Nusquam Posted February 27, 2015 Share Posted February 27, 2015 ++In the darkness all men are equal, save those who embrace it.++ An Age of Darkness WIP Thread This page will serve as a living WIP for my planned Heresy-Era Raven Guard Force.Change Log: Reveal hidden contents 2/28/15 - Finalizing formatting, bear with me I'm new at this.3/1/15 - Mor Deythan scheme determined. Added fluff about MKV Heresy Sub-pattern 'Shade' Armor3/2/15 - Armor swirl design experiment.3/5/15 - Mor Deythan WIPs added.3/6/15 - Tac Sarge and Chooser added11/27/15 - Blowing the Dust off this thread, BaC box update. 12/3/15 - Bone-Seer Os Vates, Librarian and Pale Nomad Praetor WIP added12/15/15 - Finished Viper Pattern Interceptor (Xiphon)12/16/15 - WIP Tacticals12/17/15 - More Mor Deythan WIPs2/1/16 - Corax WIP2/6/16 - First Five Furies2/6/16 - Kitbash Whispercutter WIP2/10/16 - My own take on the Nemean Reaver Knight-Errant4/30/16 - More Knight WIPs11/8/16 - Moritat and Rescued models1/27/17 - Plastic Knight Acheron and first post updates1/28/17 - Shapeway Breacher Shields2/7//17 - Acheron2/18/17 - Custodes Shield Captain XIXth Legion Astartes Strike Force Nightfall I'll be restructuring this first post... Reveal hidden contents HQ UnitsStrike-Captain Maun, Master of Decent, Nightfall OneFury-Prime Haec Cruent, Chaplain, bearer of the Fractal Harrow-blade. Bloody Two-Hands, The Red HarrowerMoritat-Prime Kaedes NexThe Raven's Huntsman, Blood CrowPrimus MedicaeElite UnitsMor Deythan Strike Squad TondeoMor Deythan Strike SquadContemptor DreadnoughtContemptor DreadnoughtContemptor DreadnoughtDarkwing Pattern Storm Eagle DarkstormQuad Mortar BatteryTroopsLegion Tactical SquadLegion Tactical SquadLegion Support Squad (Plasma)Legion Support Squad (Calivers)Legion Assault SquadLegion Breacher SquadFast AttackDark Fury Assault SquadDark Fury Assault SquadLightning Strike FighterLegion Seeker SquadXiphon InterceptorLoWsCorvus Corax Special Detachments Kiavahr AdMech Shipkillers the “Fire Ants” (Planned)Mymidax Prime Nore HelliosThe Dark Sun, SingularityMyrmidon SecutorsMyrmidon DestructorsTech ThrallsVorax AutomataXIXth Legion VIth Chapter, the Pale Nomads, LXVI Nomadic Predation Fleet formerly attached to Rogue Trader Militant [REDACTED] and Ashen Claws ChapterHQ UnitsShade-Captain Tacet VorUmbra RexChief Coryphaeus, ChaplainBone-Seer Os Vates, LibrarianMoritat EmortuusHunter of Angels, The Halo BreakerElitesAncient Vholrari, Furibundus DreadnoughtCataphractii Terminator SquadDestroyer SquadVeteransTroopsTactical SquadTactical SquadAssault MarinesBreachersFreeblade KnightsAtraposCrusader ObliteratorPaladinGallantAcheron ++Various Records. Sources Unknown. Data Integrity Compromised. Translation at 85.0 accuracy.++ Reveal hidden contents [CORRUPTED DATA][CORRUPTED DATA][CORRUPTED DATA]When the heresy became widespread rumors began spreading of a cruiser of unknown origins performing hit and run attacks against traitor fleets. The ships never identified themselves but made their intentions clear when they would immediately fire upon traitor ships and perform boarding actions against them. Often taking control of the ships and setting them on ramming courses towards other traitor ships if not destroying them outright. The ash-grey ship bore no markings other than the numerals XIX-VI-LXVI across it's flanks.It's most recent campaign details never made it into the histories. What little is known was that the cruiser was beset by a Night Lord Fleet inside an asteroid belt. The belt itself had claimed numerous ships of varying class in a previous, large scale, battle. The campaign was fought amongst the space hulks of felled behemoths in a system with a dying star.Tacet Vor , formerly Vigilator-Prime under Shade Lord Arkhas Fal, had once considered himself close to the warriors of the Luna Wolves. He had fought along side them and he himself had been the hidden blade behind that brought many systems to their knees. That was before the Battle of Gate 42. Injuries sustained nearly put entombed him inside a dreadnought sarcophagus. His augments prohibited him from undertaking any recon or stealth mission but imbued him with strength beyond a normal legionary. With the survivors of the II Battalion of the Pale Nomads chapter under his command he was assigned to the LXVI Nomadic Predation Fleet attached to Rogue Trader Militant Lord [CORRUPTED DATA].Os Vates was a Bone-Seer, a type of diviner, from the XIX Legion of Old. With the Dictate of Nikaea he was reassigned to Shade Lord Fals Honor Guard. Fals knew that a distant council wasn't going to stop him from using Vates as an 'adviser'. [CORRUPTED DATA][CORRUPTED DATA][CORRUPTED DATA]Moritat Emortuus was a loner in a chapter of outcasts. Not for his grim nature or obsession with death. The Pale Nomads are well versed with both. Where other Astartes are driven by loyalty or the mission; His personal conquest is what drives him. He seeks glory. Not his own, but the glory of others. He desires to reap what other heroes and leaders have achieved. His armor is no longer the armor he was issued. It is instead made up of parts from fallen enemy heroes and commanders. Their names and ranks scratched into each new piece of the collection. Such obsessive compulsion to destroy those who lead, and with grim efficiency, has earned him numerous monickers such as The Halo Breaker.Whether it was a twist of fate or the twist of a knife that brought Mor Deythan Squad Tondeo and the LXVI Predation fleet together none will know. Squad Tondeo had been on the killing fields Isstvan; Deep behind enemy lines they had been assigned to sabotage a staging area for Death Guard super heavy tanks. While their mission was successful, it would fall short against the backdrop of the betrayal of the other legions. Far separated from the scattered survivors, Squad Tondeo would pursue strike and fade attacks against the traitor backlines. Scattered vox transmissions informed the squad of Coraxs rescue. Even though they saw themselves stranded they were not done fighting; they were not done killing traitors. The additional [CORRUPTED DATA] days on Isstvan were hard. Several close calls saw them close to being wiped out. The shadow-walk was not the only gift that got them through the massacre. The darkness in the hearts of all XIX legionaries saw them through the worst of it.By chance they were able to steal aboard a cargo lifter. Resupplying with whatever they could find the formed a new plan. The would either take the ship they were being transported to, or see to it's destruction. The ship was a cruiser of the Death Guard destined for an unknown mission. While it was in warp transit they laid down the foudnation to their plan. Using phosphex and melta bombs taken from the cargo and ships armory Squad Tondeo laid several traps. Shade Tondeo split his squad into two. He himself lead the team to the bridge while the other made for the ships reactors. If he was unsuccessful in taking the ship, it would not survive the to see it's destination.He ordered the second squad to damage the warp drives, forcing the ship to break jump or risk catastrophic failure. The plan was in motion.The first were meltabombs blew holes in the hull at several key locations. It would void some crew but that was not the end-game. When they ships doors entered lock down to conserve atmosphere it would lock off certain sections. Namely isolating Shade Tondeo's squad with the bridge and second squad in engineering. The pockets of ship in-between were consigned to burn in a living hell of phosphex.[CORRUPTED DATA]When Squad Tondeo linked up with the Pale Nomads their armor and gear was in shambles. Anything that wasn't voided taking the cruiser was melted from phosphex. The Pale Nomads, like many chapters, were forced to resort to cannibalizing armor from fallen astartes and vehicles. Using ancient armor spacing and layering techniques they were able to make functioning armor with what little resources they had left. It didn't offer the same protection as MKIII so the Pale Nomads improvised by optimizing the armor for stealth and mobility. Perfect for rapid strikes and clandestine warfare. After improvements by squad Tondeo, the MKV armor sub-pattern was designated 'Shade'. ++End current data retrieval++ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nusquam Posted February 27, 2015 Author Share Posted February 27, 2015 Strike Force Nightfall HQ WIPs Strike Captain Maun Fury-Prime Haec Cruent Kaedes Nex Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flint13 Posted February 27, 2015 Share Posted February 27, 2015 Very nice start! I think Nex is my favorite so far. I can't place some of the bits for the Mor Deythan. Are those Anvil industry exo-lords? Either way, seems like a prodigious start. Keep up the good work! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherCaptainArkhan Posted February 27, 2015 Share Posted February 27, 2015 Great start. Glad to see you've also gone down the route of Mor Deythan veterans being dark, no-nonsense and unassuming in their colour scheme. I really like how you did your version of Kaedes Nex as well. Keep on, brother - the XIX stands strong. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nusquam Posted February 27, 2015 Author Share Posted February 27, 2015 Thank ye! And yes they are Anvil Exo-Lords Predation Fleet WIPs Vor Destroyers Tactical Squad Moritat Emortuus Cheif Coryphaeus Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hand of Sigismund Posted February 27, 2015 Share Posted February 27, 2015 Very well done my Death Guard will be itching to rain phosphex glory on them hehehe. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted February 27, 2015 Share Posted February 27, 2015 Nice looking Ravens. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KBA Posted February 27, 2015 Share Posted February 27, 2015 I love the wethering. The bashes are well done too. I'm not sure on the anvil stuff, but that's personal preference more than anything. Great start :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nusquam Posted February 27, 2015 Author Share Posted February 27, 2015 Thank you. I find the AA stuff is love or hate. I personally love them, obviously ha. I'm working on the fiction behind them. Right now I'm trying to figure out how to format the posts better. The boards gallery is fickle and I don't want to re-upload elsewhere. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KBA Posted February 27, 2015 Share Posted February 27, 2015 Do you mean to get the pics bigger? If so, finding the direct link is your best shot, which I find usually involves right-clicking, view image, then again and view image info, and pasting that directly into the image tags if your image hosting doesn't offer it upfront. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nusquam Posted February 28, 2015 Author Share Posted February 28, 2015 Not bigger, no. Trying to get them not awkwardly aligned vertically. I'm using the forums 'My Media' button and it's super easy to get pics in it. That way I don't have to copy and paste every picture url and put it in an image tag. Because there were a lot of pictures to post in the time I didn't have a good camera. As they are now ther'ye also on the large size. I fear I may have to resize them, again, to make them fill out the posts neater. I'll have to do some testing. The quest for art and all it's endeavors knows no bounds ha. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doghouse Posted February 28, 2015 Share Posted February 28, 2015 Very nice stuff :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nusquam Posted February 28, 2015 Author Share Posted February 28, 2015 Thank you! So I'm going to have to go through and use the img tag manually. My second post will follow the new format. It will take a while but it will be worth it. Just found out that things in the gallery can be psuedo-sized into small/med/large so I can pick the right size as to not be huge or too small. Still working out the details on the camera. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nusquam Posted March 1, 2015 Author Share Posted March 1, 2015 So I think I've finally settled on a base armor scheme for the Mor Deythan: Now I can move forward on finalizing weathering and basing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
helterskelter Posted March 1, 2015 Share Posted March 1, 2015 I'd love to see the whole squad of mor deythan in that scheme and armour. Suits the brutality I envisage them to have to a T Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nusquam Posted March 1, 2015 Author Share Posted March 1, 2015 Thank you. Yeah I envision them to be ruthlessly efficient in complete destruction of their target. The fiction I'm working on in regards to the Mor Deythan and that pattern of armor was added to the first post. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Loketh Posted March 1, 2015 Share Posted March 1, 2015 Looking good! They're truly being tested in battle, that's for sure. One thing though, that mold line on the Anvil Industries model's helmet NEEDS to go! ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherCaptainArkhan Posted March 1, 2015 Share Posted March 1, 2015 Nice freehand on the shoulder guard. Very subtle. In fact, almost too subtle. I'd actually like to see all his armour covered in those swirls. It'd be a suitably understated way of representing his veteran status (remember he's supposed to have fought alongside Corax in the original Lycaean uprising) without the bling other more ostentatious Legions go in for. Either way, keep it coming, brother! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nusquam Posted March 1, 2015 Author Share Posted March 1, 2015 I've been trying to figure out a way to do the Lycaeus motifs, but on such a small scale it is really difficult. It's also super dry where I live, winter and old radiators suck out all moisture. Wet pallet helps, but when the brush is so small the dry air literally such the moisture out of the brush within seconds and gums it up. Too much water makes it transparent. Then it's almost impossible to keep the lines clean by going over them repeatedly since they're so small. Its been rough ha. I'm working on perfecting it. I'm even looking into pens. Mold line? You mean fused helm line? Wink wink? No? You're right ha. I'll get to it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nusquam Posted March 2, 2015 Author Share Posted March 2, 2015 I might be on to something. Instead of using a darker color for the designs I went with a lighter. I also figured out a way to keep paint flowing. Using a long bristle liner and an air duster tube I jerry-rigged this: It keeps paint and water in the tube and acts like a marker. Takes a little bit of finesse to get the ratio right but it works. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nusquam Posted March 3, 2015 Author Share Posted March 3, 2015 What I've been working on: A Typhon/Spartan. The barrel and ramp are swappable. I'm trying to figure out the "U" plate. Lack of hobby funds has put me in a bind since I can't seem to find my plasticard. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flint13 Posted March 4, 2015 Share Posted March 4, 2015 Oh yay! Typhons are my absolute fav super heavy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JeffTibbetts Posted March 4, 2015 Share Posted March 4, 2015 Dude. That freehand liner is brilliant! Who doesn't have a bunch of brush tip protectors sitting around? Just cut one down and you're golden. Where did you find that long-bristled liner, though? I can't recall running into them at regular art shops. Maybe I just wasn't looking that hard? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nusquam Posted March 4, 2015 Author Share Posted March 4, 2015 I know I'll be saving my protectors from now on. It's some weird off brand, royal and langnickel, my FLGS had one day. I got it to try lining but the long bristles made it very hard to do so I shelved it until the other day. I'm sure a dedicated art shop will have some variant of them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nusquam Posted March 4, 2015 Author Share Posted March 4, 2015 Mor Deythan Shade Tondeo Some battle damage Primus Medicae Soon to be cracked streets Dark Furies(I can never get a clear picture of them for some reason) I really like Typhons too. Fast and hard hitting. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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