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Nusquams 30k WIP Thread 6/14/17 - Finished Atrapos


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++In the darkness all men are equal, save those who embrace it.++

An Age of Darkness WIP Thread


This page will serve as a living WIP for my planned Heresy-Era Raven Guard Force.

Change Log:

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2/28/15 - Finalizing formatting, bear with me I'm new at this.
3/1/15 - Mor Deythan scheme determined. Added fluff about MKV Heresy Sub-pattern 'Shade' Armor
3/2/15 - Armor swirl design experiment.
3/5/15 - Mor Deythan WIPs added.
3/6/15 - Tac Sarge and Chooser added
11/27/15 - Blowing the Dust off this thread, BaC box update.
12/3/15 - Bone-Seer Os Vates, Librarian and Pale Nomad Praetor WIP added
12/15/15 - Finished Viper Pattern Interceptor (Xiphon)
12/16/15 - WIP Tacticals
12/17/15 - More Mor Deythan WIPs
2/1/16 - Corax WIP
2/6/16 - First Five Furies
2/6/16 - Kitbash Whispercutter WIP
2/10/16 - My own take on the Nemean Reaver Knight-Errant
4/30/16 - More Knight WIPs
11/8/16 - Moritat and Rescued models
1/27/17 - Plastic Knight Acheron and first post updates
1/28/17 - Shapeway Breacher Shields
2/7//17 - Acheron
2/18/17 - Custodes Shield Captain

XIXth Legion Astartes Strike Force Nightfall


I'll be restructuring this first post...

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Great start. Glad to see you've also gone down the route of Mor Deythan veterans being dark, no-nonsense and unassuming in their colour scheme. I really like how you did your version of Kaedes Nex as well.


Keep on, brother - the XIX stands strong.

Thank you. I find the AA stuff is love or hate. I personally love them, obviously ha. I'm working on the fiction behind them. Right now I'm trying to figure out how to format the posts better. The boards gallery is fickle and I don't want to re-upload elsewhere.

Do you mean to get the pics bigger? If so, finding the direct link is your best shot, which I find usually involves right-clicking, view image, then again and view image info, and pasting that directly into the image tags if your image hosting doesn't offer it upfront.


Not bigger, no. Trying to get them not awkwardly aligned vertically. I'm using the forums 'My Media' button and it's super easy to get pics in it. That way I don't have to copy and paste every picture url and put it in an image tag. Because there were a lot of pictures to post in the time I didn't have a good camera. As they are now ther'ye also on the large size. I fear I may have to resize them, again, to make them fill out the posts neater. I'll have to do some testing. The quest for art and all it's endeavors knows no bounds ha.

Thank you!


So I'm going to have to go through and use the img tag manually. My second post will follow the new format. It will take a while but it will be worth it. Just found out that things in the gallery can be psuedo-sized into small/med/large so I can pick the right size as to not be huge or too small. Still working out the details on the camera.

Thank you. Yeah I envision them to be ruthlessly efficient in complete destruction of their target.


The fiction I'm working on in regards to the Mor Deythan and that pattern of armor was added to the first post.

Nice freehand on the shoulder guard. Very subtle. In fact, almost too subtle. I'd actually like to see all his armour covered in those swirls. It'd be a suitably understated way of representing his veteran status (remember he's supposed to have fought alongside Corax in the original Lycaean uprising) without the bling other more ostentatious Legions go in for.


Either way, keep it coming, brother!

I've been trying to figure out a way to do the Lycaeus motifs, but on such a small scale it is really difficult. It's also super dry where I live, winter and old radiators suck out all moisture. Wet pallet helps, but when the brush is so small the dry air literally such the moisture out of the brush within seconds and gums it up. Too much water makes it transparent. Then it's almost impossible to keep the lines clean by going over them repeatedly since they're so small. Its been rough ha. I'm working on perfecting it. I'm even looking into pens.


Mold line? You mean fused helm line? Wink wink? No? You're right ha. I'll get to it.

I might be on to something. Instead of using a darker color for the designs I went with a lighter.


I also figured out a way to keep paint flowing. Using a long bristle liner and an air duster tube I jerry-rigged this:


It keeps paint and water in the tube and acts like a marker. Takes a little bit of finesse to get the ratio right but it works.

Dude. That freehand liner is brilliant! Who doesn't have a bunch of brush tip protectors sitting around? Just cut one down and you're golden. Where did you find that long-bristled liner, though? I can't recall running into them at regular art shops. Maybe I just wasn't looking that hard? 

I know I'll be saving my protectors from now on. It's some weird off brand, royal and langnickel, my FLGS had one day. I got it to try lining but the long bristles made it very hard to do so I shelved it until the other day. I'm sure a dedicated art shop will have some variant of them.

Mor Deythan Shade Tondeo




Some battle damage




Primus Medicae




Soon to be cracked streets




Dark Furies(I can never get a clear picture of them for some reason)




I really like Typhons too. Fast and hard hitting.


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