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+ Centurion Drason Crixus +

Armatura's Master of Recruits

" They say the Ultramarines fear nothing. Untrue. Drason scares them."

Drason Crixus a Terran veteran assigned to the training of the XIIIth Legion recruits. When the Shadow Crusade reached Armatura Centurion Drason would don his antique MKII helmet and lead the Evocatii units into brutal counter assaults against the World Eater rampagers.

The Centurion would have to be dragged on to an escaping Storm Eagle furious that he would not be able to recover the body of his old friend and commander Legate Orfeo.




Still cant get decent lighting to pics though sleep.png

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Thanks everyone for the comments and likes, its much appreciated!

Awesome! Really nice! Were you able to give that model a helmet quite easily?

Thanks dude, just had to snip the vent off the back of the helmet and a chunk out the back of the neck just to make it fit well but the cuts are invisible. biggrin.png

Dude! The helmet improves that mini out of sight! You've really got that blue and gold combination down perfectly now thumbsup.gif

Thanks man! It took a few attempts but I think I've finally got the gold the way I want it finally laugh.png

Oh man you've managed to sell me on the LE model.

Thanks Hydra, honestly I think the LE centurion is perfect for your Death Guard

Looking great!

The head swap makes what was a lacklustre model into a true hero of

the XIIIth.

Can't wait to see what's next.

Thanks man, I'm thinking of an assault squad next with full Praetor armour.... that's if I don't get distracted haha laugh.png

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looks real nice. How is the transfer sheet? I found the GW one a pain to apply to shoulder pads, but i believe the new FW one is a bit better? They look stunning, thats for sure.

Also, whats in the order? biggrin.png

Yeah the transfer sheet is great. When it comes to transfers micro set and sol are your friends the decals went on without a problem.

So far my order has 20 MKIV marines, praetor and Invictarii upgrades, MKIV weapon set, combi weapons, an imperial fists command set for converting and the primarch himself seriously considering a Knight Castigator also biggrin.png

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Thanks guys, don't know if I did a good job of it but it was good to try something else. Got my Betrayal at Calth box ordered this morning so it'll back to Ultramarines soon. Really hoping FW release the Leviathan Dread sometime soon so I can get on with making an UM siege company. biggrin.png




@Dallo- Its just balthasar gold washed with agrax then highlighting it with liberator gold, no way I could pull off NMM haha laugh.png

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