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The NEW "What will 2014 Bring?" thread


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is it just me or does the new priest/corbs look like they dropped a kid into a mans armor. Makes me think the smallest guy on the team got there last when all the good armor was picked through and all that was left was 3 sizes too big. He needs a neck extension or a different head. 

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is it just me or does the new priest/corbs look like they dropped a kid into a mans armor. Makes me think the smallest guy on the team got there last when all the good armor was picked through and all that was left was 3 sizes too big. He needs a neck extension or a different head. 


I'm lucky - I run a successor, so he's technically not actually Corbulo, so I'll probably do a headswap anyway as a simple expedient.

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I really like the new Sanguinary Priest, and he fits well with my existing priest who is basically a Sanguinary Guard painted white and with some Apothecary bitz tacked-on. The lack of robes on my existing priest can be explained by the fact that he has a jump pack and I can use the new guy as my foot priest (who I will now want since I'll be incorporating tacticals into my army). A head swap is definitely in order, though. I'm not a fan of that hair but love the rest.


Man I would love the Sanguinary Guard edition of the codex but just can't justify the expense. Will likely go with the iBooks version as with all my other codices. Can't wait to see what the new codex will be like. In the mean time I guess I'll keep myself occupied by breaking everyone off of their 25 mm bases.

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Can't believe how lucky I'm getting with these pics, this is looking like an exceptional release for me.


I always run my dc in a squad of 7 (on foot) so got 3 spare to add to my deathstorm set to make 8 jump pack guys.

I don't own a death company dread

I don't own tactical terminators

I only own 1 tactical squad and I always try to run a core of 2 solid troop choices usually 2 assault squads jumping.

I love sanguinary priests and my 2 have jump packs

I don't own corbulo


Now all that's left is for them to make the sanguinor The Lord of war, Mephiston a lvl 4 psyker and get ic, Dante to get eternal warrior, astorath get his axe at I and I'm sorted for a very long time. And on top of that there is a possibility of a new kit :)

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PLEASE tell me that number for Sang Guard is 160 ><;

$165 according to a link from natfka


I think he's refering to the unit cost in points that is in the upper-right corner of the unit dataslate.  Not the cost in dollars.

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