease the more game orrentated of you, but for the narrative hobbyists they have really come through, and tbh, SA and Knight list aside, I think this a book aimed at the narrative crowd.
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It's not the same!


*begins to weep uncontrollably*

I know that feel :, (


Mines shipped but alas it will be another 2-3 weeks if im lucky :/



But hyaenidae think of the glory once it arrives, with this book at our disposals world's will burn and the conquest of the galaxy will surely be ours!



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Book V will be Calth (around Easter 2015)

Book VI / VII should be either Prospero or Signus Prime (late 2015, early 2016).


What source is that from? Just that contradicts some of the stuff that's come from FW themselves

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Easter! sad.png


And because I'm a completest, I'll have to get the four current books as well. My wallet is screaming at me already laugh.png

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The White Scars bow + Combat upgrade that lets you roll only 6's for a turn seems like the perfect combo for taking out Character Heavy Squads or equivalent.

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Ok so I haven't read the campaign yet, looking at details of two factions after the drop site massacre.


Most of it is was we know, but with extra details. I afraid all we are told of the Raven Gaurd is that they headed to Terra to report (when Horus thought they would go back to Deliverance), only to leave to rebuild. Corax informs the Council of the death of Manus.

The Iron Hands mainly go mad and throw themselves into war, iderpendant bands of resistance such as the Red Talons are mentioned.

Salamanders mainly fight in small bands with the shattered legion, but there is mention of coherent Salmander forces, one led by the 'Prophet of Fire'

All the legions are mentioned on brief but basically it's what Dorn knows.


There are also rummors of small warbands who were once part of the traitor legions fighting. There's were known as black shields, which is a literal description in most cases, so details are vague. However, there were groups who maintained their parent legion heraldry, such as the 34th Millennial of the EC, or Death Eagles who kept the purple and gold. Also it states that the black shields were not always Astartes, so black shield Knights anyone?


Traitors - First off the SOH and DG get a page each for tactical markings and heraldry like we saw in book III for the 4 legions.

The SoH and Death Guard subjugated the systems on the way to Terra, the SoH worked as a GC force, fighting compliance, the Death Guard were used more as a menace force/ reaper of world, I.e. destroy those who resist to much. It suggests that Horus considers the DG as his closest allies but there is mention that they may not be wholly with team Horus.

Iron Warriors are being used against the Imperial Fist Castellan forces to destroy possible centres of resistance. They join the SoH and DG as the legions I think Horus wants to spearhead the assault on Terra.

He knows he can't control the EC so he sets them loose to basically kill and, the other stuff they like to do.

It mentions he doesn't really trust the Night Lords commitment to the cause which is why they are sent to the eastern fringe, where Horus has little sway. There are 3 important Forge Worlds there and of course the DA.

Alpha Legion are used to disrupt loyalist resistance by any means they want.

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