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The NEW "What will 2014 Bring?" thread


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Arriving a little late with my contribution to the discussion so forgive me but


There. Just so we all sound like the crowd at a Beatles concert tongue.png

Or Dani Filth when he catches himself in his zip

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I agree. I just don't understand the rage against it.



Because our 5th ed codex came before the re-working of the Necron fluff. It made zero sense at the time considering how Necrons had been portrayed until then. 

In hindsight it works much better because Ward worked on both books and knew what was coming.


History always need context. ;)


Sure, but it's been a while. I know the Imperium is a stagnant organization, but do the fans need to behave the same way?

No, they don't.

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I was thinking Seth.

I'm rather shamed to admit that I forgot that I got metal Seth (never painted with flash still on model) sweat.gif I just hope that if it is a supplement for him, that it's available for those of us who don't use itunes sad.png

Looking forward to seeing the Tactical squad up close and the Sanguinary priest, although he's a good looking model, there is something not quite right about him...

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Ahem.... Nipples and pliers.... I don't think my mind will ever be the same again!

I (well, a character of mine) once had a nipples and pliers moment during a CthulhuTech game. I think I traumatized my wife, who was also a player in said game. She hasn't played CthulhuTech with me since then... unsure.png

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Trimming the nipples off takes all of 5 seconds with a knife or pliers.


Ahem.... Nipples and pliers.... I don't think my mind will ever be the same again!

Well I have a pik on FB that can help with the image (not my nipples thank god) its even more disturbing as I am wearing a nurses outfit

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I dont like to get to far ahead of my self with new releases and unconfirmed info, but Damn if Sang guard are around 165 a squad I will be super happy!


I've been collecting Blood Angels since 2nd edition, and I can't wait to build a completely fresh and cohesive army on 32mm bases!

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That was always the thing with running elite slots like the Sang Guard. The points added up and at the end of the day, a 2+ is nice but no invulnerable save always had me opting out with them for the points the cost. I love the models and the idea of them is really great, so here's to them getting a price break!!


The new Priest model looks killer!! I love the crowned collar and the very unique chainsword!!


I'm getting very excited about this release!!


End of Line

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I struggled with 6th edition rules and having more fun with 7th.

NOW it gets better: just bought a Relic Sicaran battle tank and ordered new Deathstorm box set to split with a Tyrannies buddy.

Hanging out for Saturday to read latest White Dwarf, then get the new Codex. DAMN I'm happy!

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I'm not a negative person and I'm fairly easily pleased with releases but for some reason I'm feeling a bit disappointed with this. There were only 2 things I really wanted, a new assault squad and a new Sanguinary Priest model. It was implied at a games day when the new Tactical Squad came out by someone talking to one of the sculptor's that they would be re done. I think this BA release would have been perfect for them. We don't really need any new units so this could have filled out the release a bit more and would have pleased other SM players at the same time.


Yes we are getting a new priest model but why not be more creative with it rather than make it look like a newer Corbs? Why have they given it the exact same lay out? Its not Corbolo as some people still seem to think. Because of the wargear and design this says to me Corbs is either being dropped from the codex or the design is very lazy. As I've said before I really dislike the robe and why have what looks like a big chain hanging between your legs inside the robe? It looks silly and impractical (yes I do know a lot of things aren't practical in this game). The only good bits for me are the arms.


Although the cover of the codex looks great its spoilt by the marine being the wrong way round. Again this just seems really lazy to me.


The tactical squad looks good and gives us a lot more BA specific bits but it does appear that a lot of the bits are the same as we already have, eg the back packs and shoulder pads mostly look the same.


Although I'm pleased we are getting an update, I just feel it could have been a little better done. I'm now more excited for when Forgeworld get round to us.

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I'm a bit worried that this sanguinary priest who looks like Corbulo but is advertised as sanguinary priest might mean bye-bye for Corbulo as a named SP. If you think of the current GW direction (i.e. getting rid of finecast, plastics everywhere), the amount of special characters in BA range is a bit high at the moment so 'downgrading' some to generic versions might be preferable for them.

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I'm a bit worried that this sanguinary priest who looks like Corbulo but is advertised as sanguinary priest might mean bye-bye for Corbulo as a named SP. If you think of the current GW direction (i.e. getting rid of finecast, plastics everywhere), the amount of special characters in BA range is a bit high at the moment so 'downgrading' some to generic versions might be preferable for them.


I had the same thought. I hope not... but fact is, Corbulo isn't the most compelling character to me, fluff-wise. He's pretty cool, but not a Dante or a Mephiston or a Lemartes.

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