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I'm not understanding PvP at all.  The Captain really didn't tell me what I need to do specifically, and I don't know what the other icon is next to the beacon (looks like a Chaplain?)  Needless to say, I get owned every time in PvP when I'm caqpable of taking player bases just fine.  I'm currently level 8.

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My tactic is to wait for the other guy to drop his stuff, and walk out a bit. Then mass drop wherever his biggest group is going. Spam Life-Eater virus whenever they are most grouped. By the time our squads meet each other, the enemy has already lost about a third of its life.


Not sure how long that will last, and it feels like a cheap tactic. But, I win more than I lose, and I lose rarely.


And if you are looking for a Loyalist Chapter, look up the Liberites.

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What is Life-Eater virus, and how do I use it?  This is why I was hoping there was a guide, I hate feeling like I have to figure it all out on my own.

I'll look up the Liberites as soon as I can afford the Chapter House.  I take it that's required to join?

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I think so, yeah. The more the merrier!


As for the life-eater virus, it's like the orbital bombardment, but PvP only. The loyalists have it as their thing, while the traitors get . . . something else that I have since forgotten.


You know what I'm talking about? When you enter battle, you'll see icons on the lower left hand of the screen. The bottom unit portraits are your guys. Tap them and tap the drop zone to unleash them. Above them are the tactics you can use. The little number is how much they cost, and the larger number above the icons is how much you have to spend. Destroying buildings is how you gain more tactic points to use. Anyway, you click on a portrait, and you click where you want to put it. So, for the Bombardment and Life Eater, you tap it, and tap the enemy. Might want to lead actual enemy units, as there's a bit of a delay. The Life Eater is the yellowy, skully icon.


Does that help?

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I'm not understanding PvP at all.  The Captain really didn't tell me what I need to do specifically, and I don't know what the other icon is next to the beacon (looks like a Chaplain?)  Needless to say, I get owned every time in PvP when I'm caqpable of taking player bases just fine.  I'm currently level 8.

You can win either by gaining more points from having troops capture control points (the three circular areas in in the middle) or by flat out destroying all of the enemy's units entirely. I usually win by doing the latter.


What is Life-Eater virus, and how do I use it?  This is why I was hoping there was a guide, I hate feeling like I have to figure it all out on my own.


Life eater is an area of effect attack that damages units caught in it. I think it is lame personally and never use it. I prefer using EMP to temporarily freeze enemy troops and allow my guys to wail on them for a bit. However, your enemy can EMP you too so be wary of that. Usually I wait for my enemy to use it first and then i immediately do it to their troops. Then my guys recover first and start gunning them down.


You will get some more abilities later. For example traitors get bloodlust that increase damage output while loyalists get servo heal which recovers some health of troops in the field.

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The Life Eater is the yellowy, skully icon.


Does that help?


More than you might imagine, thanks!  It would explain why I was getting wiped out.  It looked like a Chaplain to me, I didn't get the briefing on the PvP from the Captain.  I thought maybe it was to heal my men, I guess I was damaging them instead!


Thanks for the clarification, I think I might be able to win sometimes now. I'll go give it a try.

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B&C Traitors is now "Everyone can join" perhaps because it was Invite Only did not figure in the finder. Feel free to join. For the Warmaster!

Am currently with Khornes Elite. We're trying to beat Lokens. Soon as this season is over (4 days or so), I'll switch over.

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Nice to see everyone wants to stay buddy-buddy in this game. The Liberites are up to 8 members right now. We're doing pretty good, we have about 1/5th of the score of the lowest leaderboard Chapter! :) If we get up to a full 50 with the same average scores we'd be leaderboard material.


Looking at that screen, I can't say I like how the rewards are split. A Chapter can have 50 people in it, but even if all 50 put in their fair share of work to be in the top four, the rewards will only be distributed to the Chapter's top 10 players. The other 40 get nothing? If you're in the lower 40, and don't see any way to get into the top 10, where is your incentive? The only one I can see is the top 10 telling the bottom 40 "Win me these rewards or we boot you from a leaderboard Chapter."


I mean, sure you have the fun and challenge of just doing it, but to only allow some the reward and not others? When it's not even necessarily a matter of skill being rewarded, but of time spent? Not cool.

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Mother freaking feth! I keep getting Makayla like five times in a row in Skirmish. The Emperor's Children termi's take like no damage and one shot my own termi's and tac's. I see they glow red just before the attack. Is that a Traitor power, like the Loyalists having the Life-Eater as 'grenades?'


Makayla's the first one I can't beat just by dropping the units to half health before attacking with my own units. The Life-Eater virus works, they're all at half health when it starts. But my full health guys go down in with each sweep of a lightning claw. I had a tac squad go down in less than a second from two termi's. Considering our levels are supposed to be close, and considering Makayla's is lower than mine, it doesn't make sense. Looking at the health of a Tac and the dps of a Termi, it should take one Termi at least four or five seconds to take down one Tac. Two Termi's against seven Tacs should take longer than half a second.

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B&C Traitors is now "Everyone can join" perhaps because it was Invite Only did not figure in the finder. Feel free to join. For the Warmaster!

I can't find you guys :sad.:


Mother freaking feth! I keep getting Makayla like five times in a row in Skirmish. The Emperor's Children termi's take like no damage and one shot my own termi's and tac's. I see they glow red just before the attack. Is that a Traitor power, like the Loyalists having the Life-Eater as 'grenades?'


Makayla's the first one I can't beat just by dropping the units to half health before attacking with my own units. The Life-Eater virus works, they're all at half health when it starts. But my full health guys go down in with each sweep of a lightning claw. I had a tac squad go down in less than a second from two termi's. Considering our levels are supposed to be close, and considering Makayla's is lower than mine, it doesn't make sense. Looking at the health of a Tac and the dps of a Termi, it should take one Termi at least four or five seconds to take down one Tac. Two Termi's against seven Tacs should take longer than half a second.

I wonder if his/her termies are upgraded and getting a boost from a relic?


Also, I finally got to achieve a personal goal of mine after seeing someone post a question awhile back. 1 Raptor to rule a battlefield...



Nothing fancy but I felt happy watching that buzzard reap mortar after mortar. Ahhh, the simple things in life.

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Since upgrading Termi's, the research building and HQ all gather experience, the only way Makayla's termies should be doing that much better than my own while staying at a lower level is if the only thing being upgraded are those three things. Hadn't thought of a relic, but I still think two half health Termies shouldn't be able to take out 14 Tacs and 3 Termies, all at full health, in about four seconds, without taking any noticeable damage.

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That raptor picture is great.


For those trying to find a chapter, Capitalization matters. Tenebris is B&C Traitors

(How do I know? He fething  scored a perfect victory against my base. Didn't lose a single guy. ) :verymad:

At the end of the season, do you lose anything other than glory?

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You also might want to make sure you're not adding any extra spaces, as the system does allow them. The field for typing doesn't really show initial spaces very well if there are any, and if you got blunt fingers . . .


Learned that the hard way, as my username is, without parantheses, (  Conn Eremon). :/

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Since upgrading Termi's, the research building and HQ all gather experience, the only way Makayla's termies should be doing that much better than my own while staying at a lower level is if the only thing being upgraded are those three things. Hadn't thought of a relic, but I still think two half health Termies shouldn't be able to take out 14 Tacs and 3 Termies, all at full health, in about four seconds, without taking any noticeable damage.

yeah that shouldnt have happened. Did you get haywired?

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The only thing it looked like the player was doing was activating something that turned the enemy units red. It's not the first time I've seen it, though I haven't had that issue with anyone else. I figure it's the Traitors' equivalent to the Life-Eater. I guess the Traitors get something that bolsters while the Loyalists get a weapon.


I'm starting to think this person is just taking advantage of a glitch, which happens. The last game of this type I played introduced traps, sort of like the mines in this game but different. Like in this game, the traps were limited depending on your level. But once released, every now and then you'll find someone where every spare space was a trap. You could only deploy on the edges, the person had moved their valuables into the center, and you had to wade through a never ending stream of aerial strikes for every step.

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Bloodlust is the traitor power, makes the units glow red and deal more damage. They have life-eater as well, loyalists get the healing servo-skulls. Tactical marines are very bad compared to the other options. If you still don't have support, go full termies or at least half/half. If you have support, half/half should work. And try to upgrade everything and blahblahblah :)...also, instead of using the life-eater so much on the other's troops, try EMPing them right before they clash with yours, that'll allow your troops to take the initiative. And when you see them glow red, cast EMP on the whole melee, that will buy you some time till the red glow disappears. And never separate your troops, keep them in a big blob, otherwise if your enemy does have a big blob he'll kill your smaller blobs piecemeal. Hope any of that helps :)

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For Skirmish, make 3 groups and use Beacon to send them to 3 different CPs.


Even if they wipe one of your groups, you should capture 700 before your opponent wipes the rest (unless he too splits 3 groups).


Edit - also see my previous post in this thread on using EMP to split your opponent up.

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