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Nusquams 30k WIP Thread 6/14/17 - Finished Atrapos


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Ended up going with my original plan. I wanted to do some linework myself, but none of my brushes were small enough for that kind of detail. That's OK though, the rivets and laurels ties it in just fine.



SO I found an unused Taurox on a sprue in my bitz collection and decided to kitbash my own Whispercuter. The idea is that the back most panel is a ramp, that also has a fast rope cable as well. Still very much a WIP but it's shaping up. (Don't know why the pics are squished)






And some homebrew rules I'm playing with as well if anyones interested:




Elites 50 points
AV10 HP2
  • Skimmer
  • Open Topped
  • Stealth
  • Open Frame
  • Precision Infiltration
  • Deep Strike
Transport Capacity: 10
Open Frame: May transport jump infantry, counting as one model instead of the usual two for capacity. May not transport models in terminator armor.
Precision Infiltration: If held in reserves no reserve rolls are made for this unit. Instead at the beginning of any of the controlling players turns, including the first, the controlling player may have it enter play following the normal rules for entering from reserves. During the turn it enters play, enemy units may only fire snapshots when using interceptor. If still in reserves at the start of turn 5 it comes on automatically.
Dedicated Transport for Mor Deythan, Strike Captain Maun.

I'm really, really glad someone is at last kitbashing their own variant of this oft-forgotten flyer. As it happens I have my own plan for one when I return to the XIX, but yours looks like a great start so far. Out of interest, why did you not include Dark Furies in its dedicated transport capacity? I think they're specifically mentioned as using Whispercutters to assault HVTs in Extermination. (Not having a go, genuinely interested)


Also, great going on Corax, look forward to seeing him finished.

Love the concept and I can see your vision for the interior coming together, but the front end looks really boxy to be a stealthy vehicle, IMO.  And the model does look like it actually reflects the rule that it can carry jump infantry.  Looking forward to see how this progresses.

I'm really, really glad someone is at last kitbashing their own variant of this oft-forgotten flyer. As it happens I have my own plan for one when I return to the XIX, but yours looks like a great start so far. Out of interest, why did you not include Dark Furies in its dedicated transport capacity? I think they're specifically mentioned as using Whispercutters to assault HVTs in Extermination. (Not having a go, genuinely interested)

Also, great going on Corax, look forward to seeing him finished.

Well I considered it, but I didn't want it to be so easily given out. So instead of crowding FA I went with elites as well as to emulate it's value. But it's just some rules I put together. Also in my group we allow Darkwings to transport furies too(since it says they do in their description) anyway.

I like the vewicle, but what are the exhausts there for?msn-wink.gif

For filtering out the unsneaky air. Really I have no idea exactly what I'm doing so I'm still working on it ha.

Love the concept and I can see your vision for the interior coming together, but the front end looks really boxy to be a stealthy vehicle, IMO. And the model does look like it actually reflects the rule that it can carry jump infantry. Looking forward to see how this progresses.

I'm struggling with the box nose too. Originally all I saw was that British fighting vehicle the, the ocelot iirc, but thats not sneaky either. I think some plasticard magic is in order to extend the nose to a point.

Also thanks all!

For filtering out the unsneaky air. Really I have no idea exactly what I'm doing so I'm still working on it ha.

I got it! They're not exhaust pipes- they're stealth field/grav nozzle coolant pipes, for hiding the heat signature biggrin.png

Btw, i thing the blocky front looks quite fine- unless you're attaching a raven beak, sort of like on "shrine of the aquila", that would be rather awesome.

Thinking about simplifying the precision infiltration rule to 1d6 scatter and giving it something like "Twin Linked Stalker Cannon". Shoots silent shells to take out guards and equipment at range.

Maybe 36" S5 or 6 AP4 Heavy 2 Haywire Twinlinked. Or a special rule that grants it haywire against AV12 or less. Maybe only against demo objectives?

Anyway here's wonderwa-I mean some pics.





Have you thought about removing just the front fenders?  Might make the nose sleeker.  Keep the engine exhaust pipes because pipes, and extend the cattle pusher/bumper around the nose in imitation of the bumper than Land Speeders have?  Maybe get two Land Speeder bumpers, and use the extra one to extend the front section so it's wide enough to fit around the nose of your vehicle?

Thanks! It's from the Vanguard box. Corax's head is actually very small. It's all his hair that makes it look big. It's no bigger than the bare Dark Fury head. A little bit of greenstuff to fill the jigsaw slot where the normal head fits in, then a little bit to give him a neck and you're all set.

  • 2 weeks later...

I did, one came off in delivery so I tried to match it to make it appear intentional.


I went with gold because it's how I imagined his sable armor. It was always like that in my head so I just went with it. It also makes him stand out against other paintjobs. Instead of being a comparison it's my own imagining of him.


Also my Atrapos post got eaten by the internet I see. I'm consolidating all my 30k into this thread instead of having multiples.


As I was working on my Atrapos and though of an origin story. A house that got decimated fighting  on a long lost forgeworld. They arrived at it and woke up it's automated defenses. The campaign to claim it went horribly as the defenses were arcane and extremely effective and included drone Magaera and Stryx knights. The Seneschal survives and seeks shelter in an underground manufactorum where a partially assembled Atrapos waited. Getting it running he discovers the planets defenses are slaved through the Atrapos' animus and through bonding with it claims the world for himself. With an army of drone knights he flings himself into the stars to claim as much as he can.
  • 3 weeks later...

Man it is so fun kitbashing Kingdom Death stuff with 30k stuff. I can't stop making Reaver Lords and Knight Errants.

And here's my generic Knight Errant. The shield is jsut for aesthetics. I saw it and KNEW I had to have a 30k model with it.
  • 1 month later...


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