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Dantay's VI Legion. Hvarls Headtakers

Dantay VI

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Really really not happy with my tanks, but with time against me I have to call it quits for now and say done.


I will class this as an ultrabasic paintjob for now. 


Trying different golds was probably a big mistake plus having to respray about half of all my tanks.


Not going to scar your eyes, with the debacle.


The closest I got to happy was the Caestus





I also have future plans for the Typhon


Is that just stencil paper? 


I honestly think everything is looking great....and im with you i NEED those damn transfers to come out my FW basket is impatiently waiting on them

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No, the last picture is plain paper.


I'd copy the designs from the internet or tattoos I have found to paper. I would the slip the paper into a plastic sleeve and place the masking tape over the plastic sleeve and trace it out.


I can then put on an old wooden chopping board and using a very sharp blade cut the designs out.


I can thenuse it for the outlines and then fill in as I go.


Big word of advice 1: varnish before doing this.

Big word of advice 2: If it is intricate, just do the outline and cut the rest out on the model, as masking tape will curl up on itself and is a nightmare to deal with.

Big word of advice 3: Be careful how sticky the masking tape is. It still wrecked the paint even after varnishing.

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So the missing pictures for my vow are here.


20160802 190508

20160802 190603

20160802 190626

20160802 190639


Everything is now primed, 90% got sprayed grey.


The remainder will be brybrushed, although most wear the black anyway!!Shields are all now done.


Question: Should I stick to my plan of having a full 20 man breacher squad or go with 2 x 10 man breacher squads? I got the bits for a grand wall of 20 (including 5 Templars) which would give them all the same shield design, but if I split to 2 x 10 man units, I will need to do a second shield design for the second 10.



Oh and this bad-boy for a post ETL treat. Head is acing the wrong way, as my super glue turned to water and the head kept spinning about.


20160802 190651

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Oh, he will get painted up that's for sure.


I really want to take my time over him though.


Thinking Siege breaker consul in 30K for him and in 40K Egil Ironwolf with a hammer and combi plasma (volkite looks close enough o pass as plasma I think!).


Btw, your Dark Angels are looking nice.

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i need you to paint the Cataphractii Consul , like REALLY badly need that to be a thing that happens right now @ n @  the dude looks sooo cool , plus hes got a combi Volkite  


i need you to paint the Cataphractii Consul , like REALLY badly need that to be a thing that happens right now @ n @  the dude looks sooo cool , plus hes got a combi Volkite  

Actually why don't you just send him to me ill paint him for you andddddd NEVER return him, Thanks!!! :wink:

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20160804 213758

Batter up!
First to the plate in this round of Inter-Galactic 30K Baseball, Is Proto-Ulrik, for the Fenris.
A fun conversion of the apothecary, so he can be used n 40K as a Wolf Priest
The start of a 57 model run to be completed for the ETL on the 15th.
Progress has been made.

20160805 001024

Guess what colour I have been painting ;)




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Go for it WLK.


A bit more progress.

After freaking folks out with my red finger :D


I have gotten the golds almost done. Might add a tiny dot of Runefang at the very tips of things. Moving on to bronze.


20160805 233216

20160805 233231

20160805 233244

Shield wall is coming together okay, one man lost his shield boss, so that  needs fixing.

20160805 233501

So 2 questions:
1; Is the gold too yellow and would a tiny dab of runefung steel help?
2; Do I max out the shield wall to 20 guys including BW's 5 Templars or run 2 units of 10?
Reason I am asking is that each unit would have a different shield design if I went with 2, but only 1 design if it was a big blob.


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Thanks Betrayer..


It worked pretty well with no cutting etc. It also means I an use him as a 40K wolf priest too.


With the airbrush for Christmas, work rates have gone through the roof. Thinking of hand painting a tank or squad now, gives me the shakes!!

It means I can base coat and get a good start before going off to work and with 4 hours or so of nothingness in the evenings. This seems a great way to keep things moving along.


So what colour should I do the narteciums?


Should I rock a solid wall of 20 breachers or 2 units of 10?

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Hmmm... What do we have here?

20160809 201921


Everyone loves a traitor corpse, especially witches... Am I right?

20160809 225233

20160809 225241

20160809 225307

20160809 225352

20160809 225413

20160809 225428


Hopes this helps explain his weird dancing pose from earlier.


The T-son is tacked to the foot as they will hopefully soon get a base transplant (AoS blasted dominion bases, should look Prospero-ish I hope)
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Thanks guys, the splatter was fun. Will have to duplicate it when they go onto their proper bases


For Russ!!




Some highlights


20160812 222034

20160812 222358

20160812 222606

20160812 222627

The Tricky third Album:

Apologies if the pictures are on their side. Something up with the gallery


Peeved someone nicked my magnifiers, so getting done was hard.



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20160816 221550


20160816 221603


20160816 221620

First up:


Apologies for the tiny pictures, I am running everything through the BnC gallery until I can sort out a different photo site other than photobucket.

Also the work PC's run IE, which is garbage. Scrambles everything up, will not copy links etc.

When I get home it is back to Chrome!!


Anyways I have been working on my post-etl treat.

The FW open day model.


I have called him the Iron Wolf, as he is in up armoured cataphractii with additional sensors and the like. I had initially thought Forge Lord, but I think I prefer to run him as a siege breaker.


Could do with some advice though.

He looks more like an Iron Warrior and less a son of Fenris.

The gold will come through a lot more as this is just Balthasar Gold with an Agrax wash.


Should I change the lower leg panels from steel back to grey, or will some knot work on the steel, b enough to show his lineage?


Let me know your thoughts.

Edited by dantay_xv
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Okay, so not much progress tonight.

These are last nights photos.

All my models are on one side of the oil rig & I am on the other :furious:


Some nugget decided to press a shiny red button and all hell has broken loose out here.


I have progressed things a little.

20160817 220521

20160817 220514

The gold went a bit coppery as I used Balthasar gold as a base instead of Gehennas gold.

I was not previously 100% happy with the gold I got in the ETL, it felt a bit yellow.
Still not 100% happy, but I do like the deep almost tobacco colour it has gone. A few washes of sepia mixed with satin varnish kept the shine without it being over glossy.

20160817 220532

You can also see from the leg I am working on knot work ideas.

This one is a bit simple, might try something like the design on Grimnars storm bolter (Champions of Fenris cover)


Like this?
What do you think of the legs, specifically the lower leg arnour? Is the steel lower leg armour too much/ I had considered making it grey

20160817 220542

20160817 220505

I also did 1 shield red and the other black, considering making both red, what do you think?


Oh, what is a decent picture sharing site as photobucket is annoying me a lot?


Edited by dantay_xv
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